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XI Stoichiometry Notes (Chapter # 1 of New Book)

1.1 Significant Figures



The digits in a number which show reliability in measurement are known as significant figures. They reliable digits known with certainty in a given number.


The certain digits of a measured quantity plus one uncertain last digit are called Significant Figures.


Rules for determining the significant figures

1. All non zero digits are significant. e.g.

(i)        72 g has two significant figures.                  

(ii)       124 m has three significant figures.


2. Zeroes lying in between non-zero digits are significant. e.g.

(i)3002 g has four significant figures.             

(ii)16.051 kg has five significant figures.


3. Final zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant. e.g.

(i) 3.00 m has three significant figures.           

(ii) 6.900 km has four significant figures.


4. Zeroes locating the decimal point in number less than one are not significant. e.g.

(i) 0.0004 mm has 1 significant figure.            

(ii) 0.00021 mg has 2 significant figures.


5. Zeros locating the decimal point in number greater than one are not significant. e.g.

(i) 720 kg has 2 significant figures.                  

(ii) 472000 miles has 3 significant figures.


1.2 Rounding Off Data



In chemical calculations, data contains too many digits and for convenience, we often round off the data into proper number of digits by dropping last digit (d). Generally, number are rounded to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, million and so on. It is a method of reducing the numbers from the given numerical value.


To reduce a number upto desired significant figures and adjust the last reported digit is known as rounding off data. It is the procedure or operation of dropping off last non-significant digits of a data to reduce a number to the required significant digits thereby adjusting the last digit reported

The right most digit is generally considered as uncertain, therefore, we conveniently drop it and round off the number into small numbers to ensure the maximum removal of errors from the final answer.


Rules for Rounding off Data

1.  If last dropping digit is greater than five, then the last remaining digit to be retained is increased by one unit 


5.768  is rounded off to 5.77 to 3 significant digits.


2.  If last dropping digit is less than five, then the last remaining digit will remain unchanged 


5.734  is rounded off to 5.73 to 3 significant digits (no change in preceding number).

3.  If last dropping digit is exactly five, then the last remaining digit is increased by one unit if it is odd and remain unchanged if it is even 


7.865   is rounded off to 7.86 to 3 significant digits [L.R.D.  =  even]

8.775  is rounded off to 8.78 to 3 significant digits [L.R.D. = odd]

1.3 Exponential Notation



While dealing scientific work, it is difficult to use very small or very large numbers in calculation and it may give wrong results due to the mistakes in writing too many digits. These larger or small number are much more easily expressed as multiple of 10 in exponential notation.


For example; the mass of electrons is 0.000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 911 g which is appropriately expressed as 9.11 x 1028 g.

602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 representing Avogadro’s Number, is more conveniently written in exponential notation as 6.02 x 1023


The shorthand mathematical expression of a very large or a very small number by means of exponents is called Exponential or Scientific Notation. It is written as Xn where x is multiplied itself by n time.



exponential notation is time saving, space saving and helps in simplification of calculation. It makes calculation simple and easy. It is frequently used in different fields like physics, engineering, geology, astronomy etc. 


General Representation

In exponential notation, the numbers are expressed as the product of two numbers; N  x 10±x ;


N = Co-efficient No. or digit term ranges 1 to 9.999

‘x’ = Positive or negative integer called Exponent Power raised to base 10


Standard Scientific Notation

Standard Scientific Notation is one in which decimal point is after one digit of co-efficient number.

For example; 4.56 x 106 is a standard scientific notation while 45.6 x 105 is not a standard scientific notation”.


Inter Converting Standard and Scientific Notation

Rule # 1

If we want to convert a numerical value from standard notation to exponential notation, decimal point should move to the left if the value is greater than 10 and move to right if the value if the value is in between 0 to 1. e.g.


4600,000 change to 4.6 x106 (decimal point moves six places to the left)

0.00038 change to 3.8 x 10−4 (decimal point moves four places to the right)


Rule # 2

If we need to change an exponential value into standard notation, the decimal point should move to the right for the positive exponent and move to the left for negative exponent. e.g.


7.53 x104 can change into 75300 (decimal point moves four places to the right)

48.7 x 10−5 can change into 0.000487 (decimal point moves five places to the left)


Rules for determination of numerical value of exponents

The numerical value of exponents is determined by following Rules:


Rule I

If the number to be expressed is greater than 1, the exponent is positive integer (x >1).

