XI Chemistry Important Objectives for Chemistry Paper XI

Important Objectives for Chemistry Paper XI  



1.          The decimal fractional part of logarithm is called mantissa.

2.          At sea level and 0°C the atmospheric pressure on each square inch of our body is 14.7 pounds.

3.          The oxidation potential of hydrogen electrode is 0.00 volt.

4.          The number of orbitals in the second energy level is 4.

5.          When the value of Kc is very small, the product is unstable.

6.          Enzymes are proteins which catalyze a chemical reaction in a living system.

7.          The value of activation energy can be zero.

8.          Kp is greater than Kc when reaction occurs with increase in volume of products.

9.          Isoelectric ions have different number of protons but the same number of electrons.

10.       s-s sigma bond is weaker than p-p sigma bond.

11.       In NH3 the nitrogen atom is sp3 hybridized.

12.       The reaction of  C + 2S ® CS2 is endothermic.

13.       Threshold energy is the minimum amount of energy required for effective collision.

14.       Amorphous boron is much more reactive than crystalline boron.

15.       The rate of reaction doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature.

16.       A solution, which resists the changes in pH, is called a buffer solution.

17.       The pH of lemon juice is likely to be 3.

18.       1dm3 of volume is equal to 1 liter.

19.       Temperature-volume relationship is called Charles’ law.

20.       X-rays are also called Roentgen rays.

21.       K+ is isoelectric with argon.

22.       The greater the energy of activation, the less will be speed of reaction.

23.       Each carbon atom in C2H2 is sp hybridized.

24.       Na+ has radius larger than that of Mg2+.

25.       Isotopes of the same element have different atomic masses.

26.       In log system the characteristic of 1000 is 3.

27.       The value of order of reaction cannot be more than 3.

28.       The pH of 0.01M HCl solution is 2.

29.       The oxidation number of oxygen in H2O2 is –1 and in OF2 is +2.

30.       The volume of 1 gm of H2 gas at STP is 11.2 dm3.

31.       The oxidation number of ‘N’ in NO21¯ and NO31¯ are +3 and +5 respectively.

32.       Volume of 1 mole of chlorine gas at STP is 22.4 dm3.

33.       Shorter the bond length, higher will be bond energy.

34.       pH  +  pOH  =  14.

35.       Oxidation takes place at anode while reduction at cathode.

36.       Evaporation is a cooling process.

37.       The blue colour of CuSO4 is due to the water of crystallization, [Cu(H2O)4]2+

39.       Number of electrons in Mg+2 is 10 and in O2¯ is 10.

40.       1s2, 2s2 2px1 is the electronic configuration of Boron.

41.       Cations have smaller radii than its neutral atom.

42.       Anions are larger in size than its parent atom.

43.       The shape of orbital for which l = 1 is dumb-bell.

44.       A solution which tends to resist changes in pH is called Buffer.

45.       Shape of sp-hybrid orbital is Linear.

46.       Shape of sp2-hybrid orbital is Trigonal.

47.       Shape of sp3-hybrid orbital is Tetrahedral.

48.       There are 2 significant figures in 0.0021.

49.       The oxidation number of ‘Cr’ in K2Cr2O7 is +6.

50.       The substances undergoing decrease in oxidation number is called Oxidizing Agent.

51.       The substances undergoing increase in oxidation number is called Reducing Agent.

52.       Water rises in capillary tube due to Capillary Action (Surface Tension).

53.       CO2 has zero dipole moment due to its linear structure.

54.       The oxidation no. of Cl in HOCl is +1 and in HClO4 is +7.

55.       KMnO4 is an example of Oxidizing Agent.

56.       1 M solution of KMnO4 contains 158 g/litre.

57.       1 N solution of KMnO4 contains 31.6 g/litre.

58.       The shape of H2O is Angular.

59.       The shape of CH4 is Tetrahedral.

60.       The shape of C2H4 is Trigonal.

61.       The shape of C2H2 is Linear.

62.       3.2 g of O2 gas at STP has a volume 2.24 dm3.

63.       pH is the negative logarithm of Hydrogen Ion Concentration, [H+].

64.       The oxidation number of ‘Mn’ in KMnO4, K2MnO4, MnO2 and MnSO4 are +7, +6, +4 and +2 respectively.

65.       7.35 is the pH of human blood.

