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Hydrogen Notes for Class XII




Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table


Basis of Classification of Elements

Elements are arranged in the periodic table on the basis of their electronic configuration and to some extent on the basis of their properties.


Resemblance of Hydrogen with Elements of Different Groups

The classification of hydrogen has been an issue throughout the history of the periodic table. Hydrogen is the first element of the periodic table and its position is anomalous. Hydrogen symbolized as  has electronic configuration of 1s1. Its electronic configuration and properties partially resemble with elements of group IA, IVA and VIIA (halogens) but at the same time it differs from elements of these groups in many respects. Some tables place hydrogen with alkali metals, some with the halogens and some with the carbon family. Mendeleev’s original table also had hydrogen in the group I with alkali and coinage metals.


(1).  It resembles alkali metals with respect to electronic configuration, electropositive character, valency, oxidation state, reducing behaviour, combination with electronegative elements and liberation at cathode.


(2). It resembles halogens with respect to electronic configuration (one electron less than the nearest noble gas configuration), ionization energy, electronegative character, oxidation state, diatomic nature and liberation at anode.


(3).  It resembles carbon family with respect to electronic configuration (half-filled valence shell), thermodynamic properties, non-metallic character, variable oxidation state, reducing behaviour, formation of covalent compounds and close association with organic compounds.


Comparison of Hydrogen with Alkali Metals

It resembles alkali metals with respect to electronic configuration, electropositive character, valency, oxidation state, combination with electronegative elements, reducing behaviour, cation formation, hydration of cations in water and liberation at cathode.

Comparison of Hydrogen with Carbon Family

Comparison of Hydrogen with Halogens

It resembles halogens with respect to electronic configuration, ionization energy, electronegative character, oxidation state, diatomic nature (atomicity) and liberation at anode.

Comparison of Hydrogen with Alkali Metals

It resembles alkali metals with respect to electronic configuration, electropositive character, valency, oxidation state, combination with electronegative elements, reducing behaviour, cation formation, hydration of cations in water and liberation at cathode.


Similarities of Hydrogen with Alkali metals


1.  Same number of Valence Electron or Outer Electronic Configuration

Both hydrogen and alkali metals have one electron in valence shell.  Electronic structure of H is 1s1 and that of alkali metals is ns1.


2.    Same Valency and Oxidation State

Both are monovalent and show +1 oxidation state.


3.    Formation of Cation

Like alkali metals, hydrogen forms mono-positive ion (H+) by losing one electron.


4.    Hydration of Cations in water

Like alkali metal cations (Li+ and Na+) H+ ion is hydrated in aqueous solution.

                H+    + H2O  → H3O+


5.    Collection at Cathode

Both are collected at cathode during electrolysis.


6.    Reducing Behaviour

Both are reducing agents.


7.    Great Affinity for Non-metals giving Analogous Compounds

Both are electropositive and both have a great affinity for non-metals (especially halogens) to form electrolytes which are analogous.

H2   + X2 2HX                  (Hydrogen halides)

2Na+ X2 →2NaX               (Alkali metal halides)


8.    Same Behaviour of their Halides in Water

Both hydrogen halides (HX) and alkali metal halides (MX) ionize in aqueous solution to yield positive ions such as H+ and alkali metal ions (M+) respectively.

                HX(aq)     H+(aq)  +X (aq) 

                MX(aq)    M+(aq)   + X (aq) 


9.    Lack of Acting as a Central Atom

Both hydrogen and alkali metal cannot act as a central atom in ternary compounds.


10. Lack of Forming Multiple Bonds

Both hydrogen and alkali metal cannot act form multiple bonds.


11. metallic Behaviour of Solid Hydrogen under High Pressure

The most valid argument for placing hydrogen in group IA is that under very high pressure, hydrogen has the properties of a metal.(It has been argued, that any hydrogen present at the center of the Planet Jupiter is likely to be a metallic solid). Finally, hydrogen combines with a handful of transition metals to form materials that behave as if they were alloys of two metals.

Dissimilarities of Hydrogen with Alkali metals


1.    Difference in State and Nature

Hydrogen is a gaseous non-metal while alkali metals are metallic solid.


