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X Chemistry Model Test Questions with Answers X Chapter # 1 Chemical Equilibrium

X Chemistry Model Test Questions with Answers and Important Numericals with Solutions 

 Chapter # 1 

Chemical Equilibrium

Short Questions


Q1.Write an equilibrium equation of monoatomic carbon and a molecule of oxygen as reactant and carbon monoxide as product.

Q2. State law of mass action. What is active mass? How is the active mass is represented?

Q3. Define chemical equilibrium state with examples.Why chemical equilibrium is dynamic?

Q4. Outline the characteristics of reversible reaction.

Q5. Distinguish between reversible and irreversible reactions.

Q6. Why equilibrium constant may or may not have unit? Justify with example.

Q7. How direction of a reaction can be predicted if Kc is known to you.

Q8. Write equilibrium constant expression for the following equations:

N2(g)       +  2O2(g)⇌  2NO2(g)

2NO2(g)                 ⇌  N2O4(g)

PCl3(g)     + Cl2(g) ⇌  PCl5(g)

2SO2(g) + O2(g)     ⇌  2SO3(g)

N2(g)       + 3H2(g)   2NH3(g)

H2(g)       + Br2(g)     2HBr(g)  

H2(g)       +  I2(g)        2HI(g)

CO(g)      +  3H2(g)     CH4(g) +  H2O(g)


Q9. Point out the coefficients of each in the following hypothetical reactions:

2A  + 3B 4C + 2D

2M + 4N 5O

4X  ⇌ 2Y + 3Z


Q10. What do you mean by the equilibrium constant, reaction quotient, extent of a reaction, forward reaction, backward reaction?


Long Questions


Q1. Describe dynamic equilibrium with two examples


Q2. State law of mass action. Derive an expression for equilibrium constant for a general reaction.


Q3. How can you predict the following stages of a reaction by comparing the values of Kc and Qc

(i)  Net reaction proceeds in forward direction

(ii)Net reaction proceeds in reverse direction


Q4. Describe the characteristics of equilibrium constant


Q5.Predict which system at equilibrium will contain maximum amount of product and which system will contain maximum amount of reactant?

(a)2CO2(g)2CO(g)+ O2(g) Kc (927oC) = 3.1 x 1018

(b) 2O3(g) 2O2(g)         Kc (298 K) = 5.9 x 1055


Q6. Write down the macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium.




1. For the reaction, H2(g) +  I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g) (Kc = 57.0); the concentrations of H2(g), I2(g) and HI(g) at time t are:

[H2]t = 0.10 mol dm−3

[I2]t = 0.20 mol dm−3

[HI]t = 0.40 mol dm−3

Predict in which direction reaction will move to achieve equilibrium.

(Answer; Qc (8.0) is less than Kc (57.0), reaction will move in the forward direction)


2. Equilibrium occurs when nitrogen monoxide gas reacts with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide gas

2NO(g)  + O2(g)   2NO2(g)

At equilibrium at 230oC, the concentrations are measured to be

[NO] = 0.0542 mol dm−3

[O2] = 0.127 mol dm−3 


[NO2] = 15.5 mol dm−3

Calculate the equilibrium constant at this temperature. (Book problem 1; page 8)

(Answer; 6.44 x 105 mol-1 dm3)


3. A reaction takes place between iron and chloride ion as

Fe3+ + 4Cl  FeCl4

At equilibrium the concentrations are measured to be

Fe3+ = 0.2 mol dm−3

Cl = 0.28 mol dm−3 


FeCl4− = 0.95 x 10−4 mol dm−3

Calculate equilibrium constant Kc for given reaction. (Book problem 1; page 9)



4. Nitrogen oxides are air pollutants produced by the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen at high temperature. At 2000oC, the value of the equilibrium constant for the given reaction is 4.1 x 10−4

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)

Find the concentration of NO in an equilibrium mixture at 1 atmosphere at 2000oC. In air, [N2] = 0.036 mol/L and [O2] = 0.0089 mol/L. (Book problem 3; page 10)


5.  The value of Kc for the reaction is 1 x10−4

2HI H2 + I2

At a given temperature, the molar concentration for action mixture is HI = 2 x 10−5 mol dm−3, H2 = 1 x 10−5 mol dm−3 and I2 = 1 x 10−5 mol dm−3. Predict the direction of the reaction. (Book problem 3; page 18)



MCQs from Text Book on Chemical Equilibrium


1. Which one of the following statements is false about dynamic equilibrium?

(a) Concentration of reactant and products are not changed                    

(b) It takes place in a close container   

(c) Rate of forward reaction is equal to rate of reverse reaction

(d) Equilibrium cannot be disturbed by any external stress. 


