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Multiple choice questions; MCQs on Fundamentals of Chemistry Class IX

Multiple choice questions; MCQs on Fundamentals of Chemistry Class IX 

Q1. Pick up the correct answer (Multiple choice questions; MCQs)


1.  Which of the following scientists arranged the elements in the periodic table?

(a) Henry Becquerel                          

(b) D. I. Mendeleev                             

(c) Neil Bohr                        

(d) Rutherford


2. Which of the following scientists is considered as the father of modern chemistry?

(a) J. Priestley                                     

(b) Robert Boyle                               

(c) J. J. Thomson                  

(d) Jabir Bin Hayan


3.  Which one of the following scientists put forward laws of electrolysis?

(a) D. I. Mendeleev                             

(b) Neil Bohr                                        

(c) M. Faraday                     

(d) Rutherford


4. which of the following is a homo atomic molecule?

(a) H2                                                    

(b) NH3                                                 

(c) H2O                                  

(d) CO2


5.   The radioactive isotope of hydrogen is:

(a) Deuterium                                     

(b) Protium                                          

(c) Tritium                           

(d) None of them


6.  Owing to same atomic number, isotopes have the same properties:

(a) Thermal                                         

(b) Chemical                                        

(c) Electrical                        

(d) Physical 


7.    Cl – 35 is found in nature up to: 

(a) 35%                                                

(b) 75%                                                 

(c) 30%                                 

(d) 25%


8.    The chemical formula of caustic soda is              

(a) KOH                                                 

(b) NaCl                                                

(c) NaOH                               

(d) CaCO3


9.   The empirical formula of glucose is same as that of

(a) Ethene                                            

(b) Ethyne                                            

(c) Glucose                           

(d) Acetic acid


10. The number of neutron in chlorine-37 atom is ……………      

(a) 37                                                     

(b) 20                                                    

(c) 17                                    

(d) 18


11. The atomic number of iron is ……..                

(a) 56                                                     

(b) 26                                                     

(c) 36                                    

(d) 35


12. Kalium is the Latin name for

(a) Iron                                                

(b) Krypton                                          

(c) Potassium                     

(d) Sodium  


13.  Monoisotopic elements have ……….. isotopes.          

(a) 1                                                      

(b) 2                                                     

  (c) 3                                      

(d) No


14.  The chemical formula of nitric acid is ………….                          

(a) HCl                                                  

(b) HF                                                 

(c) HNO3                              

(d) H2SO4


15.          The number of neutrons in aluminum atom is ……………       

(a) 13                                                     

(b) 14                                                     

(c) 27                                     

(d) 7


16.  Which isotope is used to estimate the age of fossils?



(c) Gold-198                         

(d) Iodine-131


17.  Cobalt-60 is used for the treatment of

(a) skin cancer                                    

(b) thyroid glands                              

(c) heart beat                       

(d) body cancer


18. Which one of the following is NOT a free radical?

(a) Ho                                                     

(b) Clo                                                    

(c) CHo3                               

(d) CH+4


19.  Free radicals are atoms and group of atoms having number of

(a) Paired electrons                         

(b)unpaired electrons                       

(c) Valence electron          

(d) None of them


20.  Molecular ion is formed from a molecule by the

(a) Combination of atoms                

(b) homolytic breakage                     

(c) Ionization                      

(d) All of them


21.  Which of the following is NOT a reactive specie?

(a) Molecular ion                              

(b) Free radical                                   

(c) Molecule                         

(d) None of them


22.  The empirical formula of benzene is same as that of

(a) Ethene                                            

(b) Ethyne                                            

(c) Glucose                           

(d) Acetic acid


23.  The number of formula units in one mole of NaCl is

(a) 6.02 x 1023                                     

(b) 12.04 x 1023                                  

(c) 18.06 x 1023                  

(d) 24.08 x 1023


24. How many moles of helium gas occupy 22.4 litre at 0ºC and 1 atm pressure?

(a) 0.11                                                 

(b) 1.0                                                    

(c) 0.90                                  

(d) 1.11


25.          Which of the following have same empirical and molecular formulae?

(a) H2O                                                  

(b) CH4                                                  

(c) CO2                                   

(d) All of them


26. The molecular formula of benzene is: 

(a) CH2                                                  

(b) C6H6                                                

(c) CH                                    

(d) None of these


27.  Which of the following has an empirical formula of CH2O?

(a) C6H12O6                                          

(b) CH3COOH                                       

(c) HCHO                              

(d) All of them


28.          The molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is:

(a) H2O                                                  

(b) H2O2                                                 

(c) OH                                    

(d) HO


29.          Which of the following has a molar mass of 44 g?

(a) CO                                                   

(b) NO                                                   

(c) C3H8                                 

(d) All of them


30. The molar mass of CH3COOH is -----------g

(a) 88                                                     

(b) 42                                                     

(c) 60                                    

(d) 62


31.   2 g of H2 contains ----------- molecules.

