Resonance/ Mesomerism


Resonance/ Mesomerism



In 1933, Ingold explained phenomenon and gave the name as mesomerism and intermediate structure but later on Heisenberg gave name as resonance. The place­ment of ele­ments and elec­trons can dif­fer and in real­ity bonds are a blend of all these dif­fer­ent possible struc­tures. If you only have sin­gle bonds, you can’t show res­o­nance though.  It only appears when there are dou­ble or triple bonds asym­met­ri­cally placed.



In many cases, a single Lewis structure fails to explain the bonding in a molecule/polyatomic ion due to the presence of partial charges and fractional bonds in it. In such cases, resonance structures are used to describe chemical bonding. Resonance is a method of describing the delocalized electrons in some molecules where the bonding cannot be explicitly expressed by a single Lewis structure.


Resonance is the phenomenon in which two or more Lewis structures can be written for a molecule which involves different arrangement of electrons but identical position of atoms. These two or more Lewis structures are called resonating structures or contributing structures.

Contributing structures are not isomers of the target molecule or ion since they only differ by the position or placement of delocalized electrons. The actual structure is weighted average of all resonance structure is called resonance hybrid. A double headed arrow is used to indicate resonance in different resonating structures i.e. a double headed arrow () on both ends of the arrow between Lewis structures is used to show their inter-connectivity.

In resonance structures, the electrons are able to move to help stabilize the molecule. This movement of the electrons is called delocalization. In molecules or ions containing more than two atom and having double bonds or triple bonds, there are pi-bonds. The pi-electrons involved in pi-bonds are not localized between two atoms, but are spread over the entire structure (or the portion of the structure) which has only sigma-bonds. This spreading of pi-electrons is known as delocalization of the electrons. Broken lines or dashes depict the region of delocalization of the pi-electrons. Delocalization results in stabilizing the structure. Therefore, the resonance hybrid is more stable than the contributing canonical structures.

Electrons have no fixed position in atoms, compounds and molecules but have probabilities of being found in certain spaces (orbitals). Resonance forms illustrate areas of higher probabilities (electron densities). This is like holding your hat in either your right hand or your left. The term Resonance is applied when there are two or more possibilities available. Resonance structures do not change the relative positions of the atoms like your arms in the metaphor. The skeleton of the Lewis Structure remains the same, only the electron locations change. Sometimes the structure of a resonance hybrid is shown with the help of representation of bonds by broken lines or dashes.

Resonating Compounds

Resonance is shown by benzene, toluene, O3, allenes (>C = C = C<), CO, CO2, SO2, SO3, NO, NO2,  etc. while it is not shown by H2O2, H2O, NH­3, CH4, SiO2.



1. Resonance gives stability to resonance hybrid.

2.The energy of resonance hybrid is always lower than resonating structures.

3. It explains a lot of factor which cannot be explained by other phenomenon. E.g. nitric acid is stronger than nitrous acid.

4.   The resonance hybrid has lower energy and hence greater stability than any of the contributing structures.

5.   Greater is the number of canonical forms especially with nearly same energy, greater is the stability of the molecule.


Conditions For Resonance

Resonance can occur when the canonical structures

(i) have the constituent atoms in the same relative positions;

(ii)  have nearly the same energy;

(iii)  have the same number of unpaired electrons (to allow for continuous change from one type of bond to another);

(iv)differ in the distribution of electrons around the constituent atoms;

(v) molecules or ions are planar.


Resonance Energy

The resonance hybrid is a more stable structure than any of the contributing structures. This means that resonance hybrid has less energy than any of the contributing structures. The difference in energy between the actual observed energy of the resonance hybrid and the most stable of the contributing structures is called resonance energy.

 [Decrease in dipole moment also indicates resonance].

Resonance in Ozone

Sometimes it is possible to write more than one Lewis structure of a compound that agrees with the electronic requirements. For example, we can draw two Lewis structures for ozone (O3) molecule.

Both of these structures satisfy the octet rule and have a double bond one side and single bond on the other side of the central oxygen. According to these structures one oxygen-oxygen bond (O=O) would be shorter than the other (OO). However, this is not the case. Experimentally both the oxygen-oxygen bonds are found to have the same bond length (128 pm) which is in between the bond lengths of a (O=O) double bond (121 pm) and a (OO) singe bond (148 pm) indicating partial double bond.

These experimental observations can be explained with the help of the concept of resonance. The alternate Lewis structures are called canonical structures. These are separated by a double headed arrow (). All canonical structures must similar positions of nuclei, similar number of bonding and non-bonding electrons and similar energy. The actual structure is the resonance hybrid of all the contributing canonical or resonating structures. The structure of O3 molecule is represented as: 

Resonance in Carbon dioxide 

Carbon dioxide may be represented by Lewis dot formula as

The bond length of C=O is 1.22 Å, but the actual measured value is 1.15 Å. Further CO2 is quite stable and does not show the characteristic reactions of the carbonyl group, as shown by aldehydes and ketones. Without shifting, the relative positions of atoms of CO2 can be represented by two more Lewis formulae:

In (ii) and (iii), the two bonds between C and O are different, one being a triple bond and the other a single bond. Both the C-O bonds in CO2 are identical. It is now obvious that none of these structures actually represents CO2. To explain this difficulty the concept of resonance was introduced, according to which CO2 cannot be accurately depicted by any Lewis formula. The actual structure of CO2 is a resonance hybrid of the three structures:

These different structures are called the canonical or contributing structures. The actual structure of CO2 is different from the canonical structures and although it is closely related to them, the actual structure cannot be represented on paper using the accepted symbols. All the molecules of CO2 have the same structure. Usually, a double-headed arrow is used between the canonical structures.

