Test Questions on Chapter # 4, Gaseous State


Test Questions on Chapter # 4, Gaseous State


Q1.  State Avogadro’s law and Charles law.

Q2.   Explain pressure and its various units.

Q3.  What is Atmospheric Pressure? On what factor Atmospheric Pressure depends upon? Give its effect on weather. Explain low and High atmospheric pressure system

Q4.  What is liquid air? Mention its uses.

Q5. State the basic postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory. Explain diffusion and compressibility in three states of matter on the basis of KMT.

Q6. derive the General gas equation. Deduce the value of General gas constant (R) in:

(i)  S.I. System (J/mol.K)                          

(ii)   Non S.I. System (atm dm3/mol.K)   

(iii) calorie

Q7. State and explain Dalton’s law of partial pressure with its applications.

Q8. State and explain Avogadro’s law.

Q9. What is meant by diffusion and effusion? State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion with its applications. Compare the     rate of diffusion of H2 and D2.

Q10. Differentiate between ideal and non-ideal gas. What are the causes of deviation of real gas from ideal behaviour? Write down Graphical Explanation of Deviation of Real Gases. Discuss the deviation of Ideal behaviour of gases at low temperature and high pressure.   

Q11. Derive van der Waal’s equation. Deduce Units for van der Waal’s Constants ‘a’ and ‘b’


Q12.      Write down faulty assumptions of KMT. Define following

STP, absolute zero, compressibility factor, Mean free path, gas constant R, elastic collisions and pressure, Liquefaction, Critical Temperature, Critical Pressure, Critical Volume, Joule-Thomson Effect, SCUBA

Q13.  What is plasma? Give its significance in daily life.


Q14.  Give reasons for following:

i)  Why the process of diffusion occurs more rapidly in gases, less rapidly in liquids and very slow in solids.

ii)100 cm3 of O2 and 100 cm3 of NH3 contain the same number of molecules at stp.

iii) The rates of diffusion of CO2 and C3H8 gases are the same.

iv) Real gases deviate from ideal behavior at high pressure and low temperature.

v)  air pressure decreases due to increase  in altitude

vi) How Atmospheric Pressure is originated?

Important Numericals

Q1.  The pressure of gas filled in automobile tire is generally measured in psi. Convert 32.8 psi into

(i) atmosphere (2.32 atm)          

(ii) kPa (226.085 kPa)                  

(iii) torr (1695.8 torr)


Q2.  Gorakh Hill station is coldest area of Sindh province and has 83 kPa barometer pressure. What will be the pressure of this area in psi and atm units?  

(Answer; 12.04 psi, 0.819 atm)


Q3.  A cylinder contains 2.2 moles of oxygen gas at STP. When more oxygen gas is pumped into the cylinder, the volume of gas is changed from 2.0 dm3 to 3.4 dm3. Calculate how many moles of the oxygen gas are added to the cylinder? 

(Book question; page no 72, Example # 4.2) 

[Answer; n=  3.74, moles added = 1.54 moles]


Q4. At standard temperature and pressure 26.4 dm3 of a gas contains 1.26 moles. If 0.25 moles are added to the gas, what will be the new volume of the gas? 

(Book question; page no 72, Self-Assessment) 

[Answer; 31.63 dm3


Q5. Laughing gas (N2O) at 30°C and 820 torr pressure occupies a volume of 10.32 dm3. Calculate the volume that it will occupy at standard temperature and pressure. 

(Page 83; Example 4.3)

[Answer; V2= 10.03 dm3]


Q6.  An steel gas cylinder has a capacity of 15.8 dm3 and filled with 785 g of helium gas at a temperature of 20°C. Calculate the pressure of helium in the cylinder (molar mass of helium is 4 g/mol). 

(Self-assessment; Page 83). 

[Answer; P = 298.79 atm]


Q7.  Calculate the volume occupied by 8g of methane gas at 40°C and 842 torr pressure? 


[Answer; P = 11.58 atm]


Q8.At 35°C, oxygen gas in a cylinder has 456 cm3 volume and 0.85 atm pressure. Calculate the pressure  when this oxygen gas is transferred to 10 dm3 cylinder and cooled to 20°C.


[Answer; P2 = 0.037 atm]

Q9. Four containers of equal volume are filled as follows: (Assignment) [Hint: Suppose Volume = 1 dm3].               

