Q1. Differentiate between the following.
(i) Sigma and pi bond
(ii)Bonding & anti-bonding molecular orbitals (BMO and AMO)
(iii) VBT and MOT
Q2. Identify
the type of hybridization in the central atom of following molecules:
Q3. Describe strength of
covalent bond in term of VBT
Q4. Write down limitations
of VBT
Q5. Predict the shape of the following molecules on the basis of AOH and VSEPR theory.
(i) BeCl2 (linear, two AEP, No LP)
(ii) NH3 (pyramidal, 4 AEP with 1 LP, LP shrinks BA)
(iii) H2O (angular, 4 AEP with 2 LP, LP shrinks BA)
Q6. Write down the main postulates of VSEPR theory and Predict and explain the shape of following molecules on the basis of VSEPR theory shape of
AlCl3, CCl4, PH3, H2S
Q7. What is Hybridization? Explain this process with general
example of Be, B and carbon. Explain sp3hybridization in CH4 molecule and sp2
hybridization in C2H4 molecule
Q8. Write
down basic postulates of valence bond theory. Explain various types of
overlapping lead to sigma and pi bond.
Q9. Draw a molecular orbital diagram of O2 molecules and explain following
(i) Write down MO electronic configuration
(ii) Determine the bond order
(iii) Explain the paramagnetic behaviour.
Q1.Differentiate between the following.
(i) Sigma and pi bond
(ii) Bonding and anti-bonding molecular
orbitals (BMO and AMO)
(iii) VBT and MOT
Answer (Learn any 5 points)
Difference between Bonding and
Anti-bonding Molecular Orbitals
Difference between Sigma and Pi Bond
Difference between VBT and MOT
Q2. Identify
the type of hybridization in the central atom of following molecules:
Q3. Describe strength of covalent bond in
term of VBT
Strengths of Bond in terms of Valence Bond Theory
According to VBT, the strength of covalent bond is proportional to the
extent of overlapping o atomic orbitals. The grater the overlapping, the
stronger the bond between the atoms and the higher the bond energy required to
break the bond.
The extent
of overlapping in sigma bond is sufficient. This results in a strong bond
between two atoms. In pi bond the orbital has two regions of electronic
density, one above the nuclear axis and the other is below the nuclear axis.
The lateral overlapping of atomic orbitals is not maximum that is why pi bond
is weaker than sigma bond.
The relative
strength of s
sigma is related to the overlap of atomic orbitals. This is known as the Principle
of Maximum Overlap. The relative bond strength is p–p > s–p > s–s.
Due to spherical charge distribution in s-orbital, generally s-s overlap is not so
effective as s-p and p-p overlap. Since p-orbitals have directional charge
distribution and longer lobes which cause more effective overlap. Thus
s-s sigma bond is relatively weak than s-p and p-p sigma bond.
Q4. Write down limitations
of VBT
1. It fails to describe the valencies in carbon, boron and beryllium.
2. It does not tell about the para magnetic behaviour of oxygen.
3. It fails to describe the delocalization of electrons in the molecules.
Q5. Predict the shape of the following molecules on the basis of AOH and VSEPR theory.
(i) BeCl2 (linear, two AEP, No LP)
(ii) NH3 (pyramidal, 4 AEP with 1 LP, LP shrinks BA)
(iii) H2O (angular, 4 AEP with 2 LP, LP shrinks BA)
Shape of Beryllium Chloride (BeCl2) predicted by VSEPR theory
From Lewis
structure of BeCl2, there are two active set of electron (bond
pairs) surrounding the central atom beryllium and the central atom has no lone
pair i.e. BeCl2 is of the AB2 type molecule. According
VESPER model, two active electron pairs must be arranged as far apart as
possible to minimize repulsion which is achieved by placing two chlorine atoms
on the opposite site of beryllium atom giving the linear geometry to BeCl2.
