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Introduction to Chemistry for class IX

1.1 Chemistry and its Branches

Definition of Chemistry

Science can be defined, as a never-ending search for truth and it is the system of knowledge, which is based on a set of facts, our understanding of those facts and verification of those facts by experiments. Thus science is the study of universe that deals with matter, energy, life and various aspects of life.

Chemistry is the "scientific study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and with energy".

Why does a cake rise in the oven?

What are fireworks made from?

How does my stomach digest food?

How does gasoline make an engine run?

What is the proper way to describe hot and cold?

What creates the shape of a snowflake?

Why does iron rust?

How can soot and diamond be so different in appearance yet so chemically similar?

What makes propane such an efficient, clean-burning fuel?

These questions and many more are answered with chemistry. Chemistry has the power to explain innumerable phenomena in the world, from the ordinary to the bizarre. Understanding chemistry is the key to understanding the world as we know it. Chemistry is the study of the make-up of all things and how they behave.

“Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the study of composition, structure, properties (physical and chemical) and transformation of matter along with the chemical changes that occur in it.  It involves the study of physical and chemical changes that matter undergoes and the energy changes accompanying these changes. It also deals with laws and principles which govern these changes.”

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition and structure of matter. Chemistry also deals with the changes involved in the matter. It also deals with the principles governing the changes which matter may undergo.


Chemistry is a branch of science that studies the composition and properties of matter and the changes it undergoes. Chemistry is far more than a collection of facts and a body of knowledge. It’s all about matter, which is anything that has mass and occupies space.

Chemistry deals with chemical elements and compounds, which consist of atoms and molecules, and the reactions between them.

The word chemistry is derived from the word “Kheem”, an old name of Egypt due to black colour of Egyptian soil. But some experts believed that the word chemistry came from the word “Chyma” meaning melt or cast. As the time passed on the word changed to Al-kimyain in Arabic and then to chemistry in English.

Matter is made up of either pure substances or mixtures of pure substances. The change from one substance into another is what chemists call a chemical change, or chemical reaction, and it’s a big deal because when it occurs, a brand-new substance is created.Matter is made up of either pure substances or mixtures of pure substances, and substances themselves are made up of either elements or compounds.

Everything we hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves chemistry and chemicals (matter). And hearing, seeing, tasting, and touching all involves intricate series of chemical reactions and interactions in our body. With such an enormous range of topics, it is essential to know about chemistry at some level to understand the world around us.

Chemistry is sometimes called “THE CENTRAL SCIENCE,” because it bridges physics with other natural sciences, such as geology and biology.


Matter; Anything having mass and volume

Mass; the quantity of matter contained in a body

Volume; space occupied by body (quantification of how much space an object occupies)

Space; The free area between two material objects

Everything that is anything is matter. Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space. You are matter; trees, houses, rocks, water and even the air you breathe are matter.

Not everything that is a noun is matter, however. Time, dreams, heat or light are not matter. They do not have any mass and they do not take up space. They are not made of matter.

Origin of Word Chemistry

The word chemistry is derived from the word “Kheem”, an old name of Egypt due to black colour of Egyptian soil.

But some experts believed that the word chemistry came from the word “Chyma” meaning melt or cast.

As the time passed on the word changed to Al-kimyain in Arabic and then to “Chemistry” in English.

Branches of Chemistry

The complete understanding and mastery over vast scientific knowledge is almost impossible. To facilitate the study of science, it has been subdivided into different disciplines. Chemistry, being a vast discipline of science has also been divided into a number of branches to facilitate its study. As our universe is an integrated unit so is its knowledge. There are no clear-cut boundaries between these branches. Chemists have made these divisions for the sake of their own convenience. All these branches of chemistry must deal with each other one way or another. If they did not work in unison it would be impossible for these chemistries to perform the functions we need for experiments. Thus all these branches of chemistry overlap each other. For example, one would not be able to measure the change in an organic or inorganic substance without knowing how to use analytical chemistry or without some proficiency in analytical chemistry.

Chemistry can be divided into branches according to either the substances studied or the types of study conducted. The primary division of the first type is inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry and divisions of the second type are physical chemistry and analytical chemistry.

The general field of chemistry is so huge that it was originally subdivided into a number of different areas of specialization. But there’s now a tremendous amount of overlap between the different areas of chemistry, just as there is among the various sciences.

The chemistry has been divided into following nine main branches:


Physical Chemistry

Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with relationship between composition and physical properties of matter with the changes in them. It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the physical properties of substances and their dependence on chemical bonding. It deals with the forces and laws and principles governing the combination of atoms and molecules. It is especially concerned with energy changes in physical and chemical processes.


It deals with the discovery and description of the theoretical basis of the behaviour of chemical substances. It is defined as dealing with the relations between the physical properties of substances and their chemical formations along with their changes.

It provides a basis for every bit of chemistry including organic, inorganic, and analytical.

important areas of study include chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, and spectroscopy. other branches of this subject are treated in the articles chemical action; energetics; solution; alloys; thermochemistry

Inorganic Chemistry
It is that branch of chemistry that deals with the study of all elements and their compounds generally obtained from non-living or mineral origin except carbon-hydrogen (hydrocarbons) compounds and their derivatives.

