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XII Practical Manual


List of Acid Radicals (Anions) in Salt Analysis

Acid radicals (Anions) are grouped on the basis of their decomposition either by dilute or concentrated H2SO4 and are identified by performing DRY TEST.

List of Basic Radicals (Cations) in Salt Analysis


Basic radicals (Cations) are grouped on the basis of their precipitation by different reagents in the increasing order of Ksp of their salts.


Analysis of dilute H2SO4/ dilute HCl Group (Acid Radicals Group I)

Experiment (Dried Test)

Original salt   +  dilute H2SO4 /dilute HCl +   Warm if need

[Liberation of different gases with characteristic smell and colour, indicates the presence of acid radicals of Group I]

Confirmatory Tests of Acid Radicals of Group I             


Analysis of Concentrated H2SO4 Group (Acid Radicals Group II)


           O. salt  +  conc. H2SO4  +  Heat

[Evolution of gases of various colours / odours indicates the presence of acid radicals of Group II]

Confirmatory Tests of Acid Radicals of Group II


Analysis of BaCl/ Ba(NO3)2 Group(Acid Radicals Group III)


Soln of salt in dil. HCl  +  BaCl2  ----> White ppt or no ppt    ------> May be SO42−/ PO43−

Separation of Basic Radicals (Cations)


Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group I


Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group II-A


Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group II-B




In the presence of a high concentration of HCl some cations of group II are not precipitated. So the absence of group II is ensured by diluting the H2S with water.

Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group III

Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group IV


Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group V


Analysis and Confirmation of Cations of Group VI


Preliminary Examination of the Salt


Sample Paper No 1 on Salt Analysis (Analysis of FeCl3)


Object: Identify the given salt both by dry and wet tests.


Basic radical   ---------  Fe3+  

Acid radical     ---------  Cl¯

Salt                  --------- FeCl3 (ferric chloride)

Sample Paper No 2 on Salt Analysis (Analysis of NiSO4)


Object: Identify the given salt both by dry and wet tests.



Basic radical   ------  Ni2+         

Acid radical -------  SO42        

Salt      -------  NiSO4       (Nickel sulphate)



Sample Paper No 3 on Salt Analysis (Analysis of NH4Br)

 Object: Identify the given salt both by dry and wet tests.


Basic radical   ----- NH4+         

Acid radical ----- Br        

Salt  ------  NH4Br (Ammonium Bromide)

Sample Paper No 4 on Salt Analysis (Analysis of CaCO3)


Object; Identify the given salt both by dry and wet tests.

Sample Paper No 5 on Salt Analysis (Analysis of Cr (NO3)2)


Object             Identify the given salt both by dry and wet tests.


Basic radical ------ Cr3+    

Acid radical ----- NO3   

Salt ------- Cr(NO3)3 (chromium nitrate)




II. Biochemical Tests


General Scheme for the Detection of Carbohydrates


Tests for Carbohydrates



Tests for Proteins




Tests for Fats and Oils


Model Paper # 1 on Biochemical Tests (Analysis of glucose)


Object             Identify carbohydrates /proteins/ fats or oils in given sample of organic compounds.


Coming Soon 

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