Empirical and molecular Formula



                   Empirical Formula              


it gives the simplest or least or smallest whole number ratio of different combining atoms of elements present in a molecule or formula unit of a compound.


the word 'empirical' means derived from experimental data. It is the type of formula which expresses only the relative number of each kind of atoms in a molecule (or formula unit) of a compound.


it tells us which elements are present and their atomic ratio in a molecule of a compound but it does not necessarily give the actual number of atoms present in the molecule.


1.    The empirical formula of benzene is CH i.e. the least ratio of C to H in its molecule is 1:1. However the true or molecular formula of benzene is C6H6. [Similarly the empirical formula of ethyne (C2H2) is CH].


2.   The empirical formula of glucose is CH2O i.e. the least ratio of C, H and O is 1:2:1. However the true  or molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6. [Similarly the empirical formula of Acetic acid (C2H4O2) is       CH2O].

The molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6 showing that number of atoms in it are 6, 12 and 6. To simplify the ratio, it is divided by the largest number i.e. 6 to give its empirical formula. The empirical formula of glucose becomes CH2O

C = 6/6  = 1

H = 12/6 = 2

O = 6/6  = 1



6: 12: 6

1 : 2 : 1

C : H2 :O

Empirical Formula of some important compounds

The term empirical formula is used for ionic compounds and giant covalent or macromolecular compounds like sand, diamond and graphite etc. It is also used for covalent compounds as CH2O for glucose and acetic acid.


Showing Lowest whole number ratio

An empirical formula shows only the lowest whole number ratio of combining atoms of different elements in a molecule and it does not necessarily give the actual or exact number of atoms in a molecule. Thus mostly it does not express the true composition of a chemical compound.


For Example;

the simplest whole number ratio between C to H in a molecule of ethyne or Acetylene is 1:1 giving its empirical formula CH while true or molecular formula of ethyne is C2H2


Reason for Calling Simplest Formula

It is also called simplest formula as it gives least whole number ratio of various atoms present in a molecule.


Used for Ionic or Inorganic Compounds

Ionic (or inorganic) compounds are usually represented by their empirical formulae (showing the lowest whole number ratio of the ions in them).

For Example;

sodium chloride, which is an ionic compound, is shown by its empirical formula NaCl showing that ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions is 1:1.


Some other examples of empirical formulae of few ionic compounds are MgO, CaO, KF, KCl, KBr, KI, NaBr, NaI, NaF, LF, NaH, KH, NaOH, KOH, CuSO4, CaCl2, K2SO4, Na2SO4, MgSO4, Na NO3, KNO3


Different Compounds Showing Same empirical formula

The empirical formula of two or more (covalent) compounds may be the same.


For Example;

Benzene and Acetylene both have same empirical formula of CH [but their molecular formulas are C6H6 and C2H2 respectively].


Similarly CH2O is the empirical formula of various compounds like glucose, fructose, acetic acid, and formaldehyde.


Compounds having Same Empirical and Molecular Formulae

The empirical formula of a compound may or may not the same as its molecular formula. A chemical compound can have the same empirical and molecular formula only when the simplest ratio and actual ratio of its atoms are identical.


For many simple covalent compounds have same empirical and molecular formula e.g. H2O, CO2, NH3, CH4, HCHO or CH2O (formaldehyde), C12H22O11 (sugar)


Found From Experiments

The empirical formula of a compound is determined by experimental analysis.


Converting Elements into known Compounds

The first step in determining empirical formula is to find out mass of each element present in it. The mass of element is determined by converting it to the compound whose mass can be determined directly. Usually elements present in organic compounds are converted into following compounds:

(i).        Carbon is converted into CO2.

(ii).       Hydrogen is converted into H2O.

(iii).      Sulphur is converted into BaSO4.

(iv).      Chlorine is converted into AgCl.

(v).        Bromine is converted into AgBr.

(vi).      Iodine is converted into AgI.

(vii).     Phosphorus is converted into Mg2P2O7

Steps for Determination of Empirical Formula


1.   Calculation of Mass of Elements

2. Determination of the percentage composition of each element

3. Finding the number of gram atoms or mole dividing the % of elements by its relative atomic mass

4.  Determination of simplest atomic ratio of each element by diving gram atom or mole by the smallest number of mole.


If the atomic ratio is in simple whole number, it gives the empirical formula otherwise multiply the simplest ratios with a suitable number to get the whole number atomic ratio.


1.  Calculation of Mass of each Elements

If mass of elements is not given, it is calculated by using following formulas:

For Example

2. Determination of %ages (percentage composition) of each Element

3. Determination of Mole Ratio of each Element

4. Determination of Simplest Ratio of each Element

The numbers or quotients so obtained (i.e. mole fraction) are divided by their least value to get simplest ratio. The values obtained in Step IV are then converted to nearest whole number by rounding off.