(i)           2.0 g of Hat 0°C                           

(ii)         1.0 g of H2 at 273°C

(iii)        24g of O2  at  0°C                            

(iv)        16 g of CH4 at 273°C

(a)          Which container is at the greatest pressure?

         (b)          Which container is at the lowest pressure?             

[Answer; Container (iv) is at highest pressure, Container (iii) is at lowest pressure]

(Ans: P1 = 22.4 atm; P2 = 22.4 atm; P3 = 16.8 atm; P4 = 44.8 atm)


Q10.  40dm3 of hydrogen gas was collected over water at 831 torr pressure at 23oC. What would be the volume of dry hydrogen gas at standard conditions? The vapour pressure of water at 23oC is 21 torr of Hg. 


[Answer; V2 = 39.32 dn3]


Q11.   A 500cm3 vessel contains H2 gas at 400 torr pressure and another 1 dm3 vessel contains O2 gas at 600 torr pressure. If under the similar condition of temperature these gases are transferred to 2dm3 empty vessel, calculate the pressure of the mixture of gases in new vessel. 


[PT = 100 + 300 = 400 torr]


Q12.Calculate the density of oxygen gas at 45°C when the gas is confined in cylinder at 1.54 atmospheric pressure. 

(Example 4.4; Page 76) 

[Answer; 1.889 g/dm3]


Q13. One mole of ammonia gas is kept in a cylinder of 5.5 dm3 at 27°C. Assuming ammonia gas as a real gas, determine its pressure. The van der Waals constant for ammonia are

a = 4.17 atm dm6 mol–2 and b = 0.0371 dm3 mol–1

[Answer; P = 4.365 atm]


Q14. Two moles of oxygen gas is kept in a vessel of 15.5 dm3 at a temperature of 37°C. Calculate the pressure exerted by the gas if

(a) gas behaves as ideal

(b) gas behave is non-ideal

a = 1.36 atm dm6 mol–2 and b = 0.0318 dm3 mol–1.

[Answer; Pideal = 3.28 atm, Preal = 3.27 atm]


Q15. Compare the rates of diffusion of helium (He) and methane (CH4) gases. (Example 4.9; Page 95)

[Answer; He diffuses two times faster than CH4]


Q16. Compare the rates of diffusion of the following pairs of gases: (Assignment book; Page 95)

(a) H2 and D2 [Answer; H2 diffuses 1.414 times faster than D2]    

(b) He and SO2  [Answer; He diffuses 4 times faster than O2]

(b) SF6 and SO2 [Answer; SO2 diffuses 1.51 times faster than SF6]


Q17. The ratio of rates of diffusion of two gases A and B is 1.5:1. If the relative molecular mass of gas A is  16, find out the relative molecular mass of gas B? 

(Example 4.10; Page 95) 

[Answer; MB= 36 amu]


Q18. At a specific temperature and pressure, it takes 290 s for a 1.5 dm3 sample of He to effuse through a porous membrane. Under similar conditions, if 1.5 dm3 of an unknown gas “X” takes 1085 s to effuse, calculate the molar mass of gas “X”. 

(Example 4.11; Page 95) 

[Mx = 55.96 ≈ 56 g/mol]



Q19. If it takes 8.5 seconds for 5 cm3 of CO2 gas to effuse through a porous material at a particular temperature and pressure. How long would it take for 5 cm3 of SO2 gas to effuse from the same container at the same temperature and pressure? 

(Self-assessment; Page 97)

[Answer; 10.43 seconds] 


Q20. If 16 cm3 of hydrogen effuses in 30 sec, from a porous material, what volume of SO2 will effuse in the same time (30 sec) under similar conditions? 

(assignment; Page) 

[Answer; 2.82 cm3]


Q21. A 20 dm3 cylinder is filled with 4.25 moles of oxygen gas and 12 moles of helium gas at 25°C.  Calculate the total pressure of gas mixture and partial pressures of oxygen and helium.

 (Example 4.7; Page 83)

[Answer; Pt= 19.88 atm, PO2 = 5.19 atm PHe = 14.68 atm]


Q22.      Oxygen gas is produced by heating potassium nitrate

                                2KNO3  → 2KNO2  +  O2

The gas is collected over water. If 225 cm3 of gas is collected at 25oC and 785 mm Hg total pressure, what is the mass of O2 gas collected? (Pressure of vapours at 25oC is 23.8 mm Hg)

(Example 4.8; Page 84)

[Answer; nO2 = 9.2 x 10−3 mole, Mass = 0.294 g O2


Q23. The mole fraction of oxygen in air is 0.2093, determine the partial pressure of oxygen in air if the atmospheric pressure is 760 torr. 

