X Chemistry Chapter # 1 …... Chemical Equilibrium Notes


Chapter # 1


Chemical Equilibrium


For Class X

(According to New Syllabus 2022)

1.1 Introduction to Reversible Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium


Generally, we presume that most chemical and physical changes proceed to completion. A complete reaction is one in which all reactants have been converted into products.

However, most chemical reactions do not go to completion because products react themselves to form the reactants. As a result, after sometime no further change takes place. Quantities of reactants and products remain unchanged and it seems that the reaction has stopped. In fact, these reactions do not stop; rather they take place on both directions at equal rate and attain the equilibrium state. Such reactions are called reversible reactions. Many examples of physical and chemical equilibrium are found in nature.

We owe our existence to equilibrium phenomenon taking place in atmosphere. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This natural process is responsible for the existence of life on the Earth.

Many environmental systems depend for their existence on delicate equilibrium phenomenon.

For example, concentration of gases in lake water is governed by the principles of equilibrium. The lives of aquatic plants and animals are indirectly related to concentration of dissolved oxygen in water.


1.2 Reversible Reactions (Both Way/Bi-Directional Reactions)


Definition of Irreversible Reactions

Most of the reactions, in which the products do not recombine to form reactants, are called irreversible reactions. They are supposed to complete and are represented by putting a single arrow (→) between the reactants and products.

Definition of Reversible Reactions

It is wrong to think that all chemical reactions process to completion and all reactions are irreversible. In fact, there are many chemical reactions that are reversible. For such reversible reactions, not all the reactants are converted into products. We would simply have a mixture of unreacted reactants and products co-existing.


Reversible reactions are those chemical reactions, which take place in both forward and reverse directions simultaneously and never proceed to completion. That is why they are also known as Both Way Reactions or bidirectional reactions.
A reversible reaction involves two processes; forward and reverse and it can be made to proceed in either direction depending upon the conditions. Reversible Reaction is carried out in closed flask.

Such reactions are never proceed to completion i.e. the reactants are not completely changed into products but they apparently come to rest after leaving behind a considerable amount of reactants. In reversible reactions, reactants are not completely changed into products and never run to completion because as soon as the products are formed, they start reacting and regenerating the reactants.

Reversible Reaction is carried out in closed flask.



They are represented by double half headed arrow(⇌) sign.


General Example of Reversible Process

The characteristics of system at equilibrium are better understood if we examine some physical processes. The most familiar examples are phase transformation processes.

conversion of ice into water by melting and conversion of water into ice by freezing is an example of reversible change. 

Direction of Reversible Reactions

reversible reactions proceed in both ways, i.e., they consist of two reactions; forward and reverse.

1. Forward Reaction; It is the direction in which reactants are converted into products.

2. Backward Reaction; It is the direction in which products are converted into reactants again.  

Examples of Reversible Reactions

Difference between reversible and irreversible reactions

Explanation of Reversible Reaction through Manufacture Of Ammonia from Its Constituent Elements 

Let us discuss a reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen to manufacture ammonia.

 N2(g)   +          3H2(g)          2NH3(g)

When 1 mole of nitrogen gas reacts with 3 moles of hydrogen gas, it gives 2 moles of ammonia gas. This is known as forward reaction.

N2(g)   +          3H2(g)   ←        2NH3(g)

On the other hand, two moles of ammonia gas may also be changed into one mole of nitrogen and 3 moles of hydrogen. This reaction is reverse of the above. Therefore, it is called as reverse reaction.

When both of these reactions are written together as a reversible reaction, they are represented as:

N2(g)   +          3H2(g)           2NH3(g)

Explanation of REVERSIBLE REACTION through hydrogen iodide formation

Let us discuss a reaction between hydrogen and iodine. Because one of the reactants, iodine is purple, while the product hydrogen iodide is colourless, proceedings of the reaction are easily observable. On heating, hydrogen and iodine.

Vapours  in a closed flask, hydrogen iodide is formed. As a result, purple colour of iodine fades as it reacts to form colourless hydrogen iodide. This reaction is called as forward reaction.

On the other hand, when only hydrogen iodide is heated in a closed flask, purple colour appears because of formation of iodine vapours. Such as In this case, hydrogen iodide acts as reactant and produces hydrogen and iodine vapours. This reaction is reverse of the above. Therefore, it is called as reverse reaction.

