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Fundamentals of Chemistry


1.1 Matter and its State


Anything that exists is matter. Matter is the stuff of which the universe is made. Scientifically anything which possesses mass and occupies space (volume) is called matter. 
e.g. air, wood, water etc.

States of Matter
The different states of matter are due to difference of energy in increasing order. There are four states of matter:
1. Gaseous State
2. Liquid State
3. Solid State
4. Plasma

Classification of Matter

1.2. Substance and Impure Substance


Substance or Pure Substance

1. A piece of matter in pure form is called a substance. A sample of pure matter whose composition is uniform throughout is called a substance

2. It has a fixed composition and specific properties.

3. It is a type of substance which cannot be separated into more than one type of components by physical methods having same properties throughout their bulk.

4. Every substance has physical and chemical properties.

5. They are made up of one kind of matter.

6. Elements and compounds are the examples of pure substances.

Tin, sulphur, diamond, water, pure sugar (sucrose), table salt (sodium chloride), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) etc.

Impure Substances
It is a type of substance which can be separated into their components by physical methods.

The only example of impure substance is mixtures.

1.3 Atomic Number (Z)/Proton Number

“The number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom is called Atomic Number (denoted as Z)”. For this reason, it's sometimes called the proton number.
“The number of electrons revolving in the orbits of neutral atom is called Atomic Number (as neutral atoms of an element contain an equal number of protons and electrons).

Atomic Number (Z)  = number of Protons (P) = Number of electrons (e)

Atomic number is written as subscript on the left hand side of the chemical symbol of element.
e.g. 3Li,  6C, 7N etc.

1.Atomic number of hydrogen is 1 because its nucleus contains 1 proton.

2. Atomic number of chlorine is 17 owing to the presence of 17 protons.

Range of Atomic Number
Because protons are units of matter, atomic numbers are always whole numbers. At present, they range from 1 (for hydrogen) to 118 for Oganesson; Og (the number of the heaviest known element).

1. It identifies the element i.e. it distinguishes one element from another.

2. the modern periodic table is organized according to increasing atomic number.

3. It is a key factor in determining the properties of an element.


1.4 Mass Number or Atomic Mass Number (A) or Nucleon Number


The sum of number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called Mass Number or Nucleon Number denoted as “A”.


the total number of "nucleons" (Protons and Neutrons) in the nucleus of an atom is called mass number. (protons and neutrons are collectively called nucleons).


e.g. Mass number of Na is 23 because its nucleus contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons.  

Mass Number (A) = number of protons (P) + number of neutrons(n)

Mass Number (A) = Atomic Number (Z) + number of neutrons (n)


No of neutrons = Mass number (A) – atomic number (Z)


Mass number is written as superscript on the left hand side of the chemical symbol of element. e.g. 12C, 14N


Calculating PEN (Protons-Electrons-Neutrons) Numbers

1.5 Element


The identical atoms with same atomic number unite to form an element and different elements combine together to form compounds. Therefore, elements are the simplest substances that we can use and investigate in chemistry because an element cannot be split into other substances (unlike compounds).

An element is a pure substance made up of only one type of atoms (unlike compounds) which cannot be further divided (split) into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means in which all the atoms are chemically identical having same atomic number. For example; Gold is an element and if it is broken into small pieces, each piece will retain the properties of gold.

An element is a pure substance made up of same type of atoms with same atomic number and cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical reactions.

Elements may exist as atoms like the Noble Gases e.g. helium He or as molecules e.g. hydrogen H2 or sulphur S8.


Examples of some elements

1. Gaseous Elements ; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Helium, Neon, Argon, Kr, Xe, Rn etc.
2. Liquid Elements; Bromine, Mercury.
3. Solid Elements; All metallic elements (e.g. Na, K, Al) & some non-metals (C, S, I, P)

Natural Abundance/% Abundance of Common Elements in Earth’s Crust in % by Mass
[Oxygen abundance is 50% which means that in a 100 g sample of Earth’s crust, there are 50 g of the element oxygen.]

Natural Abundance of Elements in Human Body

Total number of elements
There are 118 elements, out of which 92 are naturally occurring elements called Natural Elements while the rest (26) are man-made or Synthetic Elements.

