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X Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on Acids, Bases and Salts from Text Book


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on Acids, bases and salts from Text Book


1. Corrosive effect on skin is caused by 

(a) acid

(b) base

(c) salt

(d) both a and b

2. Preservatives are used preserve 

(a) acid

(b) base

(c) food

(d) water

3.Which of the following is NOT an Arrhenius acid? 

(a) HCl

(b) CO2

(c) HNO3

(d) H2SO4

4. NH3 can be a base according to 

(a) Arrhenius theory

(b) Bronsted-Lowry theory

(c) Lewis theory 

(d) both b and c 

5. Which of the following is a Lewis base?

(a) HNO3

(b) CN−

(c) HCl

(d) AlCl3

6. A substance that can donate a pair of electrons to form coordinate covalent bond 

(a) Bronsted-Lowry base

(b) Bronsted Lowry acid

(c) Lewis acid

(d) Lewis base 

7. If pH value is greater than 7, then solution is 

(a) acidic

(b) basic 

(c) amphotetic 

(d) neutral 

8. Salt among following is 

(a) HCl

(b) KCl

(c) HNO3

(d) H2SO4

9. Substance that react with both acids and bases are called 

(a) Amphotetic substances

(b) conjugate acids

(c) conjugate base 

(d) buffers 

10. The reaction of acid and base to form salt and water is called 

(a) Hydration

(b) Neutralization 

(c) Hydrolysis 

(d) both a and c 

Answers of MCQs on Acids, bases and salts from Text Book












Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on Acids, bases and salts from Past Papers and External Source


1. The substance whose aqueous solution change the blue litmus to red:

(a) Acids                                 

(b) Bases                                                             

(c) salts                                                                

(d) neutral


2. The substances having a tendency to lose one or more protons are called:

(a) Acids                                 

(b) Bases                                                             

(c) salts                                                                

(d) neutral


3.The substance which donate the pair of electrons for bond formation are known as

(a) Acids                                  

(b) Bases                                                            

(c) salts                                                                

(d) neutral


4. When equivalent quantities of acid and base are mixed, salt and water are formed, the reaction is termed as:

(a) Hydration                        

(b) hydrolysis                                   

(c) Neutralization                                            

(d) None of these


5. The acids which contain one acidic hydrogen are called:

 (a) Diprotic                                             

(b) Monoprotic                                  

(c) Triprotic                                                       

(d) Polyprotic


6.The number of acidic hydrogen atoms present in a molecule of an acid is called:

(a) Acidity                                               

(b) Basicity                                                         

(c) Neutrality                                    

(d) Hydrolysis


7. The number of replaceable OHions present in a molecule of base is called:

(a) Acidity                                              

(b) Basicity                                                         

(c) Neutrality                                   

(d) Hydrolysis


8.         An ionic compound that is formed when an acid neutralizes a base is called:

(a) Acids                                

(b) Bases                                                             

(c) Salts                                                                

(d) Indicator


9. The formula of washing soda is:

(a) Na2CO3                                              

(b) Na2CO3.6H2O                                               

(c) Na2CO3.10H2O                                         

(d) NaHCO3


10.      The formula of baking soda is ………

(a) Na2CO3                                              

(b) Na2CO3.6H2O                                               

(c) Na2CO3.10H2O                                         

(d) NaHCO3


11. The formula of Epsom salt is ………….

(a) Na2CO3                                             

(b) MgSO4.7H2O                                 

(c) Na2CO3.10H2O                                            

(d) NaHCO3


12. A solution whose strength is known is called ………….

(a) Molar solution                 

(b) Standard solution                     

(c) Normal solution                         

(d) None of them


13.  If H+ ion concentration of a solution is 1 x 10−14 M, the solution is ………..

(a) Molar solution                 

(b) Acidic solution                                           

(c) Neutral solution                         

(d) Basic Solution


14. If the OH ion concentration of a solution is 1 x 10−10 M, solution is ……….

(a) basic                                  

(b) Acidic                                                            

(c) Neutral                                                          

(d) Normal


15.      The solution whose pH is 6, then its H+ ion concentration is ……………

(a) 1 x 10−4 M                         

(b) 1 x 10−6 M                                     

(c) 1 x 10−14 M                                    

(d) 1 x 10−2 M


16. ………….. is the process by which we can determine the concentration of unknown solution with the help of standard solution.

