General Characteristics of d-block Elements

General Characteristics of d-block Elements
1. Hardness and High Melting and Boiling Point

Transition metals are hard having high melting point (melting point of Fe = 1535°C) and boiling point (boiling point of Fe = 2800°C).
Reason of High melting and boiling points
1. The strength of bonding between the atoms of metals depends upon the interaction between the valence electrons. Greater the number of valence electrons available for interaction, the stronger will be the resulting bonding and higher will be melting point and boiling point.
2. The hardness, high melting point and high boiling point are attributed to their small atomic size  producing strong interatomic attraction and presence of greater number of valence electrons available for interaction.
3. Transition metals have 3 or more electrons available for bonding. Hence the interatomic bonding is very strong. That is why their melting point and boiling point are high.
Reason of low melting and boiling points of elements of group IIB
Zinc (m.p = 419°C and b.p = 907°C), Cd (m.p = 320.9°C and b.p= 765°C) and Hg (m.p = - 38.4°C and b.p = 357°C) are notable exceptions and have exceptionally and relatively low values of melting point and boiling points.
The reason of low melting point and boiling point of Zn, Cd and Hg is due to their filled (n – 1) d-orbitals with no unpaired electrons [ns2 (n–1)d10]. Due to completely filled d-orbital, d-orbitals, d-electrons are not available for interatomic bonding. Hence their melting point and boiling point are comparatively low.
Periodic Trend of melting and boiling points of transition elements
There is a regular increase in melting and boiling points across each transition series along each period (except in Mn, Ni, Cu which have usually weaker IBF) due to decrease in atomic radii and increase of number of valence electrons.
[In first transition series, vanadium has the highest melting point while scandium has the highest boiling point]. The melting point and boiling point increase along each transition series and reach a maximum in the middle of the series (near group VB and VIB) and then decreases beyond VIB. In moving across a transition series, the number of unpaired d-electrons rises to maximum of five in group VIB beyond which electron pairing begins.

Group Trend of melting and boiling points of transition elements
The melting and boiling point in °C of d-block elements increase on descending a group due to increasing atomic mass.

2. Interstitial or Non-Stoichiometric Compound Formation

Interstitial compounds
Transition elements form compounds of indefinite structures and properties and variable composition which are called Interstitial compounds which are non-stoichiometric compounds formed by the adsorption (penetration) of small, non-metallic atoms like H, B, C, N into the interstices of lattice of transition metals.

Alloys like brass (Cu-Zn), bronze (Cu-Sn-Zn) etc. are also considered as the interstitial compounds.


VH0.56, TiH1.73, CeH2.69, LaH2.76, CuH22.3.

Reason of Calling non-stoichiometric compound
These compounds are non-stoichiometric as atoms are not present in simple ratios and have variable composition. So they are not true compounds because they are not in accordance with laws of chemical combination. For the same reason, they cannot be expressed by simple chemical formula.

Reason of non-stoichiometric compound formation
This non-stoichiometry(i.e non-stoichiometric compound formation) is due to their
(i) Variable oxidation states and
(ii) Defects in their lattices (i.e. inter-atomic spaces or interstices or void spaces).

In solid crystal lattice of transition metals, there are holes (i.e. inter-atomic spaces or interstices or void spaces) where small atoms like H, B, C, N etc are adsorbed or trapped to form their hydrides, borides, carbides and nitrides respectively giving a solid solution. They have high melting points than metals. They are chemically inert.

Non-stoichiometry of compounds of transition metals with O, S, Se and Te is very prominent
The non-stoichiometry of compounds of transition metals with O, S, Se and Te is very prominent.

(i) in ferrous oxide (FeO) ratio of Fe and O is not 1:1 but the composition varies between Fe0.94O and Fe0.84O showing non-stoichiometric nature of compound.

(ii) Vanadium selenide is in another non-stoichiometric compound whose composition varies between VS0.98 and VS2.

3.  Variable Oxidation States

General Considerations

Positive Oxidation State

Transition elements are electropositive, so they show only positive oxidation states. Transition elements display a variety of oxidation states (except Zn, Cd, Sc, Y etc.) from 0 to +8 (found in ruthenium and osmium e.g. RuO4, OsO4 etc.) in their compounds due to small energy difference of ns and (n – 1) d-orbitals.