Trans-Uranium Elements or Trans-uranic Elements
The elements with atomic number greater than 92 are called Trans-Uranium Elements e.g. Am, Es

Classification of Natural Elements
The 92 naturally occurring elements can be divided into three groups:
1 Metals ; (70 in numbers or 87 in numbers out of 112 elements)
2. Non-metal; (17 in numbers)
3. Metalloids; (8 in numbers)

Difference between Element and Compounds

Chart of Complete Classification of Elements

1.6 Metal


A metal (Greek; metallon) is an electropositive element that readily forms positive ions by losing their one or more valence electrons and in which its atoms are held together by metallic bonds. The metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions (cations) in a cloud of free valence electrons (electron sea) i.e. in metals, positively charged metal ions are fixed in a crystal lattice in a sea of delocalized mobile valence electrons.

Metals are the solid (except mercury which is liquid) lustrous elements which are malleable and ductile having high density and high tensile strength and are good conductor of heat and electricity.

Elements of group IA are called Alkali metals.

Elements of group IIA are called Alkaline earth metals.

Metals of A - Group family are shown in table 

► Be is a light strong and highly toxic metal. Its small grain of 0.25 mg can kill a rat.
► Most abundant metal is Al.
► Most useable metal is Fe.
► Most reactive metal is Cs
► The lightest metal is Li
► The heaviest metal is Os
► Most malleable, ductile metals are gold, and silver.

Types of Metals

Metals have been subdivided into:

1.     Normal or representative metals

2.     Transition metals


1. Normal or Representative Metals
They belong to A groups of the periodic table having 1 to 5 valence electrons forming white compounds. They are total 19 in numbers.

2. Transition metals
They belong to B groups of the periodic table having 3 to 8 valence electrons forming coloured compounds. They are total 68 in numbers. They are further divided into d-Block metals (40 in numbers) and f-Block elements (28 in numbers).

Outer Transition metals or d-Block Elements (40 in numbers)

Inner Transition metals or f-Block Elements (28 in numbers)

Physical and Chemical Properties of Metals


Physical properties of Metals

1.         Physical State

2.         Hardness

3.         High density

4.         Metallic luster

5.         opaque nature

6.         High tensile strength

7.         Malleable

8.         ductile

9.         High m.p & b.p.

10.       High conductivity

11.        Magnetic behaviour

12.       Alloy formation

13.       Position in periodic table

14.       Total number


1. Solid Physical State

All metals are solid at room temperature except Hg, Cs and Ga.


2. Hardness

They are hard except Na and K which are soft and can be cut with a knife.


3.  High density

They have high density and usually more denser than water except Li, Na, K.


4. Metallic lustre

They have characteristic shiny metallic lustre (shine) on their surface. (especially when cut).


5. opaque nature

They are opaque (light cannot pass through them).


6. High tensile strength

They have high tensile strength i.e. they are tough and strong.


7. Malleable

They are malleable (stretchable or dentable) i.e. hammered into sheets


8. ductile

They are ductile (flexible) i.e. hammered into sheets

9. High m.p & b.p.

They have high melting and boiling points.


10. High conductivity

They are good conductor of heat and electricity.


11. Magnetic behaviour

Most of the metals are paramagnetic i.e. attracted in a magnetic field.


12. Alloy formation

Metals form alloys when mixes with each other.

13. Position in periodic table

Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table. In the periodic table, elements of group IA, IIA and all transition elements are metals. Some of the elements of group IIIA (Al, Ga, In, Tl), IVA (Sn, Pb) VA (Bi) are also metals.

14. Total number
The majority of elements are metals about 80% (about 95 in numbers) or three fourth (3/4) of the known elements are metals. (However, non-metals elements are more abundant in nature). Out of 92 natural elements, 68 are metals. Only about 19 are definitely non-metals but about 7 more are semi-metals (metalloids) of mixed physical and chemical character.