(a) Titration                                           

(b) Sublimation                                 

(c) Crystallization                                            

(d) None of them


17. The volume of a pipette is generally ………… ml or cm3.

(a) 10                                                        

(b) 20                                                                    

(c) 25                                                               

(d) 50


18. The solution whose H+ ion concentration is 1 x 10-4 M, then its pH is ………..

(a) 4                                                          

(b) 8                                                                      

(c) 7                                                                  

(d) 10



19.      The pH value of Human blood is

(a) 7.35-7.45                         

(b) 7.8                                                   

(c) 7.2                                                                  

(d) 7.0


20.The formula of sodium hydrogencarbonate is

(a) Na2CO3                                             

(b) NaHCO3                                                         

(c) Na2CO3.10H2O                                         

(d) Na2CO3.6H2O


21.      The pH value of distilled water is

(a) 1                                                         

(b) 4                                                                     

(c) 7                                                                    

(d) 14


22.      Chemically strong acid is

(a) Acetic acid                       

(b) Nitric acid                                    

(c) Hydrochloric acid                      

(d) Sulphuric acid


23.      What is the pH of a neutral solution?

 (a) 0                                                          

(b) 1                                                                      

(c) 7                                                                    

(d) 14


24.      The pH value of saliva is

(a) 4.2                                     

(b) 6.5                                                   

(c) 7.0                                                                   

(d) 7.8


25.      Which of the following substances is called proton donor?

(a) Acids                                 

(b) Bases                                                             

(c) Salts                                                                

(d) Alkali


26.      It is a proton donor

(a) Acids                                 

(b) Bases                                                             

(c) Salts                                                                

(d) Alkali



27. A specie formed by the loss of proton from an acid is called a…………..

(a) Lewis base                       

(b) Conjugate base                                           

(c) Conjugate acid                                            

(d) Arrhenius acid


28. A specie formed by the addition of a proton to a base is called ………..

(a) Lewis base                       

(b) Conjugate base                                           

(c) Conjugate acid                                            

(d) Arrhenius acid


29. In the reaction; NH3 + HCl ¾®  NH4+ + Cl; which one is conjugate base?

(a) NH3                                    

(b) HCl                                                 

(c) Cl–                                                                                              

(d) NH4+


30. In the reaction; CH3COOH + H2 H3O+ + CH3COO; which one is conjugate base?

(a) H3O+                                   

(b) H2O                                                 

(c) CH3COO                                                       



31.  In the reaction; NH3 + H2O NH4+ +  OH, which one is conjugate acid?

 (a) NH3                                    

(b) H2O                                                 

(c) OH                                                 

(d) NH4+


32.      The conjugate base of a strong acid is always a……………

(a) Weak base                       

(b) Weak acid                                    

(c) Strong acid                                   

(d) Strong acid


33.The conjugate acid of a strong base is always a……………

 (a) Weak base                       

(b) Weak acid                                    

(c) Strong acid                                   

(d) Strong acid


34. HCl is a strong acid since its conjugate base Cl is a…………..

 (a) Weak base                       

(b) Weak acid                                    

(c) Strong acid                                   

(d) Strong acid


35. Which one of the following is a monoprotic acid?

(a) H2C2O4                                              

(b) H2SO4                                                            

(c) H4C2O2                                                       

(d) C6H4(COOH)2


36. Which one of the following is not a dibasic acid?

(a) H2C2O4                                              

(b) H–HSO4                                                                      

(c) H6C4O4 (succinic acid)             