66.       35.5 g of Cl2 gas at STP has a volume 11.2 dm3.

67.       1 N solution of oxalic acid contains 63 g/litre.

68.       The empirical formula of acetylene is CH.  Its molecular formula will be C2H2 if its molecular mass is 26.

69.       During electrolytic conduction, cations are attracted towards cathode while anions are attracted towards anode.

70.       A graph of volume with 1/P is straight line.

71.       Reaction between an acid and alcohol is called Esterification.

72.       Aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is basic in nature.

73.       Aqueous solution of NH4Cl is acidic in nature.

74.       The oxidation number of N in NCl3 is +3.

75.       The oxidation number of C in C2H6O is –2.

76.       Universal indicator turns green in neutral solution or water.

77.       Universal indicator turns yellow at pH 6.

78.       Universal indicator turns blue at pH 8.

79.       The amount of heat of neutralization for strong acid and strong base is about 13700 calories.

80.       Fast reactions possess low energy of activation.

81.       Slow reactions have high energy of activation.

82.       Each orbital in an atom can be completely described by Quantum Numbers.

83.       The addition of HCl to H2S solution decreases the ionization of H2S.

84.       A catalyst increases the velocity of a reaction but decreases Ea.

85.       The reactions catalyzed by sunlight are called Photochemical Reactions.

86.       The e/m ratio of canal rays is the highest when hydrogen is taken in the discharge tube.

87.       The negative ion tends to expand with the increase of negative charge on it.

88.       I.P. decreases in a group from top to bottom.

89.       I.P. increases along each period.

90.       Cesium is the most electropositive element.

91.         Fluorine is the most electronegative element.

92.         Atomic radii increase down each group.

93.         Atomic radii decrease along each period.

94.         Dipole moment  =  Charge (e) x  distance between the charges (d).

95.         1st I.P. is always less than 2nd I.P.

96.         It is easier to remove electron from Mg than to Mg+.

97.         If DE.N. between bonding atoms is greater than 1.7 than the bond between them will be ionic.

98.         If DE.N. < 1.7, than the bond will be covalent.

99.          Water forms concave meniscus in glass tube due to greater adhesive forces.

100.      Mercury forms convex meniscus in a glass tube due to greater cohesive forces.

101.      Wetting liquids always form concave meniscus.

102.      Non-wetting liquids always form convex meniscus.

103.      Surface tension is inversely proportional to the temperature.

104.      Viscosity of liquid decreases with the rise of temperature (2% per degree).

105.      Viscosity of gases increases with the rise of temperature.

106.      Pmoist gas  =  Pdry gas  +  Pwater vapours.

107.       Partial pressure of a gas  =  Mole fraction  x  Total pressure.

108.      Rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the density (Molecular wt.) of the gas.

109.      Value of ‘R’ in dm3-atm (Non-SI) is 0.0821.

110.      Value of ‘R’ in N-m or Joule (SI) is 8.3143.

111.      6.02  x  1023 molecules of N2 gas at STP has a volume 22.4 dm3.

112.      0°C  =  273.16 K.

113.      K  =  °C  +  273.

114.      The lowest possible temperature at which all molecular motion ceases to exist is called Absolute Zero.

115.      1 atm  =  14.7 lb/inch2 (psi).

116.      1 atm  =  101325 (1.01325 x 105)  N/m2.

117.      1 a.m.u.  =  1.67 x 10¯24 g  =  1.67 x 10¯27 kg.

118.      The value of ‘h’ in J.S. is 6.627 x 10¯34.


120.      The radius of Bohr’s orbit is found out to be 0.529 °A (0.0529 nm or 5.29 x 10-11 m).

121.      1°A  =  10¯10 m  =  10¯8 cm.

122.      As the multiple bonds are shorter, they have greater bond energies than single bond.

123.      s-p sigma bond is stronger than s-s sigma bonds.

124.      p-p sigma bond is stronger than s-p or s-s sigma bonds.

125.      s-orbitals do not take part in π-bond formation.

