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Hydrogen Test Questions


Test Questions on Test # 2 

on Chapter # 2 …… Hydrogen

Short Answer Questions

Q1.Complete and balance the following equations:

(i)           H+           +              H2O       

(ii)          NaH        +              H2O       

(iii)         CaH2      +              HCl        

(iv)         Mg3P2    +              H2O       

(v)          LiH          +              BH3        

(vi)         CaH2       +              H2O       

(vi)         CH3OH   +              H2O       

(viii)      Mg3N2    +              H2O       

(ix)         H            +              H2O       

(x)           NaH        +              AlH3      


Q2           What happens when?

(i)           Action of steam on coal

(ii)          Action of steam on methanol

(iii)         Action of Hydride ion on acid 

(iv)         Action of nascent hydrogen on oxygen

(v)          Action of soda lye on carbon monoxide

(vi)         Aluminum phosphide is hydrolyzed

(vii)        Action of steam on marsh gas

(viii)      Action of steam on water gas.

(ix)         Action of water on sodium hydride 

(x)          Action of water on calcium


Q3.   Briefly explain:

(i)  Hydrogen exhibits +1 and -1 oxidation states in its compounds.

(ii) Why atomic hydrogen is more reactive than the ordinary molecular hydrogen?                           

(iii)Write down Electronic configuration of simplest ions of hydrogen. Show their reactions with water.

(iv) Give the reaction of H+ and H ion with water.                          

(v)  D2O is heavier than H2O.

(vi) Hydrogen is misfit in group VIIA of the periodic table. Explain

(vii) Write equation of reaction when steam is passed over red hot coke and natural gas.

(viii) What are isotopes? Explain the different isotopes of hydrogen.

(ix) Hydrogen can be placed with the Alkali metals of group IA and halogens. OR give the similarities and dissimilarities of hydrogen with the elements of group IA and VIIA


Q4. What are ionic hydrides? Explain their preparation and properties.

Q5.  What are covalent hydrides? Explain their preparation and properties.

Q6. What are complex Hydrides? Give their mechanism of formation and properties.


Descriptive Answer Questions

Q7. What is water gas? How it is prepared from coal and natural gas? Give two methods of separation of hydrogen from water gas.  


Describe industrial methods of preparation of H2 gas from coke, natural gas methanol, and ammonia.

Q8. What are binary compounds and hydrides?  Define six kinds of hydrides. Explain its first three types.

Q9. Differentiate between atomic and nascent hydrogen with their method of preparation. Give action of Nascent Hydrogen on phosphorus, oxygen, tungsten oxide, arsenic, FeCl3 and sodium.

Solution of Test Questions on Test # 2 on Chapter # 2 …… Hydrogen

Q2. Briefly explain:

(i)  Hydrogen exhibits +1 and -1 oxidation states in its compounds.

Because having only one electron gives the option of filling the first energy level or emptying it by gaining or losing one electron, giving oxidation states of -1 and +1 respectively.

Hydrogen atom with electronic configuration 1s1 has only one electron. In order to complete its outer shell it needs one electron. So when hydrogen is combined with electropositive metals, it gets an electron forming H- ions showing -1 oxidation state e.g. such as in NaH, CaH2 etc.

When hydrogen combines with a more electronegative non-metallic element, it can donate its single electron turning into H+ showing +1 oxidation state (But H+ does not independently exists)


(ii)Why atomic hydrogen is more reactive than the ordinary molecular hydrogen?

Atomic hydrogen is much more reactive than molecular hydrogen. The high reactivity of atomic hydrogen is explained by considering that it is in atomic form and possesses extra energy.

In molecular hydrogen, where H–H bond is strongly bonded by covalent bond, a high bond dissociation energy of 104 kcal/mole is required to break the hydrogen molecule into atomic hydrogen before they react. Such a high energy is not supplied ordinarily. That is why their reactions are slow.

On the contrary, the atoms of atomic hydrogen are ready at once for the reaction to proceed and there is no need to supply 104 kcal/mole to the reaction. That is why atomic hydrogen reacts readily and vigorously.


(iii) Write down Electronic configuration of simplest ions of hydrogen. Show their reactions with water.