Shape of Beryllium Chloride (BeCl2) predicted by Hybridization
Since in BeCl2, beryllium (central atom) is attached with two Cl atoms, thus according to hybridization, Be uses its sp hybrid orbitals to make its bonds i.e. in BeCl2, Beryllium is sp hybridized. This can be proved by considering its ground state, excited state and hybridized electronic configurations:
Ground State Configuration of 4Be = 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿⇂, 2px0 2py0 2pz0
(1 unpaired electrons; Zero-valent)
Excited State Configuration of 4Be = 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿, 2px↿ 2py0 2pz0
unpaired electrons; divalent)
Hybridized State Configuration 4Be = 2s↿ + 2px↿ Þ sp↿ + sp↿
(Equivalent Valencies)
(These two half-filled orbitals of
beryllium (one s and one p orbital) undergoes mixing to produce two new equivalent sp hybrid orbitals
of equal energy and are co-linear at an angle of 180° which provide maximum
separation and overlap assuming a linear geometry).
The two sp
hybrid orbitals of beryllium overlap with 3pz orbital of
two chlorine atoms in straight line to give two Be–Cl sigma bonds. Thus BeCl2 molecule
acquires linear structure. The linear geometry of molecule is due to the
maximum repulsion of two electron pairs.
Shape of NH3 predicted by VESPER Model
Shape of Ammonia (NH3)
predicted by Hybrid Orbital Model
Shape of H2O predicted by VESPER Model
Shape of Water (H2O)
predicted by Hybrid Orbital Model
In water
i.e. H2O, oxygen is
bonded to two hydrogen atoms with two lone pair on O atom, thus oxygen gets sp3-hybridized
and uses sp3 hybrid orbitals to make its bonds i.e. in H2O,
oxygen is sp3-hybridized. This can be explained by
considering its electronic configuration.
The ground
state electronic configuration of oxygen is 1s↿⇂ 2s↿⇂ 2px↿ 2py↿ 2pz↿. But
it is assumed that one electron from 2s orbital get promoted to 2pz orbital
resulting in its excited state electronic configuration of oxygen is 1s↿⇂ 2s↿ 2px↿ 2py↿ 2pz↿⇂. These two half-filled and two
fully filled orbitals of valence shell of oxygen undergoes
mixing to produce four new equivalent sp3 hybrid orbitals of equal
energy and shape directed towards the corner of a regular tetrahedron at angle
of 109.5°.
Out of four
sp3 hybrid orbitals of oxygen, two have single electrons which
overlap with 1s orbital of hydrogen atoms to form two O–H sigma bonds. The
remaining two non-bonding sp3 orbitals with two lone pairs on oxygen
remains unbounded. Because the repulsion of lone pair is grater than bond
pairs, the shape of water molecule is not regular tetrahedron. The stronger
repulsion of non-bonding orbital on O deviates the bond angle from 109.5° to
104.5°. The distortion of bond gives rise to angular geometry in water
Q6. Write down the main postulates of VSEPR
theory and Predict and explain the shape of following molecules on the
basis of VSEPR theory shape of
AlCl3, CCl4, PH3, H2S
Theories of Shape of the
Simple polyatomic molecules and ions generally acquire linear, trigonal,
tetrahedral, pyramidal and angular shapes etc. These shapes can be determined
experimentally, however also predicted on theoretical basis. Beside VBT, there
are two more significant theories which describe the shape of molecules
1. Valence
shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR/VESPER)
2. Hybridization
or Hybrid orbital model
This theory
was put forward by Sigwick and Powell in 1940. This theory was
based on electron pairs repulsion of the valence shell of central atom which is
responsible to give characteristic shape of molecules.
1. There may be two types of electron
pairs surrounding the central atom.
(a) Bond Pairs;
These are the result of the sharing of unpaired electrons of central atom with unpaired electrons of surrounding atoms. They are also active set of electrons. (The electrons which take part either in single, double or triple bond formation (bond pair) between the central atom and surrounding atom are considered to be one pair of Active Electrons).
(b)Lone Pairs;
These are the paired electrons of central atom which do not take part in sharing. They are also called non-bonding pairs. It is also considered as active set of electrons.
The sum of bond pair and lone pair are collectively called active pair or steric number.
In case of molecules with multiple bonds in the form of double and triple bonds, the pi electrons are considered to be inactive set of electrons in VESPER because pi bonds do not alter the basic idealized geometry of a molecules. Hence pi electrons are not included in the count of total active electron pairs.