If resulting figure is not whole number is made a whole number by multiplying them all by a suitable digit like 2 (in rare cases we might have to multiply by 3 or 4) to obtain whole numbers. These whole numbers represents simplest ratios of element.


Percentage Composition

If number of atom =1; then molecular mass = minimum molecular mass


Analysis of a Compound


Qualitative Analysis

It involves identification of types of elements present in a compound.


Quantitative Analysis

It involves the determination of the masses of all the elements.


Methods to determine percentage composition

The percentage composition obtained from a given formula of a compound is called theoretical percentage composition.

Combustion analysis

The sequence of combustion analysis is shown in the following diagram

By combustion analysis, only those organic compounds can be analyzed which simply contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 


Molecular Formula



“It is the type of formula which expresses the actual number of atoms of each element present in a molecule of a substance”. Molecular formula gives actual atomic ratios in a molecule of a compound. Molecular formula is same as empirical formula or it may be an integral multiple of empirical formula.

For example the molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6 and molecular formula of ethene is C2H4.



1.   A molecular formula not only indicates the relative number of atoms but also the actual or total number of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound.

     For example:

    The molecular formula of benzene is C6H6. This indicates that benzene molecule is composed of 6 atoms of carbon and 6 atoms of hydrogen.


2.   The molecular formula and empirical formula may be the same (when actual number of atoms and simplest ratio between them are same).

       For example:

   Molecular Formula and Empirical Formula of water and methane are same i.e. H2O and CH4.


Work Out Molecular Formula

The molecular formula of a substance is an integral multiple of the empirical formula i.e. It is obtained by multiplying empirical formula by empirical units, n.            


Molecular Formula  =  (Empirical Formula)n


Where ‘n’ is any simple whole number (i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc.). When value of ‘n’ is equal to 1, then molecular formula and empirical formula are same.

Usually ionic compounds (NaCl, MgCl2, MgO etc.) have same molecular and empirical formula.

The value of integer ‘n’ is calculated by following formula:




Numericals on Empirical and Molecular Formula

Q1. 6.38 g of ethylene glycol gives 9.06 g of CO2 and 5.58 g of H2O. Its molecular mass is 62 a.m.u. Find out its molecular formula.



Mass of organic compound      = 6.38 g

Mass of CO2                                      = 9.06 g

Mass of H2O                            = 5.58 g

Molecular mass of compound  = 62 a.m.u                      


Molecular formula of compound = ?



1.Calculation of mass of C and H

2.         Calculation of %age of each element

3.         Calculation of Mole Ratio (M.R.) of each element

4.  Calculation of simplest atomic ratio (SAR) of each element

5.  Calculation of integral n

Molecular mass of compound = 62 g

Emp. formula mass of CH3O =  12  +  3  +  16 =  31 g

Integer  (n)  = molar mass/empirical formula mass 

                    = 62/31 =2              


5. Calculation of Molecular Formula (MF)

M.F. of compound = (E.F.)  x  n = (CH3O)2 = C2H6O2

Q2. 1.0 g of a gaseous hydrocarbon occupying a volume of 0.386 dm3 at STP, was combusted in air to yield 3.03 g CO2 and 1.55 g H2O. Find the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon.




Molecular formula of hydrocarbon = ? 

Calculation of Molecular mass

Calculation of Molecular Formula

Q3. The empirical formula of compound is CO2H. 1.8 g of this compound in gaseous state occupies 448 cm3 at STP. Find its molecular formula. [K.B. - 2015]




Molecular formula of compound = ? 

Calculation of Molecular mass

Calculation of Molecular Formula

Molecular mass of compound = 90 amu

Empirical formula mass of CO2H =12 + 16 x 2 + 1 = 45 g

 M.F. = (E.F.)  x  n = (CO2H)2 = C2O4H2

Q4. An organic compound producing air pollution contains 8.73% carbon, 77.45% chlorine and 13.82% fluorine. Find the molecular formula of the compound if its molecular mass is 137.5 amu. (KB-2021)



Assignment Problems on E.F., M.F. and Percentage Composition


Four Steps Numericals on Calculating Empirical Formula


Q1. 1.367 g of an organic compound containing C, H and O was combusted in air to give 3.002 g CO2 and 1.64 g H2O. Determine its empirical formula.                          (Ans: C3H8O)


Q2.    0.2475 g of an organic compound containing C, H and O gave on combustion 0.4950 g CO2 and 0.2025 g H2O.  Calculate its empirical formula.                                               (Ans: C2H4O)


Q3.    0.638 g of an organic compound on combustion gave 0.594 g H2O and 1.452 g CO2. Find its E.F.     (Ans: C3H6O)


Q4.  6.38 g of ethylene glycol gives 9.06 g of CO2 and 5.58 g of H2O. Its molecular mass is 62 a.m.u. Find out its molecular formula.                                                                 (Ans: EF =   CH3O, M.F = C2H6O2)


Q5. A combustion device was used to determine the empirical formula of a compound containing only C, H and O. A 0.6349 g sample of the unknown produced 1.603 g of CO2 and 0.2810 g H2O. Determine the empirical formula of the compound.


