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Atomic Structure Chapter # 2 (For Class XI)


Atomic Structure


Chapter # 2 (For Class XI)

According to New Syllabus 2022


2.3 Brief History of Atomic Structure 


In history, first time two Greek philosopher Leucippus and Democritus (440 B.C) gave the idea that matter is composed of invisible, indivisible and infinite number of building blocks called ‘atomos’ (Greek ‘a’; non and ‘tom’; break). This ancient theory of atom was based on philosophical reasoning rather than scientific basis. They said that different atoms and their different combinations produce different types of matters (solids, liquids and gases). Most philosophers of that time did not give weightage to their concepts about matter and composition but favoured the Aristotelian concept that “Matter is composed of four elements; earth, water, air and fire”.


The idea of atom was revisited and studied upon many scientists and philosophers, however it was John Dalton (1803) who recognized as the introducer of modern atomic theory.


After 12 years of discovery of electron as a fundamental entity that dwell in an atom, Robert Andrews Millikan, in 1909 performed an ingenious oil drop experiment with charged oil drop getting suspended in electric field having its weight balanced by the electrostatic force, he found out that the charge on every drop was an integral multiple of 1.6x10−19 coulomb which encouraged him to deduce that this must be the charge of Thomson’s electrons.


In 1911, Ernest Rutherford laid the foundation that the atom consist of an extremely charged region which he called nucleus wherein the most of the mass of an atom is concentrated while electrons revolve in the extra-nuclear part.


By 1920, scientists knew and believed that most of the mass of atom was located in the central nuclear core and 1932, English chemist James Chadwick informed the world about the third subatomic particle that was neutral and a part of nucleus which he named neutron.


2.2 Subatomic Particles and Their Characteristics


Subatomic Particles

More than 100 subatomic particles have been discovered such as electron, proton, neutron, positron, mesons, hyperons, neutrino, antineutrino etc.


Fundamental particles

Out of 100 subatomic particles, only electron, proton and neutron are considered to be fundamental particles of an atom as they play an important role for the determination of physical and chemical properties of element.


Almost all of the mass of an atom exists in nucleus and nucleus was discovered by Rutherford (in 1911 A.D.). Except protium (lightest isotope of hydrogen), nuclei of all other atoms contain neutrons.

Properties of Subatomic Particles


The subatomic particle electron was discovers by J.J. Thomson in 1897 A.D, while studying on cathode rays experiment. He called the cathode rays beam as electrons. Thereafter, Millikan with his “Oil Drop Experiment” calculated the charge on an electron.


Electron revolve in orbits and occupy about 100,000 times greater volume than nucleus but form less than one percent total mass of an atom. They carry negative charge whose magnitude is equal to positive charge of protons. Electrons are attracted by protons and this attractive force (electrostatic force) keeps electrons constantly moving around nucleus. The mass of electron is nearly 1836 times less than proton and 1839 times less than neutrons.


Electronic configuration refers to the presence of electrons in various shells and sub-shells. This arrangement of electrons affects the atomic stability, melting points, boiling points, density etc. They are also involved in chemical bond formation.



Protons are positively charged sub-atomic particles which are located in the nuclei of all elements. They were discovered by a German Physicist Goldstein (1886 A.D), by using perforated cathode in Crook’s discharge tube. He observed that positive ions were formed when cathode rays hit the gaseous atoms in discharge tube. Rutherford called these positively charged particles as ‘PROTONS’. With respect to mass and charge, the protons of all elements are identical to each other. Atomic number of elements is related only to protons while mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons (About 99.94% mass of an atom exists in nucleus). Protons and electrons have some magnitude of charge but have different masses. All elements have different number of protons.



The discovery of neutrons was made by James Chadwick (1932 A.D), in an artificial radioactivity experiment. He bombarded alpha particles from Polonium on a stable element Beryllium, and noted that some highly penetrating neutral particles were produced. These particles were named as neutrons.