For example;

Mn shows oxidation states from +3 in [Mn(CO)(NO2)3] through zero in [Mn2(CO)10] to +7 in [MnO4]1‒.


Common Oxidation State

All transition metals exhibit two or more oxidation states. The oxidation numbers of +2 and +3 are more common.


One Oxidation State

Sc, Y, La, Ac (+3) and Zn and Cd (+2) show only one oxidation state.


Highest Oxidation States

In 3d series, highest oxidation is +7 (Mn). In other d-block transition series, highest oxidation state is +8 (Os, Ru).

Their higher oxidation states are more stable in their fluorides and oxides. Higher oxidation states in oxides are normally more stable than fluorides due to capability of oxygen to form multiple bonds.


Zero Oxidation State

In carbonyl compounds, oxidation state of metal is zero due to synergic effects. The common examples are [Ni(CO)4] and [Fe(CO)5] in which nickel and iron are in zero oxidation state.

Reason of Variable oxidation states

1.The exhibition of variable oxidation states is attributed mainly due to small energy difference  between ns and (n–1) d-orbitals and partly due to partially filled (n–1) d-orbital. Thus both ns and (n–1) d-electrons participate in bond formation giving rise to their variety of variable oxidation states.

2. Along with ns electrons, one, two or more (n–1) d-electrons may be removed or shared. The (n–1) d-electrons are easily lost as ns electrons.


For example;

(i)   titanium (Z = 22) shows an oxidation state of +2 if both 4s electrons are used for bonding and show additional oxidation states of +3 and +4 when one and two 3d-electrons are also  removed respectively in addition to 4s electrons.


(ii)  Similarly, in Vanadium (Z = 23) if only 4s electrons are removed, it will show oxidation state +2. If in addition, 1, 2 or 3, 3-d-electrons are also removed, it will show additional oxidation states of +3, +4 and +5 respectively.


Maximum oxidation state

Maximum oxidation state is equal to the sum of the number of ns electrons and number of unpaired (n–1)d-electrons.

For example

Maximum oxidation state is not stable. Therefore, most common oxidation states are +2 and +3. More commonly, only one electron may be removed from 3d. Thus cobalt does not show +5 oxidation state.

Lower and higher Oxidation states

1. The lower oxidation states are generally obtained by the loss of ns electrons while higher  oxidation states are achieved by sharing ns and all or some of the (n–1)d-electrons.


2.In their lower oxidation states, they form ionic compounds and basic oxides but in their higher             oxidation states they form covalent compounds and acidic oxides.


3.   Transition elements show highest oxidation states when they combine with most electronegative elements F or O.


4.   In higher oxidation states above +4, they form large oxoanions which are covalent e.g. CrO4, MnO4 etc.

5.  Their maximum or highest oxidation states are largely confined to +2 to +3 but it may exceed to +3 which are only rare. (e.g. Fe shows +4, +5, +6 and Ru and Os show +8 oxidation states. The different pattern in oxidation states of Fe, Ru and Os is attributed mainly to increased size facilitating the loss of more than one 3d electrons). In the highest oxidation states of first five elements, all s and d-electrons are used for bonding.


6.   The stability of lower oxidation state (+2) relative to higher oxidation state (+3 or even higher) increases from left to right across the series with increasing atomic number (nuclear charge).It reflects the increasing difficulty of removing a (n–1) d-electrons as the nuclear charge increases.


7.   The stability of higher oxidation state (+3 or even higher) relative to lower oxidation state (+2) increases from top to bottom down the group with increasing atomic number (nuclear charge). It reflects the increasing readiness of removing a (n – 1) d-electrons as the nuclear charge decreases due to increasing atomic size.

Trend of oxidation states

1. The maximum oxidation states increase in each transition series up to the middle of series and  then decreases afterward.

2. It is because the number of unpaired electrons increases up to the middle of the series and then   decreases.

3. The maximum oxidation state in first transition series increases from Sc (+3) to Mn (+7) then decreases from Fe (+6) to Zn (+2) as d-electrons pair up.