When both of these reactions are written together as a reversible reaction, they are represented as:

explanation of reversible reaction through calcium carbonate formation

Let us have another example, when calcium oxide and carbon dioxide react, they produce calcium carbonate:

On the other hand, when CaCO3 is heated in an open flask, it decomposes to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. CO2 escapes out and reaction goes to completion:

In these two reactions, decomposition is reverse to combination or vice versa. When calcium carbonate is heated in a closed flask, so that CO2 cannot escape out. Initially only decomposition take place on (forward reaction), but after a while CO2 starts combining with CaO to form CaCO3 (reverse reaction). In the beginning, forward reaction is fast and reverse reaction is slow. But eventually, the reverse reaction speeds up and both reactions go on at the same rate. At this stage, decomposition and combination take place at the same rate but in opposite directions, as a result amounts of CaCO3, CaO and CO2 do not change. It is written as

1.3 Chemical Equilibrium

Under given set of conditions if a reversible process or chemical reaction is carried out in a closed container, a constancy in some observable properties like colour intensity, pressure, density, is observed. Such a state is referred to as an equilibrium state.

Equilibrium means no change in state of body which may be in rest or motion

If a body is in rest and in rest = static equilibrium (may be stable or unstable)

If a body is in motion and in motion = dynamic equilibrium


Definition of Chemical Equilibrium

Chemical Equilibrium is the state of a reversible reaction (in a closed vessel) at which there is no observable change in the concentrations of reactants and products with time and rate of forward reaction is exactly equal to the rate of reverse reaction i.e. it an apparent state of rest in a reversible chemical reaction where the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to the rate of reverse reaction. Thus at equilibrium state:

Rate of forward reaction  =  Rate of backward reaction


Equilibrium represents the state of a process in which the measurable properties like T, P, colour, concentration of the system do not show any change with the passage of time. Chemical systems at equilibrium have constant observable properties. Nothing appears to be happening because the internal movement involves entities that are too small to see.


Different Definition of Chemical Equilibrium

1.  Stated differently, a reversible reaction is said to be in equilibrium when the rate of transformation of reactants into products is just equal to the rate of transformation of products into reactants (i.e. two opposing reactions occur at the same rate) and the concentrations of reactants and products do not change with the passage of time and becomes constant.

2.  An equilibrium is said to have been established when velocities of opposing reactions become equal.

Conditions Necessary for Equilibrium

1.    Must have a closed system

2.   Must have a constant temperature

3.   Activation energy is low enough to allow a reaction

Graphical Representation of attainment of dynamic equilibrium

In a reversible reaction, dynamic equilibrium is established before the completion of reaction. The rate of both forward and reverse reaction becomes equal upon reaching the equilibrium point. The following graph which is of concentration vs time, shows that the concentrations of both reactants and products becomes constant at equilibrium.


1. Equilibrium can be established for both physical processes and chemical reactions.

2. The reaction may be fast or slow depending on the experimental conditions and the nature of the reactants. The reaction rate depends on the concentration of the reactants.

3. At the beginning, the concentration (quantity) of reactant is higher and the rate of product formation is greater. As the reactant concentration decrease, the rate of reactant transformation also decreases and the rate of product formation decreases. When the reactants in a closed vessel at a particular temperature react to give products, the concentrations of the reactants keep on decreasing, while those of products keep on increasing i.e. with passage of time, there is accumulation of the products and depletion of the reactants. This leads to a decrease in the rate of forward reaction and an increase in the rate of the reverse reaction.

4. After some time after which there is no change in the concentrations of either of the reactants or products. This stage of the system is the dynamic equilibrium and the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal. It is due to this dynamic equilibrium stage that there is no change in the concentrations of various species in the reaction mixture. This constancy in composition indicates that the reaction has reached equilibrium.

Rate of forward reaction  =  Rate of backward reaction

Thus, when the rate of the forward reaction is the same as the rate of reverse reaction, the composition of the reaction mixture remains constant, it is called a chemical equilibrium state.


Establishing Equilibrium

At equilibrium state there are two possibilities.

1.    When reaction ceases to proceed, it is called static equilibrium. This happens mostly in physical  phenomenon. For example, a building remains standing rather than falling down because all the forces acting on it are balanced. This is an example of static equilibrium.

2. When reaction does not stop, only the rates of forward and reverse reactions become equal to each other but take place in opposite directions. This is called dynamic equilibrium state. Dynamic means reaction is still continuing. At dynamic equilibrium state:

          Rate of forward reaction = Rate of reverse reaction

For example, in case of reaction between hydrogen and iodine vapours, some of the molecules react with each other to give hydrogen iodide.

At the same time, some of the hydrogen iodide molecules decompose back to hydrogen and iodine.