Chemical properties of Metals 

1. Forming Positive ions
2. Metallic Bonding
3. Fewer no. of valence electrons
4. Positive Oxidation state
5. Low ionization energy
6. Reducing agent
7. Basic Nature of oxide
8. Basic Nature of hydrides
9. Action of water
10. Action of dilute acids
11. Action of alkalis
12. Action of air


1. Forming Positive ions

Metals are electropositive elements and thus they act as electron donor and readily form positive ions by losing their valence electrons typically attaining noble gas electronic configuration due to their low ionization energy.


2. Metallic Bonding

Metals atoms or ions are held together by metallic bonding.

3. No. of valence electron

Most of the metals have less than 4 valence electrons except some transition metals which may have more than 4 valence electrons (many metals have only one or two valence electrons).


4. Oxidation state

They always exhibit positive oxidation state ranging from +1 to +7 (may be zero or even fractional & +8 for Os and Ru).


5. Low ionization energy

They have low I.P. values due to their large atomic size and less nuclear charge which lead to their strong electropositive character.


6. Reducing agent

They are always reducing agent.


7. Basic Nature of oxide

They mostly form basic oxides e.g. Na2O, Li2O, CaO, MgO, BaO, Na2O2, etc. except some transition metal oxides which may form either form acidic (CrO3, Mn2O7 etc.) or amphoteric (ZnO, Cr2O3) or some normal metals oxides (BeO, Al2O3, PbO, PbO2, SnO, SnO2).


             Na2O + H2O -------> 2NaOH


8. Basic Nature of hydrides

They form mostly stable basic hydrides except transition metals which form interstitial hydrides.


9. Action of water

Many metals dissolve chemically in water at different temperature evolving H2 gas. Iron, Zinc, magnesium react only with steam to produce respective oxide and H2 gas while all other metals react with cold water producing corresponding alkali liberating H2 gas.


10. Action of dilute acids

Dilute acids dissolve most of the metals (except Cu, Ag, Au, Pt, Pb etc.) to produce salt and H2 gas.

       M(s)  +  2H+        -------->  M2+(aq)  +  H2


11. Action of alkalis

Most of the metals are unaffected by alkalis. Amphoteric metals like Al, Zn, Sn etc. dissolves in alkalis forming their respective oxysalt evolving H2 gas.

         Zn(s)  +  2NaOH  --------> Na2ZnO2aq)  +  H2

12. Action of air

Most of the metals corrode in air giving their respective oxides.

1.7 Non-metal



A non-metal is an electronegative element that readily forms negative ions by gaining one or more electrons and in which its atoms or molecules are held together either by covalent bonds or van der Waal’s forces.

Non-metals are non-lustrous (dull) elements which are brittle i.e. non-malleable and non-ductile having low density and low tensile strength and are bad conductor of heat and electricity (except graphite) found in all the three states of matter (mostly gases or solids except bromine which is a volatile liquid).


Examples of Non-Metals

1. Gases; H, O, N, F, Cl, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn

2. Liquid; Br

3. Solids; C, P, S, Se, I

Physical & Chemical Properties of Non-metals

Physical properties of Non-metals 

1. Occurrence in all three Physical State
2. Hardness
3. Low density
4. Lack of Metallic luster
5. Opaque nature
6. Low tensile strength
7. Non-malleable
8. Non-ductile
9. Low m.p & b.p.
10. Low conductivity
11. Non-magnetic behaviour
12. Position in periodic table
13. Alloy formation
14. Total number

1. Physical State

They are found in all the three states of matter.


2. Hardness

Solid non-metals are soft and brittle except diamond (hardest natural element known).


3. Low density

They have low density and are lighter than metals. However all of them are more denser than water.


4. Lack of Metallic luster

They lack metallic luster and usually they are dull except diamond, graphite, Si and iodine.


5. opaque nature

Solid non-metals are opaque. However gaseous non-metals are transparent and light can pass through them.


6. Low tensile strength

They low high tensile strength


7. Non-malleable

They are brittle and thus non-malleable i.e. cannot be hammered into sheets.


8. Non-ductile

They are non-ductile i.e. cannot be hammered into wires.


9. Low m.p & b.p.

They have low melting and boiling points except carbon (3350°C).


10. Low conductivity

They are poor conductor of heat and electricity except graphite (super conductor).


11. Non-magnetic behaviour

Most of the non-metals are non-magnetic.