2. being
similarly charged i.e. negative, the bond pairs as well as the lone pairs repel
each other.
3. Due to
repulsion, the electrons pairs of central atom try to be as far as apart as
possible; hence the orient themselves in space in such a manner that force of
repulsion between them is minimized.
4. The force of
repulsion between lone pairs and bond pairs is not the same. (Since lone pairs
are spread out more broadly than the bonding pairs, repulsion is greatest
between two lone pairs, intermediate between the lone pair and bonding pair and
weakest between two bonding pairs). The
order of repulsion is:
Pair-Lone Pair repulsion > Lone Pair-Bond Pair repulsion> Bond Pair-Bond
Pair repulsion
5. The shape of
molecule depends upon total no. of active electron pairs (bonding and lone
pairs) or (steric number). It is summarized as follows
Q7. What is Hybridization? Explain this process with general
example of Be, B and C. Explain sp3 hybridization in CH4 molecule and sp2
hybridization in C2H4 molecule
The word HYBRIDIZATION means mixing or blending. The blending or mixing of different atomic orbitals (belonging to an
atom) having small energy differences to give the same number of new equivalent orbitals of same shape, size and energy is called
Hybridization and the new equivalent orbitals are called HYBRID ORBITALS.
Explanation with special
reference to orbital hybridization in Carbon and Boron (Breif)
The number of half-filled valence
orbitals or unpaired electrons in the valence she
Hybridized State (Equivalent Valencies)
On the basis
of excited state electronic configuration, it might be expected that these
elements would form different type of single covalent bond with different bond
lengths, bond energy and directional nature. e.g. One expect that in CH4,
three C–H bonds formed by the overlap of three 2p–orbitals would be identical
(having directional nature and higher energy) while the fourth C–H bond formed
due to 2s-orbtial would be different (having non-directional nature and lower
energy). In actual practice, all four C–H bonds in CH4 are identical
in all respects (i.e. in bond energy and bond length).
Linus Pauling solved this discrepancy
by suggesting the idea of hybridization involving the mixing of atomic orbitals
having nearly equal energies in various ways within an atom to form equivalent
hybrid orbitals. It means that atomic orbitals of Be, B and C have equalized
their energies, size and shape. This process is called Hybridization and these
atoms are said to be HYBRIDIZED.
Detailed Description of Explanation with special reference
to orbital hybridization in Carbon and Boron
Ground State Configuration
The number of half-filled valence
orbitals or unpaired electrons in the valence shell of an atom constitutes its
valency. However, this rule is violated in compounds of group IIA (Be), IIIA
(B) and IVA (C) etc.
from their ground or atomic states electronic configuration
in terms of unpaired electrons, Be
appear to behave as an inert gas (valency = 0), boron might be expected
to be monovalent (valency =1) and carbon would be divalent (valency = 2) [due
to the presence of one and two half-filled orbitals respectively]. In actual
practice, however, Be, B and C are divalent, trivalent and tetravalent in most
of its compounds respectively.
Electronic Configuration of 4Be
= 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿⇂, 2px0 2py0
2pz0 (1
unpaired electrons; monovalent)
Electronic Configuration of 5B
= 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿⇂, 2px↿⇂ 2py0
2pz0 (2
unpaired electrons; divalent)
Electronic Configuration of 6C
= 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿⇂, 2px↿ 2py↿
2pz0 (3
unpaired electrons; trivalent)
Excited State Configuration
To account for these discrepancies
(anomalies) in the valency of such elements, it is assumed that some of the
paired electrons are uncoupled and one of the electron from the lower energy
orbital belonging to the ground state (2s) is promoted to empty orbital of slightly
higher energy (py and pz) before bond formation achieving
the excited state. This arrangement of electrons after promotion is referred to
as an excited state. The excited state electronic configuration results in an
increase in the number of unpaired electrons.