(Self-Assessment; Page 85)

[Answer; PO2 = 159.068 torr]



Answers of Test Questions on Chapter # 4, Gaseous State


Q1. State and explain Avogadro’s law and Charles law.


Avogadro’s Law

Introduction and Statement

In 1811, Amadeo Avogadro (an Italian scientist) advanced a brilliant relationship (hypothesis) regarding the relationship between the volume and number of moles (or molecules) of gases at fixed temperature. This relationship or hypothesis, now called Avogadro’s Law.


Under the similar conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all contain the same number of moles. Thus volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of molecules of the gas at constant temperature and pressure.


Thus under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, 1 dm3 of any gas contains same number of molecules as same number of moles contains same number of molecules. 1 mole of any gas at standard temperature (0oC) and pressure (1 atm) occupies 22.4 dm3 (molar volume) and contains 6.02 x 1023 molecules. It shows that two or more gases having same volume must have same number of molecules and moles but different masses.


Mathematical Expression

V a n     (at constant temperature and pressure).

V = Kn   [K is constant of proportionality which depends upon pressure and temp]

V/n = K

It shows that the ratio of volume to number of moles of a gas remains constant.


Suppose a gas of n1 moles is enclosed in a vessel of V1 volume. If we add more gas, the volume increases to V2, hence


V1/n1 = K ……………………. Initial State

V2/n2 = K ……………………. Final State


V1/n1 = V2/n2 = K


Charles Law (Effect of Absolute temperature on gas volume)



Gases exhibit enormous changes in volume due to expansion and contraction due to presence of large intermolecular spaces. The effect of temperature changes on volume of gases at constant pressure were studied by French Scientist Jacques Charles (1746-1823). He explained that the volume of given mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273 times of its original volume at 0oC for every degree rise or fall of temperature at given pressure.



The volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute (kelvin) temperature at a given pressure. 

According to Charles law, when absolute temperature of a gas increases, its volume also increases because rise of temperature increases the kinetic energy of gas molecules, which makes the molecules to move freely resulting in the expansion of gas.

Charles law can be expressed as:

V a T     (Pressure constant)       and        V = KT


Graphical Explanation of Absolute zero

When the graph is plotted between temperature (T) on ox-axis and volume (V) of gas on y-axis, a straight line is obtained showing the direct relation between volume and temperature. This straight line in upward direction shows that volume increases with the increase of temperature.

If this straight line is further extended downward, it will intercept the temperature axis at –273.15oC.  According to Charles, at –273.15°C, the volume of a gas should be zero. Actually no real gas can achieve this lowest possible temperature and before –273.15°C all gases are condensed into liquids.


Absolute zero

The temperature of –273.15°C is referred to as Absolute Zero or Zero Degree Absolute or Zero kelvin. The hypothetical temperature of –273.15°C at which volume of an ideal gas becomes zero and all molecular motion (all gases) ceases to exist is called Absolute Zero or Zero Degree kelvin.


The concept of absolute zero cannot be applied to real gases.



Q2. Explain pressure and its various units.



The magnitude of force that is applied on the surface of an object per unit area is called pressure. Pressure of a gas is due to the elastic collisions of its molecules with the walls of container.

Pressure (P) = Force (F)/Area (A)


Units of Pressure

1.    The SI unit of pressure of N/m2 which is known as ‘pascal’ (Pa). A pascal is defined as the pressure exerted by a force of one newton acting on area of one square meter i.e. 1 Pa is equal to N–m–2 or 1 kg–m–s–2.

     1 Pa      =  1 newton/m2 =  1 kg/m-sec(1N  =  kg.m/sec2)


2.    Pressure may be measured in Pound per square inch (Psi), Standard Atmospheric Pressure (atm), mm Hg, cm Hg, inch Hg, torr, kPa, bar, millibar, dyne/cm2.