126.      The bond angle in CH4 is 109. 28° while in C2H4 is 120°.

127.      Alpha rays have higher ionizing power than b and g rays.

128.      Density, Pressure, M.P, B.P and Refractive Index are Intensive Properties.

129.      Enthalpy, Internal Energy, Mass, Volume and Mole are Extensive Properties.

130.      W is +ive when work is done on system.

131.       W is –ive when work is done by the system.

132.       The difference of potential, create between a metal and solution of its salt is called Electrode Potential of metal.

133.      Potential associated with oxidation is called Oxidation Potential.

134.      Potential associated with reduction is called Reduction Potential.

135.   Metals placed in the electro chemical series above hydrogen act as anode (they are oxidized) while below hydrogen acts as   cathode (they are reduced).

136.   If the sign of electrode potential is positive, then the reaction is spontaneous, and the electrode acts as           anode whereas if    the sign is negative then the electrode act as cathode.

137.   The ratio F/NA represents an electronic charge.

138.   Ethyl acetate is an ester.

139.   I.P. of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen.

140.   Among Al3+, Mg2+ and Na1+ , Al3+ ion has the smallest radius.

141.   Each carbon atom in C2H4 is sp2  hybridized.

142.   pH of 10-3 M NaOH solution is 11

143.   The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6

144.   The formula of lime water is Ca(OH)2

145.   The standard temperature and pressure are 273 K and 1 atm.

146.   1cm3 of volume is equal to 1 ml.

147.   Pressure-volume relationship is called Boyle’s law.

148.   Roentgen rays are also called X-rays.

149.   Matter exists in 3 common physical states.                                         

150.   CO2 has zero dipole moment because of its linear structure.

151.   The reactions which proceed in one direction are called irreversible reactions.

152.   The number of moles per dm3 is the molar concentration.

153.   pH of buffer solution is constant.

154.   The greater the activation energy, the less will be the reaction rate.

155.   The value of principle quantum number (n) cannot be zero.

156.   The value of azimuthal quantum number cannot exceed than 3.

157.   Atomic number is the number of protons in an atom.

158.   The isotopes of the same element have different number of neutrons or physical properties.

159.   A catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction by decreasing activation energy.

160.   The value of azimuthal quantum number cannot be more than three.

161.   Rate constant is dependent on temperature.

162.   When the value of n = 2, then values of l are 0 and 1.

163.   Degree should not be used for kelvin temperature scale.

164.   Alpha particles are helium nuclei or doubly ionized helium atom.

165.   The bond length in CH≡CH is less than that in CH2= CH2.                 

166.   Sigma bond is less reactive than pi bond.

167.   Cooling is caused after evaporation.

168.   Elements form line spectrum.

169.   Mg2+ is isoelectronic with neon.

170.   Cl¯ is isoelectronic with argon.

171.   The pH range of phenolphthalein is 8.3-10.0

172.   The pH range of methyl orange is 2.9-4.6

173.   Electrode potential is a measure of electron losing or gaining tendency of an electrode.

174.   The S.I. unit of R is J mol-1 K-1

175.   41.8 J is equal to 10 calories.

176.   1˚A corresponds to 10-9 nm.

177.   In BF3, boron is sp2 hybridized.

178.   In CO2, carbon is sp hybridized.

179.   Lone pair-lone pair repulsion is greater than bond pair-bond pair repulsion.

180.   The molecular mass of Na2CO3 is 106 amu.

181.   64 g of SO2 contains 6.023x1023 number of molecules.

182.   The value of n cannot be zero.

183.   The value of l can be zero.

184.      The average speed of the molecules in a gas increases with an increase in temperature.

185.      The universal gas constant R has the dimensions of energy per mole per degree.

186.      Molecules of heavier gases diffuse slower.

187.      For an ideal gas, the value of compressibility factor is 1.

188.      In molecular crystals, the constituent particles are small molecules.

189.      Graphite is a covalent network crystal or macromolecular crystals.

190.      Liquids may be considered intermediate between solids and gases.

191.      Small droplets of liquids assume spherical shape due to surface tension.

192.      Hydrogen bonding in water is responsible for its low vapour pressure at room temperature.

193.      Viscosity of liquids decreases with a rise in temperature.

194.      The transition of electron in H atom from 4th to 1st energy level emits a spectral line which falls in Lyman series.

195.      The azimuthal quantum number specifies the shape of an orbital.

196.      The magnetic quantum number signifies the spatial orientation of an orbital in space.

197.      For s orbitals, the orbital angular momentum is zero.

198.      h/π is the angular momentum in the 2nd shell of helium.