Exponent is positive, when decimal point is shifted towards left.

The exponent is numerically equal to the number of places the decimal point has been moved.

e.g. 1 becomes 10°, 10 becomes 101.


Rule II

If the number to be expressed is less than 1, the exponent is negative integer (x <1).

Exponent is negative, when decimal point is shifted to right.

The exponent is equal numerically to the number of places the decimal point has been moved.

e.g. 0.1 becomes 10–1, 0.01 becomes 10–2


Applications of Exponential Notations


Use of Exponential Notations in Addition and Subtraction

Before addition or subtraction, convert all numbers into the same exponents of 10. Then add or subtract the digit terms (coefficients)


For example; 1.31 x 103 and 3.15 x 102 can be added using the rule of exponential notation as


Before addition, the value 3.15 x102 is converted into 0.315 x 103 by placing decimal point to the left to get same exponents of 10 as that of 1.31 x 103. Then coefficients of both values are added to get the result.

   1.31 x 103

+ 0.315 x 103

           1.625 x 103


Use of Exponential Notations in Multiplication 

Multiply all digits terms (coefficients) and add all exponents algebraically. The final result may be adjusted by placing the decimal to the left or right to get result in standard scientific notation.


For example; 7.0  x 1012 and 2.0 x 10−3 can be multiplied using the rule of exponential notation as


= (7.0)  (2.0) x 1012−3

= 14 x 109

= 1.4 x 1010


Use of Exponential Notations in Division  

Multiply all digits terms (coefficients) and subtract all exponents algebraically. The final result may be adjusted by placing the decimal to the left or right to get result in standard scientific notation.


For example; 6.60  x 108 divide by 3.20 x 103 can be solved using the rule of exponential notation as


6.60  x 108/3.20 x 103  = 2.60 x 108−3 = 2.60 x 105



Use of Exponential Notations in Powers   

Multiply the digit terms as well as exponent with a number which indicates the power. The final result may be adjusted by placing the decimal to the left or right to get result in standard scientific notation


For example; (3.25  x 104)2 can be solved using the rule of exponential notation as

Here digit term is 3.25 and exponent is 104 and both are multiplied by whole power of the figure i.e. 2 to get the answer


(3.25 )2 x 104x2 = 10.56 x 108 = 1.056 x 109


Use of Exponential Notations in Roots

Adjust the exponents by shifting the decimal to the right to left in digit term in such a way that exponent must exactly be divided by the root. Then simply the root of digit term and divide the exponent by a desired root.   


1.4 Mole


In routine work, we generally measure things by weighing or by counting with the option based on our comfort. It is more convenient to buy gloves by pairs (two gloves), bananas by dozens (one dozen is equal to 12 bananas), tea sachets by gross (one gross is equal to 122 sachets) and paper by reams (one ream is equal to 500 sheets) but purchasing rice from a grocery shop is convenient by weighing instead of counting.


Similarly, if we prepare a solution or perform a reaction in chemistry laboratory or even in process in industry we deal with the enormous number of atoms, molecules, formula units or ion that mix with one another in specific ratio. Since atom or molecule is so tiny, how can it be possible to count them? To solve this difficulty, chemistry have devised a special counting unit called as mole as convenient way to count the number of particles in chemical substance by weighing them.


Mole (Latin; heap or pile) is the SI unit for the amount of substance of specific number of particles. A mole is the gram atomic mass or gram molecular or gram formula mass of any substance (element or covalent compound or ionic compound) which contains 6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms, molecules, ions etc.).


Mole represent the number of chemical entities in a fixed mass.



1 mole of hydrogen atom (H)          = 1 g      = 6.02 x 1023 atoms

1 mole of hydrogen molecule (H2) = 2 g      = 6.02 x 1023 molecules

1 mole of water (H2O)                      = 18 g    = 6.02 x 1023 molecules

1 mole of sodium chloride (Na+Cl) =  58.5 g= 6.02 x 1023 + 6.02 x 1023 ions


1.5 Avogadro’s number


One mole of any substance always contains 6.02 x 1023 particles and known as Avogadro’s number (NA) in the honour of Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro.


