1. Second highest layer of Earth’s atmosphere is:
(a) stratosphere
(b) mesosphere
(c) troposphere
(d) thermosphere
2. Aero planes fly in:
(a) Troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Thermosphere
3. The altitude on stratosphere is:
(a) 40 to 45 km
(b) 50 to 55 km
(c) 60 to 65 km
(d) 70 to 75 km
4. Layer of atmosphere which separates stratosphere and troposphere is known as
(a) tropo-pause
(b) mesopause
(c) thermopause
(d) stratopause
5. Ozone layer is part of
(a) mesosphere
(b) stratosphere
(c) thermosphere
(d) troposphere
6. Which is not part of greenhouse gases?
(a) carbon dioxide
(b) methane
(c) nitrous oxide
(d) oxygen
7. Second most abundant constituent of dry air in terms of volume after nitrogen is
(a) nitrogen
(b) oxygen
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) helium
8. Ozone is a gas found in the__________ layer:
(a) Troposphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Stratosphere
(d) Exosphere
9. Which of the following is the reason of global warming?
(a) Presence of sulphite
(b) Rise in CO2 concentration
(c) Oxides of nitrogen
(d) Formation of ozone
10. Atmospheric pressure decreases with the
(a) increase in longitude
(b) decrease in altitude
(c) increase in altitude
(d) increase in latitude
Answers of MCQs on Chapter 5 …. Environmental Chemistry Part I, The atmosphere
1…….. A
2.…….. A
3.…….. B
4.…….. A
5.…….. B
6.…….. D
7.…….. B
8.…….. C
9.…….. B
10.…… C

1. Any material or energy, which is present in excess of the natural concentration and produce an adverse effect upon the environment is called
(a) Contaminant
(b) Pollutant
(c) Effluent
(d) None of them
2. The harmful effects of pollution on atmosphere, air and water are core topics of
(a) Analytical chemistry
(b) environmental chemistry
(c) Green Chemistry
(d) All of them
3. The % of argon in atmosphere is
(a) 78.09
(b) 20.95
(c) 99.04
(d) 0.93
4. The % of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is
(a) 78.09
(b) 20.95
(c) 0.03
(d) 0.93
5. The % of nitrogen and oxygen in atmosphere is
(a) 78.09
(b) 20.95
(c) 99.04
(d) 0.93
6. Which one of the following is solid particulate?
(a) Ash
(b) dust
(c) volcanic ash
(d) all of them
7. The Earth’s atmosphere is divided up into …………… layers
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
8. The lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere is called.
(a) troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere
9. Most of the mass (75% or 75-80%) of the atmosphere is in the ……………..
(a) troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere
10. The altitude on troposphere is
(a) 0 to 12 km
(b) 50 to 55 km
(c) 0 to 5 km
(d) None of them
11. The temperature Range of troposphere is
(a) 15°C to –56°C
(b) −58°C to 2°C
(c) −58°C to 15°C
(d) None of them
12. Air pressure and the density of the air …………….with altitude
(a) Increases
(b) decrease
(c) remain same
(d) None of them
13. Which layer of atmosphere is a part of an active weather system?
(a) troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere
14. The layer immediately above the troposphere is called the …………...
(a) troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere
15. The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere is called the
(a) tropopause
(b) Stratopause
(c) Mesospause
(d) Exopause
16.The temperature Range of stratosphere is
(a) 15°C to –56°C
(b) −58°C to 2°C
(c) −58°C to 15°C
(d) None of them
17. Air is roughly a …………….. times thinner at the top of the stratosphere than it is at sea level.
(a) Ten
(b) thousand
(c) Hundred
(d) Five
18. A pollutant’s severity is determined by its:
(a) chemical type
(b) concentration
(c) persistence
(d) All of them
19. The chemicals that pollute the environment are called
(a) Contaminant
(b) pollutants
(c) effluents
(d) All of them
20. The things that makes something impure are called
(a) Contaminant
(b) pollutants
(d) All of them
21. The waste or exhaust products by the burning of fossil fuels and organic materials are referred to as
(a) primary pollutants
(b) Secondary pollutants
(c) Tertiary pollutants
(d) None of these
22. Which one of the following is a Primary Pollutants?
(a) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Carbon monoxide
(c) nitrogen dioxide
(d) All of them
23. Which one of the following is a Primary Pollutants?
(a) CO2
(b) CH4
(c) NH3
(d) All of them
24. The compounds formed from the reaction of Primary pollutants together through a variety of processes are called
(a) primary pollutants
(b) Secondary pollutants
(c) Tertiary pollutants
(d) None of these
25. Which one of the following is a Secondary Pollutants?
(a) Sulphuric acid
(b) carbonic acid
(c) nitric acid
(d) All of them
26. Which one of the following is not a Secondary Pollutants?
(a) peroxy acetyl nitrate
(b) hydrofluoric acid
(c) ozone
(d) CFCs
27. Which one of the following is the key contributor to the creation of acid rain?
(a) SO2
(b) NO2
(c) CO2
(d) All of them
28. Which one of the following is a primary Particulate Matter?
(a) Fires smokestacks (b) building sites
(c) unpaved roads (d) all of them
29. Which one of the following is a secondary Particulate Matter?
(a) gases from power plants (b) gases from cars
(c) gases from factories (d) all of them
30. When the concentration of rain has a pH value less than ……….. is said to be acid rain.
(a) 4.5 (b) 5.5
(c) 6.5 (d) 1.2
31. Rainwater is weakly acidic due to dissolved …………. of the air
(a) CO2 (b) SO2 (c)NO2 (d) None of them
32. The pH of rain water is.
(a) 5.6 to 6 (b) 5.6 to 7
(c) 2.5 to 5.6 (d) None of them
33. Acid rain is formed on dissolving acidic air pollutant like and
(a) sulphur dioxide (b) nitrogen oxides
(c) Both of them (d) None of them
34. Which one of the following is an allotropic form of oxygen?
(a) Nascent oxygen (b) atomic oxygen
(c) ozone (d) all of them
35. The molecular formula of ozone is
(a) O2 (b) O3
(c) O4 (d) [O]
36. Photochemical interactions between two primary groups of air pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides, produce …………… ozone.
(a) tropospheric (b) stratospheric
(c) Mesospheric (d) Thermosphere
37. The interaction of solar ultraviolet (UV) light with molecular oxygen produces …………….. ozone
(a) tropospheric (b) stratospheric
(c) Mesospheric (d) Thermosphere
38. The ‘’ozone layer’’ is located about …………. above the Earth’s surface.
(a) 6 to 30 miles (b) 16 to 30 miles
(c) 6 to 20 miles (d) None of them
39. The ozone hole is a location where the ozone layer is ………….
(a) Thickened (b) depleted
(c) Thinned (d) all of them
40. Which one of the following is the major cause of ozone depletion?
(a) chlorofluorocarbons
(b) volatile organic compounds
(c) Nitrogen oxides
(d) all of them
41. The ultraviolet radiations break C-CI bond in CFCl3 and generates highly reactive
(a) chlorine free radical
(b) Oxygen free radical
(c) Hydrogen free radical
(d) All of them
42. A single chlorine free radical released by the decomposition of CFCs is capable of destroying ………..of ozone molecules resulting in ozone depletion.
(a) Thousands (b) Hundreds
(c) millions (d) none of them
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