101325 Pa = 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 14.7 psi


Q3. What is Atmospheric Pressure? On what factor Atmospheric Pressure depends upon? Give its effect on weather. Explain low and High atmospheric pressure system


Atmospheric Pressure

The pressure exerted by the air at sea level (14.7 Psi) which will support a column of mercury 760 mm Hg high (approximately 30 inch) is called standard barometric or atmospheric pressure abbreviated as atm which is equal to 14.7 Psi.


Factor Affecting Atmospheric Pressure

The size, number and nature of the molecules determine the density and temperature of the air. As the number and motion of the particles increases, atmospheric pressure increases and vice versa.


Low and High atmospheric pressure system

Low atmospheric pressure system is also called a depression. An area which has low pressure as compared to the surrounding is generally warmer where moist warm air rises up and cools down. This area has suffocating weather and invites winds, clouds and precipitation. Here the wind blows in anticlockwise direction. During day time, there is comparatively moderate temperature while nights are warmer due to trapping of solar radiations in cloudy weather.


The area which experiences a high air pressure as compared to surrounding is said to be in high pressure system. In such area, dry cold and dense air moves downward to the ground. Here the wind blows in clockwise direction. Thus, clear sky and calm weather are developed.


Q5. State the basic postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory. Explain diffusion and compressibility in three states of matter on the basis of KMT.


Basic Postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory

1.    Molecule and Intermolecular Distance

All gases consist of a very large number of extremely small, tiny and discrete particles called molecules, which are far apart from one another. Thus gas molecules are very small in comparison to the distances between them. Molecules may be monoatomic (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn), diatomic (H2, O2, N2, F2, Cl2) or polyatomic (CH4, C4H10).


2.    Negligible Molecular Volume (faulty assumption)

Gas molecules are far away from each other and occupy negligible volume as compared to the total volume of the container. In other words, ideal gases have no volume). This assumption explains the great compressibility of gases.


3.    Random, Linear Molecular Motion and Mean Free Path

The gas molecules are in constant continuous state of rapid random haphazard motion in straight line. The distance covered by the molecules between two successive collisions is called free path. The average distance travelled by a molecule between two consecutive collisions (i.e. one collision and the next) is called Mean Free Path (MFP).


4.            Elastic Molecular Collisions

The collisions exhibited by gas particles are completely elastic involving no energy loss; when two molecules collide, total kinetic energy is conserved.


5.    Gas Pressure Results from Molecular Collisions

Gas pressure is the result of elastic collisions (impacts) of gas molecules with the walls of container. The greater is the number of collision exerted by gas molecules, the greater is the pressure of gas.


8.    No Attractive or Repulsive Force (faulty assumption)

There are no appreciable attractive or repulsive forces among molecules in an ideal gas. Thus each molecule acts as quite independently. (In real gases, there actually is attraction between their molecules which is negligibly weak and will be ignored).


6.Average Kinetic energy Proportional to Absolute temperature

The molecules possess kinetic energy due to their continuous motion which depends on their mass and velocity (K.E = ½  mv2).


The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to the absolute (kelvin) temperature of gas.  all gas molecules (regardless of their molecular mass) have the same average kinetic energy at the same kelvin temperature. Thus average kinetic energy of molecules is independent of the kind of molecules or nature of the gas.


 KE 𝛂 a  ½ mv2 a  T (Absolute temperature) Or   v2 a T


Kinetic Equation

On the basis of above postulates, R. J Clausius derived a kinetic equation; PV = 1/3 mNC2


P = pressure

V = Volume

m = mass of a single molecule of a gas

N = number of moles of gas molecules

C2= mean square velocity of the gas molecules


Under given conditions, the gas molecules do not possess the same velocities, instead mean square velocity is taken for the molecules in the above equation. If n1 molecules possess c1 velocity, n2 molecules with velocity c2, and so on, then mean or average square velocity ( C2) of all the possible velocities can be calculated as 

Q6. derive the General gas equation. Deduce the value of General gas constant (R) in:

(i)  S.I. System (J/mol.K)                          

(ii)   Non S.I. System (atm dm3/mol.K)   

(iii)   calorie



The combined form of Boyle’s law, Charles’s law and Avogadro’s law in which neither temperature nor pressure is constant is called General Gas Equation.


Boyle’s law, Charles’s law and Avogadro’s law can be combined into a single statement known as ideal gas law or ideal gas equation which describes the behaviour of a gas on the basis of relationship between volume and other variables like pressure, temperature and number of moles. When the values of any three of the variables P, V, T and n are known, the value of fourth can be calculated by using ideal gas equation.