12. Position in periodic table

Non-metals are found on the right side of the periodic table. In the periodic table, majority of the elements of p-Block i.e. group IVA(C), VA (N, P) VIA (O, S, Se), VIIA (F, Cl, Br, I) and VIIIA (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) are also non-metals.

13. Alloy formation

They do not form alloys with each other. However some non-metals like C, P, Si form alloys with metals.


14. Total number

Very few elements are non-metals. i.e. about 20% (17 in numbers) or 1/5th of the known elements are non-metals. However non-metallic elements are more abundant in nature. e.g O constitutes about 50% of the earth crust.

Chemical properties of Non-metals

1. Forming Positive ions
2. Bonding
3. Greater no. of valence electron
4. Showing negative and positive Oxidation state
5. High Electron affinity
6. Oxidizing agent
7. Variable Nature of oxide
8. Variable Nature of hydrides
9. Action of water
10. Action of dilute acids
11. Action of air
12. Action of alkalis


1. Forming Positive ions

Non-metals are electronegative elements (except 6 noble gases) and thus they act as electron acceptor and readily form negative ions by gaining one or more   electrons typically acquiring next noble gas electronic configuration of the same period due to their large negative electron affinities. 


2. Bonding

Non-metals atoms or molecules are held together either by covalent bonds or van der Waal’s forces.


3. Greater No. of valence electron

Most of the non-metals have more than 3 valence electrons (except He which has only 2) ranging from 4 to 7 (except all noble gases having 8 except He).  


4. Oxidation state

They exhibit variety of oxidation states (which may be negative, positive, zero or even fractional) ranging from -1/2 to +7.


5. High Electron affinity

They have high electron affinity values due to their small atomic size and greater nuclear charge which lead to their strong electronegative character.


6. Oxidizing agent

They are always oxidizing agent (except hydrogen and carbon).


7. Acidic Nature of oxide

They mostly form acidic oxides. However some non-metallic oxides may be neutral (CO, NO, N2O, H2O).

        CO2 + H2--------> H2CO3

        SO2 + H2--------> H2SO3


8. Variable Nature of hydrides

Their hydrides are either neutral (CH4), basic (NH3) or acidic (HF, HCl, HBr)


9. Action of water

Non-metals in general do not react with cold or hot water. However, red hot carbon reacts with steam at elevated temperature to form water gas.

         C    +  H2--------> CO  +   H2


10. Action of dilute acids

Non-metals are generally inert toward dilute acids.


11. Action of air

Non-metals are generally not affected by cold-dry air. However, when they ignited in air, they react with oxygen of air forming respective oxides which are acidic in nature.


12. Action of alkalis

Non-metals are generally inert toward alkalis


1.8 Metalloids or Semi-metals


Metalloids are the elements which exhibit dual character and have characteristics of both metals as well as non-metals. i.e. have a blend of metal and non-metal properties. e.g. silicon appears lustrous (a feature of metals) but is not malleable or ductile rather it is brittle (a characteristic of non-metals) and also it is a semi-conductor. Their oxides are amphoteric showing acidic as well as basic nature.

Many metalloids show intermediate properties between the metals and non-metals. They have varying ability to conduct electricity depending on temperature, exposure to light or presence of small amount of impurities. Some of the metalloids are semi-conductors like silicon, germanium and boron.

Position of metalloids in the periodic table
Metalloids are found along stair-step (staircase) line or diagonal boundary between metals and non-metals from B to Al to the border between Po and At (the only exception to this is Al which is classified under “weak or other metal’).

Examples of Metalloids

There are total 8 metalloids:

1.  Boron of group IIIA                                                       

2.  Silicon and germanium of group IVA                              

3.  Arsenic and antimony of group VA

4.  Tellurium and polonium of group VIA

5.  Astatine of group VIIA

1.9 Symbol

The short hand representation used for the full name of an element is called Symbol. Thus a symbol is an abbreviation for the chemical name of an elements representing only one atom of the elements.

1. A symbol is taken from the English, Latin, Greek and German name of elements.
2. Symbols are usually one or two letter long.
3. Every symbol starts with capital letter as carbon with C or sulphur as S.
4. If symbol is second letter then start with capital and second will be in small letter as He for helium, Na for sodium, Cr for chromium.