2.    Difference in Valence Shell Completion

Hydrogen needs one electron to complete its valence shell whereas alkali metals need seven electrons to complete their valence shell.


3.    Half Filled Valence Shell

Hydrogen has half-filled valence shell while alkali metals do not.


4.    Difference in Atomicity

It exists as diatomic molecule (H2), alkali metals exist in monoatomic form.


5.    Difference in Bonding

It forms covalent (HCl) as well as ionic compounds (Na+H) whereas alkali metals form only ionic compounds.


6.    Formation of Anion by Hydrogen

Hydrogen can form uni-negative hydride (H) ion but alkali metals do not form anions.


7.    Difference in Stability of Cations

H+ ion is unstable but Na+, K+ etc are stable.


8.    Instability of Hydrogen Cation

Unlike Na+, K+ ions, H+ ions do not exist free in aqueous solution except in the solvated form such as H3O+ or H9O4+[i.e. H+(H2O)4].


9.    Difference in Nature of Oxides

Oxide of hydrogen (H2O) is neutral whereas the oxides of alkali metals (Na2O, K2O) are basic.


10. Difference in Thermodynamic Properties

Thermodynamic properties such as ionization potential (1312 kJmol–1 or 13.6 eV), electron affinity (–72.8 kJmol–1) and electronegativity (2.1) of hydrogen are quite high to those of alkali metals (I.P values = 3.9-5.4 eV), E.N = 0.7-1.0).

H(g)  → H+(g) + e–           I.P = +1312 kJ mol–1

K(g)  → K+(g) + e–            I.P = + 418 kJ mol–1


11. Exhibition of Variable Oxidation States by Hydrogen

Hydrogen exhibits variable oxidation states of +1, –1 or even zero but alkali metals show only fixed oxidation states of +1.


12. Collection at Anode

Hydrogen is collected at anode during electrolysis of molten ionic metallic hydrides while alkali metals are always collected at cathode.


13. Oxidizing Behaviour of Hydrogen

Hydrogen acts as an oxidizing agent when combines with highly reactive s-block elements. 

Comparison with Carbon Family


Similarities of Hydrogen with Carbon Family


1.    Same Nature of Valence Shell (half-filled Valence Shell)

Both hydrogen and elements of carbon family have half-filled valence shell.  In case of hydrogen half duplet (one electron, K1) and in case of carbon half octet (four electrons, L4).


2.    Same Elemental’s Nature

Both are typical non-metals.


3.    Reducing Behaviour

Both are reducing agent.


4.    Formation of Covalent Compounds

Hydrogen forms covalent compounds (e.g. H– Cl) like members of group IVA (e.g C≡O, O=C=O).


5.    Formation of Anions

Hydrogen can form anions (H) like C4–.


6.Close Association with Organic Compounds

Both hydrogen and carbon are found in close association with organic compounds.


7.    Same Thermodynamic Properties

Thermodynamic properties such as ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity of hydrogen are almost similar to those of group IVA elements.


8.    Bad Conductivity

Liquid hydrogen is bad conductor of electricity, so is carbon, except graphite.


9.    Same Number of Isotopes

Both hydrogen and carbon has 3 isotopes.


10. Exhibition of Variable Oxidation States

Both shows positive and negative oxidation states. i.e. both show variable oxidation states (in case of hydrogen +1, -1, 0 and in case of elements of carbon family +4, +2, +1, -1, -2, -4).


Dissimilarities of Hydrogen with Carbon Family


1.    Difference in State

Hydrogen is gas while Carbon Family’s elements are solids.


2.    Difference in Atomicity

Hydrogen exists as diatomic molecule (H2), but members of group IVA as monoatomic form.


3.    Difference in Valency

Hydrogen is monovalent showing monovalency while group IVA members show tetravalancy.


4.Difference in Valence Electrons and Valence Shell

Hydrogen has one electron in valence shell consisting of s-orbital requires only one electron to complete its valence shell (K) while group IVA elements have 4 electrons in valence shell comprising of ‘s’ and p-orbitals and needs 4 electrons to fulfill its valence shell.


5.Lack of Forming Anions by Later Congeners of Group IVA

Hydrogen forms anion (H ion), but elements of carbon family cannot form anion except C (C4–, C22–).


