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Mole Concept Problems 2022 New Book Numerical with Solution XI



Numericals on Mole, Molar Volume and Avogadro’s Number 

(New Text Book Questions)


Q1. Calculate the number of moles in 25.5 g of sodium metal.



Mass of sodium metal = 25.5 g

Molar mass of sodium = 23 g/mol



No. of moles = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass


No. of moles (n) = 25.5/23 = 1.11 moles


Q2. Calculate the mass of 3.25 moles of water (H2O) .



No. of moles of water (H2O) = 3.25

Molar mass of water; H2O = 2(1) + 16 = 18 g/mol



Mass of water = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass


Derived Formula

Mass of substance = no. of moles x molar mass



Mass of substance = 3.25 x 18 = 58.5 g


Q3.Calculate the number of molecules in 610 g of benzoic acid (C7H6O2).



Mass of benzoic acid (C7H6O2= 610 g 

Molar mass of benzoic acid; (C7H6O2= 7(12) + 6(1) + 2(16) = 122 g/mol

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023



number of molecules = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass

No. of moles (n) = no. of particles/Avogadro’s no


Derived Formula


No. of particles = 3.01 x 1024 molecules

Q4. Calculate the mass of 4.39 x 1024 atoms of gold (Au), molar mass of gold is 197 g/mol.



Number of atoms of gold (Au) = 4.39 x 1024   

Molar mass of gold (Au; an element= 197g/mol

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023



Mass of given atoms of gold = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass

No. of moles (n) = no. of particles/Avogadro’s no

Q5. Calculate the number of moles in 2.35 x 1025 atoms of aluminium (Al).



Number of atoms of aluminium (Al) 2.35 x 1025

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023 atoms/mole



No. of moles of given atoms of Al = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = no. of particles/Avogadro’s no



No. of moles (n) = 2.35 x 1025/6.02 x 1023 39 moles of Al


Q6. What volume of oxygen gas (O2) occupied by 1.5 moles at STP.



Number of moles of oxgyen gas 1.5

Molar volume at STP = 22.4 dm3



Volume of oxygen gas at STP = ?


Parent Formula

No. of moles (n) = volume of gas at STP/molar volume


Derived Formula

Volume of gas at STP = No. of moles (n) x molar volume



Volume of gas at STP = 1.5 x 22.4 = 33.6 dm3


Q7. Graphite is one of the two crystalline forms of carbon which is a constituent component of lead pencils. How many atoms of carbon are there in 360 g of graphite? Also find the number of moles of carbon.



Mass of graphite (An allotrope of C) = 360 g

Molar mass of C = 12 g mol−1

Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023 atoms/mole



Number of atoms of carbon in given mass = ?

Number of moles of carbon in given mass = ?


Conversion of Mass into No. of atoms


No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass

No. of moles (n) = no. of particles/Avogadro’s no

Conversion of Mass into No. of moles

No. of moles (n) = mass of substance/molar mass

                                  = 360/12 = 30 moles of C


Q8.  1.6 g of a sample of a gas occupies a volume of 1.12 dm3 at STP. Determine the molar mass of the  gas.



Mass of gas = 1.6 g

Volume of gas at STP = 1.12 dm3

Molar volume  = 22.4 dm3/mol



Molar mass of the gas = ?


Tricky Problems on Mole Concept 

Q1. Calculate the number of molecules and number of atoms present in 1 g of nitrogen?


Q2.Calculate the number of molecules of BaCl2 and number atoms of chlorine in 2.08 g of BaCl2. (Atomic mass of Ba =137)


Q3. 4.8 g ozone sample is given. Find number of molecules and number of atoms in this sample of ozone.


Q4. A gas has a density of 1.6 gL−1 Find out volume and
mass of 1 mole of gas at STP.


Volume of 1 mole of gas at STP = 22.4 L

Q5. An unknown gas having of 8g is present in a container of 44.8 L. Find out unknown gas and number of atoms in a gas.


Q6.The number of molecules of O2 present in a container is same as that of number of molecules present in 9.6 g of SO2. Find:

(i) Number of moles of O2   (0.15 mol)

(ii)  Number of atoms of oxygen(2 x 0.15NA)

(iii)  Volume of oxygen at STP  (0.15 x 22.4)


Q7.  In a mixture of gas, a gas ‘X’ is present 0.56% then find number of moles of ‘X’ gas present in 1 L mixture at STP.


100 L mixture contains = 0.56 L gas X

1 L mixture contains = 0.56/100 = 5.6 x 10−3 L

No of moles = volume of gas/molar volume 

                    = 5.6 x 10−3/22.4 

                    = 0.25 mole

Q8. How many gram of CaCO3 would contain 2.4 g of oxygen? 


100 g (1 mole) of CaCO3 contains = 48 g oxygen

48 g oxygen is present in → 100 g of CaCO3

1 g oxygen is present in   → 100/48 g of CaCO3

2.4 g oxygen is present in = 100 x 2.4/48 g of CaCO

                                          5 g CaCO3

Q9. The molecular (in fact formula) weight of NaOH is 40 amu. Find
(i) Its gram formula weight.
(ii) Weight of 3 formula unit in amu.
(iii) Weight of 60200 formula unit in g.
(iv) Weight of 6 gram mole.


Q10. Which one of the following will have largest number of atoms?

(i) 1 g Au(s)

(ii) 1 g Na(s)

(iii) 1 g Li(s)

(iv) 1 g of Cl2(g) 


Q11. The atomic mass of zinc is 65.4 amu. Calculate:
(i). The number of mole in 6.54 g.
(ii). The number of atoms in 10.9 g of Zn
(iii). The number of atoms in 0.5 mole
(iv). The mass of 1 atom of zin
(v). The mass of 1.204 x 
1024 atoms of Zn in g


Q2. A sample of oxygen gas at STP has a volume of 1700 cm3. Calculate:

(i) The number of moles in the sample.

(ii) The mass of the sample.

(iii) The number of molecules in the sample.

(iv) The volume of 16 g of oxygen gas in cm3.

(v) The volume of 3.01 x 1024 molecules of the sample in dm3


Q4. 10 g of H2SO4 has been dissolved in excess of water to dissociate it completely into its ions. Calculate [K.B – 2016]
(i) Number of molecules in 10 g of 
(ii) Number of positive ions


Q6. The sample of nitrogen (N2) gas at S.T.P. has a volume of 14800 cm3. Calculate the mass and the number of molecules in the sample. 

(Answer; 18.5 g, 3.97 x 1023)


Mass = Vg/VM   x  molar mass = 14800/22400 x 28 = 18.5 g 

Np = Vg/VM   x  NA =14800/22400 x 6.02 x 10^23 = 3.97 x 1023

Q7. Calculate number of particles in of following                                      

(i) 112 dm3 of H2 gas at stp             

(ii) 9 g of Na 

(Answer; 3.01 x 1023, 2.35 x 1023)

Q8. 0.98 g of H3PO4 has been dissolved in excess of water to dissociate completely into ions. Calculate the number of molecules in 0.98 g of H3PO4 and also number of positive ions. 

(Answer; , 6.02 x 1021, 1.806 x 1022)

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