This branch of chemistry deals with substances not containing carbon and that are not organic. Examples of such substances are minerals found in the earth's crust and non-living matter. Inorganic chemistry is the study of the properties and reactions of chemical elements and inorganic compounds (with the exception of carbon compounds).

It is that branch of chemistry that deals with the study of all elements and their compounds generally obtained from non-living or mineral origin. 

[The detailed study of carbon compounds (or organic compounds) especially carbon-hydrogen compounds (hydrocarbons) and their derivatives are avoided in inorganic chemistry. However some carbon compounds like metal carbonates (CO32¯), bicarbonates (HCO3¯), cyanides (CN¯), thiocyanates (CNS¯), cyanates (CNO¯), carbides (C4¯), and oxides of carbon (CO and CO2) are studied in inorganic chemistry].

This branch is involved in the study of inorganic compounds such as salts. It includes the study of the structure and properties of these compounds. It also involves the study of the individual elements of the compounds. Inorganic chemists would probably say that it is the study of everything except carbon, which they leave to the organic chemists.

Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, and reactions of organic compounds.

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Organic chemistry is the study of structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds generally obtained from living organisms, which include hydrocarbons except oxides (CO, CO2,), metal carbonates, bicarbonates, cyanides, thoicyantes, cyanates and carbides.

This type of chemistry is important to the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and textile industries. The gasoline, plastics, detergents, dyes, food additives, natural gas, and medicines are studied in the organic chemistry. All living organisms contain at least some amount of carbon in their body.

 CH4 (methane, HC) ====== CH3Cl (chloromethane; Derivative of methane)

  C2H6 (Ethane)

 C2H4 (Ethene)

 C2H2 (Ethyne)

 C6H6 (Benzene)

Glucose           (C6H12O6)

Sugar              (C12H22O11)     

Ethyl alcohol   (C2H5OH)

Acetic acid      (CH3COOH)

Chloroform      (CHCl3)

With the exceptions of CO, CO2, metal carbonates, bicarbonates, cyanides, thiocyanates, cyanates and carbides, organic chemistry is the study of essentially all carbon compounds generally obtained from living organisms. In fact, it is the chemistry of hydrocarbons (carbon-hydrogen compounds) and their derivatives. [Most of the consumer products are organic in nature].

This is the study of carbon and its compounds. It’s probably the most organized of the areas of chemistry. There are millions of organic compounds, with thousands more discovered or created each year. Industries such as the polymer industry, the petrochemical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry depend on organic chemists.

It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the compounds of living organisms i.e. plants and animals (such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc.) and their reactions (metabolism) and synthesis in living organisms (i.e. in plants and animals). Biochemistry is the backbone of medical science.

It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the compounds and their reactions (metabolism) in living organisms (i.e. in plants and animals). 

Some people also consider biochemistry as physiological chemistry and biological chemistry. The scientists that study biochemistry are called biochemists. It is concerned with the properties of biological molecules, including proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids and chemical regulation of metabolism, the chemistry of vitamins, and biological oxidation.

Biochemistry helps us to understand how living things obtain energy from food. It tells that how disorder or deficiency of these biomolecules causes diseases. This branch is useful in medicine, agriculture and food science

This branch specializes in living organisms and systems. Biochemists study the chemical reactions that occur at the molecular level of an organism — the level where items are so small that people can’t directly see them.

Biochemists study processes such as digestion, metabolism, reproduction, respiration, and so on. Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between a biochemist and a molecular biologist because they both study living systems at a microscopic level. However, a biochemist really concentrates more on the reactions that are occurring.

Industrial Chemistry

It is the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of different chemical processes involved in the industry for the large scale manufacture of synthetic products like cement, glass, paper, fertilizers, soaps, detergents, medicines, plastics, paints, soda ash, caustic soda etc. Industrial chemistry helps us in the manufacturing of the industrial products and their uses. [It is the application of chemical knowledge in technology and industry for preparation of industrial products on large scale].

Nuclear Chemistry

It deals with the changes occurring in the nuclei of atoms accompanied by emission of radiation. It also deals with the characteristics of radioactivity or radioactive processes both natural and artificial, nuclear processes and atomic energy generated there. Radioactive elements are widely used in medicine as diagnostic tools and as a means of treatment, especially for cancer, preservation of food and generation of electric power through nuclear power reactors.

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry is concerned with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of different substances. Analytical chemistry is the analysis of material samples to gain an understanding of their chemical composition and structure.


Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with separation and analysis of kind, quality and quantity of various components in given substance. It deals with the methods and techniques used to determine the kind and quantity of various components in a given substance.

Analytical chemistry seeks to determine the exact chemical compositions of substances.

It used in chromatography, electrophoresis and spectroscopy.

In qualitative analysis all the atoms and molecules present are identified, with particular attention to trace elements. In quantitative analysis the exact weight of each constituent is obtained as well. Stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the weights of the chemicals participating in chemical reactions.