6.    Lack of Showing Allotropy by Hydrogen

Hydrogen does not exhibit allotropy, but group IVA elements do exhibit allotropy.


7.    Lack of Forming Multiple Bonds

Hydrogen cannot form multiple bonds but carbon of group IVA can form multiple bonds.


8.    Lack of Acting as a Central Atom

Hydrogen cannot be a central atom but carbon family elements frequently act as a central atom.



Comparison with Halogens


Similarities of Hydrogen with Halogens


1     Similarity in Valence Shell Completion

Both require one electron to get respective inert gas configuration. Thus Hand F ions are comparable.

H + e→ H–              [Same as He, 1s2]

F  + e→ F–              [Same as Ne, 1s2, 2s2 2p6]


2.    Same Elemental’s Nature and State

Both are typical non-metals and gas at S.T.P. (except Bromine and Iodine).


3.    Same Valency and Oxidation State

Both are univalent and exhibiting – 1 oxidation state.


4.    Same Atomicity

Both exist as diatomic form e.g. H2 like F2, Cl2.


5.    Formation of Covalent Compounds

Hydrogen preferably forms covalent compounds with non-metals (CH4, SiH4) so do halogens (CCl4, SiCl4).


6.    Formation of Anions of Similar type

Like halogens (which form uninegative halide ion X like F, Cl ions), hydrogen can form H ion by the gain of an electron from electropositive metals.  Thus Na+Hand Na+Cl are comparable.


7.    Great Affinity for metals giving Analogous Compounds

Both are electronegative in nature and both have a great affinity for non-metals (especially halogens) to form electrolytes (ionic metal hydrides and metal halides) which are analogous. Thus Na+Hand Na+Cl are comparable.

H2       +   X→2HX                          (Hydrogen halides)

2Na     +  X→2NaX                        (Alkali metal halides)


8.    Formation of Isomorphous Compounds

Both alkali metal hydrides (NaH) and alkali metal halides (NaCl) are Isomorphous having cubic structure.


9.    Close Association with Organic Compounds

Both are closely associated with organic compounds.


10. Lack of Forming Multiple Bonds

Both hydrogen and halogens cannot form multiple bonds.


11. High I.P

Hydrogen has very high value of I.P (13.6 eV) which is comparable to that of I.P value of halogens (13.0 eV)


Dissimilarities of Hydrogen with Halogens


1.    Difference in nature of Valence Shell and Valence Electron

Hydrogen has one electron in valence shell which consists of s-orbital (1s1) while group VIIA elements have 7 electrons in valence shell which consists of s and p orbitals (ns2 np5).


2.    Difference in State and Colour

H2 is colourless gas, but halogens are coloured gases.


3. Difference in Collection during Electrolysis

H2 collects at cathode while halogens at anode during electrolysis.


4.    Lack of Forming Cation by halogens

H2 forms H+ ion; halogens do not form cation.


5.    Difference in Nature of Oxide

Oxide of hydrogen (H2O) is neutral but oxides of halogens (Cl2O7) are acidic.


6.    Difference in Electron Affinity

Electron affinity of hydrogen is much less than halogens.


7.    Difference in Redox Behaviour

H2 is reducing agent, but halogens are oxidizing agent.


8.    Instability of Hydride Anion

H ion is unstable while X ions are stable. H ion is incapable of existence in water because it reacts with H2O to liberate H2 gas immediately but X ions do not react with H2O.

H   + H2O → H2  +  OH


Unlike typical halides ions, the overall enthalpy of formation of hydride ion is endothermic:

9.    Difference in Covalency 

The maximum covalency of hydrogen is only 1 while that of halogens is 7.


10  Lack of Acting as Central Atom  

Hydrogen cannot be central atom but halogens are frequently act as a central atom.


Separate Position of Hydrogen

1. Hydrogen forms neutral oxide of (H2O). It is neither acidic like oxides of halogens nor basic like alkali   metals oxides. 


2.  Moreover, hydrogen has a unique atomic structure (having singly positive charge single proton bearing nucleus lacking neutron around which single electron revolves in K-shell whose maximum capacity is 2 electrons).