The promotion
will require an input of energy. The energy required for the excitation
(promotion) and unpairing the electron (of 2s) is compensated by the heat of
reaction (energy) released during hybridization and the process of additional
covalent bond formation. According to these excited state electronic
configurations, Be becomes divalent, boron becomes trivalent while carbon
becomes tetravalent.
Electronic Configuration of 4Be
= 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿, 2px↿ 2py0
2pz0 (2
unpaired electrons; divalent)
Electronic Configuration of 5B = 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿⇂, 2px↿
2py↿ 2pz0 (3
unpaired electrons; trivalent)
Electronic Configuration of 6C = 1s↿⇂ , 2s↿, 2px↿
2py↿ 2pz↿ (4
unpaired electrons; tetravalent)
Hybridized State
On the basis
of excited state electronic configuration, it might be expected that Be would
form 2 covalent bonds, boron would form 3 and carbon would form 4 covalent
bonds. One expect that in CH4, three C–H bonds formed by the overlap
of three 2p–orbitals would be identical (having directional nature and higher
energy) while the fourth C–H bond formed due to 2s-orbtial would be different
(having non-directional nature and lower energy). In actual practice, all four
C–H bonds in CH4 are identical in all respects (i.e. in bond energy
and bond length).
Linus Pauling settled this disparity
by suggesting the idea of hybridization involving the mixing of atomic orbitals
having nearly equal energies in various ways within an atom to form equivalent
hybrid orbitals. It means that atomic orbitals of Be, B and C have equalized
their energies, size and shape. This process is called Hybridization and these
atoms are said to be HYBRIDIZED.
Explanation of sp3
hybridization in CH4 molecule
In methane
i.e. CH4, carbon is bonded to four hydrogen atoms, thus carbon gets
sp3-hybridized and uses sp3 hybrid orbitals to make its
bonds. The ground state electronic configuration of carbon is 1s↿⇂ 2s↿⇂ 2px↿ 2py↿ 2pz0
showing that it is divalent. But it is assumed that one electron from 2s
orbital get promoted to 2pz orbital to make it tetravalent resulting in its
excited state electronic configuration of carbon is 1s↿⇂ 2s↿ 2px↿ 2py↿ 2pz↿. These four half-filled orbitals
of carbon (one s and three p orbitals) undergoes mixing to produce four new equivalent sp3
hybrid orbitals of equal energy and shape directed towards the corner of a
regular tetrahedron at angle of 109.5°.
Each sp3
hybrid orbital with one electrons overlaps with 1s orbital of H atom on linear
axis to form four C–H sigma bonds. (Each H–C bond is sigma bond which is formed
due to s-sp3 overlapping. Thus CH4 has tetrahedral
geometry. Each bond angle in CH4 is 109.5°. The bond length between
C–H is 1.09Å).
Explanation of sp2
hybridization in C2H4 molecule
Ethene molecules consists of two central
carbon atoms. In ethene i.e. C2H4, each carbon is bonded
to three other atoms (i.e. 2 H and 1 C atom) thus each carbon uses sp2
hybrid orbitals plus unhybrid pz orbital to make its bonds.
The three sp2 hybrid orbitals
arrange themselves in trigonal planar geometry at 120°. One sp2-hybrid
orbital of each carbon atom overlaps linearly with other carbon to form a C–C
sigma bond. The remaining two sp2-hybrid orbitals of each carbon
overlaps linearly with 1s orbitals of two hydrogen atoms to form four C–H sigma
bonds. Now unhybrid pz orbitals of both carbon atoms which lie at
right angle overlap side wise to form a pi bond between carbon to carbon.
Q8. Write
down basic postulates of valence bond theory. Explain various types of
overlapping lead to sigma and pi bond.
In 1927,
Heitler and London put forward Valence Bond Theory (VBT). According to VBT, the
bonding electrons occupy the atomic orbitals of the bonded atoms, and the
shared electron is influenced by one nucleus (monocentric).
1. A covalent bond
is formed due to the overlapping of half-filled atomic orbitals of
combing atoms (Sharing of some common regions in space by atomic orbitals is
called overlapping)
2. As a result of
overlapping there is maximum electron cloud between the two overlapped
3. The electron present in both
overlapped orbital should be in opposite spin.