4. Catalytic Property


Catalysts are the chemical substances that accelerate or retard the rate of reaction either by forming unstable intermediate compound or by change of oxidation state.

Many transition elements (V, Fe, Co, Ni, Mo, Pd, W, Pt etc.) and a variety of transition metal compounds especially their oxides (V2O5, MnO2, Fe2O3, ZnO, Cr2O3, FeSO4 etc.) exhibit remarkable   catalytic properties and are wonderful and effective catalysts for hydrogenation, oxidation, dehydration etc.

For example,

Ni is used for the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, Fe in the manufacture of ammonia, V2O5 in the conversion of SO2 into SO3 etc.

Examples of Some industrial Catalysts

Some industrial reactions which are catalyzed by transition metals and their compounds are:

1.  Finely divided Ni and Pd or Raney Ni are used in hydrogenation of unsaturated oils.

2. Finely divided Fe and Mo are used in manufacture of ammonia (Haber’s process)

3.  Pt or Pt-Rh alloy is used for oxidation of ammonia into NO (Ostwald’s Process).

4. Pt or V2O5 is used for oxidation of SO2 into SO3 in the manufacture of H2SO4. (Contact Process)

5. ZnO-Cr2O3 (Zinc chromite) is used in the synthesis of methanol (Petret Process)

6. Ziegler-Natta catalyst (TiCl4.AlR3) is used in polymerization of olefins.

7. Fenten’s reagent (FeSO4 + H2O2) is used for oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes.

Reason of catalytic property

Their catalytic properties of transition metals are mainly due to following reasons:

1. The presence of vacant d-orbitals providing a suitable surface areas where gaseous reactants are adsorbed bringing them closer for the reaction.

2.  The tendency to exhibit variable oxidation states.

3. The ability to form high energy reaction intermediates with reactants.

4. The presence of void spaces (defects) in their crystal lattice.

[The availability of vacant orbitals, allowing reactants (which are gases) to be adsorbed on their surfaces and bringing them closer for the reaction e.g. Ni is used in hydrogenation of vegetable oils into vegetable ghee. In addition they have ability to form Activated Complex of lower activation energy thereby providing low energy pathway for the reaction by either forming unstable Intermediate Compound or by change of oxidation states. e.g. V2O5 acts as catalyst in oxidation of SO2 into SO3. Here vanadium undergoes oxidation state change from +5 to +4]. 

5. Magnetic Property or Paramagnetism

The substances (elements or compounds) which are weakly attracted by magnetic field are called paramagnetic substances and the phenomenon is called paramagnetism. Most of the transition elements and their compounds (Mn2+, Fe2+ etc.) exhibit Paramagnetism and are paramagnetic due to presence of unpaired electrons. e.g. Cr3+, Sc2+, K3[Fe(CN)6] etc.

Reason of Paramagnetism

Paramagnetism is due to the presence of unpaired electrons in an atom, ion or molecule, because there is a magnetic moment associates with spinning electron.

The spin and revolution of an electron creates a magnetic field around it and it behaves as a small magnet, and hence is attracted by another magnets.

transition elements and many of their compounds have unpaired electrons in d-orbitals, they are attracted by magnetic field and so they are paramagnetic.

Magnetic moment

Magnetic moment of unpaired electron is due to spin and orbital angular momentum. The magnetic moment (μs) is related to the number of unpaired electrons (n) by the following spin-only formula:

    It is measured in Bohr magneton (μB).

The magnetic moment of compounds is measured by Guoy balance method.

By measuring magnetic moment, the nature of transition metal compound and oxidation state of transition metal can be calculated.

The magnetic moment (μs) increases with an increase in the number of unpaired electrons. Since number of unpaired electrons first increases from 1-5 (till VIIB) and then decreases gradually and finally become zero from left to right, therefore, Paramagnetism first increases in any transition elements series around the middle of the series and then decreases. Thus paramagnetic behaviour is the strongest for Fe3+ and Mn2+ both containing 5 unpaired electrons each and decreases on both sides of the first transition series. 

Reason of Diamagnetism

The substances which are slightly repelled by magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances and the phenomenon is called diamagnetism. e.g. Zn, Cd, Hg, Ti4+, V5+, Sc3+ etc.  