In the beginning, as the concentration of the reactants is higher than that of the products, the rate of the forward reaction is faster than the reverse reaction. As the reaction proceeds, the concentration of reactants will gradually decrease while that of product will increase, consequently the rate of the forward reaction will go on decreasing and the reverse reaction will go on increasing and ultimately the two rates will become equal to each other. Thus, the equilibrium will set up and concentration of various species (H2, I2,HI) becomes constant. It is represented as

Macroscopic Characteristics of Forward Reactions

1.It is always directed from left to right in a chemical reaction.

2. Reactants produce products (reactants → products)

3.   Initially rate is fast but gradually slows down.


Macroscopic Characteristics of Reverse Reactions

1. It is always directed from right to left in a chemical reaction

2. Products produce reactants (Reactants ←products)

3. Initial rate is low but gradually speeds up.


Macroscopic characteristics of forward and reverse Reactions


Macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium

1.  Achievement of Equilibrium in a closed system

2.  The rates of opposing changes are equal

3. constant Concentrations of reactants and products/ constant observable (macroscopic) properties of a system

4.  Approaching Equilibrium from either direction

5.  Changing equilibrium state by changing concentration, pressure and temperature.

6.  change in free energy i.e. ∆G = 0.

7.  change in microscopic properties     


A few important characteristic features of dynamic equilibrium are given below:

1. Achievement of Equilibrium in a closed system

Equilibrium can only be reached in a closed system. An equilibrium is achievable only in a closed system (in which substances can neither leave nor enter).

2.   The rates of opposing changes are equal

Equilibrium is achieved in reversible process when opposing changes to a closed system occur simultaneously at the same rate i.e. the rates of opposing changes are equal. Equilibrium is a dynamic process (A close system is a system that may exchange energy but not matter with its surroundings).

At equilibrium state, a reaction does not stop. Forward and reverse reactions keep on taking place at the same rate but in opposite direction.

3.constant observable (macroscopic) properties of a system

The observable (macroscopic) properties of a system at equilibrium are constant (e.g. temperature, pressure, colour, mass, density, pressure, pH, concentration etc.) i.e. When a chemical system is at equilibrium, there are no visible changes in the system. The concentrations of reactants and products are constant (Not equal!)

At equilibrium state, the amount (concentration) of reactants and products remains constant.

4.Approaching Equilibrium from either direction

Equilibrium can be established from either direction i.e. equilibrium can be approached from both sides. An equilibrium state is attainable from either way, i.e. starting from reactants or from products.


5.   change in microscopic properties        

It is a microscopic property. When chemical equilibrium is established even then minute changes continuously take place. These changes are called microscopic properties.

6. Factors Disturbing State of Equilibrium

An equilibrium state can be disturbed and again achieved under the given conditions of concentration, pressure and temperature.

7. Effect of Catalyst on EQUILIBRIUM

The state of equilibrium is not affected by the presence of catalyst. It only helps to attain the equilibrium state in less or more time.

8   change in free energy i.e. ∆G = 0.

Thermodynamically, at equilibrium the Gibb’s free energy (G) is minimum and any change occurring at equilibrium proceeds without change in free energy i.e. ∆G = 0.

9. Equilibrium can be attained in homogenous and heterogeneous system.


Dynamic Equilibrium

It is an equilibrium involving constant interchange of activated particles in motion. The chemical equilibrium is said to be in Dynamic State because it involves constant and continuous interchange (exchange) of activated (dynamic) molecules of reacting substances (reactants and products) in motion i.e. forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates in opposite directions (reaction is continuously going on in the forward and reverse directions with equal rates). 

A system at equilibrium is dynamic on the molecular level; no further net change is observed because changes in one direction are balanced by changes in the other.


Apparently, it appears that the equilibrium is dead or static and the reaction seems to be cease but the equilibrium is dynamic and the molecules are still changing from reactants to products and from products to reactants but with no net change in their concentrations.

Although the concentrations of the substances remain unchanged (as indicated by the term “equilibrium”), there is still activity going on; both forward and backward reactions are continually occurring (as indicated by the term “dynamic”) but since they proceed at the same rate, each species is formed as fast as it is consumed, resulting in a constant concentration term.

In a reversible reaction, dynamic equilibrium is established before the completion of reaction.At initial stage, the rate of forward reaction is very fast and reverse reaction is taking place at a negligible rate. But gradually forward reaction slows down and reverse reaction speeds up. Eventually, both reactions attain the same rate, it is called a dynamic equilibrium state.