4. The strength of
covalent is determined by the extent of overlap. The greater the
overlap, the stronger is the bond.
5. Each atom
involves in the overlapping keep its own atomic orbital but the electron pair
is shared up by both atoms which take part in the overlapping. (atomic orbitals which are involved in
the bond formation maintain their individual nature and identities).
6. (In VBT, some of
the valence electrons are indicated as unshared and uninvolved in the formation
of molecule).
Types of Overlapping
There are
two types of overlapping:
(a) Head-on (i.e. End to end) overlapping
(results in s-bond).
(b) Side-ways (i.e. lateral) overlapping
(results in p-bond).
Sigma bond formation due to s-s linear overlapping in H2 Molecule
overlapping involves the overlap of two half-filled s orbitals of two combining
atoms. This type of overlap exist in H2 molecule.
hydrogen atom has one half-filled 1s-orbital containing one electron. In the
formation of H2 molecule, the two H atoms come closer to each other,
1s-orbitals of both hydrogen atoms containing an unpaired electron overlap with
each other along inter-nuclear axis (s-s- overlap) to form a H–H sigma bond
(which constitutes a single covalent bond in H2 molecule) in which
the electron cloud is rich along the axis between two nuclei.
Sigma bond
formation due to s-p Linear overlapping in HX (HF, HCl, HBr, HI)
overlapping involves the overlap of half-filled s orbital and half-filled p
orbital of two combining atoms. This s-p type of overlap exist in HX molecules
like HF, HCl, HBr, HI.
HF molecule
is formed by the linear overlapping of half-filled 1s orbital of hydrogen atom
and half-filled 2pz orbital of fluorine atom.
Sigma bond formation due to p-p Linear overlapping in F2 Molecule
overlapping involves the overlap of two half-filled p orbitals of two combining
atoms. This p-p type of overlap exist in X2 molecules like F2,
Cl2, Br2, I2.
electronic configuration of F is 1s2, 2s2 2px2
2py2 2pz1 showing that each
fluorine atom has one half-filled 2pz-orbital available for overlap.
F2 molecule is formed by the linear overlapping of half-filled 2pz
orbitals of F atoms.
According to VBT, in the formation of F2
molecule, half-filled 2pz-orbitals of both fluorine atoms containing
an unpaired electron overlap linearly with each other along inter-nuclear axis
(pz-pz-overlap) sharing the electron pair to form a F–F
sigma bond (which constitutes a single covalent bond in F2
Pi bond formation due to p-p Lateral overlapping in O2 Molecule
electronic configuration of oxygen (Z = 8) is 1s2, 2s2 2px2
2py1 2pz1. There are two partially
filled p-orbitals on each oxygen atom i.e. 2py and 2pz.
The head to head overlapping of 2py orbitals of two oxygen atoms
lead to form a sigma bond while lateral overlapping of 2pz orbitals
of two oxygen atoms results in the formation of a p-bond.
Q9. Draw a molecular orbital diagram of O2 molecules and explain following
(i) Write down MO electronic configuration
(ii) Determine the bond order
(iii) Explain the paramagnetic behaviour.
Short Answer
Summary of MO Diagram of O2
Given element – Oxygen
Atomic number of Oxygen = 8
Electronic configuration of O atom = 1s↿⇂,
2s↿⇂, 2px↿⇂ 2py↿ 2pz↿
Total number of electrons in Oxygen molecule = 16 (8 by each O)
configuration of O2 =
< 𝜎*1s↿⇂ < 𝜎2s↿⇂ < 𝜎*2s↿⇂
< < 𝜎 2px↿⇂ < 𝜋2py↿⇂ = 𝜋2pz↿⇂
< 𝜋*2py↿ = 𝜋*2pz↿ < 𝜋*2px
Bond order of
O2 molecules = Nb – Na/2 = 10–6 /2 = 2 (Double
bond, O=O)
nature = Two unpaired electrons in anti-bonding orbitals, hence O2
is paramagnetic.
