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X Chemistry Model Test Questions Chapter # 1 Chemical Equilibrium


Short Questions


Q1. Write an equilibrium equation of monoatomic carbon and a molecule of oxygen as reactant and carbon monoxide as product.

Q2. State law of mass action. What is active mass? How is the active mass is represented?

Q3. Define chemical equilibrium state with examples. Why chemical equilibrium is dynamic?

Q4. Outline the characteristics of reversible reaction.

Q5. Distinguish between reversible and irreversible reactions.

Q6.  Why equilibrium constant may or may not have unit? Justify with example.

Q7. How direction of a reaction can be predicted if Kc is known to you.

Q8.  Write equilibrium constant expression for the following equations:

N2(g)       +  2O2(g) 2NO2(g)

2NO2(g)                  N2O4(g)

PCl3(g)     + Cl2(g)  PCl5(g)

2SO2(g) + O2(g)      2SO3(g)

N2(g)       + 3H2(g)   2NH3(g)

H2(g)       + Br2(g)     2HBr(g)  

H2(g)       +  I2(g)        2HI(g)

CO(g)      +  3H2(g)     CH4(g) +  H2O(g)


Q9.Point out the coefficients of each in the following hypothetical reactions:

2A  + 3B 4C + 2D

2M + 4N 5O

4X  2Y + 3Z


Q10.What do you mean by the equilibrium constant, reaction quotient, extent of a reaction, forward reaction, backward   reaction?


Long Questions


Q1. Describe dynamic equilibrium with two examples

Q2.State law of mass action. Derive an expression for equilibrium constant for a general reaction.

Q3.  How can you predict the following stages of a reaction by comparing the values of Kc and Qc

(i) Net reaction proceeds in forward direction

(ii)net reaction proceeds in reverse direction

Q4. Describe the characteristics of equilibrium constant

Q5. Predict which system at equilibrium will contain maximum amount of product and which system will contain maximum amount of reactant?

(a)2CO2(g)2CO(g) + O2(g)    Kc (927oC) = 3.1 x 1018

(b)  2O3(g) ⇌ 2O2(g)       Kc (298 K) = 5.9 x 1055

Q6. Write down the macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium.












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