M.C.Qs on Atomic Structure ......... Unit # 5

Unit # 5…….. M.C.Qs  on Atomic Structure

1.      A compound material which emits faint visible light by absorbing radiant energy is called:
None of the above

2.      Cathode rays experiment shows the presence of:

3.      The e/m ratio of cathode rays (electrons) is:
1.7588x108 C/g
 all of the above
None of the above

4.      The charge on an electron is:  
 1.6022x10-19  C
1.6022x10-18 C
 1.6022x10-29 C
1.6022x10-21 C

5.      The mass of an electron is:
 9.1096x10-19 kg
9.1096x10-31 kg
 9.1096x10-20  kg
9.1096x10-30 kg

6.      Which particle has a mass of 1/1836 times that of hydrogen?

7.      Which particle has a mass of 1836 times that of electron?

8.      The e/m ratio for positive (anode) rays is ……………..of nature of gas used
none of the above
all of the above

9.      Which gas has a highest value of e/m ratio?

10.    The e/m ratio of cathode rays is always ……….. anode rays.
less than 
greater than
Equal to
none of the above

11.    The spontaneous emission of nuclear radiations from radioactive elements is called

12.    These are helium nuclei with double positive charge and atomic mass of 4 amu
alpha rays
Gamma rays

13.    Alpha rays consist of:
Stream of hydrogen
Stream of Helium
stream of electron only
Stream of neutron only

14.    The fast moving electrons like the cathode rays are called
alpha rays
gamma rays

15.    Which rays are electromagnetic radiations traveling with velocity of light?
alpha rays
gamma rays

16.    The wavelength of gamma rays is …………than most of the X-rays:
all of the above

17.    Which radioactive rays have greater penetrating power?
alpha rays
gamma rays
none of the above

18.    Gamma rays are emitted as

19.    The phenomenon of emission of radioactive radiations from nuclei of lighter isotopes of a stable element due to bombardment of fast moving sub atomic particles is called
 natural radioactivity
artificial radioactivity

19.    Which order is correct?

20.    Alpha particle consists of: 
2 protons and one neutrons
2 electrons and 2 neutrons
2 protons and 2 neutrons
2 protons and 3 neutrons

21.    The e/m ratio of positive rays is always:
Much smaller than cathode rays.
Much greater than cathode rays.
equal to cathode rays

22.    Photons of red color are:
More energetic than that of violet colour
less energetic than that of violet color
equal energetic than that of violet colour
none of the above

23.    The frequency of X-rays is:
very small
very high
all of the above

24.    Moseley showed that frequency of X-rays is directly proportional to:
 atomic number
mass number
 Number of neutrons
none of the above

25.    Moseley found that the wavelength of X-rays emitted ……. regularly with increasing atomic no:
 both a and b
none of the above

26.    The energy of photon is directly proportional to
 frequency of light
 all of the above
none of the above

27.    The energy of photon is inversely proportional to
 frequency of light
 speed of light
none of the above

28.    The spectrum of sun or of incandescent solids (electric light) is:
 line spectrum
 continuous spectrum
 both a and b
 none of the above

29.    Light of a single wavelength is called
 All of above
30.    It is called fingerprint of element
 line spectrum
 continuous spectrum
 absorption spectrum
 all of the above

31.    Violet colour has a wavelength of
 4000-4200 A°
 4200-4600 A°
 4600-5000 A°
 none of above

32.    Indigo color has a wavelength of
 6300-7500 A°
 4200-4600 A°
 5100-5800 A°

33.    Blue color has a wavelength of:
 6300-7500 A°
 6000-6300 A°
 5800-6000 A°
 4600-5100 A°

34.    Green color has a wavelength of
 4000-4200 A°
 4200-4600 A°
 4600-5100 A°
 5100-5800 A°

35.    Yellow color has a wavelength of
 5800-6000 A°
 4000-4200 A°
 4200-4600 A°
 4600-5100 A°

36.    The color with wave length 600-630 nm (6000-6300A0) is:

37.    1A is equal to:
 10-10 m
 10-1nm or 102 pm
 All of the above

38.    10A° is equal to:
 All of the above

39.    The value of plank’s constant is:
 6.625x10-34 J-S
 6.625x10-32 J-S
 6.625x10-36 J-S
 6.625x10-28 J-S

40.    It is a distance between two successive crest or trough:
 Wave number

41.    The no of waves per unit distance is called:
 Wave frequency
 wave number

42.    The inverse of wavelength is called:
 Wave frequency
 Time period
 Wave number

43.    Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment showed for the first time that the atom has:
 A  nucleus

44.    An instrument that measures the intensity and frequency of emitted or absorbed photon radiation is called:
45.    The numerical value of Bohr’s radius
 5.29x10-9 cm
 All of the above

46.    Bohr’s theory does not explain the spectra of:
 single electron system
 multi electron system
 none of the above

47.    Lyman series lies in:
 Visible region (l = 4000-8000A°).
 Ultraviolet region (l = 2000-5000A°).
 Infra red region (l = 9000-10000A°).
 Far-infra red region (l >10000A°).