Like protons, neutrons are also the part of atomic mass but neutron has no charge. Neutrons of all elements have same nature and mass. They are bounded with each other and protons by the nuclear forces. Under certain circumstances, when electrostatic force (between protons) overcomes the nuclear force, nucleus becomes unstable and fission reaction is occurred.


Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons. They are not deflected by electric or magnetic fields. However, the isotopes of same element always have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Further, the stability of nucleus depends upon the neutrons. The number of neutrons is determined by subtracting the number of protons from the mass number.  


Number of neutrons = Mass number – Number of protons


2.3 Radioactivity (Confirmation of Electrons and Protons)


Discovery and First Radioactive element discovered

The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by a French professor, Henry Becquerel in 1896 A.D. while working on uranium mineral called Pitch-blende (an oxide of uranium; U3O8). He observed that there was continuous emission of some invisible radiations which producing bright spots on (fogging) photographic plates, ionizing gases, penetrating through thin metal sheets and producing fluorescence on zinc sulphide screen. This process of emitting invisible radiations was termed as radioactivity.


Discovery polonium and radium By Marie Currie and Pierre Currie

Marie Currie and her husband, Pierre Currie isolated the radioactive component of the pitch blend mineral and separated two new radioactive elements polonium and radium.



Radioactivity is the nuclear phenomenon in which there is a spontaneous and continuous emission of nuclear radiations from atom whose atomic number is greater than 83 due to the splitting of atomic nuclei.


Radioactive Elements

The elements which emit invisible nuclear radiations or radioactive radiations spontaneously are known as natural radioactive elements and the phenomenon is termed as natural radioactivity. Natural radioactive elements have atomic number greater than 83 emits nuclear.


Natural radioactive elements after spontaneous emission of rays, break down to more stable elements. This emission of radiations continues till the stable element lead (lead-207) is formed.

Nuclear radiations are also produced when a stable element is bombard or truck by nuclear particle, this is known as artificial radioactivity.


Radioactive Radiations

The radiations emitted by radioactive elements are called Radioactive Radiations. They are of three types: Alpha rays, Beta rays and Gamma rays. Initially these rays were named as Becquerel rays but later on, Marie Currie coined the term radioactive rays.


Experiment for Separation and Detection of Radiation


To study the nature of radiations, Rutherford placed a small piece of radioactive material is in a Lead Block having a small hole in it. The radiations emitted by radioactive substance were passed through an electric field. (In fact, they are first subjected to pass through a vacuum chamber with a photographic plate in which a magnetic or electric field is applied).

Distinguishing Properties of Alpha Particles, Beta Particles and Gamma Rays

Uses of Nuclear Radiations

Following are the important uses of nuclear radiations


1.         In medical field, nuclear radiations are used to diagnose, monitor and treat various diseases.             These radiations are used to study the bone formation in mammals. Radiotherapy is most             commonly used for the treatment of cancer. Radioisotopes has immense role in the growing             field called nuclear medicine.


2.         In agriculture field, radioisotopes are used to treat the seeds in the production of new varieties of crops.


3.         They are used for the production of energy.  Nuclear power stations like Karachi Nuclear Power Plant produce electrical energy.


4.   In industries they are used to monitor the quality of products. Radioisotopes are also used to measure the density of metals and thickness of plastics.


5.         In the field of geology, these are used to study the rocks.


6.         Carbon-14 isotope is used to measure the age of fossils and artefacts (archeology).


Radioactive Dating

Radioactive Dating is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope of carbon. It is usually used to predict date ancient objects.


2.4 Planck’s Quantum Theory of Light (Quantization of Energy)


Introduction and Definition

This theory was proposed by the German physicist Max Planck in 1900 A.D. to describe the emission and absorption of radiations from heated bodies. He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1918 A.D. This theory explains the nature of light in terms of Quanta which is the smallest unit of radiation energy.


