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Test Questions on Chapter # 7, Chemistry of Alkenes Test # 1


Q1.  Give a simple test to distinguish between the following:

(i). Alkanes & alkenes                   

(ethane and ethene)                      (Baeyer’s unsaturation test; BUT)

(ii) Alkenes & Alkynes                  

(Ethene and ethyne)                     (Substitution reaction of ethyne)


Q2. Give three methods of preparations for ethylene.


Q3. What alkyl halide would yield following alkenes upon dehydrohalogentaion by strong base?

(i) 2-butene (2-bromobutane) 

(ii)  1-butene (1-bromobutane)               

(iii) isobutylene (1-bromo-2-methylpropane)


Q4.     State Markonokoff’s rule. Give its two applications in alkenes and alkynes.


Q5. Write the preparation of the following:

(i)   Preparation of ethene from alcohol or vicinal dihalide 

   (Dehydration, dehalogenation)                                       

(ii) Preparation of mustard gas from ethene. 

(Reaction with S2Cl2)                    

(iii) Preparation of glycol from propene  (Hydroxylation) 

(iv) Preparation of alkane from alkene  (Catalytic hydrogenation)


Q6.  What happens when?

(i) Ethene or propene reacts with acidified water.      

(Catalytic hydration into alcohol)                          

(ii) Ethene reacts with alkaline KMnO4.                                       (Oxidation/hydroxylation into diol)

(iii) Propene reacts with Chlorine.                                                  (Halogenation)                               

(iv)  Propene reacts with water.  (Hydration)

(v) Ethene reacts with bromine water (Hypobromous acid). [Halohydrination)

(vi)Propene is treated with Hydrogen Iodide.   (Hydrohalogenation)

(vii)1,2-dibromopropane is heated with zinc                                          (dehydrohalogenation)

(viii)  Ethyl hydrogensulphate is hydrolyze (Hydrolysis)                  


Q7.         How will you obtain the following?

(i)  Isobutylene from alcohol   [Dehydration]

(ii) isopropyl bromide from propene [Hydrohalogenation]

(iii)1,2-dibromethane from ethene    [Halogenation]      

(iv) Ethyl hydrogensulphate from ethene                                    [Addition of sulphuric acid]

(v) Propene from isopropyl chloride [Dehydrohalogenation]


Q8.     Describe general pattern of mechanism of electrophilic addition reactions with specific example of hydration and Hydrohalogenation.


Q9.        Complete and balance the following reactions:

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