Chemistry equations provide a powerful symbolic notation to express qualitative and quantitative details of chemical transformations i.e. chemical change. The calculation which deals with Stoichiometry (means 'to measure an element'), the fundamental concept is that the chemical equation, if interpreted correctly, is basis for all such calculations.

Analytical chemistry can be split into two main types, qualitative and quantitative:

(i)         Qualitative inorganic analysis seeks to establish the presence of a given element or inorganic compound in a sample.

(ii)        Qualitative organic analysis seeks to establish the presence of a given functional group or organic compound in a sample.


Quantitative analysis seeks to establish the amount of a given element or compound in a sample.

Most modern analytical chemistry is quantitative. Quantitative analysis can be further split into different areas of study. The material can be analyzed for the amount of an element or for the amount of an element in a specific chemical species. The latter is of particular interest in biological systems; the molecules of life contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and others, in many complex structures.



There are a bewildering array of techniques available to separate, detect and measure chemical compounds.

Separation of chemicals in order to measure the weight or volume of a final product. This is an older process and can be quite painstaking, but is an essential first step when dealing with certain mixtures of substances, like extracts from organisms.

Analysis of substances with devices using spectroscopy. Measuring the absorption of light by a solution or gas, we can calculate the amounts of several species, often without separation. Newer methods include atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and neutron activation analysis (NAA).

Many techniques combine two or more analytical methods (sometimes called "hyphenated" methods). Examples of this include ICP-MS(Inductively-Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry), where volatilisation of a sample occurs in the first step, and measuring of the concentration occurs in the second. The first step may also involve a separation technique, such as chromatography, and the second a detection / measuring device.

Techniques that involve volatilisation aim to produce free atoms of the elements making up the sample, which can then be measured in concentration by the degree to which they absorb or emit at a characteristic spectral frequency. These methods have the disadvantage of completely destroying the sample, and any species contained within it. These techniques include atomic absorption spectroscopy and ICP-MS / ICP-AES. These techniques can still be used to study speciation, however by the incorporation of a separation stage before volatilisation.

This branch is highly involved in the analysis of substances. It deals with the methods and techniques used to determine the kind and quantity of various components in a  given  substance. Chemists from this field of chemistry may be trying to find out what substances are in a mixture (qualitative analysis) or how much of a particular substance is present (quantitative analysis) in something. A lot of instrumentation is used in analytical chemistry.

Environmental Chemistry

It is the study of the interaction of various chemical materials and their effects on human environment. Pollution, personal hygiene and health hazards are important aspects of environmental chemistry.

Medicinal Chemistry

It deals with synthetic organic chemistry, pharmacology and various biological specialties. The medicinal chemistry is used in synthesis of chemicals, bioactive molecules (Drugs) and pharmaceutical agents.

Polymer Chemistry

It deals with the process of polymerization and the products obtained through the process of polymerization called polymers (such as plastics, synthetic fibers, papers etc.)

                                 (CH2=CH2¾®  (– CH2 – CH2 – )n


Green Chemistry/ sustainable chemistry

It deals with study of processes and designing products, which are composed of less hazardous substances.

Safer chemical (polyphenylsulfon), less hazardous chemical (poly carbons) and safer solvents are examples of green chemistry. The main purpose of this branch is to use waste materials efficiently and improvement of energy efficiency in chemical industry.

 polyphenylsulfon (polymer made of aromatic rings linked by sulfone (SO2) groups) automotive, aerospace, and plumbing applications

 It is concerned with design of chemical products and processes that minimize or eliminate the use or generation of substances hazardous to humans, animals, plants, and the environment.

 The aim of green chemistry is to reduce chemical-related impact on human health and virtually eliminate contamination of the environment through dedicated, sustainable prevention programs. Green chemistry searches for alternative, environmentally friendly reaction media and at the same time strives to increase reaction rates and lower reaction temperatures.

The Principles & Examples Green Chemistry

1.         Prevention of waste wherever possible.

2.         Promote “atom economy” (that is, maximize the efficiency of production so that fewer by-products are made during the manufacture of the final product).

3.         Less Hazardous chemical by-products Syntheses. ...

4.         Designing safer, less-toxic chemical products. ...

5.         Use safer solvents and auxiliaries in chemical processes. ...

6.         Design energy-efficient chemical-manufacturing processes. ...

7.         Use of Renewable Feed stocks. ...

8.         Reduce or avoid the production of derivatives.

9.    Use catalysts (most of which require fewer materials to carry out a chemical reaction).

10.     Design for Degradation (Design chemicals that break down into harmless products after they are used. Example: Biodegradable Surfactants

11.     Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention Promote the development of real-time analysis of chemical products before hazardous substances can form.

12.       Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

Quantum Chemistry

It deals with application, mechanics and experiments of physical models in chemical system. It is also called molecular quantum mechanics.