The number of particles (atoms, ions or molecules) present in one mole of any substance (element or compound) is called Avogadro’s number (NA) and its numerical value if 6.02 x 1023.


One mole of any substance contains 6.02 x 1023 particles and no matter what the chemical nature of a substance is. Hence one mole of carbon and one mole of magnesium contains same number of atoms but one mole of magnesium has a mass twice (24g) as that of one mole of carbon (12g).

Nature of number of particles in Ionic compounds

Ionic compound is assumed to consists of formula units. Thus one of mole MgCl2 contains 6.02 x 1023 formula units. But one mole of MgCl2 contains one mole of Mg2+ ion and two moles of Clions. This indicates that one mole of MgCl2 contains 6.02 x 1023 Mg2+ ions and 12.04 x 1023 (2 x 6.02 x 1023) Cl ions.

      MgCl2 → Mg2+ + 2Cl


Relation between mole, molar mass and Avogadro’s number


1.6 Molar Mass


The mass in grams of one mole of any pure substance is known as molar mass. It is expressed in grams per mole (g/mol).


Comparing a dozen of bananas and a mole of carbon, it is important to note that bananas vary in mass but all carbon atoms have equal mass. Thus a fruit seller cannot sale one dozen bananas by weighing them, however a chemist can deal with 1 mole of carbon easily by weighing 12 g carbon.


The basic difference between the mass of one atom and the mass of 1 mole is that the atomic mass of one atom of an element is specified by amu and the mass of one mole of an element is expressed in grams. Thus atomic mass of Fe is 55.85 amu but its molar mass is 55.85 gram. A similar relationship holds for compounds. e.g. molecular mass of propane (C3H8) is 44 amu but its molar mass is taken as 44 grams.


1.7 Molar Volume



The volume of one mole of a gas at standard temperature of 273 K and pressure of 1 atm is known as molar volume (VM). Molar volume of all ideal gases at STP is 22.4 dm3. Molar volume is obtained by dividing molar mass of gas with its mass density.


   Molar volume = Molar mass/density


Inter conversion of Mole and Mass

To convert mole into mass and vice-versa, molar mass is used as conversion factor. Given mass of substance can be converted into mole by dividing it by its molar mass. Conversely, given mole of a substance can be converted into its mass by multiplying it by its molar mass. Conclusively, the following formula may be used for the inter conversion of mole and mass:


 No. of moles = Given mass (g)/molar mass of substance (gmol−1)


Inter conversion of Mole and Number of Particles (NP)

To convert mole into number of particles or vice-versa, Avogadro’s number (NA) is used as conversion factor. Following formula is used for the inter conversion of mole and number of particles:


 No. of moles = Given no. of particles of the substance (NP) / Avogadro’s number (NA)


Inter conversion of Mole and Volume of gas (Vg) at STP

To convert mole into volume of gas at STP or vice-versa, molar volume (VM) is used as conversion factor. Following formula is used for the inter conversion of mole and volume of gas at STP:

No. of moles = Given volume of gas at STP (Vg) / Molar volume (VM)


1.8 Stoichiometry


Etymology (Meaning of the Word)

The word stoichiometry derives from two Greek words; stoicheion meaning “element” and metron meaning “measurement”.



The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of quantitative relationships between the amounts of reactants and products of a chemical reaction as given by a balanced chemical equation is called Stoichiometry.  It is a very mathematical part of chemistry.


Stoichiometry tells us what amount of each reacting species we required to consume completely into desired amount of product(s).


Stoichiometric Amounts

The amount of reactants and products in balanced chemical equations are called Stoichiometric Amounts. According to Law of Conservation of Mass, the weight of reactants is equal to weight of products.



In stoichiometric calculation of chemical reactions, two assumptions are made:

(a)       Reactants are completely converted to products.

(b)       No side-reactions occur.


In fact, many chemical reactions are reversible to some extent, further, in some chemical processes side reaction may also occur.


Stoichiometric Relationships

The stoichiometric calculations from the balanced chemical equations involve three types of relationships:

1.         Mass-Mass Relationship.          

2.         Mass-Volume Relationship.   

3.         Volume-Volume Relationship.


1. Mass–Mass Relationship/Calculation based on Mass–Mass Relationship

Such relationships are helpful in determining unknown mass of a reactant or product from the given mass of reactant or product with the help of balanced chemical equation.