Activated or Dynamic Molecules

The small fractions of reacting molecules that successfully collide to form products are called Activated or dynamic Molecules.

Equilibrium Mixture

A mixture of various substances at equilibrium in a closed vessel is called equilibrium mixture. It is a mixture of various species in which the chemical equilibrium exists. It is a mixture of reactants and products in the equilibrium state.


Equilibrium Concentration

The concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium state are called Equilibrium Concentration.


1.4 Law of Mass Action/Law of Equilibrium (Guldberg-Waage Law)



Law of Mass Action gives a quantitative relationship between the rate of reaction and the active masses (molar concentration) of reacting substances. In 1869 (1864), two Norwegian chemists Cato Maximillian (C.M) Guldberg (1836–1902) and Peter (P) Waage (1833–1900) put forward law of mass action or equilibrium law.

Statement of LMA

The rate at which a substance reacts is directly proportional to its active mass and the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the active masses (molar concentrations in mole/dm3) of its reacting substances raised to power equal to their number of moles in the balanced chemical equation of the reaction at constant temperature.


Rate of reaction α Active mass of reacting substance


Active Mass

The Molar Concentration in mole/dm3 or mol dm−3 (mole/litre) of substances is termed as active mass which represented by square brackets; [ ]. While writing expression for equilibrium constant, symbol for phases (s, l, g) are generally ignored.


1.5 Derivation of Equilibrium Constant (Kc) Expression for General Reversible Reaction


Let us apply the law of Mass Action to derive equilibrium constant (Kc), for a general reversible reaction in which reactants A and B combine to form products C and D. At equilibrium state, the concentrations of A, B, C and D become constant. Let [A], [B], [C] and [D] are the active masses or molar concentrations in mole/dm3 of A, B, C and D at equilibrium state respectively.


According to Law of Mass Action, rate of forward reaction and backward reactions are given as:

Rate of forward reaction α [A]a [B]b 


Rf = Kf [A]a[B]b  

(Kf=specific rate constants for forward reaction)

Rate of reverse reaction  α [C]c[D]d 


Rr=Kr [C]c[D]d    

(Kr=specific rate constants for reverse reaction)


Where Kf and Kr are the proportionality constants known as the specific rate constants for forward reaction and specific rate constants for reverse reaction respectively. Their values depend upon the nature of reactants and products.

Since, at the equilibrium state:               


(on re-arranging i.e. By taking the constants on L.H.S side and the variables on R.H.S of the equation, the above equation becomes)

(Where a, b, c and d are the number of moles (co-efficient) of A, B, C and D respectively in the balanced equation).                                                              

The ratio Kf/Kr is a constant quantity at any specific temperature, which is known as Equilibrium Constant for the Reaction denoted by Kc (or simply K) where subscript ‘c’ indicates concentrations in mole/dm3.

The above expression is known as Equilibrium Constant Expression or Kc–Expression or Law of Mass Action Expression or LMA-Expression, which is written by placing the active masses of products in the numerator and active masses of reactants in the denominator with each concentration term raised to a power equal to the coefficient of the substance in the balanced equation. 

1.6 Equilibrium Constant (Kc) and Its Unit


The equilibrium constant (Kc) of a reversible reaction is a constant ratio of Kf/Kr (specific rate constant for forward reaction/specific rate constant for reverse reaction) at constant temperature.

Equilibrium constant is a ratio of the product of the molar concentrations (active masses) of products to the product of molar concentrations (active masses) of reactants with each concentration term raised to the power of coefficient as expressed in the balanced chemical equation at constant temperature.

Thus Kc is directly proportional to molar equilibrium concentrations (active masses) of products and inversely proportional to molar equilibrium concentrations (active masses) of reactants.


Characteristics of Equilibrium Constant

1. Expression for equilibrium constant is applicable only when concentrations of the reactants and products have attained constant value at equilibrium state.

2. Kc for any given reaction at a particular temperature always has the same value.

3.  The value Kc is determined by experiment.


Importance of Kc

Kc determines which in greater concentration at equilibrium – the products or the reactants. In general:

Kc > 102  (1); equilibrium lies to the right and favours the product.

Kc < 10-2 (1); equilibrium lies to the left and favours the reactants.

If Kc is very large, the equilibrium mixture will contain mostly products while if Kc is very small, the equilibrium mixture will contain mostly reactants. 


Unit of Kc

For the reaction in which the number of moles of reactants and products are not equal in the balanced chemical equation, Kc has some unit.