It is, therefore, justifiable that hydrogen should not be confined or associated with any particular group like alkali metals or halogens rather it should be allotted a separate position or a special place in a box of its own detached from the main body of the periodic table.


Conclusion on Position of Hydrogen in Periodic Table

(1)  It is difficult to decide where hydrogen belongs in the periodic table because of its unique physical  properties.

For example, the first I.P of hydrogen (1312 kJ/mol) is roughly halfway between the elements with the largest 2372 kJ/mol) and the smallest (376 kJ/mol) ionization energies. Similarly hydrogen has and electronegativity (2.1) midway between the extremes of the most electronegative fluorine (E.N=4.0) and the least electronegative Cs (E.N=0.7) elements. On the basis of electronegativity, it is tempting to classify it as a semi-metal.


(2). It does not have metallic characteristics at ordinary temperature and pressure but under very high pressure, it is expected to behave like a metal.


(3)  H+ has very small size (~1.5 × 10–3 pm) as compared to normal atomic and ionic sizes of 50 to 220 pm. It cannot exist freely and is always associated with other atoms or molecules.


In the light of above discussions and facts, it is evident that hydrogen resembles as well as differs from elements of group IA, IVA and VIIA.  Hence its exact position in Periodic Table still remains undecided. It is generally and controversially placed with group IA elements due to similar electronic configuration.


Summary Position of Hydrogen

Hydrogen has electronic configuration 1s1. On one hand, its electronic configuration is similar to the outer electronic configuration (ns1) of alkali metals of group IA of the periodic table. Hydrogen, therefore, has resemblance to alkali metals, which lose one electron to form uni-positive ions. Like alkali metals, hydrogen forms oxides, halides and sulphides. However, unlike alkali metals, it has a very high ionization enthalpy and does not possess metallic characteristics under normal conditions.


On the other hand, like halogens (with ns2 np5 configuration belonging to the VIIA group of the periodic table), it is short by one electron to the corresponding noble gas configuration, helium (1s2).  It has resemblance with halogens, which gain one electron to form uni-negative ion. in terms of ionization enthalpy, hydrogen resembles more with halogens, I.P of F is 1680 kJ mol–1 and that of H is 1312 kJ mol–1. Like halogens, it forms a diatomic molecule, combines with elements to form hydrides and a large number of covalent compounds. However, in terms of reactivity, it is very low as compared to halogens.




Atomic Hydrogen and Nascent Hydrogen


Atomic Hydrogen

It is the hydrogen in the atomic form (H) formed by reduced pressure thermal decomposition or by electrical dissociation of ordinary molecular hydrogen (H2) symbolized as H. Hydrogen obtained by dissociation of molecular hydrogen is known as atomic hydrogen. Hence atomic hydrogen is isolated hydrogen. 


Langmuir ,in 1915, obtained atomic hydrogen by dissociating on a hot filament of tungsten or platinum. The dissociation of molecular hydrogen is an endothermic process.


The atomic hydrogen is stable only for a fraction of a second and is extremely reactive. It is obtained by passing dihydrogen gas at atmospheric pressure through an electric arc struck between two tungsten rods. The electric arc maintains a temperature around 4000 - 4500°C.


As the molecules of dihydrogen gas pass through the electric arc, these absorb energy and get dissociated into atoms as     

This arrangement is also called atomic hydrogen torch.

Nascent Hydrogen

It is the hydrogen in the atomic form at the time of its generation from a chemical reaction denoted as [H]. It is highly reactive. It is prepared by the action of dilute HCl/H2SO4 on zinc, or by the action of water on sodium amalgam or by treating sodium with ethanol.

The term nascent hydrogen is used to call hydrogen that is liberated during a chemical reaction. It is considered that hydrogen liberated during the progression of a chemical reaction is initially in the atomic state; it is then combined to form molecular hydrogen and released as hydrogen gas (or else, this atomic hydrogen will react with some other available ions). 