(d) H3BO3


37. Which one is not a Lewis base?

(a) NH3                                    

(b) NaNH2                                                           

(c) C2H5OH                                                       



38. Which one is not a Lewis acid?

(a) AlCl3                                  

(b) FeCl3                                                              

(c) BF3                                                  

(d) NH3

39. The value of ionic product (Kw) of water at 25ºC is equal to:

(a) 1 x 1014                                             

(b) 1 x 10-14                                                       

(c) 1 x 10-7                                                       

(d) 1 x x 10-10


40.      The sum of pH and pOH of any solution at 25ºC is:

 (a) 7                                                          

(b) 9                                                                      

(c) 14                                                                 

(d) 3


41.A solution which contains [H+] concentration equal to 10-7 M is said to be:

(a) Acidic                                                

(b) Neutral                                                          

(c) Basic                                                            

(d) Alkaline


42.A solution which contains [H+] concentration less than 10-7 M is said to be:

(a) Acidic                                                

(b) Basic                                                              

(c) Alkaline                                                      

(d) Neutral


43.A solution which contains [H+] concentration greater than 10-7 M is said to be:

(a) Acidic                                              

  (b) Basic                                                           

   (c) Neutral                                                      

(d) Amphoteric


44.The hydroxyl ion concentration in a solution having pH value 3 will be:

 (a) 10-14 M                                             

(b) 10-7 M                                                           

 (c) 10-12 M                                                      

 (d) 10-11 M


45.The hydroxyl ion concentration in a solution having pH value 12 will be:

(a) 10-2 M                                               

(b) 10-7 M                                                           

(c) 10-12 M                                                       

(d) 10-10 M


46. The pH of a solution with hydrogen ion concentration of 1 x 10-3 is:

(a) 3                                                          

(b) 2                                                                      

(c) 1                                                                    

(d) 11


47.      The pH of a solution that has 0.00001 mole of H+ per liter of solution is:

(a) 2                                                          

(b) 5                                                                      

(c) 4                                                                    

(d) 9


48.Which one of the following substances has pH value less than 7?

(a) Milk of magnesia           

(b) Sea water                                     

(c) Blood                                                              

(d) Milk


49.      Which one of the following substances has pH value more than 7?

(a) Vinegar                                             

(b) Sodium carbonate                     

(c) Sulphuric acid                                             

(d) Soda water


50.  Which of the following salts has no water of crystallization?

(a) Gypsum                                            

(b) Blue vitriol                                   

(c) Baking soda                                 

(d) Washing soda    


51. Metal carbonate on reaction with dilute acid release

(a) CO2                                     

(b) H2O                                                 

(c) CO                                                                    

(d) H2


52.  ln general, dissolution of acid or base in water is

(a) Exothermic                     

(b) Endothermic                                               

(c) Violent                                                           

(d) None of these


53. Hydrogen ions produced by acid exist in which of the following form?

(a) hydroxonium ions       

(b) Hydrogen                                     

(c) Water ions                                    

(d) Hydroxide ions


54.      The acid found in an ant sting is

(a) Tartaric acid                   

(b) citric acid                                     

(c) Methanoic acid                                           

(d) Acetic acid


55.      Which one of the following acid in not monoprotic?

(a) H3BO3                                                

(b) CH3COOH                                     

(c) HNO3                                                              

(d) HO-SO3H


56.      Universal indicator turns red in:

(a) Acid solution                  

(b) Alkaline solution                       

(c) Neutral solution                         

(d) Basic solution


57. The pH of milk is:

(a) 7.3                                                      

(b) 6.0                                                   

(c) 6.3                                                                   

(d) 5.6


58.      7.3 is the pH of:

(a) Human blood                  

(b) Tomato juice                                               

(c) Vinegar                                                          

(d) Milk

59.      The acids which contain one acidic hydrogen are called:

(a) monoprotic                      

(b) Diprotic                                                         

(c) Triprotic                                                        

(d) Polyprotic


60.      The number of acidic hydrogen atoms present in a molecule of an acid is called:

(a) Acidity                                              

(b) Basicity                                                         

(c) Atomicity                                      

(d) Neutrality


61.      If H+ ions concentration of solution is greater than 1 x 10-7 M, then solution is

(a) Acidic                                                

(b) Basic                                                               

(c) Neutral                                                       

(d) Amphoteric


62. Universal indicator turns green in:

(a) Neutral solution            

(b) Alkaline solution                       

(c) Acid solution                                               

(d) Basic solution


63.      The pH of saliva is:

(a) 7.3                                                      

(b) 6.0                                                   

(c) 6.3                                                   

(d) 5.6


64. Which one of the following is not a strong acid?

(a) HF                                                       

(b) HNO3                                                              

(c) HCl                                                  

(d) H2SO4


65. What will be the value of pH of 10−5 M NaOH solution?

(a) 5                                                          

(b) 8                                                                      

(c) 9                                                                    

(d) 10


66.      What is the pH of a 0.00001 molar HCl solution?

(a) 1                                                          

(b) 9                                                                      

(c) 5                                                                    

(d) 4


67. The pH of milk of magnesia is

(a) 10.5                                    

(b) 10.0                                                 

(c) 10.8                                                 

(d) 11.0


68.The percentage dissociation of NH4OH is

(a) 1.2 %                                  

(b) 1.4 %                                                              

(c) 1.9 %                                                              

(d) 2.1 %


69. What is the pOH of a solution whose pH is 8?

(a) 6                                                          

(b) 10                                                                    

(c) 4                                                                    

(d) 2


70. Lime water turns milky when carbon dioxide is passed due to the formation of ______.

(a) CaCO3                                 

(b) CO2                                                  

(c) CaO                                                 

(d) CaSO4


71.      Which ion is not present in dilute sulfuric acid?

(a) H+                                                       

(b) OH                                                 

(c) SO32–                                                               

(d) SO42–


72.      Which oxide will produce the solution with the highest pH when it is mixed with water?

(a) Al2O3                                  

(b) SO2                                                  

(c) Na2O                                                               

(d) CO2


73.      metal carbonate on reaction with dilute acid release:

(a) H2O                                    

(b) H2                                                                    

(c) CO2                                                  



74.  Identify the conjugate acid of SO42−

(a) H2SO4                                 

(b) SO32−                                                               

(c) HSO4−-                                                             

(d) H2SO3


75.Which one of the following is a weak acid

(a) HF                                       

(b) HClO3                                                             

(c) HNO3                                                              

(d) HI


76. Which one of the following is a strong electrolyte?

(a) HF                                                      

(b) KF                                                                   

(c) HNO2                                                           

(d) (CH3)3N


77.      jugate acid-base pair?

(a) HCl/NaOH                       

(b) H3O+                                                               

(c) O2/H2O                                                           

(d) H+/Cl


78.  pOH of pure water at 25ºC is __________.

(a) 7                                                          

(b) 14                                                                    

(c) 0                                                                    

(d) -7

79.      Acid + Metal oxide ¾¾® ______

(a) Base + water                   

(b) Base + salt                                    

(c) Salt + water                                 

(d) Metal + salt


80.What is formed by the reaction of a non-metal oxide with water?

(a) Acid                                    

(b) Base                                                                

(c) Salt                                                 

(d) Metal 


81. Which of the following solutions is most basic?

(a) pH = 10.6                         

(b) pH = 11.5                                      

(c) pH = 9.3                                                         

(d) pH = 8.2


82. What is used to measure the exact pH of an aqueous solution?

(a) pH paper                                          

(b)Universal indicator                    

(c) pH meter                                                     

(d) Litmus paper


83.Which of the following substances is an antacid?