Derivation of an Ideal Gas Equation (Equation of State)

According to Charles’s law…………..V  a  T                   (P is constant)

Avogadro’s law…………………………  V  a  n                   (P and T are constants)

According to Boyle’s law……………  V  a 1/P               (T is constant)

Combining above these laws ……..  V  a nT/P    OR  V  a  nT/P                         

                                                             V  =  R nT/P                  

                                                              PV=   nRT (Ideal gas equation)


Where R is constant of proportionality and is called General gas constant or Universal Gas Constant. The above equation is also known as Ideal Gas Equation. (This equation is called Equation of State because when we specify the four variables – pressure, temperature, volume and number of moles, we define the state of a gas).


Second Form of Ideal Gas Equation (Equation of State)

Since for one mole of a gas;  n = 1

\                                            PV          =  RT

                                                PV/T     =  R


If pressure changes from P1 to P2 and temperature changes from T1 to T2 then volume also changes from V1 to V2.  Then,

     P1V1/T1 =  R (For initial state)             ––––––––––  (1)


      P2V2/T2 =  R (For final state)               ––––––––––  (2)

Value of R for 1 mole of a gas at STP when pressure is in atmosphere and volume in dm3

P    =      1 atm                                   

T    =      273 K

n    =      1 mole                                 

V    =      22.4 dm3  (molar volume)

R   =  0.0821  atm dm3K−1.mole−1

Value of R for 1 mole of a gas at STP when pressure is in N/m2 and volume in m3

P    =      101300 N/m2   (equal to 1 atm)             

T    =      273 K

n    =      1                                                                           

V    =      0.0224 m3 ( Q 1 dm3  =  10¯3 m3)

R   =  8.3143  N-m K−1 mole−1  or J K−1 mole−1 (Since 1Nm = 1 J)


Since 1 cal = 4.18 J, therefore the value of R may also be written as

R = 1.99 cal K−1 mole−1  

Q7. State and explain Dalton’s law of partial pressure with its applications.


Partial Pressure

The pressure exerted by each individual gas in a mixture of gases on the wall of the container is called partial pressure of that gas.



John Dalton formulated a law in 1801 about the partial pressures and total pressure exerted by non-reacting mixture of gases.



The total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases (that do not react chemically) in a closed vessel (fixed volume) is always equal to the sum of their partial pressures of the individual gases in the mixture at constant temperature.


Mathematical Form

If the total pressure is Pt and partial pressures of gases in the mixture is denoted by PA, PB and PC and so on, then according to Dalton’s Law total pressure of the mixture is written as.

Pt   =      PA  +  PB  +  PC  +  …………… Pn


Example and Experimental Proof

Suppose we have three empty cylinders of equal capacity (1dm3), O2 and N2 gases are filled separately in first two cylinder at constant temperature


Let the pressure exerted by the O2 gas and N2 gas are 500 torr and 700 torr respectively. If now these gases are transferred into third empty container under the same conditions of temperature and pressure; the pressure exerted by the mixture of these two gases is found to be 1200 torr which is exactly equal to the sum of partial pressures of O2 and N2 thereby proving Dalton’ law


According to Dalton’ law

Pt = PO2 + PN2 = 500 + 700 = 1200 torr

Relationship between Partial Pressure and Mole (Mole Fraction)

To derive the relationship between partial pressure and mole, Consider a gaseous mixture of two gases denoted as 1 and 2 confined in a container of volume V at T kelvin. The respective partial pressures are P1 and P2 and their respective moles are n1 and n2


Calculation of Partial Pressures of Each Gas Using Ideal Gas Equation


Calculation of Total Pressure Using Dalton’s Law                                  

                PT = P1  +  P2 

Dividing Each Partial Pressure by Total Pressure:

Since mole fraction is the ratio of number of moles of individual gas and the total number of moles of all gases present in the mixture. Hence above equation becomes reduced to

From above equation, it is conclude that partial pressure of any gas of the mixture is equal to the product of mole fraction of that gas and total pressure of the mixture. Mole fraction of any gas in the mixture is less than one but the sum of the mole fractions is always equal to one.