2.When the magnitude of Kc is small, indicates

(a) Reaction mixture contains most of the reactant      

(b) Reaction mixture contains most of the product

(c) Reaction mixture contains almost equal amount of reactant and product

(d) Reaction goes to completion 


3.   Qc can be defined as

(a) ratio of product and reactant

(b) ratio of molar concentration of product and reactant at specific time

(c) ratio of molar concentration of product and molar volume of reactant

(d) ratio of molar concentration of product and reactant raised to the power of coefficient 


4. Consider the following reaction and indicates which of the following best describe equilibrium constant expression Kc

 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)


5.  For which system does the equilibrium constant, Kc has units of concertation?

(a)  N2(g)   + 3H2(g)    ⇌  2NH3(g)                                                                                                   

(b) N2(g)   + O2(g)       ⇌   2NO(g)

(c)   H2(g)   + I2(g)        ⇌   2HI(g)         

(d)  CO2(g) + H2(g)       ⇌   CO(g) + H2O(g)


6.A reaction which is never goes to completion is known as reversible reaction. Reversible reaction is represented by

(a) Double straight line                

(b) Single arrow                              

(c) Double arrow            

(d) Doted lines


7.  The unit of Kc for reaction; N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)

(a) mol dm−3                                     

(b) mol−2 dm6                                   

(c) mol−1 dm3                    

(d) no unit 


8. The system is stable in equilibrium when:

 (a) Qc = Kc                                           

(b) Qc > Kc                                           

(c) Qc < Kc                           

(d) None of these


9.  The value of Kc increases when

(a)          [Product] is less       


 (b)         [Product] is more      


(c)          [Reactant] is more 


(d)         [Reactant] = [product]


10.Which of the following represent backward reaction?


(a) (i) and (ii)                                  

 (b) (ii) only                                        

(c) (i) only                         

 (d) (iii) only  



Solved Short Questions


Q1.Write an equilibrium equation of monoatomic carbon and a molecule of oxygen as reactant and carbon monoxide as product.


2C(g)      +  O2(g)     2CO(g)


Q2. State law of mass action. What is active mass? How is the active mass is represented?


Statement of LMA

The rate of chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the active masses of its reacting substances at constant temperature.

Rate of reaction a Active mass of reacting substance

Active Mass

The Molar Concentration in mole/dm3 of substances is termed as active mass.


Representation of Active Mass

active mass  is represented by square brackets; [  ]. e.g. Active mass of H2O = [H2O]


Q3.Define chemical equilibrium state with examples. Why chemical equilibrium is dynamic?


Definition of Chemical Equilibrium

Chemical Equilibrium is the state of a reversible reaction (in a closed vessel) at which there is no observable change in the concentrations of reactants and products with time and rate of forward reaction is exactly equal to the rate of reverse reaction Thus at equilibrium state:

Rate of forward reaction  =  Rate of backward reaction


Example of attainment of equilibrium for hydrogen iodide formation form hydrogen and iodine

An example of reaction at equilibrium is a reaction of hydrogen and iodine vapours in a closed container to produce hydrogen iodide. At the start of reaction, there is a higher concentration of hydrogen and iodine and after that the concentration of decreases as hydrogen iodide is formed. The concentration of hydrogen iodide increases as the forward reaction proceeds. As hydrogen iodide is formed, the reverse reaction is then able to occur. consequently the rate of the forward reaction will go on decreasing and the reverse reaction will go on increasing and ultimately the two rates will become equal to each other. Thus, the equilibrium will set up and concentration of various species (H2, I2, HI) becomes constant. It is represented as


Q4. Outline the characteristics of reversible reaction.


