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Physical Chemistry Grand Test #1


Physical Chemistry Grand Test #1


1.  The heat content of a system is called;

a) Internal energy          b) Enthalpy         c) Entropy        d) Potential energy


2.  Which of the following contains two significant figures?

(a) 0.04                     (b) 0.004            (c) 0.0004      (d) 0.042


3. Apparent charge on atom in a molecule or ion is known as;

(a) Oxidation number     (b) Valency    ( c) Electron       (d) Reduction number


4. Na+ is isoelectronic with:

 (a) Mg2+                ( b) Ar                          (c) Na              (d) Fe2+


5.   The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O and its molecular mass is 60. It‘s molecular formula is;

 a) CH2O                 b) C2H4O2               c) C3H6O3         (d) C4H8O4


6.  Which of the following have the same number of molecules at S.T.P?

 a) 1dm3 of N2 & O2        b) 500cm3 of CI2 & O2                            

c) 100cm3 of CO2 & O2         d) All of these


7.  Which has minimum bond energy?

 a) H – F              b) H – I          c) H – Cl            d) H – Br


8.   Highest Hydration Energy is for;

a) Li+                     b) Na+                 c) k+         d) Rb+


9.  Which statement correct for H2 + I+ Heat  2HI

a) H> HP             b) H> HR          c) H= HP              d) NONE


10.  3.01 x 1023 molecules of oxygen gas at STP occupy a volume of;

a) 25.5dm3             b) 22.4dm3                c) 11.2dm3          d) 2.24dm3


11.   Orbitals having same energy are called:

(a) Degenerate Orbitals                       (b) Valence Orbitals                             

 (c) Hybrid Orbitals                               (d) Bonding Orbitals


12.  Viscosity is following property;

a) Extensive            b) Intensive             c) Normal              d) Liquid


13.  Water in a glass. The glass is;

 a) System             b) Surrounding       c) Boundary       d) All of these


14. The formula of Aluminum phosphate is;

a) AIPO4               b) AI2(PO4)3        c) AI3(PO4)3        d) AI3(PO4)2


15. Isotopes contain the same number of;

a) Electron             b) Physical properties    c) Neutron    d) Proton


16.   The addition of catalyst to the reaction would cause a change, in which of the following indicates the change of enthalpy of  the reaction (∆H);

a) I              b) II                  c) III                 d) I & II



17.  Which is not a state function?

a) Pressure           b) Temperature          c) Work       d) Volume


18.  The unit of the rate constant of the reaction; 2NO +O2 ® 2NO2:

a) dm6.mol‒2. Sec-1               b) dm3.mol‒1.sec‒1                                               

  c)‒3.sec‒1                   d) Sec‒1


19.          The activation energy of a reaction may be lowered by.

a) Raising temperature                        b) Lowering temperature                    c) Removing temperature   d) Adding Catalyst


20.  A rise of 10K rise in temperature approximately ___________the rate of reaction.

 a) Half           b) Double            c) Thrice            d) Four times


21.   Order of reaction of the reaction 2NO + O2 ® 2NO2 is _____________.

 a) One           b) Two                 c) Three              d) Zero


22.          Lighter gasses diffuse ______________ than heavier gasses.

 a) Faster               b) Slower                  c) Same rate          d) None


23.          Density of a gas may be express by.

 a) PM/RT             b) M/V             c) V/M           d) nPM/RT


24.   Water forms _______________meniscus with glass.

a) Concave       b) Convex              c) No             d) Both a and b


25.          Which one contains less number of molecules?

a) 98g H2SO4         b) 48g O2             c) 32g CH4        d) 10g H2


26.  The volume occupied by 14g of N2 at STP_____________dm3.

a) 22.4             b) 2.24                         c) 1.673                      d) 11.2


27.  Beta rays are:

 (a) Helium Nuclei    (b) Electron           (c) Proton                 (d) Neutron


28. Very small Kc value shows;

a) Complete reaction         b) Product is much more    

c) Forward reaction with negligible speed           d) None


29.  Which of the following orbital has the greatest n+l value?

 a) 5s                   b) 4d                     c) 4s           d) 4f


30. The oxidation state of O in Na2O2 is:

 a) – 1            b) –  ½                    c) 1/2             d) 1


31. For a sparingly soluble salt the precipitation will occur if the product of ionic concentration is;

  a) Less than Ksp      b) greater than Ksp    c) Equal to Ksp      d) None of the above


32.  A beaker containing 180g of water contains following number of molecules;

a) 6.02 x 1023      b) 6.02 x 1024         c) 10.02 x 1023        d) 12.01 x 1023


33.   One debye (D) is equal to:

a) 3.34 x 10‒28cm        b) 3.34 x10‒38cm      

 c) 3.34 x 10‒30cm    d) 4.184 x 10‒30cm 

 34.          What is the reverse reaction of B?

  a) Evaporation         b) Condensation        c) Sublimation       d) Fusion 

35.          The reaction proceeds at a rate that is independent of the concentration of that reaction is:

a) Rate of reaction              b) 3rd order reaction                        

c) Zero order reaction          d) Chemical reaction


36.          Which one of the following is a pure atomic orbital?

a) sp2                        b) d              c) sp3         d) sp3d2


37.          Which type of overlaping is found in HF molecule?

  a) s – s                                                    b) s – sp3                                                 c) s – p                                    d) p – p

38.          The rate of diffusion of Methane at a given temperature is twice that of ‘x’. The molecular mass of ‘x’ is;

a) 64         (b) 16                    (c)4                         (d) none

39.          The unit of dipole moment is;

  a) Calorie          b) Debye             c) Poise            d) Newton

40.          The mass of 11.2 dm3 oxygen gas at STP;

 a) 16g                   b) 24g                  c) 32g               d) 48g


41.          For reaction 2NH3 N2 + 3H2

 a) Kp = Kc         b) Kp > Kc              c) Kp < Kc             d) None

42.          Vapour pressure of water at 100oC is;

 a) 55 mm Hg            b) 760 mm Hg                 c) 355mm Hg       d) none of above

43.          The shape of diamond crystal is;

a) cubic          b) hexagonal      c) tetragonal       d) orthorhombic

44.          The number of orbitals in a shell can be determined by the formula:

(a) (2l+1)         (b) n2                      (c) 2(2l+1)        (d) 2n2

45.          Empirical formula for glucose is

(a) CH                (b) CH2O              (c) CO2           (d) H2O

46.          The formula which represents actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule is called:

(a) Molecular Formula        (b) Empirical Formula         

 (c) Atomic Formula               (d) Compound Formula

47.          Absolute zero is equal to:

(a) -273.15K      (b) -273.15oC           (c) -273.15K           (d) -237.15oC

48.          The oxidation number of Sulphur in Na2S2O3 is:

(a) +6               (b) +4                    (c) +3                       (d) +2

49.          Bohr’s atomic radius for n=1 is:

  (a) 0.5 29 oA           (b) 5.29 oA           (c) 0.05 oA           (d) 52.9oA

50.          Ice is the example of which crystal:

   (a) Atomic        (b) Ionic             (c) Covalent                (d) Molecular


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