Quantum chemistry is a branch of chemistry whose primary focus is the application of quantum mechanics in physical models and experiments of chemical systems. It is also called molecular quantum mechanics.

quantum mechanics, science dealing with the behaviour of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents—electrons, protons, neutrons, and other


Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and light on a subatomic and atomic level. It attempts to explain the properties of atoms and molecules and their fundamental particles like protons, neutrons, electrons, gluons, and quarks. The properties of particles include their interactions with each other and with electromagnetic radiation


Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and light on a subatomic and atomic level. It attempts to explain the properties of atoms and molecules and their fundamental particles like protons, neutrons, electrons, gluons, and quarks. The properties of particles include their interactions with each other and with electromagnetic radiation


Here is a list of a number of things which depend upon Quantum Physics for their operation.

1.         Toaster

2.         Fluorescent light

3.         Computer & Mobile Phone

4.         Biological Compass

5.         Transistor

6.         Laser

7.         Microscopy

8.         Global Positioning System (GPS)

9.         Magnetic Resonance Imaging

10.       Telecommunication


1. Toaster

The bread toast which you enjoy while sipping on your morning tea is able to make its way to your plate only because of Quantum Physics. The heating element of the toaster glows red to toast a slice of bread. Toasters are generally referred to as the reason why Quantum Physics came into existence. The rod in the toaster gets hot, which, in turn, is responsible for toasting the bread.


2. Fluorescent light

The light which you are getting from the tubes or those curly bulbs is a result of a quantum phenomenon only. In fluorescent lighting, a small amount of mercury vapour is excited into the plasma. Mercury has the ability to emit light in the visible range. So, the next time you switch on the lights of your room at night, make sure you thank Quantum Physics.


3. Computer & Mobile Phone

The whole computer world is based on the principle of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics talks about the wave nature of electrons, and, so, this forms the basis of the band structure of solid objects on which semiconductor-based electronics are built. Not to forget that we are able to manipulate the electrical properties of silicon only because we can study the wave nature of electrons. Once the band structure is changed, the conductivity alters as well. How can the band structure be changed? Of course, Quantum Physics knows the answer!


4. Biological Compass

If you think that only the humankind has been lucky enough to make use of Quantum Physics, you are totally wrong! According to theories by scientists, birds like European Robin make use of Quantum Physics to migrate. A light-sensitive protein called cryptochrome contains electrons. Photons, after entering the eyes of the bird, hit cryptochrome, and radicals are released. These radicals enable the bird to “see” a magnetic map. Another theory suggests that the beaks of the birds contain magnetic minerals. Crustaceans, lizards, insects, and even some mammals make use of such type of magnetic compass. You might be surprised to know the type of cryptochrome which is used for navigation by flies has also been found in the human eye! However, its use is unclear.


5. Transistor

Transistors have widespread uses and are used to amplify or switch electrical signals and electrical power. Looking closely at the structure of transistors, we would realize that a transistor consists of layers of silicon associated with other elements. Computer chips are made by millions of these, and these computer chips form the powerhouse of all the technological gadgets which have become central to human existence. Had Quantum Physics not come into play, these chips would not have been created and neither would desktops, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and other gadgets have found their way into human life.


6. Laser:

The principle on which laser works is based on Quantum Physics. The working of lasers involves spontaneous emission, thermal emission, and fluorescence. An electron, when excited, will jump to a high-energy level. However, it will not stay in the high-energy level for a long time, and jump back to the lower energy state which is more stable; and, thereby, emit light. The quantum mechanical state of the atom is also affected by external photons which are at a frequency associated with the atomic transition.


7. Microscopy

Electron microscopy has improved with underlying principles of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics in association and electron microscopy have improved the imaging of biological samples. Moreover, in differential interference contrast microscopy, a pattern of interference is created by the beam of photons, which is then analyzed. All-in-one, with Quantum Physics, microscopy has improved to a great extent, and, therefore, a large amount of information from a sample can be obtained.


8. Global Positioning System (GPS)

Navigating to unknown locations has never been easier as it has been with the aid of Quantum Physics. While using a mobile phone for navigation, the GPS receiver in the phone is responsible for picking up the signal from multiple clocks. The distance and time between your current location and the destination are calculated by calculating different arrival times from different satellites. Moreover, even the distance from your current location from each satellite is also calculated. Each satellite is equipped with an atomic clock, which relies on Quantum Physics only.


9. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, also known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, involves the reversal of the spins of the electrons in hydrogen nuclei. So, basically, we are talking of shift in energies; which is nothing but one of the applications of Quantum Physics. The study of soft tissues can easily be carried out with the use of MRI. Thanks to Quantum Physics that the diagnosis and treatment of some life-threatening ailments have been possible.

10. Telecommunication

Communication has been made extremely easy because of the important role of Quantum Physics. Fibre optic telecommunication has made possible two-way and quick communication. The fibre optic telecommunication is possible only because of lasers, which are devices of Quantum Physics.


This is a relatively new area of science that is the application of biochemistry and biology, when creating or modifying genetic material or organisms for specific purposes. It’s used in such areas as cloning and the creation of disease-resistant crops, and it has the potential for eliminating genetic diseases in the future.