The diamagnetism is due to the presence of paired electrons.


When the electrons are paired in an orbital, then magnetic moments of all paired electrons cancelled out and the substance becomes diamagnetic.

d-block elements and ions having d0 and d10 configuration are diamagnetic.

Zinc and Cadmium are have d10 configuration containing all the paired electrons, so they are not attracted in a magnetic field and are diamagnetic.

Ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic materials

Certain transition elements like Iron, Cobalt and Nickel and their compounds such as CrO2 which can be magnetized showing strong Paramagnetism and are strongly attracted in magnetic field are called ferromagnetic materials and the phenomenon is called ferromagnetism.

They show permanent magnetism even when the magnetic field is removed. [CrO2 is ferromagnetic material used in the manufacture of audio and video tapes].

Ferromagnetism is due to a spontaneous alignment of the magnetic dipoles in the same direction. However, for each ferromagnetic material there is a critical temperature above which no ferromagnetism is observed. This temperature is called the Curie temperature.

Anti-ferromagnetism and anti-ferromagnetic substances

If the alignment of the magnetic dipoles is compensatory so as to give zero net moment, the material is termed as anti-ferromagnetic and the phenomenon is termed as anti-ferromagnetism.


CoO, NiO, MnO, MnO2, Co3O4, Fe2O3, Cr2O3, V2O3 etc are the examples of anti-ferromagnetic.  

6.  Colour Formation in Compounds

Chemistry of Colour Formation in Compounds

1. Colour in compounds or ions is produced due to absorption and emission of radiation in the visible region of spectrum (4000oA to 7000oA).

2. Colour in general, is associated with the incomplete electron sub-shell and the ability of the compound or ion to promote an electron from one energy level to another by absorption of light of a particular wavelength.

3.    Colour in transition metals ions is associated with d-d transition of unpaired electrons from “t2gto “eg” set of energy levels and this is achieved by absorption of light in the visible spectrum, rest of the transmitted light is no longer white i.e. it is coloured.

4. Metal ions that contain partially filled d-subshell usually form colored complex ions

5. metal ions with empty d-subshell or d0 configuration (Sc3+,Ti4+,etc.) or with filled d-subshells or d10 configuration (Zn2+, Cd2+, etc.) usually form colorless complexes. No d-d transition occurs if d-orbitals are empty or fully filled and therefore, such ions are colourless.

Summary of Colour Formation

1.  d-d splitting

2.  d-d- transition

3.  Excitation of electron by absorbing light

4.  De-excitation of electron by transmitting light giving colour


(i)  AgBr, Agl, have fully filled d-orbitals but are coloured due to transference of electron cloud from Br or I to Ag+ (d10) when white light is incident on AgBr/Agl. During this process also characteristic wave length of visible light is absorbed.

(ii) Similarly MnO4 (purple), CrO42– (yellow) and Cr2O72– (orange) are coloured due to charge transfer             from oxide ions to the central metal ions although they have no d-electrons.

(iii) Permanganate (Mn+7) has purple colour due to ligand-metal charge transfer (LMCT). Mn+7 has no unpaired electron in d orbital but its ligand i.e. oxygen gives it electron from p-orbital due to which it gets unpaired electrons in d-orbital. This charge transfer takes place when photons from visible spectrum is absorbed leading to purple color.

Reason of Colour of Transition Metal Compounds on Molecular Level

1. Colour in transition metal compound is associated with partially filled (n–1)d sub-shell i.e. colour is attributed by the unpaired d-electrons.

2.  In an isolated atom or ion of a transition metal, all the five d-orbitals are degenerate having same energy.

3. On complex formation under the influence of combining ligands,  in a complex ion the five d-orbitals are split up into two levels of different energies namely lower energy trio called t2g and higher energy pair called eg and this splitting is termed as crystal field splitting (Crystal Field             Theory).

4.   [The difference or energy gap between the two energy levels corresponds to the visible region of light; wavelength = 380-760 nm and depends upon the nature of the combining ligands].