Q6.  5.325 g sample of methyl benzoate, a compound used in the manufacture of perfumes, is found to contain 3.758 g of carbon, 0.316 g of hydrogen, and 1.251 g of oxygen. What is the empirical formula of this substance?  (Answer; C4H4O)


Q7.          isopropyl alcohol is known to contain only C, H and O. Combustion of 0.255 g of isopropyl alcohol produces 0.561 g of CO2 and 0.306 g of H2O. Find out its EF. (Answer; C3H8O )


Q8.          Fructose is a type of sugar found in fruits and honey. Analysis of a 2.00 g sample shows that it contains 0.80 g of C, 1.06 g of O, and 0.14 g of H. An independent analysis shows that fructose has a molar mass of 180 g/mol. What is the molecular formula for fructose? (Answer;


Q9.          Menthol, which is present in mentholated cough drops, is an organic compound containing only C, H, and O. When a 0.2010 g sample is analyzed by combustion, 0.5658 g of CO2 and 0.2318 g of H2O are obtained. What is the empirical formula of menthol? (Answer; C10H20O)


Q10.       Eugenol is the compound responsible for the odor of cloves. Analysis of a 0.0188-g sample of eugenol by combustion gives 0.0506 g of CO2 and 0.0124 g of H2O. Given that eugenol is known to contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, what is its empirical formula? (Answer; C5H6O)



Two Steps Numericals on Empirical Formula


Q1.   Diethyl zinc is a chemical used in the library to protect the books from the worms. Its composition is 53% zinc, 38.9 C% and 8.1% hydrogen. Find the empirical formula of the compound. [K.B. – 2007]         (Ans; C4H10Zn or (C2H5)2Zn)

Q2.          An organic compound contains 33.35% C, 3.705 % of H and 12.09% of N. The molecular mass of the compound is 108. Determine the empirical and molecular formulae of the compound. [The percentages given are wrong and they should be C = 66.7%, H = 7.41% and N = 24.18%].                                           [K.B. – 2006]                         (Ans; C3H4N and C6H8N2)

Q3.          Find the empirical formula of an organic compound whose composition is given below:

C = 51.80%, H = 13.12% and O = 35.08%.                                       [K.B. – 2001]                        (Ans; C2H6O)

Q4.          Find the simplest formula of compound containing:                                                                    (Ans: C2H5NO)

                C = 40.48%; H = 8.43%; N = 23.73% and O = 27.36%.

Q5.          What is the empirical formulate for isopropyl alcohol (which contains only C, H and O) if the combustion of a 0.255 grams isopropyl alcohol sample produces 0.561 grams of CO2 and 0.306 grams of H2O?                (Ans: C3H8O)


Q6.          An organic compound on analysis gave 10.06% C, 0.84% H and 89.10% Cl. Find out its EF. (Ans: CHCl3)

Q7.          An O.C. on analysis gave 23.76% C, 5.94% H and 70.3% Cl. Find out its empirical formula. (Ans: CH3Cl)

Q8.          An O.C. contains 4.74% C, 0.4% H and 94.86% Br.  Find its empirical formula.                       (Ans: CHBr3)

Q9.          An O.C. contains 77.42% C, 7.53% H and 15.5% N.  Find its empirical formula.                      (Ans: C6H7N)        

Q10.       On analysis an O.C. gave 68.9% C, 4.8% H and 26.3% O.  Find its E.F. [Multiply by 2 in last step].      (Ans: C7H6O2)

Q11.       An O.C. contains 60.8% C, 3.02% H and oxygen.  Find its E.F.     (Ans: C5H3O2)      

Q12.       An O.C. contains 40% C, 6.67% H and 53.33% O.  Find its E.F.                    (Ans: CH2O)

Q13.       A given compound contains C = 60%, H = 13% and O = 27%.  Calculate its E.F.      (Ans: C3H8O)

Q14.       Calculate E.F. from the given percentage composition; C = 68.8%, H = 5%, O = 26.2%.        (Ans: C7H6O2)

Q15.       Calculate the empirical formula of compound which contains 52.07% C, 13.04% H and 34.88% O.  (Ans: EF = C2H6)


Q16.       Determine the empirical formula of the following compounds that underwent combustion analysis.