Other Fields 


Atmospheric chemistry

Chemical Engineering,

Computational Chemistry,


Environmental chemistry,


History of chemistry,

Materials science,

Medicinal chemistry,

Molecular Biology,

Nuclear chemistry,

Organometallic chemistry,

Petro chemistry



Polymer chemistry

Supramolecular chemistry,

Surface chemistry



Important Physical Chemists

Svante Arrhenius

Walther Nernst

Fritz Haber

Peter Debye

J.W. Gibbs

J.H. van 't Hoff

Wilhelm Ostwald

Gilbert N. Lewis

Friedrich Kohlrausch

Frederick Lindemann

Cyril Norman Hinshelwood

Lars Onsager

Robert S. Mulliken

Michael Polanyi

Linus Pauling

E. Bright Wilson

Irving Langmuir

William Giauque

Manfred Eigen

Roald Hoffmann

Dudley R. Herschbach

Yuan T. Lee

John Charles Polanyi

Richard Bernstein

Richard R. Ernst

Rudolph A. Marcus

Ahmed H. Zewail

Richard Zare

Stuart A. Rice

1.2 Importance of Branches of Chemistry

Chemistry also help us to understand the nature of our environment and about ourselves.The theories of chemistry illuminate our understanding of the material world from tiny atom to giant galaxies.

Chemistry plays a vital role in the modern world.  It has not only changed our standard of living but also has improved health conditions. Every branch of chemistry has its own importance in human life.

1.   Biochemistry is the backbone of medical science.

2.   Industrial chemistry helps us in manufacturing of industrial products

3. Environmental chemistry tell us that how one can protect its environment from environmental hazards.

4.  Analytical chemistry is important to understand the composition of compounds, quality of products, analysis of biological samples (urine, blood, milk etc.)

5. Nuclear chemistry gives atomic energy that can be used in various fields. It also provides us Radioisotopes for the treatment of many diseases such as cancer.

1.3 Chemistry and Society

There are three significant reasons to study chemistry:

Firstly; chemistry has important practical applications in the society.

Second; chemistry is an intellectual enterprise, a way of explaining our material world.

Third, chemistry figures prominently in other fields such as in biology, the advancement of medicines.

The role of chemistry in the prevailing society is of enormous benefits. We are familiar with many chemicals, which have become part and parcel of our daily life. Chemistry has deep influence on our daily living. It matters with the protection of environment, providing our everyday needs of food, clothing and shelters, giving pharmaceutical chemicals that enhance our health and prolong our lives. For instance, drugs or medicines to fight diseases, pesticides to protect our health and crops, fertilizers to grow our crops for abundant food, food, plastic, soap, detergents, cosmetics, cement, glass, synthetic fibres to provide comfort and variety in clothes, explosives are the major gifts of chemistry.  For example:

1.  Chlorine has become an essential commercial chemical and this single element is used for producing more than one thousand chlorine compounds of great industrial importance, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as plastics for pipes. Other chlorine compounds are employed as bleaching agent, disinfectant, solvents, pesticides, refrigerant, flame retardant and drugs. Chlorine itself is used to kill all pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms, which causes cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery (water–borne diseases transmitted through impure drinking water).

2. Fluoride compounds such as sodium fluoro phosphate (SnF2.Na2PO4.F) and NaF in our toothpastes help to protect and control tooth decay and it is a great beneficence of chemistry on the society.

1.4 Importance of Chemistry in daily Life (Role of Chemistry in Society)


The role of chemistry in daily life is unavoidable fact.

1.         Cooking, eating and digestion of food are purely chemical processes.

2.      Construction, cleaning and washing of our homes are dependable on chemistry.

3.   The production of fertilizers, glass, plastic synthetic fiber, polymer, ceramics, petroleum products, soaps, and detergents are based on chemistry.

4.   The diseases transmitted through impure drinking water as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, skin and eye infections can be controlled with the help of chlorine treatment to kill the pathogenic organism to obtain pure water.

5.    The chlorine is most important chemical which used commercially to produce more than one thousands compounds which are used in chemical industry as bleaching agent, disinfectants, solvents, pesticides, refrigerates, PVC and drugs are miracles of chemistry.

1.5 Historical Back Ground of Chemistry (Time Chronology of Chemistry)

Landmarks in the History of Chemistry (Historical Back Ground of Chemistry)

Chemistry is as old as human civilization. Over the centuries chemistry has undergone remarkable progress. Chemistry from the very beginning was used in pottery making, glass making, dyeing and in metallurgy. The development of chemistry can be divided into following periods:

1.            The Greek Period                  
2.            Muslim or Al-chemical Period                    
3.            The Modern period

The Greek Period

Scientist of Greek Period

1.            Plato                (347- 428 B.C)
2.            Aristotle           (322- 384 B.C)
3.            Democritus     (357- 460 B.C)
4.            Socrates         

Contribution of Greek Period

1.  The Greek philosophers contributed a lot in number of small way to the early development of chemistry. [The Greek philosophers were the first to develop ideas relating to chemistry].