A few important characteristic features of dynamic equilibrium are given below:


1.  A dynamic equilibrium can only exist in a closed system (neither reactants nor products can leave or enter    the system).

2. At equilibrium, the concentrations (amount) of reactants and products remains constant.

3. At equilibrium, forward and reverse reactions are taking place at equal and opposite rate.

4. Equilibrium can be approached from either side of the reaction equation.

5. An equilibrium state can be disturbed and again achieved under the given conditions of concentration, pressure and temperature.


Q5.Distinguish between reversible and irreversible reactions.


Difference between reversible and irreversible reactions



Q6. Why equilibrium constant may or may not have unit? Justify with example.


1. Kc has no units in reactions with equal number of moles on both sides of the equation. This is because concentration units cancel out in the expression for Kc.


For the reaction in which the number of moles of reactants and products are not equal in the balanced chemical equation, Kc has some unit.


For the reaction; CO2(g) + H2(g) CO2(g) + H2O(l), the unit of Kc is derived as

2. For reactions when the number of moles of reactants and product are not equal, Kc has a unit.


For the reaction; N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g); the unit of Kc is derived as

Q7.  How direction of a reaction can be predicted if Kc is known to you.


The reaction quotient, Qc help us to predict the direction of reaction. It has the same mathematical structure as Kc but Qc is a ratio of initial concentration. Comparing Kc and Qc values predicts the direction of reaction. Direction of a reaction at a particular moment can be predicted by inserting the concentration of the reactants and products at that particular moment in the equilibrium expression.

Thus, we can make the following generalization about the direction of the reaction.

1. if Qc = Kc, the actual product and reactant concentrations are equal to the equilibrium concentration, and the  system is stable.

2.  If Qc < Kc, there is increase in product concentration for equilibrium. So the forward reaction occurs, forming additional products.

3.  If Qc < Kc, there is decrease in product concentration for equilibrium. So the reverse reaction occurs, forming     more reactants. 

Q8.Write equilibrium constant expression for the following equations:

N2(g)       +  2O2(g)⇌  2NO2(g)

2NO2(g)    ⇌  N2O4(g)

PCl3(g)     + Cl2(g) ⇌  PCl5(g)

2SO2(g) + O2(g)    ⇌  2SO3(g)

N2(g)       + 3H2(g)     2NH3(g)

H2(g)       + Br2(g)  2HBr(g)  

H2(g)       +  I2(g)      2HI(g)

CO(g)      +  3H2(g)     CH4(g) +  H2O(g)



Q9. Point out the coefficients of each in the following hypothetical reactions:

(i) 2A  + 3B 4C + 2D

(ii) 2M + 4N 5O

(iii) 4X  ⇌ 2Y + 3Z


(i) 2A(g)  +  3B(g) 4C(g)  +  2D(g)

Coefficient of A = 2

Coefficient of B = 3

Coefficient of C = 4

Coefficient of D = 2

 (ii) 2M(g)  + 4N(g)  5O(g)

Coefficient of M = 2

Coefficient of N  = 4

Coefficient of O = 5

 (iii) 4X(g)  2Y(g) + 3Z(g)

Coefficient of X = 4

Coefficient of Y = 2

Coefficient of Z = 3


Q10. What do you mean by the equilibrium constant, reaction quotient, extent of a reaction, forward reaction, backward reaction?


forward Reactions

It is a reaction in which reactants react to form products. It takes place from left to right.


reverse Reactions

It is a reaction in which products react to produce reactants. It takes place from right to left.

Equilibrium constant

Equilibrium constant is a ratio of the product of the molar concentrations (active masses) of products to the product of molar concentrations (active masses) of reactants with each concentration term raised to the power of coefficient as expressed in the balanced chemical equation at constant temperature.

reaction quotient

reaction quotient (Qc) has the same mathematical structure as Kc but Qc is a ratio of initial concentration of products and reactants. Comparing Kc and Qc values predicts the direction of reaction.