2. Mass–Volume Relationship/Calculation based on Mass–Volume Relationship

The Mass–Volume relationship or volume-mass calculations are used when either one of the reactant or product is       in gaseous state. The mass – volume relationships are useful is determining the unknown volume or mass of reactants or products from a known volume or mass of some substances in a chemical reaction. It is based on Avogadro’s law which states that 1 mole (1 g/mole) of every gas always occupies 22.4 dm3 (22.4 litre) or 22400 cm3 or 0.0224 m3 at S.T.P. 


3. Volume – Volume Relationship/Calculation based on Volume – Volume Relationship

Volume-Volume Relationship is used for determination of volumes of gases. The volume-volume relationships are useful in determining unknown volume of reactants or products from a known volume of reactants or products. 

It is based on Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes which states that:


“Gases combine or form in chemical reactions in the ratio of simple whole numbers by volumes provided at same temperature and pressure”. The ratio of the volumes of gases is same as the ratios of their molecules in a balanced equation



1.9 Limiting Reactant


Definition of Limiting Reactants

The reactant which is entirely consumed first during chemical reaction is called limiting reactant or limiting reagent. Mathematically, limiting reactant is that which gives least number of moles of product


Definition of Excess Reactant

The reactant that is not completely consumed is called as excess reactant.


Applications of Limiting Reactants

We know that a sandwich is made of two slices of bread and one shami. Suppose we have 20 slices of bread and 8 shamies. From this quantity we will be able to make only 8 sandwiches. Thus, 4 slices are left over. The available quantity of shamies limits the number of sandwiches.


The similar situation occurs in many irreversible chemical reactions where one reactant is often completely used while some amount of other reactant remains unreacted. In the chemical reaction because once one of the reactants is consumed completely, the reaction stops.


1. During experiments, the stoichiometric amounts of reactants are not usually used.

2. If reactants are not mixed with stoichiometric amounts then at completion of reaction some reactants remains unreacted. One of the reactants may be consumed earlier. This reactant is called Limiting Reactant. 

3.  Amount of product formed in a chemical reaction depends upon the amount of limiting reactant.

4.  If limiting reactant is completely used, no further product is formed.


For example

Consider the formation of water form hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2) in the following balanced equation:

                                    2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2HO(l)

If we start the reaction by taking 2 moles of hydrogen and 2 moles of oxygen, it will be noted that hydrogen is consumed earlier and stops the reaction while O2 is left behind. Thus, H2 is considered as a limiting reactant and O2 is referred as excess reactant.

Steps for identification of Limiting Reactant

To find out a limiting reactant in a chemical reaction we must focus on following four steps:

1. Write a balanced chemical equation of the given chemical reaction

2. Determine the number of moles of reactants from their given amount.

3.  The number of moles of required product is calculated from moles of all reactants.

4.  Reactant producing least moles of product is limiting reactant.


            Yield of Reaction or Reaction Yield



The amount of the product obtained as a result of the chemical reaction is called yield.


Types of yield

There are three types of yields


1.         Theoretical Yield

2.         Actual yield

3.         Percentage yield


Theoretical Yield/ stoichiometric yield/ calculated yield

The maximum amount of the product calculated from the balanced chemical equation by using its limiting reactant (given amount of reactant) is known as theoretical yield or stoichiometric yield or calculated yield or expected yield.


It is the maximum amount of the product that can be produced theoretically and stoichiometrically by known amount of a reactant according to balanced chemical equation.


theoretical yield of a reaction is always greater than the actual yield of the same reaction.

Actual Yield/ experimental yield

The actual amount of product which is formed in an experiment is called practical or actual yield. The amount of the products actually obtained from a given amount of the reactant in a chemical reaction experimentally is called the actual yield or experimental yield of that reaction.


The actual yield of a reaction is always less than the theoretical yield


Percentage Yield

The efficiency of a chemical reaction can be checked by calculating its percentage yield which is expressed by comparing the actual yield and theoretical yields. The ratio of practical yield to theoretical yield is referred as percent yield

Reason of Less Actual Yield

No matter how much expertise we have in doing chemical reaction or we use highly efficient techniques, we will lose some amount of product during the course of reaction in laboratory or chemical plant. Hence what we actually obtain is less than what we calculate (theoretical yield).


