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Numericals on Radius, Energy, Frequency, Wavelength and Wave Number

Numericals on Radius, Energy, Frequency, wavelength and wave number from Textbook

Q1.  Find the radius of 4th orbit of electron in Hydrogen atom (Book question; page # 24, Example # 2.1)


Z   = 1 (for H atom)

‘n’ = 4 (4th orbit)

‘ao’= 0.529 Å


Q2. Calculate the energy of an electron in L-shell of hydrogen atom. The value of K 2.18 x 10−18 J/atom 

(Book question; page # 25, Example # 2.2)


‘n’ = 2 (L-shell corresponds to second energy level)

‘K’= 2.18 x 10−18 J/atom

Q3. Using Bohr model, determine the energy in joule of a photon produced when an electron in hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit n=5 to n=2. 

(Book question; page # 26, Self-Assessment)


‘n2’ = 5 

‘n1’ = 2

Q4. Calculate the wave numbers of photons when electron of a hydrogen atom jumps form 4th orbit to 2nd orbit. value of RH = 1.09678 x 107 m−1.  

(Book question; page # 27, Example 2.3)


‘n2’ = 4 

‘n1’ = 2

Z    = 1

RH = 1.09678 x 107 m−1

Q5. What is the wave number of a photon produced when an electron falls from n=5 level to n=3 level in hydrogen atom. value of RH = 1.09678 x 107 m−1.  

(Book question; page # 28, Self-Assessment)


‘n2’ = 5 

‘n1’ = 3

Z     = 1

RH = 1.09678 x 107 m−1


*Q6*. A photon of wave number 23 x 105 m−1 is emitted when electron undergoes a transition from a higher orbits to n=2. Determine the orbit form which electron falls and also the spectral line appears in this transition of electron (The value of Rydberg constant is 1.09678 x 107 m−1).

(Book question; page # 49, Assignment)


RH = 1.09678 x 107 m−1

Z   = 1

Numericals on Radius, Energy,Frequency, Wavelength and Wave Number from External Source


Q1.    If the radius of first Bohr orbit is ‘x’ then calculate the radius of the third orbit of H atom. 

For given part 
‘n’ = 1 
ao = r1= 0.529 Å= ‘x’ 
r3 = ? 
Radius (r3) = (x) x  32/1 Å      Þ = (x) x  9/1 Å      Þ r3 = 9x Å      

The radius of the third orbit of H atom is 9 times than that of radius of first orbit. 

Q2.  If the radius of first Bohr orbit is ‘x’ Å then calculate the radius of the 2nd orbit of hydrogen. 

Z = 1 (for H atom)

‘n’ = 2 (2nd orbit)

‘ao’= ‘x’ Å

The radius of the second orbit of H atom is 4 times than that of radius of first orbit. 

Q3.Calculate the ratio of radius of second and third orbit of hydrogen atom. (Bohr’s radius =             0.529 Å)


Z = 1 (for H atom)

‘n’ = 2 (2nd orbit)

‘n’ = 3 (3rd orbit)

‘ao’= 0.529 Å



Q4. Calculate the ratio of radius of third and fourth orbit of hydrogen atom. (Bohr’s radius = 0.0529 nm)


Z = 1 (for H atom)

‘n’ = 3 (3rd orbit)

‘n’ = 4 (4th orbit)

‘ao’= 0.0529 nm


Q5.Calculate the ratio of the radius of Li2+ ion in 3rd energy level to that of He+ ion 2nd energy level.


Q6.What is the wavelength and wave number of radiation that is emitted when a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from orbit 3 to orbit 1.


 ‘n2’ = 3 

‘n1’ = 1

Z              = 1

RH  = 1.09678 x 107 m−1


Calculation of Wave Number

Calculation of Wave Length 

Q7. Calculate the wave number and wavelength of Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum in which electron jumps from orbit 3 to orbit 2.



Calculation of Wave Number

n1  = 2

n2  = 3

RH = 1.0968553 x 107 m-1

Z   = 1

Q8.  Calculate the energy of the electron in the ground state and first excited state of the hydrogen atom


Z for H = 1

n for ground state = 1

n for first excited state = ground state +1 = 1+1=2 (corresponds second energy level)

‘K’= 2.18 x 10−18 J/atom or 13.6 eV

Q9. The energy of electron in the excited state of hydrogen atom is -0.85 eV.  calculate the value of ‘n’ for in the excited state.



Q1.  Calculate the energy of 1st, 2nd and 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom.

                (Answers; -13.6 eV, -3.41 eV, -1.51 eV)

Q2.  Calculate the radius of 1st, 2nd and 3rd orbit of hydrogen atom.

                (Answers; 0.529°A, 2.226°A, 4.761°A)

Q3. Calculate the angular momentum of 1st and 2nd orbit of hydrogen atom.

                (1.054 x 10−34 Js, 2.108 x 10−34 J.s)


Q4. Calculate the wave number of the line in Lyman series when an electron jumps from orbit 3 to orbit 1.

                (Answer; 97613.4 cm−1)

Q5. Calculate the wave number of spectral line of hydrogen gas when an electron jumps from n = 4 to n = 2.

                (Answer; 20654.6 cm−1)

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