1.  Kc has no units in reactions with equal number of moles on both sides of the equation. This is because concentration units cancel out in the expression for Kc.


For the reaction; CO2(g) + H2(g) CO2(g) + H2O(l), the unit of Kc is derived as

For the reaction; H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g), the unit of Kc is derived as

2.  Kc has units for those reactions when the number of moles of reactants and product are not equal


For the reaction; N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g); the unit of Kc is derived as

Factors that does not affect Equilibrium Constant

1. The value of equilibrium constant is independent of initial concentrations of the reacting species (reactants and products) i.e. it does not depend on the initial concentrations of the reactants and the products.

2.  Kc is independent of the number of intermediate steps in the reaction mechanism.

3. The equilibrium constant is independent of the presence of a catalyst.


Factors affecting Equilibrium Constant

The value of Kc depends only on temperature i.e. Kc changes with change in temperature having one unique value for a particular reaction. The effect of temperature change on Kc depends on the sign of DH for the reaction. The Kc for an exothermic reaction (negative DH) decreases as the temperature increases while Kc for an endothermic reaction (positive DH) increases with the rise in temperature.


Rules for writing Kc– Expression

1.In writing Kc– Expression, the active masses (molar concentrations) of products appear in numerator and active masses (molar concentrations) of reactants appear in denominator.

2.The number of moles of reactants and products (i.e. their coefficients in the balanced equation) appear as the power of active mass (molar concentrations).


1.7 Importance of Equilibrium Constant

Knowing the numerical value of equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction, direction as well as extent of the reaction can be predicted.


1. Predicting Direction of a Reaction

It is important to determine the reaction’s direction at any given time in a reversible reactions. The reaction quotient, Qc help us to predict the direction of reaction. It has the same mathematical structure as Kc but Qc  is a ratio of initial concentration. Comparing Kc  and Qc  values predicts the direction of reaction.

Direction of a reaction at a particular moment can be predicted by inserting the concentration of the reactants and products at that particular moment in the equilibrium expression. The reaction quotient Qc is useful because it predicts the direction of the reaction by comparing the value of Qc with Kc .

Thus, we can make the following generalization about the direction of the reaction.


1. If Qc = Kc, the actual product and reactant concentrations are equal to the equilibrium concentration, and the system is stable. If Qc= Kc; forward and reverse reactions take place at equal rates i.e., equilibrium has been attained.

2. If Qc<Kc, there is increase in product concentration for equilibrium. So the forward reaction occurs, forming additional products. If Qc < Kc; the reaction goes from left to right, i.e., in forward direction to attain equilibrium.

3. If Qc < Kc, there is decrease in product concentration for equilibrium. So the reverse reaction occurs, forming more reactants. If Qc > Kc; the reaction goes from right to left, i.e., in reverse direction to attain equilibrium.

Consider the gaseous reaction of hydrogen with iodine.

H2(g) + I2(g)    2HI(g),   Kc = 57.0 at 700K

We withdraw the samples from the reaction mixture and determine the concentrations of H2(g), I2(g) and HI(g) . Suppose concentrations of the components of the mixture are:

[H2]t = 0.10 mol dm−3

[I2]t  = 0.20 mol dm−3

[HI]t = 0.40 mol dm−3

The subscript ‘t’ with the concentration symbols means that the concentrations mare measured at some time t, not necessarily at equilibrium. When we put these concentrations into the equilibrium constant expression, we obtain a value called the reaction quotient Qc. The reaction quotient for this reaction is calculated as:

As the numerical value of Qc (8.0) is less than Kc (57.0), the reaction is not at equilibrium. It requires more concentration of product. Therefore, reaction will move in the forward direction.


 2. Predicting Extent of a Reaction

Numerical value of the equilibrium constant predicts the extent or scope of a chemical reaction. It indicates to which extent reactants are converted to products. In fact, it measures how far a reaction proceeds before establishing equilibrium state.

In general, there are three possibilities of predicting extent of reactions as magnitude of Kc may be very high, very low or moderate, so can be extent of reaction


(a) Large numerical value of Kc

The large value of Kc indicates that at equilibrium position the reaction mixture consists of almost all products and reactants are negligible. Reactions with high Kc values are virtually complete. High Kc indicates maximum product concentration and minimum reactant t concentration. The reaction has almost gone to completion. This type of reaction is known as forward reaction.  