1. Usually, the first letter of the English name of the element (in capital) is taken as its symbol. e.g.

2. Sometimes the first two initial letters of the name of an element is taken as symbol, the initial letter being capitalised e.g.

3. The symbols of some elements are derived from their Latin name. E.g.

1.10 Compounds

Compounds are pure substances which consist of two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion of their atoms or mass and cannot be separated by physical methods. They are always homogenous i.e. their constituents cannot be seen as separate particles even by high power microscope.


1.In the formation of a compound, there is always a chemical change between the components element, so that the compound formed is a new substance.


2.In a compound, the constituent elements lose their characteristic properties. Thus a compound always possesses properties entirely different from those of their constituent elements. e.g.

  (i) Zinc is a grey solid and sulphur is yellow solid while their compound zinc sulphide is white.

 (ii) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a compound which neither burns nor helps in burning, while its constituent carbon itself burns and oxygen helps in burning.


3. The compound is formed by the fixed ratio of atoms of component elements, e.g. water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen is which H and O are present in the ratio of 2:1 by atoms.


4.   The melting and boiling points of compounds are sharp.



Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Methane (CH4)

Calcium Carbonate  (CaCO3)


Types of Compound According to bonding

Covalent or Molecular compounds; comprising of molecules in which atoms are covalently bonded.

Ionic or Electrovalent compounds; comprising of aggregate of cations and anions in crystal lattice

Types of Compound According to Origin

Inorganic compounds; Compounds of all elements except carbon, also contain C in special forms

Organic compounds; Covalent compounds of carbon , mostly hydrocarbons and their derivatives

Types of Compound According to Taste

1. Acids; Containing ionizable H+ ions. e.g  HCl, HBr, HI,  HNO3, H2SO4, CH3COOH etc.

2. Bases; Containing ionizable OH- ions. e.g. NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Ba(OH)2 etc.

3. Salts; Acid-base neutralization product. e.g. NaCl, KCl, NaBr, NaI, KBr, KI etc. 

Types of Compound According to Number of elements

1.Binary compounds; comprising of only 2 different elements.

2. Ternary compounds; comprising of three or more elements. 

Types of Compound According to Solubility

1. Soluble compounds

2. Sparingly soluble compounds

3. Insoluble compounds

Types of Compound According to Conductivity  

1. Electrolytes

2. Non-electrolytes 

1.11 Mixtures


A mixture is an impure substance which consists of two or more pure substances (element/compound) which are united physically in the variable ratio. They do not have uniform composition.

The components making up the mixture retain their original properties so that nothing new thing is formed. A mixture can be separated into its components by simple physical methods. The melting and boiling points of mixture are not sharp.

Types of Mixtures

There are two main types of mixtures

1.Homogenous Mixtures
1.Mixtures having uniform composition are called homogenous mixtures.

2. In a homogenous mixture all the substances are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Their components cannot be seen with naked eyes.

3. They are also known as solutions or alloys.
air, aqueous sugar solution etc.

2. Heterogeneous Mixtures

1. Mixtures which do not have uniform composition throughout their mass are called Heterogeneous Mixtures.

2. In a heterogeneous mixture the substances are not evenly distributed.
soil, rocks, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, pizza, rocks etc.


1.12 Valency


Old Definition

Valency of an element is defined as the number which expresses the combining or displacing tendency of an element with other elements”. “Valency may also be defined as the number of hydrogen atoms which combine with or displace one atom of an element”. Valency is a simple whole number.


For Example

valency of chlorine is one as it combines with one H atom to form HCl and valency of oxygen is two as it combines with two H atoms to form H2O.


Modern Definitions

Valency is defined as the number of electrons lost or gained by an atom of the element during a chemical reaction in order to complete its outermost shell (Octet)”. 

For example

valency of calcium is 2 because it loses two electrons to form Ca2+ ion.  Similarly valency of oxygen is also 2 as it accepts two electrons to form O2‒ ion.


Hund’s Rule Definitions

The number of unpaired electrons or partially filled orbitals constitutes the valency of an element. 