Give the reaction of H+ and H ion with water.

Hydrogen forms two types of ions:

H+ with electronic configuration 1s0

H- with electronic configuration 1s2.

Both these ions are unstable and react with water

H+ H2O   → H3O+

H+ H2O    → OH+ H2


(v)D2O is heavier than H2O.

Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form Deuterium Oxide (D2O) which is commonly called Heavy Water or deuteride due to being 1.1 times heavier than ordinary water. Its molecular mass is also higher than ordinary water.


(vi)  Hydrogen is misfit in group VIIA of the periodic table. Explain

Hydrogen is misfit in group VIIA of the periodic table on account of following differences:

Hydrogen has one electron in valence shell which consists of s-orbital (1s1) while group VIIA elements have 7 electrons in valence shell which consists of s and p orbitals (ns2 np5).

H2 is colourless gas, but halogens are coloured gases.

H2 collects at cathode while halogens at anode during electrolysis.

H2 forms H+ ion; halogens do not form cation.

Oxide of hydrogen (H2O) is neutral but oxides of halogens (Cl2O7) are acidic.

Electron affinity of hydrogen is much less than halogens.

H2 is reducing agent, but halogens are oxidizing agent.

H ion is unstable while X ions are stable. H ion is incapable of existence in water because it reacts with H2O to liberate H2 gas immediately but X ions do not react with H2O.

The maximum covalency of hydrogen is only 1 while that of halogens is 7.

Hydrogen cannot be central atom but halogens are frequently act as a central atom.

(vii)  Write equation of reaction when steam is passed over red hot coke and natural gas.

Water gas or synthesis gas’ or 'syngas’ is prepared by passing steam over red hot coke at about 1000°C or by passing a mixture of steam and natural gas (containing 80% methane) over nickel at 900°C. The process of producing 'syngas' from coal is called ‘coal gasification’.

(ix) Hydrogen can be placed with the Alkali metals of group IA and halogens. OR give the similarities and dissimilarities of hydrogen with the elements of group IA and VIIA. 

It resembles alkali metals with respect to electronic configuration, electropositive character, valency, oxidation state, combination with electronegative elements, reducing behaviour, cation formation, hydration of cations in water and liberation at cathode.

Comparison of Hydrogen with Halogens

It resembles halogens with respect to electronic configuration, ionization energy, electronegative character, oxidation state, diatomic nature (atomicity) and liberation at anode.


(viii)  What are isotopes? Explain the different isotopes of hydrogen.


“Isotopes are atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass numbers (atomic masses).  In other words isotopes are different forms of atoms of an element which have same number of protons (and also electrons) but different number of neutrons in their respective nuclei”.

Different isotopes of an element have same chemical properties due to their identical electronic configuration (i.e. same number of electrons in the shells) but they have different physical properties because of their different atomic masses.

Isotopic Forms of Hydrogen

Hydrogen exists in three isotopic forms

1.  Protium.                                                          

2.  Deuterium.                                                     

3. Tritium.

Summary of Characteristics of Isotopes of Hydrogen

Q2. Complete and balance the following equations:

Q3. What happens when?

Q4. What are ionic hydrides? Explain their preparation and properties.


Definition of ionic hydrides 

the hydrides in which hydrogen is present as hydride (H) ion in combination with highly electropositive s-block elements, alkali metals (group IA) and alkaline earth metals (group IIA) except Be and Mg are called ionic hydrides.

Reason for calling Ionic Hydrides as true hydrides

Ionic hydrides are called as true hydrides due to presence of anionic hydrogen ion i.e. hydride ion (H-). In fact, binary compounds are named by their anion and in ionic hydrides hydrogen exist as its anionic hydride form. e.g.

Reason for calling Ionic Hydrides as saline or salt like hydrides

Ionic hydrides are also known as saline or salt like hydrides because of their ionic nature of bond and their salt like properties.

General formula

They have following general formula:

Preparation of Ionic Hydrides by direct heating metal in a current of H2 gas

They respective metal hydrides are formed when the s-block elements are heated at different temperatures in a current of hydrogen gas. Except Be and Mg, all alkaline earth metals form ionic hydrides.