2.  They introduced the concept of elements, atoms, shapes of atoms and chemical combination (reactions). The Greek philosopher Democritus in the 5th century put forward the idea that matter consisted of very small indivisible particles, which he named Atomos (nowadays called atoms).

3. They believed that all matter was derived form four elements (components) i.e. earth, air, fire, and water. They also believed that the combination of these materials could produce new materials. According to them fire was hot and dry, earth was dry and cold, water was cold or hot and wet and air was cold or hot and wet.

4.   The Romans developed and improved metallurgical processes and enamellings of pottery.

Enameling(ملمع سازی)

Enameling is the process of applying a thin coat of finely ground glass to a metal, glass, ceramics, stone, or any material that will withstand the fusing temperature.


Unfortunately, all these developments were empirical (experimental) and achieved by trial and error method without the basis of any systematic study. Greeks were basically philosophers believing in theoretical ideas and not in experimental confirmation of their ideas and thus they presented chemistry and science as a theoretical subject. Therefore, Chemistry could not develop and flourish during this period. [Thus many of the Greek principles proved wrong afterward for the same reason].

The Muslim Period

Scientists or Al-chemists of Muslim period

1.    Jabir Ibne- Haiyan                        (721-803A.D)             
2.    Abu Baker Al-Zakaria Al-Razi      (862-930A.D)             
3.    Al-Beruni                                       (973-1048A.D)
4.    Abu Ali Ibne-Sina                          (980-1037A.D)

Achievements of Muslim Period

1.   The period form 600-1600 A.D. in the history of chemistry is known as the period of alchemist. This is the period where foundation of modern science took place. The Muslim scientists made rich contributions to various branches of science. In-fact Muslims are the Torch Bearers of modern science.

2.   They made use of scientific methods and thus they treated and presented chemistry as an experimental science.

3.  The alchemists developed and used such laboratory equipments such as funnels, beakers, balances, scale for weighing, crucible for melting metals, retorts for distillation etc.

4.   They discovered fundamental methods of chemistry, like calcinations, distillation, sublimation, filtration and fermentation.

Major achievements of Jabir Ibne-Haiyan

1.  He was considered as first experimental or practical chemist. He is known as the Father of chemistry.
2.   He invented chemical methods like sublimation, fractional distillation.
3.   He invented experimental methods for the preparation of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and white lead.
4.   He developed methods for extraction of metals and dyeing of clothes

Major Achievements of Al-Razi (864-930 AD)

1. He was a physician, alchemist and a philosopher.
2. He prepared alcohol (C2H5OH) by fermentation of sugar and starch.
3. He divided the substances into living and non-living origin.
4. He was an expert surgeon and was the first to use opium as anaesthesia.

Major Achievements of Al-Beruni (973-1048 AD)

1. He determined densities of different substances.
2. He contributed in physics, mathematics, geography and history.

The Modern Period

The modern chemistry began in 17th and 18th centuries. The beginning of 19th century is marked by Dalton’s atomic theory and since then, the advancement of chemistry became very rapid. The 20th century is characterized by outstanding achievements in determining structure of atoms and molecules, understanding of biochemical basis of life, the development of chemical technology and the mass production of chemicals and industrial products.

Scientists of Modern Period

Following are the contributions made by different scientists.

Robert Boyle    
(1627-1691 A.D)
Was regarded as the father of modern chemistry.
J. Black            
(1728-1799 A.D)
Made a study of carbon dioxide.
J. Priestly         
(1733-1804 A.D)
Discovered oxygen, hydrogen chloride and sulphur dioxide.
(1742-1786 A.D)
Discovered chlorine.
(1731-1810 A.D)
Discovered hydrogen.
(1743-1794 A.D)
Discovered that oxygen constituted about 1/5th of air.
John Dalton      
(1766-1844 A.D)
Put forward atomic theory of matter & concept of atomic weight.
(1778-1850 A.D)
Found out relative atomic & molecular masses of many substances.
(1776-1856 A.D)
Found out relative atomic & molecular masses of many substances.
J.J. Berzelius
(1779-1848 A.D)
Introduced the idea of symbols, formulae & chemical equations.
(1824-1907 A.D)
Published the periodic table of the elements.
(1859-1927 A.D)
Put forward his ionic theory of ionization.
M. Faraday       
(1791-1867 A.D)
Discovered the laws of electrolysis.
J.J. Thomson
(1856-1940 A.D)
Discovered electrons
Henry Becquerel
(1852- 1908 A.D)
Discovered Radioactivity
Madam Currie
(1867-1934 A.D)
Established radioactivity.
Ken Rutherford
(1871-1937 A.D)
Discovered nucleus and put forward atomic model.
Neil Bohr
(1885-1962 A.D)
Improved Rutherford’ atomic model
Henry Moseley
(1887-1915 A.D)
Discovered atomic number that led to the development of modern periodic table.
Dr. Abdus Salam
(1926 -1996 A.D)
Put forward theory of unification.