For example;

Nitrogen has 3 unpaired electrons in its valence shell, so its valency is 3.


Variable Valency

Some elements show more than one type of valency these types of valency are called variable valency. These types of compounds show a valency in one compound and another valency in other compounds. Many elements show variable valency.  Variable valency is shown by elements like Iron, mercury, and copper. Transition elements show variable valency. The valency of iron may be 2 or 3 and that of copper may be 1 or 2. 

The elements having variable valencies are shown below:


The element that exhibits lower valency will be suffixed with “ous”. While the element that exhibits higher valency will be suffixed with “ic”. 


The formula of compounds can be found out by means of valencies of two combining atoms.



1.Valency is simply a whole number without positive or negative sign.

2.The valency of elements ranges 1 to 7. Valency of an element cannot exceed 7.

3.Valency of an element cannot be zero except noble gases.

4.Valency of an element cannot be in fraction.


Types of elements on the basis of valency

Determination of Valency of X in compound

Determination of Valency of M in compound

Types of Valency

There are two types of valency:

1.   Electrovalency

2.   Covalency



In the formation of an ionic or electrovalent compound, the number of electrons lost or gained by one atom of an element to achieve the nearest inert gas electronic configuration is known as its electrovalency.

For example electrovalency of Na is 1 as it loses one electron. Electrovalency of Mg is 2 as it donates 2 electrons.


In the formation of a covalent compound, the number of electrons shared by one atom of an element to achieve the nearest inert gas electronic configuration is known as its covalency. If an atom shares 1 electron, its covalency will be 1.


1.13 Ion or Simple Radical or Radical


The electrically charged atoms or group of atoms formed by the loss or gain of electrons are called Ions. An atom or group of atoms that carries an electric charge which is formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons is called an ion.


The electrically charged atoms are called Ions. An atom or group of atoms that carries an electric charge either positive or negative behaving as an entity which is formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons is called an ion. This loss or gain of electrons takes place to obtain a full outer shell of electrons. e.g. Na+, NH4+, Cl¯, CO32¯.



1.  Ions are not electrically neutral as in ion, number of protons and electrons are not equal. Thus an ion is electrically charged because it contains different number of positively charged particles (protons) and negatively charged particles (electrons).


2.    Ions always exist in ionic compounds only.


3.    Ions usually possess complete octet. For instance Na+ or Cl- both contains 8 electrons in their valence shell. The ions formed by normal elements have complete octet while ions formed by     transition metals have incomplete octet (except Sc3+, Y3+, Ti4+, Cr6+, V5+, W6+ etc.).


4.   The electronic structure of ions of elements in Groups I, II,III, VI and VII will be the same as that of a noble gas (e.g. helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon).


5.  All metals lose electrons to other atoms to become positively charged ions called cations.


6.   All non-metals gain electrons from other atoms to become negatively charged ions called anions.


7.    When writing about ions, we use the notation 1-, 2+ etc. to describe the charge of the ion, with the number first followed by the sign (+/-). It is incorrect to write them the other way around like +1, -2 etc. as this refers to the oxidation state, not the charge.


8.    group I (Li, Na, K): form 1+ ions, group II (Mg, Ca, Ba): form 2+ ions, group III: form 3+ ions


9.    group V (N, P, As): form 3- ions, group VI (O, S, Se): form 2- ions, group VII: form 1- ions


10.   ions from common oxyacids: NO3 (nitric acid), SO42‒ (sulfuric acid)


Naming Monoatomic Ions

1.   To name monoatomic or single element positive ions of representative elements of group A like Na+, K+, Mg2+, etc. , write the name as from the periodic table adding the word ion afterwards.

2.  To name monoatomic or single element negative ions like F, O2–, P3– etc., write the name from the periodic table replacing the ending with ide adding the word ion after the name.

3.   To name monoatomic or single element positive ions of transition elements like Fe3+, Cu2+, Co3+ etc., write the ionic charge (1+, 2+, 3+ etc.) as a Roman Numeral in parenthesis. So Cu2+ would be the copper(II) ion. Fe3+ would be called iron(III) ion

4. Some monoatomic positive ions of non-transition elements or representative elements like Pb, Sn, Sb, As are also named by writing their ionic charge as Roman Numeral in parenthesis.


