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IX MCQs on Chapter # 3 …… Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties


MCQs on Chapter # 3 …… Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

1.  In 1869, Mendeleev put for forward his periodic law about

(a) Atomic number              

(b) Chemical properties                      

(c) Physical properties                        

(d) Atomic mass


2.  The periodic table divided into s, p, d and f blocks based on

(a) Atomic radius                

(b) Electronic configuration               

(c) Ionization energy                           

(d) Electron affinity


3.   4th and 5th period in periodic table are known as

(a) Short period                    

(b) Long period                                    

(c) Very long period                            

(d) Normal period


4.  Which one of the following decreases along the period

(a) Ionization Energy           

(b) Atomic Radius                                 

(c) Electronegativity                            

(d) Electron Affinity


5. The elements of VIIA group are known as:

(a) Lanthanides                    

(b) Actinides                                         

(c) Halogens                                          

(d) Noble Gases


6.  According to Mosley the chemical properties of elements are the periodic function of their:

(a) Atomic Size                     

(b) Atomic Mass                                   

(c) Atomic Radius                                 

(d) Atomic Number


7. The shielding effect across the period:

(a) Increases                         

(b) Decreases                                       

(c) Moderate                                        

(d) Remain same


8.  The ability to attract shared pair of electron is called:

(a) Electron Affinity             

(b) Electronegativity                            

(c) Ionization Energy                           

(d) Shielding Effect


9.  In group electron affinity values decreases from top to bottom because:

(a) Atomic size normal        

(b) Atomic size increases                   

(c) Atomic size decreases                  

(d) Atomic size same


10.  All Transition Elements are:

(a) Gases                                

(b) Metals                                              

(c) Nonmetals                                       

(d) Metalloids


11.  The volume occupied by 1 gram mole of element is called …………

(a) Atomic mass                    

(b) atomic volume curve                    

(c) Atomic volume                               

(d) Atomic number


12. The most reactive non-metal is ……… 

(a) O                                       

(b) N                                                       

(c) Cl                                                       

(d) F


13.  The most reactive metal is …………….                                    (a) Na                                   

(b) Cu                                                     

(c) Fe                                                      

(d) Ca


14. The elements of VIA group are known as ……..             

(a) Halogens                          

(b) Chalcogens                                     

(c) Actinides                                          

(d) Lanthanides


15. In the periodic table noble gases are found:

(a) At extreme right             

(b) At extreme left                               

(c) At the bottom                                 

(d) At the center


16. The element with electronic configuration 1s2 is present in the group:

(a) IIA                                     

(b) IIB                                                      

(c) VIIIA                                                  

(d) IB


17. The element with atomic number 9 is closest to in chemical properties with element of Z:

(a) 27                                     

(b) 37                                                     

(c) 47                                                      

(d) 53


18. Which one of the following configurations corresponds to alkali metals?

(a) 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6, 4s1 

(b)  1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6, 3d10, 4s1    

(c) 1s1                                                     

(d) 1s2,2s2 2p1


19.Which one of the following configurations corresponds to alkaline earth metals?

(a) 1s2                                    

(b) 1s2,2s2 2p3                                       

(c) 1s2,2s2 2p6 ,3s2                                

(d) 1s2,2s2 2p1

20. Which one of the following configurations does not correspond to noble gases?

(a) 1s2                                    

(b) 1s2,2s2 2p6                                       

(c) 1s2,2s2 2p6 ,3s2 3p6                        

(d) 1s2,2s2 2p5


21.   The elements of VIIA group are known as ……..         

(a) Halogens                          

(b) Lanthanides                                    

(c) Carbon                                             

(d) Actinides


22. Alkaline earth metals have total ………. valence electrons

(a) 3                                        

(b) 2                                                        

(c) 1                                                        

(d) 4


23. The period three of the modern periodic table contains ………. elements.           

(a) 18                                     

(b) 8                                                        

(c) 32                                                      

(d) 2


24.  1A°   =   ………                                                                         

(a) 10–8 cm                            

(b) 10–10 cm                                          

(c) 10–9 cm                                            

(d) 10–2 cm


25.   The most electronegative element in the periodic table is. 

(a) F                                        

(b) Cl                                                      

(c) Br                                                      

(d) I


26.    To which family does B belong?                            

(a) Boron                               

(b) Carbon                                             

(c) Nitrogen                                          

(d) Fluorine


27. To which family does Si belong?                 

(a) Boron                               

(b) Carbon                                             

(c) Nitrogen                                          

(d) Fluorine


28. The incomplete period in the periodic table is ……….

(a) 7                                        

(b) 6                                                        

(c) 3                                                        

(d) 1


29. The longest period is ……. period.   

(a) 4th                                     

(b) 6th                                                     

(c) 5th                                                     

(d) 7th


30. The longest period contains total ……… elements.    

(a) 32                                    

(b) 18                                                     

(c) 40                                                      

(d) 28


31. Which pair of elements is chemically similar?

(a) F and S                             

(b) N and O                                           

(c) Na and K                                          

(d) K and Cr


32.   Which pair of elements is chemically similar?                           

(a) F and Cl                           

(b) N and O                                           

(c) Cu and Ca                                        

(d) K and Cr


33.  The second and higher E.A. of atoms is always ………. 


(b) Positive                                            

(c) Zero                                                  

(d) None of them


34. 2nd I.P is always ……………. than that of 1st I.P.     

(a) Greater                            

(b) Lesser                                               

(c) Negative                                           

(d) None of them


35.  The distance between two atoms of carbon in diamond is 1.54°A giving the radius of carbon atom as.     

(a) 0.77°A                             

(b) 0.2°A                                                 

(c) 1.54°A                                              

(d) 0.99°A


36.   The elements following lanthanum in periodic table are called?

(a) Actinides                          

(b) Transuranium elements               

(c) Transuranic elements                    

(d) Lanthanides


37.  The actinides series of f-block elements is followed by:

(a) Cerium                            

(b) Actinum                                           

(c) Thorium                                          

(d) Lutetium


38. Which one of the following noble gases should be placed with alkaline earth metals?

(a) At                                      

(b) Ne                                                     

(c) He                                                     

(d) Xe


39. The period 5 is from?

(a) Rb to Xe                           

(b) La to Hg                                           

(c) La to Rn                                            

(d) Cs to Rn



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