In transition metal compounds, electrons from the lower energy d-orbital are promoted to a higher energy d-orbital within the d-sub-shell by absorption of light of characteristic wavelength in the visible region and this electronic transition or shift is called d-d transition. The rest of the light transmitted is no longer white i.e. it appears coloured, so the complementary colour of the absorbed light is transmitted and the ion shows colour.


6. The colour of the transition metal ions is due to the electronic transitions or shifts between the             available d-orbitals. The colour of the ion is complementary to the colour absorbed.


(i).Cu2+ ions (3d9) or [Cu(H2O)6]2+ ions absorb red light from the visible range for promotion of 3d electrons reflecting excess of blue light and appear deep blue (which is complementary colour to red).

(ii).  Hydrated Co2+ ions absorb radiation in the blue-green region, and therefore, appear red in sunlight.

(iii). [Ti(H2O)6]3+ ion is purple as it absorbs green light and transmits purple colour.

7.  The colour of an ion may be affected by altering the environments of the ions. For example; hydrated copper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) is blue while anhydrous form is white.


8.   The colour of co-ordination compounds or complexes also depends upon the nature of ligands as different ligands affect the energy levels of the d-orbitals. For example:

9.   A same transition metal ion has different colour in different oxidation states. This is because different oxidation states of the same transition metal ions possess different number of electrons and thus different amount of energy would be absorbed and emitted in electronic transitions with consequent manifestation of different colours of ions.


Cr3+ ion is deep green while Cr2+ ion is blue. 

Colours of Hydrated Ions of First Transition Series 

7. Complex Formation

Coordination Compound or Complex Compound or Transition Metal Complexes

Coordination compounds are neutral substances (i.e. uncharged) in which at least one ion is present as a complex.

The compounds containing complex molecules or complex ions and counter ions (anions or cations as needed to produce a neutral compound) capable of independent existence in which the central metal atom or ion is surrounded by a definite number of oppositely charged ions (Cl, CN, OH etc.) or neutral molecules (NH3, H2O, CO, NO, -en etc) or positively charged ions called Ligands (electron pair donor) which donate their lone pairs of electrons to central metal cation or atom (center of co-ordination) to form Metal-Ligand (M←L) co-ordinate bond are called complex compound or co-ordination compounds or transition metal complexes. 

e.g. [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 [Fe(en)2(NO2)2]SO4 K3[Fe(CN)6]


A compound in which a metal atom or ion mostly transition metal (central atom) is surrounded or            coordinated by a definite number of oppositely charged ions (Cl, CN, OH etc) or neutral   molecules (NH3, H2O, CO, NO, -en etc) or positively charged ions called Ligands (electron pair      donor) which donate their lone pairs of electrons to central metal cation or atom (center of co-     ordination) to form Metal-Ligand (M←L) co-ordinate bond (along with some counter ion) and which retains its identity in the solid as well as in solution is called a complex compound or co-ordination compounds or transition metal complexes. 

Complex compounds are the addition compounds which retain their identity even in the solution having properties entirely different from those of the constituent simple ions and are capable of independent existence. The solution of complex compound does not give test of individual ions present in it. 

Reason of calling co-ordination compounds

Since metal-ligand bond is co-ordinate, such compounds are termed as co-ordination compounds.

Formation of Complex Compound

The formation of a complex compound is simply a Lewis acid-base addition reaction in which transition metal atom or cation accept an electron pair thereby acting as Lewis acid while the anion or electron-rich neutral molecules donate lone pair of electrons thereby acting as Lewis base or ligand.


Reason of Complex Formation

All transition metals exhibit a characteristic property of complex compound formation. The complex formation tendency of the transition metals is attributed by two reasons;

(i)  firstly transition metal cations due to their small size and highly effective nuclear charge with high positive charge density which makes it easy for their cations to accept the lone pair of  electrons from the ligands.

(ii)  Secondly, availability of vacant inner (n–1)d-orbitals of appropriate energy in their cations facilitates the acceptance of lone pair of electrons from ligands.

Parts of Complex

1. Central metal Atom or ion (consisted of transition metal surrounded by a number of ligands)

2.  Ligands or electron pair donor (which is negatively charged, positively charged or neutral)

3.  Simple cation or anion(Counter ion) 

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