Types of Ions based on complexity

 1. Simple Ion or simple radical or Monoatomic Ion; Na+, Cl.   

2.  Compound ion (Polyatomic ions); NH4+, HCO3.

3.  Complex ion or complex radical; [Fe(CN) 6] 4¯,[Cu(NH3)4]2+

4. Molecular Ions; [NO+, CO+]

Types of Ions according to Charge

There are two types of ions, cations and anions.

(a) Cations or metallic ions or acid radicals, formed by loss of election e.g. Na+

(b)  Anions or nonmetallic or basic radicals, formed by gain of electron e.g. Cl

1.14 Cation or Basic Radicals or Metallic Radicals

1   The positively charged ion formed by the loss of electron by neutral metal atom containing more protonsthan electrons is called Cation. Loss or removal of electron from neutral metal atom gives cation. e.g.  

Na → Na+  +  1e

Mg → Mg2+ 2e

Al  → Al3+ +  3e 

2.   The size of cation is smaller than its parent atom.

3. They are called cations as they move towards cathode (negative electrode) during electrolysis.

4. They are called basic radicals as they are originated from bases.

5.  They are mostly metallic in nature except cationic non-metallic radicals like NH4+, PH4+, NO2+, etc. 

1.15 Anion or Acid Radicals or Non-metallic Radicals

1.  The negatively charged ion formed by the gain of electron by neutral non-metallic atom containing more electrons than protons is called Anion. Gain of electron by neutral atom gives anion. e.g. 

Cl 1e– →  Cl

2e– →  O2–

3e– →  N3–

4e– →  C4–

2.  The size of anion is larger than its parent atom.

3.They are called anions as they move towards anode (positive electrode) during electrolysis.

4. They are called acidic radicals as they are originated from acids.

5. They are always non-metallic in nature. Most of the anions contain oxygen and they are called oxyanions. 

Colours of Hydrated Ions of First Transition Series


1.16 Formula Unit

Ionic compounds do not exist as individual discrete molecules. In some crystalline compounds (NaCl, KCl, CaF2 etc.) and in some covalent network solids, there are no discrete molecules but the atoms are bounded to one another in a network structure as aggregate of positive and negative ions. Such compounds are represented by their simplest or empirical formula which simply shows the relative number of atoms of each component.


Formula unit is the lowest whole number ratio of ions in an ionic compound. It expresses the smallest collection of oppositely charged ions that would be neutral in an ionic compound or an ionic crystal lattice i.e. it is the lowest ratio of ions represented in an ionic compound.


[Note; the formula unit is analogous to molecule in a molecular compounds].


A formula unit in chemistry is the empirical formula of an ionic or covalent network solid compound used as an independent entity for stoichiometric calculations. A formula unit shows the kinds and numbers of atoms in the smallest representative unit of a substance.

Examples include ionic compounds like NaCl and K2O and covalent networks compounds such as SiO2 and C (as diamond or graphite). 


A formula unit is electrically neutral as it contains oppositely charged ions (cations and anions) in lowest possible whole-number ratio so that the sum of charges of ions becomes zero. 

1.17 Molecular ions

when a molecule loses or gains electrons is called molecular ions. For example CH4+

Molecular ions also possess positive or negative charge like any ion.

If Molecular ion has negative charge it is known as anionic molecular ion, if it has positive charge then it is known as cationic molecular ion.

1.18 Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms and group of atoms having number of unpaired electrons. It is represented by putting a dot over the symbol of an element.

For example: Ho, Clo,

Free radicals are formed when homolytic breakage of bond between two atoms takes place by the absorption of heat or light energy.

Free radical is very reactive chemical species.


1.19 List of Acid Radicals (Anions) in Salt Analysis


Acid radicals (Anions) are grouped on the basis of their decomposition either by dilute or concentrated H2SO4 and are identified by performing DRY TEST. 


1.20 List of Basic Radicals (Cations) in Salt Analysis 

Basic radicals (Cations) are grouped on the basis of their precipitation by different reagents in the increasing order of Ksp of their salts.

1.21 Separation of Basic Radicals (Cations)




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