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Numericals on Wave number and Radius


Q1. Calculate the wave number and wavelength of Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum in which electron jumps from orbit 3 to orbit 2.


Calculation of Wave Number


RH = 1.0968553 x 107 m-1

n1 = 2

n2 = 3

Z  = 1

Calculation of Wave Length 

Q2. What is the wavelength and wave number of radiation that is emitted when a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from orbit 3 to orbit 1.


Calculation of Wave Number 

RH = 1.0968553 x 107 m-1

n1 = 1

n2 = 3

Q3.   Calculate the ratio of radius of second and third orbit of hydrogen atom. (Bohr’s radius =  0.529ºA)


Q4. If the radius of first Bohr orbit is ‘x’ then calculate 
the radius of the third orbit of hydrogen. 


Q1.Calculate the energy of the electron in the                        ground state and first excited state of the                      hydrogen atom


Part (A)

Z for H = 1

n for ground state = 1

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