Extent of a Reaction

The limit up to which reactants are converted into products is called extent of reaction. It indicates to which extent reactants are converted to products. In fact, it measures how far a reaction proceeds before establishing equilibrium state

Long Questions


Q1. Describe dynamic equilibrium with two examples


Example of attainment of equilibrium for ammonia formation form nitrogen and hydrogen gas  

An example of reaction at equilibrium is a reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen gas in a closed container to produce ammonia gas. At the start of reaction, there is a higher concentration of nitrogen and hydrogen and after that the concentration of decreases as ammonia is formed. The concentration of ammonia increases as the forward reaction proceeds. As ammonia is formed, the reverse reaction is then able to occur. consequently the rate of the forward reaction will go on decreasing and the reverse reaction will go on increasing and ultimately the two rates will become equal to each other. Thus, the equilibrium will set up and concentration of various species (N2, H2, NH3) becomes constant. It is represented as

N2(g)    +  3H2(g) →  2NH3(g)

N2(g)    +  3H2(g) ←  2NH3(g)

N2(g)    +  3H2(g) ⇌  2NH3(g)


Example of attainment of equilibrium for hydrogen iodide formation form hydrogen and iodine

An example of reaction at equilibrium is a reaction of hydrogen and iodine vapours in a closed container to produce hydrogen iodide. At the start of reaction, there is a higher concentration of hydrogen and iodine and after that the concentration of decreases as hydrogen iodide is formed. The concentration of hydrogen iodide increases as the forward reaction proceeds. As hydrogen iodide is formed, the reverse reaction is then able to occur. consequently the rate of the forward reaction will go on decreasing and the reverse reaction will go on increasing and ultimately the two rates will become equal to each other. Thus, the equilibrium will set up and concentration of various species (H2, I2, HI) becomes constant. It is represented as

Q2. State law of mass action. Derive an expression for equilibrium constant for a general reaction.


Statement of LMA

The rate at which a substance reacts is directly proportional to its active mass and the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the active masses of its reacting substances at constant temperature.

Rate of reaction a Active mass of reacting substance

The law of mass action also suggest that the ratio of the reactant concentration and the product concentration at equilibrium state is constant.


Derivation of Equilibrium Constant (Kc) Expression for General Reversible Reaction

Let us apply the law of Mass Action to derive equilibrium constant (Kc), for a general hypothetical reversible reaction in which reactants A and B combine to form products C and D where a, b, c and d are numbers of moles needed to balance a chemical equation. At equilibrium state, the concentrations of A, B, C and D become constant. Let [A], [B], [C] and [D] are the active masses or molar concentrations in mole/dm3 of A, B, C and D at equilibrium state respectively.

According to Law of Mass Action, rate of forward reaction and backward reactions are given as:


Rate of forward reaction  a [A]a [B]b 


Rf = Kf [A]a[B]b 

(Kf=specific rate constants for forward reaction)

Rate of reverse reaction  a [C]c[D]d            


Rr=Kr [C]c[D]d                  

(Kr=specific rate constants for reverse reaction)


Since, at the equilibrium state Rate of Forward and reverse reaction becomes equal:                 

Rf = Rr

Kf  [A]a [B]b = Kr  [C]c [D]d

(on re-arranging i.e. By taking the constants on L.H.S side and the variables on R.H.S of the equation, the above equation becomes)

The ratio Kf/Kr is a constant quantity at any specific temperature, which is known as Equilibrium Constant for the Reaction denoted by Kc (or simply K) where subscript ‘c’ indicates concentrations in mole/dm3

Q3. How can you predict the following stages of a reaction by comparing the values of Kc and Qc

(i)Net reaction proceeds in forward direction

(ii)net reaction proceeds in reverse direction


It is important to determine the reaction’s direction at any given time in a reversible reactions. The reaction quotient, Qc help us to predict the direction of reaction. It has the same mathematical structure as Kc but Qc is a ratio of initial concentration. Comparing Kc and Qc values predicts the direction of reaction. Direction of a reaction at a particular moment can be predicted by inserting the concentration of the reactants and products at that particular moment in the equilibrium expression.

(i)Net reaction proceeds in forward direction

If Qc < Kc, there is increase in product concentration for equilibrium. So the forward reaction occurs, forming additional products.