48.    Balmer series lies in
 visible region
 ultra violet region
 infra red region
 none of the above

49.    Paschen series lies in
 visible region
ultra violet region
 infra red region
none of the above

50.    Lyman series is formed when electrons jump from any higher orbit to ……. orbit

51.    Balmer series is formed when electrons jump from any higher orbit to ____orbit

52.    paschen series is formed when electrons jump from any higher orbit to………..orbit.

53.    Bracket series is formed when electron jumps from any higher orbit to……….orbit

54.    pfund series is formed when electron jumps from any higher orbit to _____ orbit

55.    This quantum number tells the size of orbit and energy of electron:

56.    This quantum number shows the shape of an orbital

57.    This quantum number shows the orientation of an orbit

58.    This quantum number specifies the spin of electron in an orbit

59.    Principle quantum number (n) specifies:
 size of orbit        
 energy of electron
 maximum shell capacity
 all of the above

60.    For energy level n=3 the no of possible sub-shells are

61.    If the value of l=0 the orbital is spherical in shape and is called

62.    If the value of l=1 the orbital is dumbbell in shape and is called

63.    If the value of l=2 the orbital is called

64.    No two electrons in an atom has same set of quantum no. this is called
 Auf-Bau principle
 Pauli’s principle
 Uncertainty principle
 Hund’s rule         

65.    Which of the following principle limits the maximum no of electrons in an orbital of two?
 Auf-Bau principle
 Pauli’s principle
 (n + l)rule
 Hund’s rule         

66.    The electrons are added in an orbital in the order of increasing orbital energy. This is called
 Auf-Bau principle
 Pauli’s principle
 (n + l)rule
 Hund’s rule         

67.    In degenerate orbital, electrons would tend to go in separate orbital with same spin.         This is the statement of:
 Auf-Bau principle
 Pauli’s principle
 (n + l)rule
 Hund’s rule         

68.    Which rule violated in the configuration N = 1s2, 2s2 2px2 2py1
 Auf-Bau principle
 Pauli’s principle
 (n + l)rule
 Hund’s rule         

69.    When 3d orbital is complete, the newly entering electron goes into

70.    The inter nuclear distances between two carbon atoms in diamond is 1.54A than the radius of carbon atom would be:
 none of the above

71.    Atomic radii decrease along a period due to:
 increase in nuclear charge
 decrease in force of attraction on valence electron
 decrease in nuclear charge
 none of the above

72.    Atomic radii ……….. in a group from top to bottom:
 remains same
 none of the above

73.    Cations are………… in size than their parent atom:
 remains same
 none of the above

74.    Which one is larger in size than its parent atom?
 none of the above
75.    Anions are………… in size than its parent atom
 none of the above

80.    Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ are called:
 Iso-electric ions
 compound ions
 none of the above

81.    which one is larger in size?
 all are equal in size

82.    The energy required for the removal of least tightly bounded electron from the valence shell        of its isolated atom is called
 ionization energy
 ionization potential      
 all of the above

83.    The 2nd and 3rd I.P. is always ………. than 1st I.P.
 both a and b

84.    It is easier to remove electron from which one of the following

85.    It is difficult to remove electron from which one of the following

86.    Bigger size atoms possess:
 high I.P.
 Low I.P.
 both a and b
 None of the above

87.    I.P. ………………. from top to bottom in a group
 none of the above

88.    I.P. ………… from left to right in a period
 none of the above

89.    The I.P. is inversely proportional to
 Nuclear energy
 Shielding effect
 Both a and b
 None of the above

90.    The energy released when an electron is added in an lowest energy state of a neutral   isolated gaseous atom to form an anion is called
 Electron affinity
 Ionization potential

91.    The formation of a bivalent anion from a univalent anion is always …………:
 both a and b
 None of the above

92.    High values of electron affinity shows that element are
 oxidizing agent
 Reducing agent
 electron donor agents
 None of the above

93.    The measure of the ability of an atom to attract an electron pair to itself in a chemical   bond is called
 Electron affinity
 Ionization potential

94.    The average ionization energy and electron affinity is called
 electron affinity
 ionization potential

95.    it is the most electronegative element:

96.    Cations are ________electronegative than their parent atom
 None of the above

97.    Anions are …………….electronegative than their parent atom
 None of the above

98.    Electronegativity . ……………in a group from top to bottom
 both a and b
 none of the above

99.    Electronegativity . …………… in a period from left to right
 both a and b
 none of the above

100. If ΔE.N. between two bounded atoms is greater than 1.7 then the bond in between them will be
 None of the above

101. If the ΔE.N. between two bounded atom is less than 1.7, than the bond in between them will be
 None of the above

102. Which one is more polar than other?

103. Which one is more electronegative than the other?

NOTE: nitrogen has 0 electron affinities because it has half-filled valence shell which makes it stable thereby reducing the tendency to accept electron.

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