Physical Properties

Chemical Properties

1.Reducing action on oxides and Chlorides    

2. Action of protonic solvent to liberate H2 gas along with base or salt

1.Reducing action on oxides and Chlorides    

They are powerful reducing agent in metallurgical process. Due to their ability to release hydrogen, ionic hydrides are powerful reducing agent and hence reduces many substances like oxides and chlorides.

2.    Action of protonic solvent to liberate H2 gas along with base or salt

They react with protonic solvents (i.e. solvents giving H+ ions) such as water, acids, alcohols, ammonia to evolve hydrogen gas along with base or salt.


Q5.What are covalent hydrides? Explain their preparation and properties.



These are the hydrides of non-metallic elements of the p-block elements of group IIIA, IVA, VA, VIA and VIIA in which their atoms are linked to hydrogen through shared pair of electrons or covalent bond having hydrogen in its formal oxidation state of +1.

hydrogen forms molecular compounds with most of the p-block elements. For convenience hydrogen compounds of non-metals have also been considered as hydrides.


Group IIIA hydrides .…..BH3 or B2H6 (diborane)

Group IVA hydrides .….. CH4, C2H4, C2H2, C6H6, SiH4 (silane),

Group VA hydrides.….. NH3, PH3 (P2H6; diphosphine), AsH3 (arsine), SbH3 (stibine)

Group VIA hydrides   .….. H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te

Group VIIA hydrides .….. HF, HCl, HBr, HI


1.By Direct Union of Free Elements with Hydrogen at high temperature

2. By Hydrolysis of Binary Compound of Metals (metal borides, carbides, nitrides, phosphides)


Types of Covalent Hydrides According to Polarity

Nature of covalent hydride is determined by the difference of E.N. value between H and non-metallic element.

(a)  Non-Polar covalent hydrides are formed with non-metal of identical electronegativity and are insoluble in water and non-electrolyte 

e.g. group IVA hydrides like CH4, SiH4

(b)  Polar covalent hydrides are formed with non-metal of different electronegativity and are soluble in water and electrolyte in aqueous solution 

e.g. hydrides of group VA, VIA, VIIA like H–Cl, HF, NH3.


Types of Covalent Hydrides According to number of electrons and Bonds present 

Depending upon the relative number of electrons and bonds present in their Lewis structure, molecular hydrides have been classified as

1. electron deficient hydrides (Hydrides of group III (BH3, AlH3)

2.  electron exact hydrides or electron precise hydrides (Hydrides of group IV (CH4, SiH4, SnH4, PbH4)

3.  electron rich hydrides (Hydrides of group V, VI and VIIA)

Q6. What are complex Hydrides? Give their mechanism of formation and properties.


Some of the elements of IIIA group like B and Al (and Ga) are combined covalently with four hydrogen atoms instead of three to form complex anion (of the type [XH4]) which unite with alkali metal to form complex hydrides.


Lithium borohydride ---------- LiBH4

Sodium borohydride ----------- NaBH4

Lithium aluminohydride ------ LiAlH4

Sodium aluminohydride ------ NaAlH4

General Formula

Complex hydrides have general formula ABH4 OR AXH4; where,

A is monovalent metallic ion of group IA e.g. Li+, Na+.

B or X is trivalent metallic ion of group IIIA e.g. B3+, Al3+.


Preparation by Combination of Electron-rich alkali metal hydrides with electron-deficient hydrides of group IIIA in presence of ether solution

They are prepared by combination of electron deficient hydrides of group IIIA with hydrides of alkali metals.

Mechanism of Formation


9.    Action of water to liberate H2 gas

They are soluble in water, giving alkali metal ions (as Na+, Li+) and complex anions (as AlH4), which reacts with water to liberate H2 gas along with respective hydroxides of both metals. Lithium borohydride reacts with water even in cold evolving hydrogen gas along with lithium metaborate.

ABH4      + 4H2O → AOH    + B(OH)3  +4H2­

NaAlH4  + 4H2O  → NaOH + Al(OH)3 + 4H2­

LiAlH4      + 4H2O → LiOH   + Al(OH)3  +4H2­

NaBH4      + 4H2O  → NaOH  + B(OH)3  +4H2­


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