(ii)Net reaction proceeds in reverse direction

If Qc < Kc, there is decrease in product concentration for equilibrium. So the reverse reaction occurs, forming more reactants. 

Q4. Describe the characteristics of equilibrium constant


The equilibrium constant (Kc) of a reversible reaction is a constant ratio of Kf/Kr (specific rate constant for forward reaction/specific rate constant for reverse reaction) at constant temperature.


Equilibrium constant is a ratio of the product of the molar concentrations (active masses) of products to the product of molar concentrations (active masses) of reactants with each concentration term raised to the power of coefficient as expressed in the balanced chemical equation at constant temperature.

Thus Kc is directly proportional to molar equilibrium concentrations (active masses) of products and inversely proportional to molar equilibrium concentrations (active masses) of reactants.


Unit of Kc

The value of equilibrium constant does not depend on the initial concentrations of the reactants and the products. The value of Kc depends only on temperature i.e.


1. Kc has no units in reactions with equal number of moles on both sides of the equation. This is because concentration units cancel out in the expression for Kc.


For the reaction in which the number of moles of reactants and products are not equal in the balanced chemical equation, Kc has some unit.


For the reaction; CO2(g) + H2(g) CO2(g) + H2O(l), the unit of Kc is derived as

2. For reactions when the number of moles of reactants and product are not equal, Kc has a unit.


For the reaction; N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g); the unit of Kc is derived as

Importance of Kc

Kc determines which in greater concentration at equilibrium – the products or the reactants. In general:

Kc > 1); equilibrium lies to the right and favours the product.

Kc < 1); equilibrium lies to the left and favours the reactants.

Q5. Predict which system at equilibrium will contain maximum amount of product and which system will contain maximum amount of reactant?

(a)2CO2(g)2CO(g)+ O2(g)  Kc (927oC) = 3.1 x 1018

(b)2O3(g)2O2(g) Kc (298 K) = 5.9 x 1055


Numerical value of the equilibrium constant predicts the extent or scope of a chemical reaction. It indicates to which extent reactants are converted to products. In general, there are three possibilities of predicting extent of reactions as magnitude of Kc may be very high, very low or moderate, so can be extent of reaction


(a)2CO2(g) 2CO(g) + O2(g) Kc (927oC) = 3.1 x 1018

(b)2O3(g) 2O2(g) Kc (298 K) = 5.9 x 1055

Both reactions have high value of Kc. Reactions with high Kc values are virtually complete. High Kc indicates maximum product concentration and minimum reactant t concentration. This type of reaction is known as forward reaction. The reaction has almost gone to completion.

2H2(g)   +  O2(g)    2H2O(g),   Kc = 2.4 x 1047 At 227oC


Reactions with low Kc value never finish. Low Kc indicates maximum reactant concentration and minimum product concentration. These are called reverse or backward responses. Such type of reactions never go to completion.

F2(g)       2F(g),  Kc = 7.4 x 10−13  At 227oC

2HF(g) H2(g)  + F2(g)  Kc  =  10−13


Reactions which have moderate value of Kc are considered to be at equilibrium. The concentration of reactants and products is almost same

N2O4(g)      2NO2(g)  ,   Kc = 0.3 At 25oC


Q6.Write down the macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium.


Macroscopic characteristics of forward and reverse reactions in dynamic equilibrium

A few important characteristic features of dynamic equilibrium are given below:


1. A dynamic equilibrium can only exist in a closed system (neither reactants nor products can leave or enter the system).

2. At equilibrium, the concentrations (amount) of reactants and products remains constant.

3. At equilibrium, forward and reverse reactions are taking place at equal and opposite rate.

4. Equilibrium can be approached from either side of the reaction equation.

5. An equilibrium state can be disturbed and again achieved under the given conditions of concentration, pressure and temperature.



Writing Equilibrium Constant Expression for Reaction along with Rate of forward and reverse Reactions


Q1.Write an equilibrium equation of monoatomic carbon and a molecule of oxygen as reactant and carbon   monoxide as product.


