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Physical Chemistry MCQs with Explanatory Answers


MCQs Set 2 with Explanatory Answers 

1. The mass of one mole of electrons is:

(a) 1.008 mg
(b) 0.55 mg
(c) 0.184 mg
(d) 1.673 mg


mass of 1 electron = 9.1×10−31 kg = 9.1 × 10−25 mg
1 mole of electron = 6.02 × 1023 electrons


Mass of 1 mole of electrons = mass of 1 electron × number of one mole of electron
                                            = (9.1 × 10−25) × (6.02×1023

                                            = 0.54782mg ≈ 0.55mg

The mass of one mole of electrons = 0.55 mg


2. The number of moles of CO2 which contain 8.0 g of oxygen:



Mass of 1 mole or Molar mass of CO2 = 12 x 16 x 2 = 44 g/mol

Mass of oxygen in 32 g of CO2 = 16 x 2 = 32 g

32 g of oxygen is contained in 1 mole of CO2

1 g of oxygen is contained in 1/32 mole of CO2

8 g of oxygen is contained in = 1/32 x 8 = 0.25 mole of CO2

3. The largest number of molecules are present in:
(a)3.6 g of water
(b)4.8 g of C2H5OH
(c)2.8 g of CO
(d)5.4 g of N2O5


The largest number of molecules will be present in that sample which has greatest number of moles.

Hence 3.6 g water having greatest number of moles out of given options will contain largest number of molecules. 

4. Which of the following formula represents an acid anhydride?



Oxides are called anhydride. Anhydrides are of two types:

1. Basic anhydrides or basic oxides which are oxides of metals like Na2O, MgO, CaO etc.

2. Acid anhydrides or acidic oxides which are oxides of non-metals like SO2, SO3, CO2, NO2, Cl2O etc.

Out of given option, CaO is basic anhydride, H2O is a neutral oxide (other examples includes NO, N2O, CO), H2SO4 is an oxyacid itself and SO3 is an acid anhydride. SO3 dissolves in water to form H2SO4 (an oxyacid) . 

5. If an element M forms an oxide with formula MO, which of the following is a correct formula?

(d)Both b and c


In MO, oxidation number of M is +2. In MS and MCl2, oxidation number of M is also +2. 

6. The formula of KAl(SO4)2 represents a total of:

(a)6 atoms
(b)7 atoms
(c)12 atoms
(d)14 atoms


KAl(SO4)2 = 1K + 2Al + 2S + (4 x 2)O= 12 atoms 

7. How many neutrons are contained in the nucleus of an element with Z=27 and A= 59:

(a) 27
(b) 32
(c) 59
(d) 86


No of neutrons = A – Z = 59 – 27 = 32

8. How many gram of NaOH are needed to make 1000 g of a 5% solution?

(a) 5g 
(b) 500 g
(c) 40 g 
(d) 50 g 


9. What is the ratio of the weight of water formed to the weight of Hydrogen used in the formation of water?

(a) 1:8
(b) 1:9
(c) 8:1 
(d) 9:1


10. Which one of the following compounds does not have the empirical formula CH2O?

(b)Methyl methanoate


11. Equal masses of methane and hydrogen are mixed in an empty container. At 25°C. The fraction of total pressure exerted by hydrogen will be?

(a) 1: 2
(b) 2:1
(c) 8:9
(d) 9:16

Let x g of both gases be mixed.

12. A small spacecraft of capacity 10 m3 is connected to another of capacity 30 m3. Before connection, the pressure inside the smaller craft is 50 kPa and that inside the larger is 100 kPa.

If all measurements are made at the same temperature, what is the pressure in the combined arrangement after connection?
(a) 150 kPa
(b) 75 kPa
(c) 87.5 kPa
(d) 100 kPa



13. The densities of two gases are in the ratio of 1: 16. The ratio of their rates of diffusion is

(a) 1: 16
(b) 1: 4
(c) 16: 1
(d) 4: 1


14. The molecules of a gas A travel four times faster than the molecules of gas B at same temperature. The ratio of    molecular weights (MA / MB) is

(a) 4 
(b) ¼ th
(c) 16 
(d) 1/16


15. A mixture of H2 and O2 in 2:1 volume is allowed to diffuse through a porous partition what is the composition of gas coming out initially

(a) 1:2
(b) 4:1
(c) 1:4
(d) 8:1


16. Which one of the following properties has the same value for hydrogen (H2) and for deuterium (D2) when compared at the same pressure and temperature?

(a) Average molecular speed 
(b) Density
(c) Average molecular K.E
(d) Molecular mass

Reason (Answer; c)
According KMT, all gases have same average KE at same same kelvin temperature. 

17. The molecules of a gas A travel 8 times faster than the molecules of gas B at same temperature. The ratio of         molecular weights (MA / MB) is

(c) 32
(d) 64


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