
They were discovered by Friedrich Mischer in 1869.


Nucleic acids are biopolymers or long-chain polymeric molecules having high molecular weight, with the monomer (the repeating unit) known as the nucleotides and hence sometimes nucleic acids are referred to as polynucleotides.


The macromolecules which are formed by the polymerization of nucleotides (monomers) are called nucleic acid. The nucleic acids are the long chain polynucleotide in which mononucleotides (monomers) are linked with each other.


Constituent Elements

They contain elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and rarely phosphorus.



Nucleic acids are essential components of every living cell. (Cancer is caused by damage to DNA or interfering with the mechanism of its replication or passing information. So by understanding the mechanism of action of DNA, cancer can be cured). Nucleic acids are biopolymers and are most important of all biomolecules because they store and transmit hereditary information from parents to children. In living organisms, even single fertilized egg carries the information for making the different organs like heart, liver eyes, kidneys, hands, legs, heads etc.



They are present in all organisms either in the free state or bound to proteins as nucleoproteins. DNA is found mainly in the chromatic of the cell nucleus whereas about 90% of the RNA is present in the cell cytoplasm and only 10% occurs in the nucleolus.


Importance of Nucleic Acid

1. They are the most vital material for cell functioning.

2.  They are the storage of genetic information.

3. They work for mutation to save the cells and body form threatening diseases.

4. They transfer heredity characters from one generation to another generation.

5. They serve as a source of energy in the form of ATP.

6. They are responsible for the synthesis of protein in our body

7.  DNA fingerprinting is a method used by forensic experts to determine paternity. It is also used for the identification of criminals. It has also played a major role in studies regarding biological evolution and genetics.


Composition of Nucleotide

Each nucleotide consists of three components; nitrogenous base (purines and pyrimidines), a pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and a phosphate group. The chemical linkage between monomer units in nucleic acids is a phosphodiester.


Each nucleotide consists of three components;


1.  A heterocyclic nitrogenous base or nucleobase (purines and pyrimidines),

2. A five carbon pentose sugar (either deoxyribose, C5H10O4 in DNA and ribose, C5H10O5 in RNA)

3.  A phosphate group (phosphoric acid; H3PO4)

The two basic types of nitrogenous bases are double ringed purines and single ringed pyrimidines. Purines (pure as Ag) includes two nitrogenous bases like Adenine (A) [6-amino purine] and Guanine (G) [2-amino-6-oxy purine) while pyrimidines include three nitrogenous bases like Cytosine (C) [2-oxy-4-amino pyrimidine], Thymine (T) [2,3-dioxy-5-methylpyrimidine]and Uracil (U) [2,3-dioxypyrimidine]. [When small ring is cut, we get pyrimidine bases CUT)

There are five nitrogen bases that are found in nucleic acids. Adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine are found in DNA, whereas, Adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil are found in RNA. These nitrogen bases pair up very specifically and are held together by weak hydrogen bonds. Adenine always pairs up with thymine by two hydrogen bonds while guanine pairs up with cytosine with three hydrogen bonds.


Adenine pairs with both thiamine and uracil. Adenine forms two hydrogen bonds with thiamine in DNA and with uracil in RNA.


Difference between RNA and DNA

The type of pentose sugar differentiates RNA with DNA. RNA contains ribose sugar while DNA contains deoxyribose sugar. The phosphoric acid is common in all nucleotides and it is attached with 5th carbon of pentose sugar. The pentose sugar and phosphoric acid behave as basic skeleton. 

DNA is a polynucleotide chain in which nucleotides are arranged in a specific manner containing common phosphate and deoxyribose sugars but different nitrogenous bases having specific sequence. These sequences of bases in DNA can encode vast amount of information. The four different types of bases can be arranged in any linear order along a DNA strand. Each sequence of bases represents a unique set of genetic instructions. E.g. a piece of DNA with 10 nucleotides can exist in over a million different possible sequences of four bases. An average chromosome of plant and animal has millions to billions of nucleotides and DNA molecules encodes a huge amount of information in the form of genetic codes. 


Comparing DNA to RNA

1. DNA contains deoxyribose sugar (C5H10O4) while RNA carries ribose sugar (C5H10O5) in their  nucleotides.


2.DNA contains nitrogenous bases like adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine whereas RNA contains adenine, guanine cytosine and uracil containing nucleotide.


3.  DNA is a double stranded helical structure while RNA is mainly a single stranded structure except rRNA.


4.  DNA is of just one kind while RNA is of three kinds including rRNA, tRNA and mRNA (r=ribosomal, t=transfer, m =messenger).

5.   DNA molecule is always much longer than RNA molecule.


6.  DNA is generally more stable than RNA as it is more resistant to spontaneous enzymatic breakdown.


Types of Nucleic acids

There are two types of nucleic acids:


1.         Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

2.         Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)


Ribonucleic acid (RNA)



Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is one of the two major classes of nucleic acids and is an important biological macromolecule that is present in all biological cells. It is a single-stranded nucleic acid similar to DNA but having ribose sugar rather than deoxyribose sugar and uracil rather than thymine as one of the pyrimidine bases.



1. The main function of RNA is cellular protein synthesis.

2. It is responsible for putting the genetic information to work in the cell to build proteins. Its role is like a messenger.



The RNA molecule is composed of a pentose sugar ribose, phosphoric acid and some cyclic nitrogenous bases.


Type of Sugar present

RNA has ribose sugar (β-D-ribose) in it as the sugar moiety.


Nitrogenous bases present

The heterocyclic bases present in RNA are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine(C) and uracil (U). In RNA, the fourth base is different from that of DNA.


Structure and Strands

The RNA is a single stranded molecule (which sometimes folds back; that results in a double helix structure).



There are three types of RNA molecules, each having a specific function:

(i)        messenger RNA (m-RNA)

(ii)       ribosomal RNA (r-RNA)

(iii)      transfer RNA (t-RNA)


Synthesis and Mechanism of Action

RNA is synthesized by DNA to transmit the genetic information.


RNA receives, reads, decodes and uses the given information to synthesize new proteins.


Thus RNA is responsible for directing the synthesis of new proteins.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)



Its structure was discovered by J. Watson and F. Crick in 1953.



DNA consists of deoxyribose sugar. It is long two-chained double stranded molecule consisting of two chains of considerable length.



DNA is the permanent storage place for genetic information in the nucleus of a cell. It carries and stores all genetic information of the cell. It passes these information as instructions from generation to generation how to synthesize particular proteins from amino acids. These instructions are ‘genetic code of life’. They determine whether an organism is a man or a tree or a donkey and whether a cell is a nerve cell or a muscle cell.



Each chain of DNA is made up of pentose sugar deoxyribose, phosphate and some cyclic nitrogenous base.


Type of Sugar present

The sugar moiety present in DNA molecules is β-D-2-deoxyribose.


Nitrogenous bases present

The heterocyclic nitrogenous bases in them are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine(C) and thymine (T). These bases and their arrangement in the molecules of DNA play an important role in the storage of information from one generation to the next one.


The sugar and phosphate groups make the backbone of the chains and two chains are linked through bases. The chains are wrapped around each other in a double helix form. DNA has a double-strand helical structure in which the strands are complementary to each other.


Function of Base Sequence

The sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines the protein development in new cells.


Function of double helix

The function of the double helix formation of DNA is to ensure that no disorder takes place.


Effects of Errors in Genes

DNA carries genes that controls the synthesis of RNA. Errors introduced into the genes synthesize faulty RNA. It synthesizes faulty proteins that do not function the way they are supposed to. This disorder causes genetic diseases.

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