The actual yield of a reaction is always less than the theoretical yield because of following reasons:


1. Either some amount of reactant may not react. The reaction may not go to completion and may reduce the yield of the product.


2.  The reactant may form any side product. Side reactions may produce by-products (i.e. some of the reactants might take part in a competing side reaction and reduced the amount of the desired product. Competing side reactions may also occur decreasing practical yield.


3.  Reversibility of reactions leads to less products.


4.  Materials may be lost in handling.


5. Mechanical loss of certain amount of product takes place due to filtration, distillation and separation by separating funnel, washing and crystallization etc.


6.  A practically inexperienced worker has many shortcomings and cannot get the expected yield.



Numericals on Theoretical and Percentage Yield


Q2. The reaction of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) with hydrochloric acid is given as

                CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2 + CO2(g)  + H2O(l)

If during an experiment 50 g of CaCO3 is reacted with excess of hydrochloric acid, 14.52 g of CO2 is liberated, calculate the theoretical and percentage yield of CO2 gas.


(I)       Conversion of mass of CaCO3 into moles

Moles of CaCO3 = mass/molar mass = 50/40+12+48 = 50/100 = 0.5 moles


(II)      Calculation of molar amount of product from molar amount of reactant

 CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2 + CO2(g)  + H2O(l)

 (Given)                                               (required)

1 mole ---------------------------->         1 mole

0.5 mole -------------------------->         ? mole

According to unitary method from balanced chemical equation

1 mole of CaCO3 gives 1 mole of CO2

0.5 mole of CaCO3 gives = 0.5 mole of CO2


(III)    Calculation of Theoretical Yield

This is the theoretical yield in mole. Now it is converted into to theoretical yield by multiplying with molar mass

Theoretical yield = moles x molar mass = 0.5 x 12+32 = 0.5 x 44 = 22 g


(IV)     Calculation of Percentage Yield

Percentage yield = Practical or actual yield /theoretical yield x 100

                              = 14.52/22 x 100 = 66%


Q3. Under high pressure magnesium (Mg) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form magnesium oxide (MgO).

2Mg + O2 → 2MgO

If 4 grams of Mg reacts with excess of O2 to produce 4.24 g of MgO, calculate the percentage yield of MgO.


(I)       Conversion of mass of Mg into moles

Moles of Mg = mass/molar mass = 4/24 = 0.166 moles

(II)      Calculation of molar amount of product from molar amount of reactant

2Mg    + O2  →   2MgO

(Given)                       (required)

2 mole --------->  2 mole

0.166 mole -----> 0.5 mole

According to unitary method from balanced chemical equation

2 mole of Mg gives 2 mole of MgO

0.166 mole of Mg gives = 2/2 x 0.166 mole of MgO

= 0.166 mole of MgO


(III)    Calculation of Theoretical Yield

This is the theoretical yield in mole. Now it is converted into to theoretical yield by multiplying with molar mass

Theoretical yield = moles x molar mass 

Theoretical yield = 0.166 x 24+16 

Theoretical yield = 0.166 x 40 

Theoretical yield = 6.64 g

(IV)     Calculation of Percentage Yield


Percentage yield = Practical or actual yield /theoretical yield x 100

Percentage yield  = 4.24/6.64 x 100 

Percentage yield  = 63.85%

Q3. Aluminium chloride is used in the manufacturing of rubber. It is produced by allowing  aluminium to react with Cl2 gas at 650oC.

2Al(s)  + 3Cl2(g)  → 2AlCl3(l)

When 160 g aluminium reacts with excess of chlorine, 650 g of AlCl3 is produced. What is the percentage yield of AlCl3?                  

[Ans: 82.17%]


Q4. Potassium chlorate decomposes upon slight heating in the presence of a catalyst, according to the reaction below.

2KClO3(s) → 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g)

In a certain experiment, 40.0g KClO3 is heated until it completely decomposes. What is the theoretical yield of oxygen gas? The experiment is performed, the oxygen gas is collected, and its mass is found to be 14.9 g. What is the percent yield for the reaction?


First, we will calculate the theoretical yield based on the stoichiometry and then the percent yield.