Scientific Approach in Chemistry

Definition of Scientific Method

The scientific method is the systematic and cyclic process by which scientists, collectively and over time; endeavor to construct an accurate (that is, reliable, consistent and non-arbitrary) representation of the world. Thus a method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses is called a scientific method. A scientific method or process  is considered fundamental to the scientific investigation and acquisition of new knowledge based upon physical evidence.

Science is not only an integrated knowledge of physical or biological phenomenon but also the methodology through which this knowledge is collected. In science the facts are gathered through observations and experimentations and then theories or laws are deduced.

Steps of Scientific Method

[The scientific method is a cyclic process which involves observation of a phenomenon to collect facts thereby making hypothesis for prediction about that phenomenon then experimentations are carried out for testing the prediction thereby establishing a theory which if proved true then acquire the shape of law].

The scientific method includes following steps:

1.   Observations

Observation is basically the watching something and taking note of anything it does. In other words observation is the process of watching, noticing and recording of a natural phenomenon.  We make observations of natural processes and collect data about them. The observations are made by the five senses of man. Observation is a basic tool to go forth for elaborating a phenomenon but it may vary from person to person according to his own skill of elaboration.

2.   Hypothesis

This is an educated guess based upon observations. It is a rational explanation of a single event or phenomenon based upon what is observed, but which has not been proved. Most hypotheses can be supported or refuted by experimentation or continued observation.  A hypothesis is an educated guess consisting of a general assumption or a proposed explanation that results from research and prior observations of a natural phenomenon or an observable phenomenon. However, a hypothesis has not been tested. It generally relates to one specific idea or phenomenon. A hypothesis is a provisional or working explanation, assumed true only to guide experimentation or for the sake of argument.                
In scientific method, the facts collected through observations are carefully arranged and properly classified correlating the knowledge thus acquired with the previous knowledge. Then scientist tries to think of a tentative solution to explain the observed phenomenon. This tentative explanation is called a hypothesis.

3.    Prediction

      It is the third step of scientific method. The inference based on observed facts is called prediction. It gives the detailed explanation about the phenomenon on the basis of gathered facts and collected by observation and hypothesis.

4.    Experiment

The experiment is a cornerstone in empirical approach to knowledge. An experiment is an integrated activity performed under suitable conditions with specially designed measuring and observatory instruments to verify (or falsify) or to test the validity of a hypothesis. Stated differently, an experiment is a process that helps in testing the facts collected by observation, hypothesis and predictions.                       

[The verification of hypothesis by experiment helps to improve the reliability of known facts. Even un-authentication of hypothesis by experiment still gives valuable information that can be used to deduce other results].

5.    Theory

A hypothesis is an educated guess that results from research and prior observations of a natural phenomenon. However, a hypothesis has not been tested. When consistency is obtained through repeated experimentation, the hypothesis becomes a theory and provides a coherent set of propositions, which explain a class of phenomena. A theory is a well established explanation or a scientifically acceptable idea or principle to account for a phenomenon. In other words the hypothesis that is supported by repeated experimentations and proved to be true is called a theory. A theory is then a framework within which observations are explained and predictions are made. Thus a theory is a thoroughly tested model that explains why experiments give certain results. The main difference between theory and a law is that a theory is an explanation for the pattern in the data or phenomenon and explains how it happens, often by using an analogy or metaphor while a law is just a description of a pattern in the data and merely shows what happens, without any explanation.

6.    Scientific Law

  A theory that repeatedly gives the same results after experimentation offering correct explanation of scientific facts and from which valid predictions can be made is known as Scientific Law or Scientific Principle. Thus a law is a theory that has passed the test of time and is generally accepted as truth. A Scientific Law is an accepted scientific principle taken to be correct and universally applicable. However, not all hypotheses and theories pass successfully to become scientific laws. Some hypothesis or theories may sound very convincing and are well supported by mathematical calculations but are very difficult to prove experimentally. This is invariably due to the material under consideration or the lack of the suitable working equipments. A typical example is of Avogadro’s law (or hypothesis) that has not been proved conclusively and yet it is accepted as Law.

Q. Pick up the correct answer 
(Multiple choice questions)

1. Which branch of chemistry deals with the preparation of paints and papers?
(A) Biochemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Nuclear 
 (D) Analytical

2. In which branch of chemistry the metabolic processes of carbohydrate and proteins are studied?

(A) Biochemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Nuclear 
 (D) Analytical

3. Which branch of chemistry is concerned with atomic energy and its used in daily life?
(A) Biochemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Nuclear 
 (D) Analytical

4. Which branch of chemistry focuses on the structure and properties of naturally occurring molecules?
(A) Organic chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Biochemistry 
 (D) Analytical

5. PVC pipe is an example of which of the following?
(A) Biomolecule 
 (B) Ionic compound 
 (C) Isomer 
 (D) Polymer

6. Which of the following branches of chemistry involves the study of effects of harmful gases on the atmosphere?
(A) Polymeric chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Organic chemistry
(D) Biochemistry