(a) NaCl                                   

(b) Mg(OH)2                                                        

(c) HCl                                                  

(d) H2SO4


84. The pH values of solutions A, B, C and D are 1.9, 2.5, 2.1 & 3.0, respectively. Their order of acidity will be

(a) D < C < B < A [C]            

(b) D > C > B > A                                               

(c) A < C < B < D [B]                         

(d) D < B < C < A


85.      Which solution will be basic?

(a) [H3O+] = 10-5 M                              

(b) [H3O+] = 10-12 M                         

(c) [H3O+] = 10-7 M                                            

(d) [H3O+] = 10-4 M


86. The bond between H+ and H2O in H3O+ is...

(a) Coordinate covalent     

(b) Covalent                                                       

(c) Metallic                                                         

(d) Ionic


87.      The hydroxonium ion is

(a) Hydrated proton           

(b) Protonated water molecules 

(c) Both of them                                                

(d) None of them


88.      Whose definition of acids and bases emphasizes the role of protons?

(a) Brønsted and Lowry    

(b) Arrhenius                                    

(c) Faraday                                                         

(d) Lewis


89.      An electron-pair acceptor is a

(a) Lewis base                      

(b) Brønsted-Lowry base                              

(c) Lewis acid                                    

(d) traditional acid


90. What is the pH of a 1 x 10–4 M HCl solution?

 (a) 4                                                          

(b) 10                                                                    

(c) 8                                                                    

(d) 6


91. What is the pH of a 1 x 10–5 M KOH solution?

(a) 3                                                          

(b) 5                                                                      

(c) 9                                                                    

(d) 11


92.      Which are the correct products for these reactants H2SO4 + NaOH?

(a) Na2SO4 + H2O                  

(b) Na2SO4 + OH                                              

(c) NaHSO4 + H2O                                             

(d) Both a and c


93.      Which element is always present in Arrhenius acid?

             (a) Nitrogen                                          (b) Hydrogen                                     (c) Oxygen                                                          (d) None of these


94.      Which one of the following is a strong electrolyte?

(a) HF                                                      

(b) KF                                                                   

(c) HNO2                                                           

(d) H2O


95.      The conjugate base of HSO4is

(a) H2SO4                                 

(b) H3SO4+                                                           

(c) SO42–                                                               

(d) HSO4+


96.      Which of the given is a strong base?

(a) Potassium hydroxide  

(b) Magnesium hydroxide            

(c) Ammonium hydroxide 

(d) Calcium hydroxide


97.      A Bronsted-Lowry base is defined as:

(a) a hydroxide acceptor  

(b) an electron pair acceptor       

(c) a proton acceptor      

(d) a hydroxide donor 



98.      The conjugate acid of HSO4–  is

             (a)              H2SO4                                    (b)          HSO4 +                                   (c)           SO42–                                                      (d)             HSO3+


99.      According to Arrhenius acid-base theory, in neutralization reaction, which molecule is formed?

             (a)              CO2         (b)          H2O2      (c)           H2O        (d)          H2


100.    The conjugate acid of HPO32– is

             (a)              HPO32−  (b)          H2PO31− (c)           PO33−     (d)          H3PO3


101.    The conjugate base of NH3 is

             (a)              NH4+      (b)          NH2      (c)           NH2–      (d)          None of them


102.    A conjugate acid forms a conjugate base by ……. of a proton

             (a)              Accepting            (b)          Donating              (c)           Gaining                 (d)          None of them


103.    A strong base would have a ……… conjugate acid.

             (a)              Strong   (b)          Very strong         (c)           Weak     (d)          None of them


104.    The conjugate acid of O2– is

             (a)              OH          (b)          H2O        (c)           H3O+      (d)          None of them


105.    …… acid-base theory cannot define that NH3 is a base

             (a)              Lewis    (b)          Bronsted-Lowry               (c)           Arrhenius            (d)          None of them


106.  HSO4  is conjugate acid of ….

(a) H2SO4    

(b) SO42–      

(c)  H2O        

(d)  None of them


107. Which of these species will act as a Lewis acid?

             (a) NH3                                    (b) H2O                                                 (c) NH4+                                                                (d) BF3




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