(I)       Conversion of mass of KClO3 into moles

Mass of KClO3 = 40.0g

Molar mass KClO3 = 39 + 35.5 + 48 = 122.55 g/mol

Molar mass O2 = 16 x 2 = 32.00g/mol

Mole ratio = 3/2 or 3 moles of O2/2 moles of KClO3

Moles of KClO3 = mass/molar mass = 40.0/122.5 = 0.0326 mol


(II)      Calculation of molar amount of product from molar amount of reactant

 2KClO3(s) → 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g)

(Given)                            (required)

2 mole ----------------->  3 mole

0.0326 mole ---------> ? mole

According to unitary method from balanced chemical equation

2 mole of 2KClO3 gives 3 mole of O2

0.0326  mole of 2KClO3 gives = 3/2  x 0.0326 mole of O2 

= 0.489 mole of O2


Alternate Method

Desired quantity = Given quantity x conversion factor

                              = 0.0326 x 3/2 = 0.489 mol O2


(III)    Calculation of Theoretical Yield

This is the theoretical yield in mole. Now it is converted into to theoretical yield by multiplying with molar mass

Theoretical yield = moles x molar mass = 0.489 x 32 = 15.684 g O2

The theoretical yield of O2 is 15.7g


(IV)     Calculation of Percentage Yield

Actual yield =14.9g

Theoretical yield =15.7g


Percentage yield = Practical or actual yield /theoretical yield x 100

                           = 14.9/15.684 × 100% = 94.9%


Q5. For the reaction; Be + 2 HCl → BeCl2 + H2, the theoretical yield of beryllium chloride was 10.7 grams. If the reaction actually yields 4.5 grams, what was the percent yield?


% 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 = 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑/𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 × 100% = 4.5 𝑔 /10.7 𝑔 × 100% = 42%


Q6. If the percentage yield is 45% with the theoretical yield as 4g, what would the actual yield be? Calculate using the percentage yield formula.


Using the percentage yield formula,

Percentage yield = (Actual yield/Theoretical yield)× 100%

45 = Actual yield/4 × 100

Actual yield = 1.8g

Therefore, the actual yield is 1.8g


Assignment Numericals

Q1.    Phosphorous reacts with bromine to form phosphorous tribromide. If 35.0 grams of bromine are reacted and 27.9 grams of phosphorous tribromide are formed, what is the percent yield? 2P + 3Br2 → 2PBr3                                                 (Answer; 70.63%)


Q2.  Silver Nitrate reacts with Magnesium Chloride to produce Silver Chloride and Magnesium Nitrate. If 305 grams of silver nitrate are reacted in an excess of magnesium chloride producing 23.7 grams of magnesium nitrate, what is the percent yield? (Answer; 8.91%)


Q3.       If the reaction of 6.5 grams of C6H12O6 produces 2.5 grams of CO2, what is the percent yield?

                        C6H12O6     2C2H5OH  + 2CO2


Q4.    If the reaction of 125 grams of C6H6O3 reacts in excess of oxygen (O2) and produces 51 grams of H2O, what is the percent yield?

  C6H12O3   + 3O2  →  6CO  + 3H2O


Q5.   During a chemical reaction, 0.5 g of product is made. The maximum calculated yield is 1.6 g. What is the percent yield of this reaction? (Answer; )


Q6.  During a chemical reaction 1.8 g of product is made. The maximum calculated yield is 3.6 g. What is the percent yield of this reaction? 


Q7.   If the percentage yield is 45% with the theoretical yield as 4g, what would the actual yield be? Calculate using the percentage yield formula. 


Q8.  During a chemical reaction, 0.9 g of product is made. The maximum calculated yield is 1.8g. Calculate the percentage yield of this reaction by using the percent yield formula chemistry? 


Q9.   Determine the theoretical yield of the formation of geranyl formate from 465 g of geraniol. A chemist making geranyl formate uses 465 g of starting material and collects 419g of purified product. Percentage yield is given as 92.1%.


Q10. What is the percent yield of the following reaction if 60 grams of CaCO3 is heated to give 15 grams of CaO?

Q11.  Calculate the percent yield of sodium sulfate when 32.18 g of sulfuric acid reacts with excess sodium hydroxide to produce 37.91 g of sodium sulfate. 








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