(a) 3.01 x 1023                                     

(b) 1.204 x 1023                                  

(c) 3.01 x 1022                     

(d) 6.02 x 1023


32.          10 moles of sodium are equal to ------------ g.

(a) 23                                                     

(b) 230                                                  

(c) 2300                                

(d) 2.3


33.          14 g of nitrogen (N2) gas constitutes its …….. moles

(a) One                                                  

(b) Half                                                

(c) Two                                 

(d) Ten


34.  180 g of H2O contains ----------- molecules.

(a) 3.01 x 1023                                     

(b) 1.204 x 1023                                  

(c) 1.204 x 1024                   

(d) 6.02 x 1024


35.          Who proposed term ‘elements’ as composition of organic and inorganic bodies with particular shape?

(a) Jabir Ibne-Haiyan                         

(b) Democritus                                    

(c) Aristotle                          

(d) Plato


36.          Who Proposed hypothesis about wave particle duality nature of electron?

(a) Schrodinger                                   

(b) De Broglie                                      

(c) Crooke                             

(d) Heisenberg


37. Which scientist invented experimental methods of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and white lead.

(a) Jabir Ibne-Haiyan                         

(b) Democritus                                   

(c) Aristotle                         

(d) Plato


38.   One mole of carbon-12 has a mass of:

(a) 0.0224 kg                                      

(b) 1 kg                                                 

(c) 12 kg                               

(d) 0.012 kg


39.  What is the mass of one mole of iodine (I2) molecule?

(a) 127 g                                              

(b) 254 g                                               

(c) 74 g                                 

(d) 53 g


40. Which of the following is classified as a monoatomic element?

(a) Nitrogen                                         

(b) Milk                                                 

(c) Helium                            

(d) Oxygen


41.          The mass of a single hydrogen atom is:

(a) 1.67 x 1020 g                               

(b) 1.67 x 1024 g                               

(c) 1.67 x 1027 g              

(d) 1.67 x1023g


42.          11.2 dm3 of nitrogen gas at STP weighs:

(a) 56 g                                                

(b) 14 g                                               

(c) 7 g                                    

(d) 28 g


43.          One mole of carbon-12 has a mass of:

(a) 0.0224 kg                                       

(b) 12 kg                                               

(c) 1 kg                                  

(d) 12 g


38.          Which of the following is classified as a diatomic element?

(a) Helium                                            

(b) Oxygen                                           

(c) Neon                                

(d) Argon


44.          The total number of ions in one mole of CaCl2 is

(a) 6.02 x 1023                                    

(b) 12.04 x 1023                                  

(c) 18.06 x 1023                   

(d) 24.08 x 1023


45.          The total number of ions in one mole of NaCl is

(a)           6.02 x 1023                            

(b) 12.04 x 1023                                  

(c) 18.06 x 1023                   

(d) 24.08 x 1023


46.          5 moles of magnesium are equal to ------------ g.

(a) 2400                                                

(b) 24                                                     

(c) 120                                   

(d) 180


47.          A quantity containing Avogadro’s number of particles is called:

(a) Gram atom                                    

(b) Gram molecule                            

(c) Gram formula               

(d) Mole


48.  One mole of hydrogen gas at s.t.p. contains how many atoms

(a) 3.01 x 1024                                     

(b) 1.2 x 1024                                       

(c) 12.04 x 1046                   

(d) 6.02 x 1023


49.          16 g of oxygen has a volume of:

(a) 22.4 dm3                                        

(b) 22400 cm3                                     

(c) 5.6 dm3                           

(d) 11.2 dm3


50.          11.2 dm3 of Cl2 gas at s.t.p. weighs:

(a) 71g                                                  

(b) 35.5 g                                              

(c) 37 g                                  

(d) 17 g


51.          A piece of matter in pure form is termed as:

(a) Radical                                           

(b) Mixture                                           

(c) Compound                      

(d) substance


52.          Which of the following can be separated by physical means?

(a) Mixture                                           

(b) Element                                         

(c) Compound                      

(d) Substance


53.  The empirical formula of hydrogen peroxide is:

(a) H2O2                                                 

(b) HO                                                  

 (c) OH                                    

(d) O2H2


54.  A formula that indicates actual number and type of atoms in a molecule is called:

(a) Chemical formula                        

(b) Empirical formula                       

(c) Molecular formula       

(d) Formula mass


55.          The number of protons in an atom is equal to the number of ………. in it.

(a) Orbits                                              

(b) Electrons                                       

(c) Shells                               

(d) Neutrons


56.          The number of neutrons in an atom of iron (mass number =56 and Z =26) is

(a) 26                                                     

(b) 56                                                     

(c) 32                                     

(d) 30


57.  Number of neutron = atomic mass number ………….          

(a) atomic number                             

(b) no of neutron                                

(c) no of electron                

(d) All of them


58.          There are total …………….. monoisotopic elements.  

(a) 23                                                     

(b) 21                                                     

(c) 33                                     

(d) 31


59.          The atomic number of fluorine is ……..                                                       

(a) 9                                                       

(b) 17                                                     

(c) 16                                     

(d) 19


60.          The Latin name of sodium is

(a) Aurum                                           

(b) Ferrum                                          

(c) Kalium                            

(d) Natrium


61.   ……………discovered isotopes.                                       

(a) Berzelius                                       

(b) Soddy                                              

(c) Thomson                        

(d) Bohr


62.          The volume of 4 g of H2 gas at STP is 

(a) 22.4 dm3                                         

(b) 44.8 dm3                                        

(c) 67.2 dm3                         

(d) None of them


63.          One mole of any covalent compounds contains same number of

(a) Atoms                                            

(b) Molecules                                      

(c) Ions                                  

(d) Electrons


64.          The one gram atom an element is equal to its:

(a) Gram molecular mass                

 (b) Gram atomic mass                     

(c) Gram formula mass     

(d) Mole


65.          the molar mass of Al2O3 is

(a) 102 amu                                        

 (b) 102 g                                               

(c) 102 g/mol                      

(d) All of them


66.          the molar mass of MgCl2 is

(a) 95 amu                                           

(b) 95 g                                                

 (c) 95 g/mol                        

(d) All of them


67.          the molecular mass of C2H5OH is

(a) 46 amu                                           

(b) 46  g                                                

(c) 46  g/mol                       

(d) All of them


68.          The present scale of atomic mass is based on 1 amu being equal to the mass of:

(a) 1 hydrogen atom                         

(b) 1/10 of O-16                                 

(c) 1/12 of C-12 atom       

(d) 1/16 of O-16


69.          Number of particles = __________.

(a) no. of moles x 6.02x1024            

 (b) no. of moles x 6.02x1023           

 (c) n x molar mass            

 (d) None of them


70.          The formula mass of an ionic compound expressed in grams, called ______.

(a) gram formula                                

(b) gram atom                                    

 (c) gram atom                   

  (d) All of them


71.          Avogadro’s number is a collection ______ particles.

(a) 6.02 x 1043                                   

  (b) 6.02 x 1023                                  

   (c) 6.02 x 1022                  

   (d) 6.02 x 1024


72.          2 g of H2 contains ----------- molecules.

(a) 3.01 x 1023                                    

 (b) 1.204 x 1023                                 

 (c) 3.01 x 1022                  

   (d) 6.02 x 1023


73.          The mass of one molecule of water is:

(a) 1.99 x10−23 g                               

   (b) 2.99 x10−23 g                             

   (c) 2.99 x10−24 g                  

(d) 1.99 x10−20 g


74.          44 a.m.u of carbon dioxide is equal to:

(a) Molar Mass                                   

 (b) Atomic Mass                                

(c) Molecular Mass           

 (d) Mass Number


75.          Number of molecules present in 18 grams of water (H2O) is:

(a) 6.02 x 1023                                     

(b) 6.02 x 1024                                     

(c) 6.02 x 1030                     

(d) 6.02 x 1034



76. Molecular mass expressed in grams is called

(a) Atomic mass                                

 (b) Gram molecular mass               

 (c) Formula mass              

 (d) Equivalent mass


77.          How many molecules are there in 36 g of water?  

(a) 12.04 x 1023                                  

 (b) 6.02 x 1023                                     

(c) 6.20 x 1022                    

(d) 6.20 x 1023


78.          ‘NA’ denotes

(a) Avogadro’s hypothesis               

(b) Avogadro’s number                     

(c) Gas constant                  

(d) Molar volume


79.          According to Avogadro, one gram mole of any gas at STP occupies volume of

(a) 22.4 dm3                                        

 (b) 224 dm3                                        

 (c) 2.24 dm3                         

(d) None of them


89.          10 moles of KOH are equal to ------------ g.

(a) 560                                                  

(b) 400                                                  

(c) 80                                     

(d) 200


81.          Which of the following has a molar mass of 46 g?

(a) NH2CONH2                                  

(b) CH3COOH                                       

(c) C2H5OH                           

(d) None


82.          Which of the following has a molar mass of 34 g?

(a) H2O                                                 

(b) H2O2                                                 

(c) C2H6                                

 (d) None


83.          35.5 g of chlorine (Cl2) gas constitutes its …….. moles

(a) One                                                 

(b) Two                                               

 (c) Half                                

 (d) Ten


84.          9 g of H2O contains ----------- molecules.

(a) 6.02 x 1023                                    

 (b) 1.204 x 1023                                  

(c) 3.01 x 1023                     

(d) 3.01 x 1023



85.          The atomic mass of an element expressed in gram is:

(a) Gram molecular mass                 

(b) Gram atomic mass                     

 (c) Gram formula mass    

 (d) Mole


86.          The molar mass of H2SO4 is:

(a) 98 a.m.u                                          

(b) 9.8 g                                                 

(c) 98 g                                  

(d) 9.8 a.m.u


87.          A formula that indicates actual number and type of atoms in a molecule is called:

(a) Chemical formula                        

(b) Empirical formula                       

(c) Molecular formula       

(d) Formula mass


88.          The Empirical formula of hydrogen peroxide is:

(a) HO                                                 

(b) H2O2                                                           

(c) OH                                    

(d) OH2


89.          16 g of oxygen gas constitutes its …….. moles.

(a) Half                                                  

(b) One                                                

 (c) Two                                 

(d) Ten


90.          The molar mass of H2CO3 is ------------ g

(a) 98                                                    

 (b) 62                                                     

(c) 63                                     

(d) 88


91.          36 g of H2O contains ----------- molecules.

(a) 1.204 x 1024                                  

 (b) 1.204 x 1023                                 

 (c) 3.01 x 1023                     

(d) 6.02 x 1023


92. 5 moles of water are equal to ------------ g.

(a) 80                                                    

 (b) 90                                                     

(c) 18                                     

(d) 180


93.          Which of the following has a molar mass of 50 g?

(a) NH2CONH2                                     

(b) CH3COOH                                       

(c) C2H5OH                           

(d) None


94.          20 g of hydrogen gas constitutes its …….. moles

(a) One                                                 

(b) Two                                                 

(c) Half                                 

(d) Ten


95.          Ethyl alcohol was prepared by:

(a) Jaber bin-Hayan                         

(b) Al-Razi                                            

(c) Al-Beruni                        

(d) Ibne-Sina


96.          Al-Razi prepared  …………. by fermentation process.

(a) Sulphuric acid                              

(b) Ethyl alcohol                                 

(c) Acetic acid                     

(d) Methane


97.          Who determined densities of different substances?

(a) Jaber bin-Hayan                           

(b) Al-Razi                                            

(c) Al-Beruni                        

(d) Ibne-Sina


98.          Who proposed idea of a substance as a combination of matter and form and described theory of the Four Elements,  fire, water, earth, air

(a) Jabir Ibne-Haiyan                        

(b) Democritus                                    

(c) Aristotle                          

(d) Plato


99.          Who proposed fourth state of matter?

(a) Stendra Nath Bose                      

(b) Elbert Einstein                             

(c) both of them                  

(d) none of them


100.        Who put forward idea chemistry as systematic investigation of nature and discovered the gaseous law?

(a) J. Priestly                                        

(b) Robert Boyle                                 

(c) J. Black                            

(d) Scheele





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