For example, oxidation of carbon monoxide goes to completion at 1000 K. Similarly, reaction between hydrogen and oxygen has almost gone to completion at 227oC

2CO(g) +  O2(g)            2CO2(g),         Kc = 2.2 x 1022

2H2(g)  +  O2(g)              2H2O (g),      Kc = 2.4 x 1047 At 227oC

H2(g)    +    Br2(g)  ⇌    2HBr(g)             Kc  =  5.4 x 1018 at 300K

H2(g) +      Cl2(g)    ⇌    2HCl(g)             Kc  =  4.0 x 1031 at 300K

2O3(g)       ⇌  3O2(g)                               Kc  =  1 x 1055 at 25°C


(b) Small numerical value of Kc

When the Kc value of reaction is small, it indicates that the equilibrium has established with a very small conversion of reactants to products. At equilibrium position, almost all reactants are present but amount of products is negligible. Reactions with low Kc value never finish. Low Kc indicates maximum reactant concentration and minimum product concentration. These are called reverse or backward responses. Such type of reactions never go to completion. Such type of reactions never go to completion.

2NH3(g)       N2(g)  +  3H2(g),       Kc = 3.0 x 10-9

F2(g)⇌ 2F(g),   Kc = 7.4 x 10-13  At 227oC

2H2O  ⇌   2H2(g) + O2(g)       Kc =  4.1 x 10-48

N2(g) + O2(g)      2NO(g)  Kc =  10-30


(c) Numerical value of Kc is neither small nor large.

Such reactions have comparable amounts of reactants and products at equilibrium position. Reactions which have moderate value of Kc are considered to be at equilibrium. The concentration of reactants and products is almost same

For example:

N2O4(g)      2NO2(g)  ,      Kc = 0.3 At 25oC

N2(g) +3H2(g) ⇌  2NH3(g)  Kc  =  10 at 300°C

H2(g) + I2(g)⇌   2HI (g)       Kc  =  57 at 700K


Solved Questions

Writing Equilibrium Constant Expression for Reaction along with Rate of forward and reverse Reactions


Q1.For the reversible reaction of sulphur dioxide with oxygen to form sulphur trioxide, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

 2SO2(g)  +  O2(g)  ⇌  2SO3(g)

The rate of forward reaction =   Rf = Kf [SO2]2[O2]

The rate of reverse reaction   =  Rr = Kr [SO3]2 

Q2.For the reversible reaction of nitrogen with oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

N2(g)  + O2(g)  2NO(g) 

The rate of forward reaction =    Rf = Kf [N2][O2]

The rate of reverse reaction    = Rr = Kr [NO]2


Q3.For the reversible reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia, the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

N2(g)  +3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

The rate of forward reaction    =    Rf = Kf [N2][H2]3

The rate of reverse reaction     =   Rr = Kr [NH3]2

Q4.For the reversible reaction of combination of nitrogen dioxide into its dimer dinitrogen tetraoxide,the Equilibrium Constant expression is derived as follows:

2NO2(g)            N2O4(g)

The rate of forward reaction   = Rf = Kf [NO2]2

The rate of reverse reaction = Rr = Kr [N2O4]

Writing Equilibrium Constant Expression for Reaction


Q.  Write down the equilibrium constant expression or Kc equation for given reactions

(i)  H2(g)    +     I2(g)         2HI(g)

(ii)   S(s)     +     O2(g)     SO2(g)

(iii)  2SO2(g)+    O2(g)     2SO3(g)

(iv) PCl3(g) +   Cl2(g)     PCl5(g)

(v) N2    +   2O2(g)   2NO2(g)

(vi)  N2  +   3H2(g)    2NH3(g)

(vii) H2  +  Br2(g)      2HBr(g)

(viii) SO2(g) +   NO2(g)  NO(g)   +  SO3(g)

(ix) CO(g)   + 3H2(g)    CH4(g) +  H2O(g)

(x)  NH4Cl(s)     NH3(g) +  HCl(l)


(i)  H2(g)    +     I2(g)         2HI(g)

(ii)   S(s)     +     O2(g)     SO2(g)

(iii)  2SO2(g)+    O2(g)     2SO3(g)

(iv) PCl3(g) +   Cl2(g)     PCl5(g)

(v) N2    +   2O2(g)   2NO2(g)

(vi)  N2  +   3H2(g)    2NH3(g)

(vii) H2  +  Br2(g)      2HBr(g)

(viii) SO2(g) +   NO2(g)  NO(g)   +  SO3(g)

(ix) CO(g)   + 3H2(g)    CH4(g) +  H2O(g)

(x)  NH4Cl(s)     NH3(g) +  HCl(l)










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