Detailed Answer
Molecular orbital Diagram for O2 molecule
The electronic configuration of oxygen (Z=8) is 1s2, 2s2,
2p4 (1s↿⇂, 2s↿⇂, 2px↿⇂ 2py↿
2pz↿) Thus there are five atomic
orbitals with 8 electrons in each oxygen atom. The two participating oxygen atoms
contribute a total 16 valence electrons. These five atomic orbitals of both
oxygen atoms combine to form ten molecular orbitals as shown in
molecular orbital energy diagram.
Two p-atomic orbitals (one from
each oxygen) atom combine to form two molecular orbitals, the bonding molecular
orbital σ2px and antibonding molecular orbital σ*2px. The
other four p-atomic orbitals (two from each oxygen) atom combines to give four
molecular orbitals, two bonding molecular orbitals i.e. π2py and π2pz,
while two antibonding molecular orbitals i.e. π*2py and π*2pz.
The electron filling in these molecular orbitals follows Aufbau, Pauli
exclusion principle and Hund’s rule.
Out of eight electrons, six go
to bonding molecular orbitals and two to the antibonding molecular orbitals. As
electrons are also present in antibonding molecular orbitals, so weak bonds
will be formed.
Bond order
Bond order of O2 molecules
is determined as
Bond order of
O2 molecules = Nb – Na/2 = 10–6 /2 = 2 (Double
bond, O=O)
As the bond order in Oxygen is 2 so two
bonds i.e. double bonds formed between two oxygen atoms (O=O).
Reason of Paramagnetic Nature of
O2 molecule
Since there are two unpaired electrons in degenerate anti-bonding molecular
orbital (π*2py and π*2pz), O2
molecule is paramagnetic in nature.
molecular orbital configuration with increasing energy order
< 𝜎*1s↿⇂ < 𝜎2s↿⇂ < 𝜎*2s↿⇂
< < 𝜎 2px↿⇂ < 𝜋2py↿⇂ = 𝜋2pz↿⇂
< 𝜋*2py↿ = 𝜋*2pz↿ < 𝜋*2px
Q10. Differentiate between sp3 and
sp2 hybridization and explain sp hybridization. Discus sp
hybridization and the shape of ethyne molecule.
Definition of “sp”-Hybridization
The type of
hybridization involving combination of one s (2s) and one “p” (2p) atomic
orbitals to produce two new equivalent sp hybrid orbitals of
identical shape and energy which are arranged co-linearly with a bond
angle of 180° is called sp-hybridization. The two 2p (2py and
2pz) orbitals remains unhybridized which lie perpendicularly to the
plane of sp hybrid orbitals.
The sp
hybrid orbitals are co-linear at an angle of 180° which provide maximum
separation and overlap. Each sp hybrid orbital has 50% s-character and 50% p
character (1:1 ratio).
Occurrence of “sp”-Hybridization
hybridization is found in those compounds where central atom (carbon) is bonded
by two other atoms or groups e.g. alkyne i.e. ethyne (C2H2),
BeCl2, CO2, CS2.
Hybrid Molecular Structure of Ethyne (Acetylene)
In ethyne (acetylene), each carbon is
bonded to two atoms (i.e. one H atom and one C atom) thus each carbon uses sp
hybrid orbitals plus two unhybrid py and pz orbitals to
make its bonds. In sp hybridization of each carbon in ethyne there is a mixing
of only s and px orbitals to give two sp hybrid orbitals that
arrange linearly at 180° angles while
the two unhybrid orbitals py and pz are inclined at right
angle to the sp hybrid orbitals as well as to each other. The two hybrid sp
orbitals and the two unhybrid atomic orbitals py and pz
contain single electron.
One sp-hybrid orbital of each carbon
atom overlaps linearly with sp orbital of other carbon to form a C–C sigma
bond. The remaining sp-hybrid orbital of each carbon overlap with 1s orbital of
Hydrogen atoms to form two C–H sigma bond. Thus overall three sigma bonds are
formed at 180○ angles which makes linear geometry. Two unhybrid
atomic orbitals (2py and 2pz) of each carbon lying
parallel to each other undergoes side wise overlapping to form two pi bonds
between C to C. One sigma and two pi bonds between the carbon atoms of ethyne
molecules is termed as triple bond.
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