Basic Postulates of PQT

1.         Atoms cannot absorb or emit energy continuously.


2.         The emission or absorption of energy (light) occurs in small packets of energy or specified amount called quanta which is defined as the smallest unit of radiation energy which can exist independently. A quantum of radiant energy in the form of light is called Photon.


3.         The energy of quantum (photon) is not fixed. The amount of energy of quantum is directly proportional to the frequency of the radiations emitted or absorbed by the body. i.e.

          E 𝛂 u or E = hu (This is called as Planck’s equation)


E = Energy gained or lost by body.

h = Planck’s constant  =  6.625 x 10–34 J.s (6.625 x 10–27 Ergs.sec).

u = Frequency of radiation



2.5 Spectrum and its Types



The definite pattern of band of colours obtained after breaking (dispersing) of polychromatic light into its component radiations or several colours in order of increasing or decreasing wavelengths by glass prism (placed in spectrometer) is called SPECTRUM.


Monochromatic and Polychromatic Light

The light of single wavelength, which consists of only one colour, is called monochromatic light. It is a light which is composed of only one kind of ray or wavelength.


A light which is composed of more than one type of rays or wavelengths or colours is known as polychromatic light such sunlight, bulb light etc.



It is the apparatus used to see spectrum.



The word spectroscopy is derived from Latin word spectrum, which means image and Greek word skopia, which means observation. It is the study of the absorption and emission of light other radiation by matter. It is the study of spectrum produced by different elements.



It is the instrument used to measure the intensity and frequency of radiations


Types of Spectrum

There are two types of Atomic Spectrum:

1.   Atomic Emission Spectrum.                              

2.  Atomic Absorption Spectrum.


1.   Atomic Emission Spectrum

They are obtained when light from such atoms, that has already absorbed energy, is passed through a prism.


2.   Atomic Absorption Spectrum

They are obtained when light is passed through a gaseous sample of an element (Radiolucent object) which absorbs some component and then through prism.


Types of Emission Spectrum

Emission spectrums are of two types:

1.   Continuous Spectrum.                           

2.  Line Spectrum.


Continuous Spectrum



The spectrum which contains a continuous band of colours is called continuous spectrum.



1.  The continuous spectrum is composed of different colours which are represented by a light of specific wave length and are not sharply demarcated.


2.    When sunlight passes through prism, it deviates and splits into continuous band of seven colours  . Spectrum consists of red colour at one end which is least deviated and violet colour at the other end which is maximum deviated. The composition of spectrum may be abbreviated as VIBGYOR.


3. In between red and violet colours, the other colours are orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo.


4.         Each colour is associated with specific wave length. Violet colour has shortest wave length of       about 4000 Å while red has the longest wave length of about 7000 Å.


5.         Continuous spectrum is produced by polychromatic light.


6.         It does not help in determining the structure of atoms.


7.         In rainy season, rainbow in sky is common example of continuous spectrum.



Line Spectrum


When light emitted from electrically excited atoms is passed through prism, certain distinct lines separated by dark space are obtained, this is known as line spectrum.


For example

When light from a gaseous source in the excited state is allowed to pass through the prism, a dis-continuous spectrum (line spectrum) is produced consisting of discrete sharp lines (each corresponds to a definite wavelength) separated by dark spaces. A gas is excited by strongly heating or passing through electric discharge tube at low pressure.


Characteristics of Line Spectrum

1.         Samples of a same element always emit radiations of same wave length.


2.         Under the right conditions, samples of same element always produces same characteristic             spectrum. Each element emit of light of specific wavelength therefore the number of lines and             the distance between them depends upon the nature of element, so line spectra is used as             “Finger Print” for the identification of elements.

            For example, line spectrum of sodium contains two yellow coloured lines separated by a       definite distance.