199.      The lowest energy state of an atom is called the ground state.

200.      The half-filled and completely filled orbitals are more stable.

201.      CaCO3 exists in trigonal and orthorhombic forms. This property is called polymorphism.

202.      NH4Cl is an acidic salt.

203.      As the temperature of a liquid is increased, its viscosity decreases.

204.      The n+l value of 3d orbital is 5.

205.      The ionization energy of Be is greater than Li.

206.      The ionization energy of O is less than N.

207.      The value of ionization potential decreases with the increase of atomic size.

208.      The melting and boiling points of ionic compounds are high.

209.      SO2 molecule has planar trigonal geometrical shape.

210.        At STP, the volume of 3.01 x 1023 molecules of H2 (or any) gas is 11.2 dm3.

211.        At STP, the volume of 6.02 x 1024 molecules of H2 (or any) gas is 224 dm3.

212.        An ideal gas obeys gas laws at All temperatures & pressures

213.        Capillary action of liquids is due to Surface tension

214.        Violet colour has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum of light (VIBGYOR).

215.        Red colour has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum of light (ROYGBIV)            

216.        Balmer series is produced when the electron jumps from the any higher orbit to 2nd orbit

217.        The maximum number of electrons can be accommodated in f-orbital is 14.

218.        The maximum number of unpaired electrons can be accommodated in f-orbital is 7.

219.        The maximum number of electron pairs can be accommodated in f-orbital is 7.

220.        The maximum number of electrons can be accommodated in d-orbital is 10.

221.        The maximum number of unpaired electrons can be accommodated in d-orbital is 5.

222.        The maximum number of electron pairs can be accommodated in d-orbital is 5.

223.        Among hydrogen halide, HF has the highest percentage of ionic character

224.        Among hydrogen halide, HI has the least percentage of ionic character

225.        (n+l) value for 5d orbital is 7.

226.        (n+l) value for 4f orbital is 7.

227.        (n+l) value for 7s orbital is 7.

228.        CO2 (CS2) has zero dipole moment

229.        1 debye is equal to 3.335x10-30Cm

230.        One joule is equal to 0.239 cal.

231.        Universal indicator in acid gives Red colour

232.        Universal indicator in base gives pink colour

233.        The oxidation number of Mn in K2MnO4 is +6

234.        The rate of diffusion of CO2 is equal to that of C3H8 (propane).

235.        The S.I. unit of viscosity is N.s.m-2

235.        The cgs unit of viscosity is Poise (Dyne.s.cm-2).

236.        The maximum number of electrons in a particular energy level is given by 2n2

237.        The maximum number of electrons in a particular sub-energy level is given by 2(2l+1).

238.        The energy of each quantum of radiation is directly proportional to its Frequency

239.        The energy of each quantum of radiation is directly proportional to its wave number

240.        The energy of each quantum of radiation is inversely proportional to its wave length.

241.        g-rays are non-material in nature

242.        The potential energy of an electron can be denoted by ―Ze2/r.

243.        Linear molecules like CO2, CS2 have the maximum bond angle (180).

244.        Angular molecules like H2O, H2S have the least bond angle (104.5).

245.        N2 has the greatest bond energy

246.        The dipole moment of Linear molecules like CO2, CS2 is zero

247.        For a reversible reaction, if the concentrations of reactants are doubled, then the equilibrium constant will Remain  same

248.        The number of bonds in C2H2 molecule is three σ and two p

249.        Most of the radiations coming out from pitch blende were Electrons

250.        The melting points of those substances which expand on melting increase when the pressure is increased

251.        Dipole moment of CS2 is zero. Hence the bond angle is 180°

252.        Photochemical reactions, which proceed only under the influence of light, are of the Zero order.

253.        Glass is an amorphous solid or false solid or pseudo solid

254.        The octet rule is not valid for this H2 molecule 

255.        Na+ and Mg2+ ions is isoelectronic

256.        Violet has the shortest wavelength:

257.        The SI unit of dipole moment is Coulomb- metre

258.        1 cal is equal to 0.239 J

259.        Hydrogen bond is not a primary bond

260.        Conduction in metals is due to the movement of Electrons

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