Applications of Law


1. Collection of gases over water

Dalton’s law helps in calculating the pressure of dry gas which is collected over water by downward displacement of water in a gas jar.

Ptotal = Pdry gas + Pwater vapours

Pdry gas = Ptotal – Pwater vapours


2. Maintenance of Oxygen pressure at high Altitudes

Normally, respiration depends upon the difference between the partial pressure of oxygen in the air (159 torr) and in the lungs (116 torr). At higher altitudes, due to low partial pressure of oxygen causes the problem in the process of respiration.


3. Maintenance of Oxygen pressure for deep sea divers

Opposite to altitude, as distance increases downward in the sea, partial pressure of oxygen increases. At the depth of 40 meters, pressure increases to five times. This increased pressure also causes problem in respiration. Therefore deep sea divers use the SCUBA (self contained underwater Breathing Apparatus), breathing tank for respiration. Scuba contains 96% helium gas and 4% oxygen gas.


Q8. What is meant by diffusion and effusion? State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion with its applications. Compare the rate of diffusion of H2 and D2.


Effusion and Diffusion

effusion is the movement of gas molecules through a tiny hole into the region of low pressure. The diameter of tiny hole is considerably smaller than mean free path. Slow escaping of air from a tire pinhole is an example of effusion.


Diffusion is the process of homogeneous intermixing of molecules of different gases with each other due to their motion. Spreading of fragrance of a rose flower or a perfume is a common example of diffusion. Lighter gases diffuse more rapidly than heavier gases.


Introduction and Statement

In 1881, Thomas Graham established a quantitative relationship between the rates of effusion or diffusion of gases and their densities (and molar masses) by maintaining the temperature and pressure and is termed as Graham’s Law of effusion or Diffusion.


The rate of effusion or diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its density or molar mass under the same conditions of temperature and pressure.

Graham also studied the comparative rates of diffusion of two gases. Therefore, the law is also stated as:


The relative rates of diffusion or effusion of two gases, under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, are inversely proportional to the square roots of their densities or molecular masses


Mathematical Expressions


1. For a single gas

2. For Two Gases

If there are two gases 1 and 2, having rates of diffusion r1 and r2 and densities d1 and d2, then law may be expressed as:

Since the density of a gas is proportional to its molecular mass, we can write the above equation as:

Relation between Diffusion Time & Volume of gas diffused with Molar Mass

Applications of Graham’s Law

1.      It helps to determine densities and molar masses of different gases.

2.     It is used to determine comparative rates of diffusion or effusion of gases.

3.      It helps in separating one gas from another gas.

4.      It helps in separating different isotopes of gases due to their different diffusion rate owing to their different masses.

5.      In diluting the poisonous gases and minimizing their toxic effects by diffusing them into air.


Comparing the rate of diffusion of H2 and D2.

Q9.   Differentiate between ideal and non-ideal gas. What are the conditions of deviation of real gas from ideal behaviour? Write down Graphical Explanation of Deviation of Real Gases. Discuss the deviation of Ideal behaviour of gases at low temperature and high pressure.  


Graphical Explanation of Deviation of Real Gases

To understand the attitude of read gases graphically, the general gas equation should be amended as

PV = z (nRT) or z = PV/nRT

Where ‘z’ is called as compressibility factor, its value is unity for an ideal gas, less than 1 for real gases showing negative deviation and more than unity for real gases showing positive deviation.


The graph plotted between z and P for an ideal gas and various real gases provides the following information:

(i)   All gases reaches a value of z =1 , when the pressure approached to zero. This reveals that all gases tend to act like ideal gas at very low pressure.

(ii)  The extent of deviation of real gases from ideality is based on pressure, temperature and the nature of gases.

Conditions of Deviation of Real Gases from Ideal Behaviour

There are two conditions under which gases show considerable deviation from their ideal behaviour:

1.            At very high pressure.

2.            At very low temperature.

Causes of Deviation

To analyze why real gases deviate from ideal behaviour, we should know the basics of formulation of the ideal gas equation which was obtained from certain faulty assumptions of kinetic molecular theory. The deviation of real gases from the ideality is due to following to faulty assumptions of kinetic molecular theory:


1.    Actual volume of gas molecules is negligibly small as compared to total volume of gas.

2.    Gas Molecules have neither attractive nor repulsive forces.


Contrary to these faulty assumptions, molecules of all gases do exert some attractive force on one another and they do occupy some space in the total volume of gas. The assumption 1 is valid at low pressure while assumption 2 is effective at high temperature.


