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Avogadro’s Law/ Volume-Amount Law)


Avogadro’s Law/ Volume-Amount Law)(Relationship between Gas Volume and Number of moles)

Introduction and Statement

In 1811, an Italian physicist Amadeo Avogadro advanced a brilliant hypothesis regarding the relationship between the volume and amount (number of moles or number of molecules) of a gas which was called Avogadro’s hypothesis and now it is called Avogadro’s Law.


At constant temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the equal number of molecules or moles i.e. the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles (molecules) of the gas at constant temperature and pressure. In other words, volume-amount (or mole) fraction i.e. volume-mole ratio of a gas will always be the same if the temperature and pressure remain constant.


According to Law, 1 dm3 (1 cm3 or 1m3) of oxygen contains same number of molecules as 1 dm3 (1 cm3 or 1 m3) of hydrogen or of any other gas, provided the volume are measured under the same conditions. Stated differently, doubling the number of moles of a gas doubles its volume, if temperature and pressure are constant. This means that as long as the temperature and pressure remain constant, the volume depends upon number of molecules of the gas or in other words amount of the gas.


Another Statement

Under the similar conditions of temperature and pressure equal no. of moles (molecules) will have equal volumes.

Examples Avogadro’s Law in Everyday Life

1. A flat tire takes up less space than an inflated tire.


2.  Lungs expand as they fill with air. Exhaling decreases the volume of the lungs.


3. A balloon filled with helium weighs much less than an identical balloon filled with air (since both balloons contain the same number of molecules and since helium molecules have lower mass (4 amu) than either oxygen molecule (32 amu) or nitrogen molecules (28 amu) in air, the helium balloon is lighter).

Mathematical Expression For a Single Gas

Since equal number of molecules means equal number of moles and thus the number of moles of any gas varies directly with its volume, therefore:


V a n      (at constant temperature and pressure).

V = Kn    [K is constant of proportionality which depends upon pressure and temp]

V/n = K           [V = k x N/NA, V = k x m/M]

V/n= K

It shows that the ratio of volume to number of moles of a gas remains constant.



n = m/M              

V = Km/M            


M = Km/V            

M = K/d    [so density of a gas is proportional to its molar mass)


The value of K is computed as:

K = V/n


V/n = RT/P     [From, PV = nRT]     

K = V/n = RT/P

K = V/n = (0.0821 atmdm3mol1K1) x (273 K)/ (1 atm)

K = V/n = 22.4 dm3 mol-1                                                     


Thus k is found to equal to 22.4 dm3 mol-1 which is called molar volume or molar gas constant. The value of k depends upon pressure and temperature and is independent of the nature of the gas.


Mathematical Expression for Two Gases

Suppose a gas of n1 moles is enclosed in a vessel of V1 volume. If we add more gas, the volume increases to V2, hence law can be written as:

This is the second form of Avogadro’s law


Since both gases have same volume, V1 = V2

            n2 = n1


Mathematical Proof

Let us suppose that we have two gases A and B whose number of moles are nA and nB respectively and their volumes are VA and VB respectively; then


VA  =  KnA        –––––––––––  (1)

VB  =  KnB        –––––––––––  (2)


VA    =  VB                [According to condition of Avogadro’s Law]


KnA =   KnB


nA     =   nB        or        MA/M.MA  =  MB/M.MB


It shows that equal volumes of gases contain equal number of moles or molecules.


If on the other hand, equation (1) and (2) are so equated that we have equal number of molecules in but the gases A and B, then;


nA = nB


nA    =  VA/K    




nB = VB/K




VA = VB          


It shows that equal number of moles or molecules of gases would occupy the same volume.


Graphical Proof

The graph between volume verses moles of a gas at stp is straight line indicating a direct linear relationship between them. 

Applications and Information obtained from Avogadro’s Law

1.         Determination of Relative Molecular Mass of Gases        

2.         Molar Gas Volume/standard molar volume

3.         Avogadro’s Number

4.         Relation between Molar Volume, Mole and Masses


1.   Determination of Relative Molecular Mass of Gases        

Avogadro’s Law enables us to determine the relative molecular mass of gases.


2.   Molar Gas Volume/standard molar volume

The proportionality constant (k) of Avogadro’s law shows that one mole any gas stp occupies 22.4 dm3 which is referred to as molar volume or standard molar volume.


According to Avogadro’s Law, 22.4 dm3 of any gas at STP constitutes 1 mole of that gas. 22.4 dm3 or 0.0224 m3 or 22400 cm3 at STP is referred to as Molar Volume. According to Avogadro’s Law, molar volume is independent of the nature of the gas.


1 mole of any gas at STP = 22.4 dm3


1 mole of N2  gas  at STP = 22.4 dm3

3.   Avogadro’s Number

According to law, it is found that one mole of any gas (and also one mole of all substances) contains the same number of molecules called Avogadro’s number (NA) which is equal to 6.02 x 1023


4.   Relation between Molar Volume, Mole and Masses

According to Avogadro’s Law, molar volume is independent of the nature of the gas. Thus of any gas at stp constitute its molar mass (mass in gram of one mole).Thus weight in gram of 22.4 dm3 of a gas at STP is the weight (mass) of one mole of that gas.


1 mole of Cl2 gas = 71 g/mol  = 6.02 x 1023 molecules

4.   Relation between Molar Volume, Mole and Masses

According to Avogadro’s Law, molar volume is independent of the nature of the gas. Thus of any gas at stp constitute its molar mass (mass in gram of one mole).Thus weight in gram of 22.4 dm3 of a gas at STP is the weight (mass) of one mole of that gas.


volume of one mole of helium gas and neon gas will be 22.4 dm3 although one mole of He gas is equal to 4 g and that of Ne gas is equal to 20 g.

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