Information obtained from Line Spectrum about Structure of Atom

Line spectra of the elements give the information that electron around the nucleus have definite amount of energy and are arranged in definite energy levels E1. After absorbing energy, they jump to an appropriate energy level E2 and then return back. The difference is emitted energy of electrons is                   E2–E1 is equal to the energy absorbed. (Each spectral line is produced due to downward jumping of electron from higher energy level to lower energy level. Dark spaces are due to the space between two energy levels).


Types of Line Spectrum

Line Spectrum can be seen by the following two ways:


(i)        Absorption Line Spectrum

(ii)       Emission Line Spectrum


(i)       Absorption Line Spectrum

When a beam of light is passed through an absorbing material like gaseous sample of an element, the element absorbs certain wavelengths while rest of wavelengths pass through it. The spectrum obtained consists of a series of dark lines with a bright background and known as absorption line spectrum.


(ii)      Emission Line Spectrum

Sodium vapours lamp (street light), mercury vapours lamp, electrical discharge tube, hot solids or elements emits radiations of certain wavelengths. The spectrum which is formed form such radiations Is called emission line spectrum.



2.6 X-Rays/Roentgen Rays


Introduction and Origin of X-Rays

In 1895 A.D, W. Roentgen accidently observed that when fast moving high energy electrons (cathode rays) collide with metal anode in discharge tube (Crooke’s discharge tube), highly penetrating invisible rays of short wavelength are produced. Initially these rays were names as Roentgen rays (after the name of its discoverer) but later on these were called X-rays. These rays can penetrate through paper, glass, rubber, metal and human flesh.


Nature of X-Rays

The X-rays are highly energetic electromagnetic radiations of very high frequency and very short wavelength (as u = 1/l). The frequency (wavelength) of X-rays depends upon the material used as anode.


Types of X-rays

Mosely used different anode and analyzed the intensity of X-rays. On the basis of wavelengths there are two types of spectral lines of X-rays:


(a)      K-series

These are produced by the elements (anodes) having large atomic number. These spectral lines have short wavelengths and high energy because transition of electrons occurs from high energy level to low energy (means there is big difference between two energy levels).


(b)      L-series

These are produced by the elements (anodes) having small atomic number. These spectral lines have long wavelengths and low energy because there is small difference between two energy levels.


Production of X-rays/Mechanism of X-ray’s Formation

X-rays are produced in a special discharge tube in which cathode is heated filament. Under high voltage (5000 volt) and vary low pressure (0.001 mm) cathode rays are emitted from cathode and travel towards anode where they strike with high speed to give X-rays. The transition of electron occurs in anode atoms which cause the production of X-rays photon.


Relationship between wavelength of X-rays and nuclear charge (Z) of atom

In 1911, Henry Moseley studied the different wavelengths (or frequencies) of X-rays produced from anodes of different metals.  He found that the wavelength of X-rays emitted, decreases regularly with increasing nuclear charge of an atom.  He called the number of positive charges (or protons) as the atomic number of an atom.  i.e.

l of X-rays  a  1/Z    or        u of X-rays  a  Z



Properties of X-rays

1. They are short wave length high-energy invisible electromagnetic radiations

2. Their range of wavelength  lies between 0.1-10 Å.

3. They travel with speed of light.

4. Penetration power increases as energy of X-rays increases.

5. They travel in straight line like cathode rays.

6. They are unaffected by electric or magnetic field.

7.  They affect the photographic film.

8. They ionize gases and damage and destroy the living tissues due to high energy.


Uses of X-rays

Initially, X-rays were used to assist in the setting of broken arm of a person. The use of X-rays are increased with the passage of time.


1. These are used for the analysis of metallic substance or bullets in flesh.

2. They are used by the dentist to examine the defective or damage teeth.

3. They are used for destroying the cancer cells.

4. They are used for checking the baggage containing metallic knife, blade or weapon, transport of   illegal goods etc at the air ports.

5. They are used for the determination of structures of crystals in crystallography. Thus X-ray  diffraction technique was developed.







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