7. Metallurgical operations come under the category of ______.
(A) Physical chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Inorganic chemistry 
(D) Biochemistry

8. Proteins are studied under which of the following branches of chemistry?
(A) Physical chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Inorganic chemistry 
(D) Biochemistry

9. The composition of matter with the help of various methods and instruments is studied in

(A) Analytical chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Inorganic chemistry 
(D) Biochemistry

10. The ionic theory was presented by
(A) J.J. Berzelius 
 (B) Mendeleev 
 (C) Arrhenius 
 (D) M. Faraday

11. J. Priestly discovered
(A) Hydrogen 
 (B) oxygen 
 (C) Chlorine 
 (D) Nitrogen

12. Who is regarded as the father of modern chemistry?
(A) Robert Boyle 
 (B) Jabir Bin Haiyan 
 (C) Mendeleev 
 (D) M. Faraday

13. Which scientist put forward theory of unification?
(A) Henry Moseley 
 (B) Dr. Abdus Salam 
 (C) Ken Rutherford 
 (D) John Dalton

14. The study of all elements and their compounds obtained from non-living sources is called
(A) Inorganic Chemistry 
 (B) Industrial chemistry 
 (C) Biochemistry 
 (D) Analytical

15. Chemistry is the study of
(A) Life 
 (B) Matter 
 (C) Both of them 
 (D) none of them

16. The Muslim period ranges from
(A) 1600 to today 
 (B) 600-1600 A.D 
 (C) 600-1000 A.D 
 (D) 340-440B.C

17. He is known as the father of Al-chemy
(A) Robert Boyle 
 (B) Jabir Bin Haiyan 
 (C) Mendeleev 
 (D) M. Faraday

18. He first used opium as anaesthesia
(A) Jabir Bin Haiyan 
 (B) Al-Razi 
 (C) Al-Beruni 
 (D) Ibne Sina

19. Who first introduced the concept of symbols, formulae and chemical equation?
(A) Robert Boyle 
 (B) Jabir Bin Haiyan 
 (C) Berzelius 
 (D) M. Faraday

20. Oxygen was discovered by
(a) J. Priestly
(b) J. Black
(c) Cavendish
(d) Scheele

21. Which one of the following gases is used for respiration?
(a) Oxygen
(d) Helium

22. Which of the following scientists suggested the symbols of the elements?
(a) James Chadwick
(b) J.J. Berzelius
(c) J.J. Thomson
(d) John Dalton

23. It is a trial idea
(a) Experiment
(b) Hypothesis
(c) Theory
(d) Scientific law

24. In scientific approach, it is considered only a trial idea
(a) Observation
(b) Hypothesis
(c) Theory
(d) Scientific law

25. It is the study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives
(a)Environmental chemistry
(b)Inorganic chemistry
(c)Organic chemistry
(d)Physical chemistry

26. He discovered hydrogen
(a) J. Black
(b) J. Priestly
(c) Scheele
(d) Cavendish

27. The father of modern chemistry is

(a)Robert Boyle

(b) Al-Razi
(c) Faraday

(d) J. Priestly

28. The branch of chemistry which deals with the emission of radiations from nuclei is called
(a) Physical chemistry
(b) Inorganic chemistry
(c) Nuclear chemistry
(d)Organic chemistry

29. Air contains about 21% of this gas by volume
(a) H2
(b) Cl2
(c) N2
(d) O2

30. The air we breathe in usually contains a higher proportion of:
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d)Water vapours

31. Which of the following gases is used for respiration?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Helium

32. Natural gas mainly consists of
(a) Methane
(b) Ethane
(c) Propane
(d) Butane

33. The nucleus of an atom consists of
(a) Electrons and protons


Electrons & neutrons
(c) Protons & neutrons
(d) Protons only

34. Which one of the following is a liquid metal? (2009)
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Mercury
(d) Bromine

35. The medal given to the third position holder in any event is made up of: (2009)
(a) Gold
(d) Brass

36. In the periodic table, the elements have been arranged in the order of increasing: 
(a) Atomic number
(b)Mass number
(c)Chemical reactivity
(d) Density

37. Which one of the following is a compound?
(a) Air
(b) Coal
(c) Table salt
(d) Soda water

38.Which one of the following is a compound?
(a) Air
(b) Carbon
(c) Oxygen
(d) Steam

39. Atomic number of fluorine is

40. The molecular formula of sand is

41. Natural gas mainly consists of


42. The formula of iron rust is


43. The chemical formula of oleum (pyrosulphuric acid) is
(a) H2S
(b) H2SO3
(c) H2SO4
(d) H2S2O7

44. The most abundant and useful halogen is
(a) Fluorine
(b) Chlorine
(c) Bromine
(d) Iodine

45. It is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust
(a) Sulphur
(b) Iron
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Silicon

46. The chemical formula of sulphuric acid is:
(a) HCl
(c) HSO4
(d) H2SO4

47. Who discovered oxygen?
(a)J. Black
(b)J. Priestly


  1. That was really nice + easy to understand 🙂

  2. Thanks sir it is easy to understand from here😇


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