2C(s)      +  O2(g)     2CO(g)

The rate of forward reaction  =   Rf = Kf [O2]

The rate of reverse reaction   =  Rr = Kr [CO]2

Q2.Write down the Equilibrium Constant expression for the reversible reaction of sulphur dioxide with oxygen  to form sulphur trioxide.


For the reversible reaction of sulphur dioxide with oxygen to form sulphur trioxide, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

2SO2(g)  +     O2(g)    2SO3(g)

The rate of forward reaction =  Rf = Kf [SO2]2[O2]

The rate of reverse reaction=  Rr = Kr [SO3]2

Q3. Write down the Equilibrium Constant expression for reversible reaction of nitrogen with oxygen to form    nitrogen monoxide.


For the reversible reaction of nitrogen with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

N2(g)  + O2(g)   2NO(g) 

The rate of forward reaction = Rf = Kf [N2][O2]

The rate of reverse reaction  =  Rr = Kr [NO]2

Q4.Write down the Equilibrium Constant expression for the reversible reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia,


For the reversible reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

N2(g)  +3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

The rate of forward reaction = Rf = Kf [N2][H2]3

The rate of reverse reaction  =  Rr = Kr [NH3]2

Q5. Write down the Equilibrium Constant expression for the reversible reaction of combination of nitrogen dioxide into its dimer dinitrogen tetraoxide


2NO2(g)   N2O4(g)

The rate of forward reaction =  Rf = Kf [NO2]2

The rate of reverse reaction  =  Rr = Kr [N2O4]


Finding Out Coefficients for given Hypothetical and Real Reactions


Q.  Figure out coefficients of each in the following hypothetical reactions

(i)  9X(g)           + Y3(g)      3X3Y(g)

(ii) 4X(g)     2Y(g)  +  3Z(g)

(iii) 2A(g)  +   3B(g)   4C(g)   +  2D(g)

(iv) 2M(g)  +  4N(g)      5O(g)

General Consideration  

In Chemistry, the coefficient is the number in front of the formulae or symbols to balance the chemical equations. The coefficient tells us how many molecules or atoms of a given formula are present. coefficient is a number used in chemical equation, just as a prefix of chemical formula or symbol to define the number of molecules or atoms reacting and producing in a reaction.


they multiply all the atoms in a formula.


(i)   Thus the symbol “2 NaHCO3” indicates two units of sodium bicarbonate which contain 2 Na atoms 2 H atoms 2 C atoms and 6 O atoms (2 x 3 = 6 the coefficient times the subscript for O).

(ii) 2H2O means we have 2 molecules of water


(iii) In the balanced chemical equation for Ammonia

N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3

We know we have coefficients of
1 for N2
3 for H2
2 for NH3

It takes 1 molecule of Nwith 3 molecules of H2 to produce 2 molecules of NH3


(i) 9X(g)  + Y3(g)        3X3Y(g)

Coefficient of X    =   9

Coefficient of Y3    =  1

Coefficient of X3Y =  3


(ii) 4X(g)     2Y(g)  +  3Z(g)

Coefficient of X = 4

Coefficient of Y = 2

Coefficient of Z = 3


(iii) 2A(g)  +   3B(g)   4C(g)   +  2D(g)

Coefficient of A = 2

Coefficient of B = 3

Coefficient of C = 4

Coefficient of D = 2


(iv) 2M(g)  +  4N(g)      5O(g)

Coefficient of M = 2

Coefficient of N  = 4

Coefficient of O = 5



Writing Forward and Reverse Reactions for reversible Reactions


Q1.Write down forward and reverse reactions for the following:

(i) N2(g)  +  O2(g)      2NO(g)

(ii) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)

(iii) H2(g) +   I2(g)  2HI(g)

(iv) 2NO(g)    +  O2(g)          2NO2(g)

(v)2NH3(g)      N2(g)        +  3H2(g)

(vi)  PCl5(g)  PCl3(g)  +  Cl2(g)

(vii)    2N2O(g)    2N2(g)    +  O2(g)

(viii)COCl2(g)       CO(g)       + Cl2(g)


(i)  N2(g)  + O2(g)    2NO(g)

Forward Reaction;  N2(g)  + O2(g)   2NO(g)