Resonance in Carbonate ion

According to experimental findings, all carbon to oxygen bonds in CO32− are equivalent. Hence, it is inadequate to represent CO32− ion by a single Lewis structure having two single bonds and one double bond.  Therefore, carbonate ion is described as a resonance hybrid of the following structures:

The different resonance structures of the carbonate ion (CO32−) are illustrated above. The delocalization of electrons is described via fractional bonds (which are denoted by dotted lines) and fractional charges in a resonance hybrid.

Resonance in sulphur dioxide 

S – O bond length = 156 pm

S = O bond length = 128 pm

S – O bond length in SO2 = 143 pm

Resonance in sulphur trioxide 

Resonance in nitrogen dioxide 

Resonance Structures of NO2 Ion

In the nitrite ion, the bond lengths of both nitrogen-oxygen bonds are equal. The Lewis dot structures of NO2highlight a difference in the bond order of the two N-O bonds. The resonance hybrid of this polyatomic ion, obtained from its different resonance structures, can be used to explain the equal bond lengths, as illustrated below.

Resonance Structures of NO3 Ion

Nitrogen is the central atom in a nitrate ion. It is singly bonded to two oxygen atoms and doubly bonded to one oxygen atom. The oxygen atoms that are singly bonded to the nitrogen hold a charge of -1 (in order to satisfy the octet configuration). The central nitrogen atom has a charge of +1 and the overall charge on the nitrate ion is -1. The three possible resonance structures of NO3 are illustrated below.

Resonance in dinitrogen oxide (N2O)

Three canonical structures of dinitrogen oxide are given below:

Resonance in Benzene

benzene is considered to be a resonance hybrid of two Kekule’s Structures.

The benzene molecule is stabilized by resonance, the pi-electrons are delocalized around the ring structure. This delocalization causes each carbon-carbon bond to have a bond order of 1.5, implying that they are stronger than regular C-C sigma bonds. In the resonance hybrid of benzene, the delocalization of pi electrons is described with the help of a circle inside the hexagonal ring.

In benzene, Kekule’s first suggested two cyclohexatriene Kekule’s structures that have been taken together, they constitute the general structure as contributing structures. The hexagon replaces three double bonds in the hybrid structure represents six electrons in a collection of three molecular orbitals with a nodal plane in the molecule plane.

Resonance is a mental exercise and method within the Valence Bond Theory of bonding that describes the delocalization of electrons within molecules. It compares and contrasts two or more possible Lewis structures that can represent a particular molecule. Resonance structures are used when one Lewis structure for a single molecule cannot fully describe the bonding that takes place between neighboring atoms relative to the empirical data for the actual bond lengths between those atoms. The net sum of valid resonance structures is defined as a resonance hybrid, which represents the overall delocalization of electrons within the molecule. A molecule that has several resonance structures is more stable than one with fewer. Some resonance structures are more favorable than others.

Rules for writing resonance structures

The following rules are useful in deciding on the relative importance of resonance structures in contributing to the actual structure of a molecule.


1.   A resonating structure must be Lewis structure (All resonance structures must follow the rules of writing Lewis Structures)


2.   All resonance structures must possess the same bond connections and position of atoms. This feature distinguishes resonance structures from constitutionally isomeric structures. Resonance structures possess the same number, type and positions of atoms, but different positions of valence electrons; isomers possess the same number and type of atoms, but differ in the way the atoms are connected.


3.   The position of atom nuclei be same. (The skeleton of the structure cannot be changed (only the electrons move).


4.   The arrangement of electrons must be different


5.  Resonance structures should have the same number of electrons, do not add or subtract any electrons. (Check the number of electrons by simply counting them).)


6.  The energy of resonating structure must be greater than that of resonance hybrid.


7. The hybridization of the structure must stay the same.


8.  Resonance structures must also have the same number of lone pairs.


9.  There are no exceptions to the rule that H never exceeds a duet and that C, N, O and F never exceed the octet.


10. All other factors being comparable, isovalent resonance is more important than heterovalent resonance.


11. Structures which create separation of charge are less important than structures which do not.


12. Heterovalent resonance is only important when formal negative charge is placed on atoms of greater electronegativity and formal positive charge is placed on atoms of lower electron negativity.


13 Effective resonance between resonance structures requires the atoms involved in the resonance to be planar.


14  Resonance stabilization is most effective when the contributing structures are all equivalent. When the latter is the case, the resonance stabilization is most effective the greater the number of equivalent structures.











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