The hydrogen gas prepared in the reaction mixture in contact with the substance with which it has to react, is called nascent hydrogen. It is also called newly born hydrogen. It is more reactive than ordinary hydrogen. For example, if ordinary hydrogen is passed through acidified KMnO4 (pink in colour), its colour is not discharged. On the other hand, if zinc pieces are added to the same solution, bubbles of hydrogen rise through the solution and the colour is discharged due to the reduction on KMnO4 by nascent hydrogen.



The life period of atomic hydrogen is only 1/3rd of a second but can be extended under special circumstances to 10 seconds.

Properties of Atomic (Nascent) Hydrogen


1.It is obtained from diatomic ordinary hydrogen only under extreme conditions because very high bond energy of 104 kcal (435 kJ mole–1) is needed to dissociate covalently bonded ordinary hydrogen.  


2. It is more energetic and more reactive than ordinary hydrogen. That is why its reactions take place at ordinary temperature even below it, because like H2 gas it does not require 104 kcal mole–1 to break the covalent bonds. Due to its hyper reactivity, it is highly short lived as it readily combines itself to form molecular hydrogen.

Similarities Between Atomic Hydrogen and Nascent Hydrogen?

1.  Both are isolated atomic states of hydrogen.

2.  Both species are highly reactive and energetic.


Atomic Hydrogen is more reactive than Molecular Hydrogen

Atomic (nascent) hydrogen is much more reactive than ordinary molecular hydrogen. That is why, its reactions take place at ordinary temperature or even below it. Due to its hyper reactivity, it is highly short-lived as it readily combines itself to form molecular hydrogen (H2). The high reactivity of atomic hydrogen is explained by considering that it is in atomic form and possesses extra energy.


Atomic hydrogen is chemically much more reactive than molecular hydrogen because unlike strong covalently bonded molecular hydrogen (H–H) which requires a very high bond dissociation energy of 435 kJ/mol (104 kcal/mole) to break its H–H bond into atomic hydrogen before they react, atomic hydrogen is available in atomic form having high energy and hence its atoms being more reactive are ready at once for the reaction to proceed and there is no need to supply 435 kJ/mol of energy to the reaction. Thus atomic hydrogen undergoes reaction readily and vigorously under ordinary temperature or even below it or even with those compounds which do not react with molecular hydrogen. 


Evidence of High Reactivity from Chemical Reactions

The high chemical reactivity of nascent hydrogen than molecular hydrogen is visualized by their reactions with as acidic ferric chloride solution. When H2 gas is passed through brownish colour acidic ferric chloride solution, no appreciable change is observed. But when a piece of zinc metal is added in the acidified FeCl3 solution, nascent hydrogen is generated [by the reaction of zinc and HCl (acid present in solution)] which reduces brown FeCl3 into greenish colour ferrous chloride.

The mechanism of this reaction is given below:

Uses of Atomic Hydrogen

1.    It is a powerful reducing agent.


2.    It is used to prepare Atomic Hydrogen Torch (AHT) to attain a temperature of 4000–5000°C which is employed in welding purposes. Heat produced by Atomic Hydrogen Torch is not by burning hydrogen but from recombination of hydrogen atoms releasing bond energy. Metals like Pt, Pd etc accelerate this recombination.


Reactions of Atomic Hydrogen

1.  Addition Reactions with Metals and Formation of Ionic Hydrides

2. Addition Reactions with Non-Metals and Formation of Covalent Hydrides

3.Reducing Action on Metallic oxides, chlorides and Unsaturated Organic Compounds


1.  Addition Reactions with Metals and Formation of Ionic Hydrides

2.  Addition Reactions with Non-Metals and Formation of Covalent Hydrides

3. Reducing Action on Metallic oxides, chlorides and Unsaturated Organic Compounds


It is powerful reducing agent as it tends to lose its single valence electron to change into H+ (of compounds) attaining +1 oxidation state thereby reducing metal oxides and metal chlorides to metal while itself oxidizes to H2O and HCl respectively. It also reduces unsaturated organic compounds to saturated organic compounds.