Reverse Reaction;  N2(g)  +  O2(g)   2NO(g)


(ii)  2SO2(g) + O2(g)       2SO3(g)

Forward Reaction;  2SO2(g) + O2(g)   2SO3(g)

Reverse Reaction; 2SO2(g) + O2(g)    2SO3(g)


(iii) H2(g) + I2(g)    2HI(g)

Forward Reaction; H2(g)  +   I2(g)     2HI(g)

Reverse Reaction;  H2(g) +  I2(g)       2HI(g)

(iv) 2NO(g)    +  O2(g)          2NO2(g)

Forward Reaction;   2NO(g)  + O2(g)  2NO2(g)

Reverse Reaction;    2NO(g)  + O2(g)   2NO2(g)


(v)   2NH3(g)    N2(g)  +  3H2(g)

Forward Reaction; 2NH3(g)     N2(g)  +  3H2(g)

Reverse Reaction;  2NH3(g)      N2(g)  +  3H2(g)


(vi)         PCl5(g)      PCl3(g)  +  Cl2(g)

Forward Reaction;  PCl5          PCl3 +  Cl2

Reverse Reaction;   PCl5          PCl3 +  Cl2g)


(vii)        2N2O(g)    2N2(g)   +  O2(g)

Forward Reaction;  2N2O(g)  2N2(g) +  O2(g)

Reverse Reaction; 2N2O(g)  2N2(g)   +  O2(g)


(viii)      COCl2(g)   CO(g) + Cl2(g)

Forward Reaction; COCl2(g)  CO(g)  + Cl2(g)

Reverse Reaction; COCl2(g)     CO(g) + Cl2(g)



Calculating Equilibrium Constant 


Q1.Equilibrium occurs when nitrogen monoxide gas reacts with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide gas

  2NO(g)  + O2(g)   2NO2(g)

At equilibrium at 230oC, the concentrations are measured to be

[NO] = 0.0542 mol dm−3

[O2] = 0.127 mol dm−3 


[NO2] = 15.5 mol dm−3

Calculate the equilibrium constant at this temperature. 

(Book problem 1; page 8)



Given equilibrium concentrations are;

[NO] =   0.0542 mol dm−3

[O2]   =  0.127 mol dm−3

[NO2] = 15.5 mol dm−3



equilibrium constant (Kc) = ?


equilibrium constant (Kc) Expression



Q2. A reaction takes place between iron and chloride ion as

Fe3+ + 4Cl  FeCl4

At equilibrium the concentrations are measured to be

Fe3+ = 0.2 mol dm−3

Cl = 0.28 mol dm−3 


FeCl4− = 0.95 x 10−4 mol dm−3

Calculate equilibrium constant Kc for given reaction. 

(Book problem 1; page 9)



Given equilibrium concentrations are;

[Fe3+]     =  0.2 mol dm−3

[Cl]       =  0.28 mol dm−3

[FeCl4−] = 0.95 x 10−4 mol dm−3


equilibrium constant (Kc) = ?


equilibrium constant (Kc) Expression 


Q3. When hydrogen reacts with iodine at 25°C to form hydrogen iodide by a reversible reaction as follows:

The equilibrium concentrations are:

[H2] = 0.05 mol dm−3

[I2] = 0.06 mol dm−3


[HI] = 0.49 mol dm−3.

Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction.



Given equilibrium concentrations are;

[H2]        =             0.05 mol dm−3

[I2]          =             0.06 mol dm−3

[HI]         =             0.49 mol dm−3



equilibrium constant (Kc) = ?

Q4. For the formation of ammonia by Haber’s process, hydrogen and nitrogen react reversibly at 500°C as follows

2NH3(g)       N2(g)  +  3H2(g),   Kc = 3.0 x 10−9

The equilibrium concentrations of these gases are: 

nitrogen 0.602 mol dm−3

hydrogen 0.420 mol dm−3 


ammonia 0.113 mol dm−3

What is value of Kc?



Given equilibrium concentrations are;

[NH3] = 0.113 mol dm−3

[N2]    = 0.602 mol dm−3

[H2]    =  0.420 mol dm−3



equilibrium constant (Kc) = ? 

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