                (a).          Toluene is composed of C and H and yields 5.86 mg of CO2 and 1.37 mg of H2O after combustion.  (Ans; C7H8)

                (b).          0.1005 g of menthol, which is composed of C, H, and O, yields 0.2829 g COand 0.1159 g H2O after                                 combustion.  (Answer; C10H20O)

Q17.       Ibuprofen, a pain relief medication, is 75.69% C, 8.80% H, and 15.51% O, by mass. What is the empirical formula for ibuprofen. (Answer;?(Answer; C13H18O2)


Q18.       Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is 59.0% C, 7.1% H, 26.2% O, and 7.7% N, by mass. What is the empirical formula for epinephrine? (Answer; C9H13O3N)


Q19.       Caffeine contains only C, H, N, and O. When a 0.376 g sample is analyzed by combustion, 0.682 g of CO2, 0.174 g of H2O, and 0.110 g of N2 are obtained. What is the empirical formula for caffeine? (Answer; C4H5N2O)


Q20.       Lysine, which is an essential amino acid, contains only C, H, N, and O. In one experiment, the complete combustion of 2.175 g of lysine produces 3.93 g of CO2 and 1.87 g of H2O. In a separate experiment, 1.873 g of lysine produces 0.436 g of NH3. What is the empirical formula of lysine? (Answer; C3H7NO)


Q22. What is the empirical formula of each of the following compounds?

a.   Talc by mass composition contains 19.2% Mg, 29.6% Si, 42.2% O and 9.0% H.  (Answer; Mg3Si4O10H34)

b.   Saccharin has by mass composition 45.89% C, 2.75% H, 7.65% N, 26.20% O and 17.50% S. (Ans; C7H5NO3S)

c.  Salicylic Acid, used in aspirin, contains 60.87% C, 4.38% H, and 34.75% O by mass composition.  

(Answer; C7H6O3)

d.   L-Dopa, a drug used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, is 54.82% C, 5.62% H, 7.10% N, and 32.46% O by mass composition.  (Answer; C9H11NO4)


Q23Mercury forms a compound with chlorine that is 73.9% mercury and 26.1% chlorine by mass. What is the empirical formula?                                                                                                                                                                (Ans: HgCl2)

Q24. Calculate the empirical formula of an oxide of iron that contains 70% Fe by mass.                               (Ans: Fe2O3)







Four Steps Numericals on Calculating Empirical Formula 

Two Steps Numericals on Empirical Formula

Four Steps Numericals on Calculating Molecular Formula


Six Steps Numericals on Calculating Molecular Formula


1.    Acetic acid contains C, H and O. 2.14 g of a sample of acetic acid on complete combustion gave 3.105 g of CO2 and 1.27 g of water. The molecular mass of acetic acid is 60; find the empirical and molecular formulae.

            [K.B. – 2003,PM] (Ans: CH2O and C2H4O2)

2.   4.2 g of sample of an organic compound on complete combustion gave 6.21 g of CO2 and 2.54 g of H2O.  Its molecular mass is 60.  Find its molecular formula.      

(Ans: C2H4O2)

3.    1 g of sample of hydrocarbon on combustion gave 3.03 g CO2 and 1.55 g H2O.  If molecular weight of it is 58, find out its molecular formula. 

(Ans: C4H10)


4.  0.5 g of a hydrocarbon gave on combustion 1.515 g CO2 and 0.77 g H2O. If molecular weight is 58, find its molecular formula.      

(Ans: C4H10)

5.  On combustion 0.2000 g of sample of a carbohydrate produces 0.2933 g of CO2 and 0.1200 g of H2O.  Molecular weight of the compound is 180.  Calculate its molecular formula.

(Ans: C6H12O6)


6.    0.94 g of an O.C. gave on combustion 1.32 g CO2 and 0.568 g H2O. Its molecular mass was found to be 180; determine its molecular formula.

(Ans: C6H12O6)


7.   0.1802 g of an O.C. gave on combustion 0.2641 g of CO2 and 0.1081 g H2O.  Its molecular mass was found to be thrice of acetic acid.  Find its molecular formula.

(Ans: C6H12O6)

8. 0.30 g of an organic compound containing C,H and O on combustion yields 0.44g CO2​ and 0.18g H2​O. If one mole of compound weighs 60g, then find out its molecular formula of the compound.

(Ans: C2H4O2

9.   The combustion of 40.10 g of a compound which contains only C, H, Cl and O yields 58.57 g of CO2 and 14.98 g of H2O. Another sample of the compound with a mass of 75.00 g is found to contain 22.06 g of Cl. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

(Ans: C4H5ClO2)

10. The combustion of 1.38 grams of a compound which contains C, H, O and N yields 1.72 grams of CO2 and 1.18 grams of H2O. Another sample of the compound with a mass of 22.34 grams is found to contain 6.75 grams of O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

[Hint; % of N = 100 − (34.01 + 9.57 + 30.215) = 26.205%)                                          (Ans: C3H10N2O2)





Two Steps Numericals on Calculating Molecular Formula



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