(a)Reduction of Metal Oxides to Metal (Displacement reactions with Oxides)


(b) Reduction of Metal Chlorides to Metal (Displacement reactions with Chlorides)

(c) Reduction of Unsaturated Organic Compounds to Saturated compounds (Hydrogenation) 



Isotopes of Hydrogen



The existence of isotopes of elements was first discovered by J.J. Thomson in 1913.  The name of isotope was introduced (assigned) by Soddy because they have the same atomic number and hence occupied the same place in the periodic table. (Isotope is a Greek word; iso = same; topos = place). Nearly all elements found in nature are mixture of several isotopes. [There are 287 different isotopic species in nature].


“Isotopes are atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass numbers (atomic masses).  In other words isotopes are different forms of atoms of an element which have same number of protons (and also electrons) but different number of neutrons in their respective nuclei”.


Different isotopes of an element have same chemical properties due to their identical electronic configuration (i.e. same number of electrons in the shells) but they have different physical properties because of their different atomic masses.


Out of 92 natural elements, 23 elements have no isotopes, each consisting of only one kind of atoms. [It is strictly improper to refer to elements that exist in only one atomic form as having “one isotope”; actually such elements as Be, F, Na, Al, P, Sc, Mn, Co, As, Y, Nb, Rh, Cs, Pr, Tb, Ho, Tm, Bi etc have no isotopes i.e. they have no other atomic form that is like them in all respects except mass. The term isotope requires the existence of at least two elemental forms, in the same sense that the word twin requires the existence of a pair. Recently the term mono-isotopic is evolved for elements found in nature as a single atomic or isotopic form]. The remaining 69 natural elements have 2 to 10 isotopes each.  

The heavier isotopes of elements usually occur very rarely in the atomic population (e.g. 1 part in 4500 for 2H, 1 part in 140 for U-235; in the exceptional case of chorine, the ratio of isotopes 35 and 37 is about 3 to 1).


Of these isotopes, only tritium is radioactive and emits low energy b– particles (t_, 12.33 years).


Since the isotopes have the same electronic configuration, they have almost the same chemical properties. The only difference is in their rates of reactions, mainly due to their different enthalpy of bond dissociation. However, in physical properties these isotopes differ considerably due to their large mass differences.



Isotopic Forms of Hydrogen

Hydrogen exists in three isotopic forms

1.  Protium.                                                      

2.  Deuterium.                                                 

3. Tritium.

Summary of Characteristics of Isotopes of Hydrogen

1.    Protium


1. It is the simplest isotope and it is just ordinary hydrogen.


2.  It is symbolized as 1H1 having one proton in the nucleus and one electron in 1s orbital and no neutron. It is the only isotope of hydrogen having more proton than neutron.


3. It is the most abundant isotope of hydrogen with an abundance of 99.88% [i.e. naturally free occurring hydrogen contains about 99.88% Protium].


2.    Deuterium


1.  It is the natural heaviest isotope of hydrogen and hence also known as Heavy Hydrogen.


2. It is represented as 1H2 having one neutron in the nucleus in addition to one proton and one electron in K-shell. It is the only isotope of hydrogen having same number proton, neutron and electron.


3.  It has an abundance of 0.0156% of terrestrial hydrogen (in the ratio of one atom of deuterium to 6000 atoms of ordinary hydrogen i.e. 1:6000 (1:1500 in book).


4. It is used as a moderator in fission power rectors to slow down neutrons.


3.    Tritium


1.            It is the artificial radioactive isotope of hydrogen with half life of 12.5 years.


2. It is symbolized as 1H3 having two neutrons in addition to one proton in the nucleus and one electron in K-shell. It is the only isotope of hydrogen having more neutron than proton.


3.  It has a very minute abundance of 4 x 10–15% (4 x 10–50% in some books) [in the ratio of one atom of tritium to every 1018 atoms of ordinary hydrogen i.e. 1: 1018 (1:107 in some books)].


4. It is formed in the environment by cosmic ray bombardment.


5. It is used in thermonuclear weapons, fusion reactions, in making hydrogen or fusion bomb, in making luminous paints and as a tracer.


Heavy Water/Dueteride

Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form Deuterium Oxide (D2O) which is commonly called Heavy Water due to being 1.1 times heavier than ordinary water. Heavy water or deuterium oxide or dueteride is a binary compound of deuterium or heavy hydrogen with oxygen formulated as .It is used as a moderator.


Difference between Heavy and Ordinary Water    



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