The reason is that the attractive forces diminish rapidly as the distance between molecules increases. Thus at high pressure and low temperature intermolecular forces becomes significant because molecules tend to be close together. 

Q10. Derive van der Waal’s equation. Deduce Units for van der Waal’s Constants ‘a’ and ‘b’.


Derivation of van Der Waal’s Equation


van der Waal Equation is the modification of the ideal gas law and updated version of the ideal gas equation to take into account molecular size and molecular interaction forces dealing with the two conflicting postulates of the kinetic molecular theory regarding volumes and intermolecular attraction of gas molecules.

Volume Correction in van der Waal’s Equation

Therefore, the available volume for free movement of the gas molecules becomes less than the original molar volume or volume of the container (Vvessel) due to the fact that gas molecules have definite volume. The volume available for the gas molecules is less than the volume of the container, V. 


Keeping in view the definite volume of gas molecules, van der Waal calculated the actual volume (available volume) of a gas by subtracting excluded volume of ‘n’ moles of gas, ‘nb’ from the volume of the container (Vvessel). The volume of a real gas is, therefore, ideal volume minus the volume occupied by gas molecules.


Available volume = V = Vvessel – b  (for 1 one molecule)


V = Vvessel – nb  (for n mole )………………………… (i)



V = free volume/actual volume (molar volume of ideal gas)

Vvessel = Volume of the vessel in which gas molecules are present

‘n’ = number of moles

‘b’ =  volume correction factor/excluded volume/theoretical volume/Incompressible Volume of gas molecules per mole in highly compressed gaseous state. It is a constant and characteristic of gas, depends upon size of molecule.


The ideal gas equation can be written after correcting for this as: 


P(V– nb ) = nRT


Excluded volume (‘b’) is not equal to actual volume of gas molecule. In fact, it is 4 times of actual volume of gas molecule.


‘b’ = 4Vmolecule


Pressure correction in van der Waal’s Equation

The pressure of the real gas is less than the expected pressure due to attractions between the molecules. These attractions slow down the motion of gas molecules and result in: 

i)   reduction of frequency of collisions over the walls and 

ii) reduction in the force with which the molecules strike the walls. 

It means that pressure produced on the wall would be little bit lesser than pressure of an ideal gas molecule. Therefore, if observed pressure is simply indicated by P, ideal pressure Pi and pressure-correcting term PL (which is the pressure drop due to backward pull of striking molecules) then equation will be


Pobserved/real or P = Pideal – Pless        ( Pideal > Preal)

P = Pi – PL

Pideal = Preal + Pless

Pi = P + PL ------------------------- (ii)

However, the reduction in pressure depends upon the number of particles (A and B) per unit volume i.e. is proportional to the square of molar concentration; n/V (one factor for reduction in frequency of collisions and the second factor for reduction in strength of their impulses on the walls).

Where ‘a’ is a proportionality constant called van der Waals constant of attraction and is characteristic of a gas. Higher values of ‘a’ indicate greater attraction between gas molecules. The easily compressible gases like ammonia, HCl possess higher ‘a’ values. Greater the value of ‘a’ for a gas easier is the liquefaction.


The corrected pressure and volume is now put in ideal gas equation to modify it, we get

This is van der Waal’s equation. Here ‘a’ and ‘b’ are van der Waal’s constants and contain positive values. The constants are the characteristic of the individual gas.  When gas is ideal or that it behaves ideally then both the constant will be zero. Generally, ‘a’ constant help in the correction of the intermolecular forces while the ‘b’ constant helps in making adjustments for the volume occupied by the gas particles.


Units for van der Waal’s Constants ‘a’ and ‘b’

From the pressure correction expression, the value of ‘a’ is calculated. If the pressure is expressed in atmospheres and volume in liters,

Since P =an2/V2, hence a = PV2/n

But substituting the units of P (atm), V (dm3) and n (mol), we get

Unit of a = atm dm6 mol−2

Since ‘nb’ is excluded volume for n moles of gas, ‘b’ is expressed b is expressed in litre mol–1 units if volume is taken in litres,

b = volume/n = liter/mol or litre mol–1


Unit of b = dm3/mol, since ‘b’ represent the volume per mol of gas. 


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